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Chapter 0115 Outbreak

Yu Yan pretended not to see it and continued to immerse himself in recording. Zhang Siwen's attack made him very happy. He actually knew that although Zhang Siwen had the character of a scholar, it did not mean that a scholar would not be angry. Li Bai even drew his sword and looked around, but Zhang Siwen's technique was soft.

One is due to personality, and the other is that the people around you are not imposing enough. The auras can affect each other.

"No wonder people often say that eating a cow with a meal and a building sitting on the buttocks is too vivid. A bottle of wine costs four to five hundred yuan. How can you save two to three thousand yuan by eating a meal?" Zhang Siwen was so impressive.

, still firmly grasping the rhythm of the Standing Committee, "I suggest that a task force be set up to deal with the incident caused by the car accident, led by the municipal party committee and the municipal government, to solve the case within a time limit, submit the matter to a government meeting, report and criticize Dong Xiaoming, and at the same time emphasize

As party members and cadres, we must strictly exercise self-discipline and never tolerate corruption. We must also set up a reporting box within the government and welcome each other to report corruption. We must take special care of the hardest-hit areas and investigate and deal with each one found."

The so-called hardest-hit areas refer to the departments with real power, such as the Land and Resources Bureau, Tobacco Bureau, and Industry and Commerce Bureau, which are also the departments most likely to breed corruption.

"Comrade Siwen, let me interject." Wu Qi saw that the momentum was not good, and saw that the Standing Committee had become Zhang Siwen's one-man show, and he also wanted to intervene in the work of the government, disregarding his authority as mayor, and letting him have good business for many years.

The situation was on the verge of being ruined, so he hurriedly intervened desperately, trying to get the situation back on track, "I would like to give a personal opinion, the investigation of Dong Yuanyuan's case is now being carried out in an orderly manner, there is no need to adjust, right?


Zhang Siwen just glanced at Wu Qi, did not answer his words, and directly ignored his proposal. He continued what he just said, "I think that not only should a special task force be set up, but it is also necessary to conduct trials in other places. When necessary, the final

It is better for the province to directly intervene in the trial and avoid intercession during the internal trial by Antai police and the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

Wu Qi was directly pushed aside by Zhang Siwen. He was extremely embarrassed. Finally, when Zhang Siwen finished speaking, he immediately said impatiently, "Comrade Siwen, the Standing Committee is a meeting to gather broad thoughts, not to talk in a single speech. Your tone has already been set."

To set the tone, or to raise issues for comrades to discuss? If it has already been decided, then the decision is made. You are the leader anyway, so you can use democratic centralism."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Wu Qi went straight to the line. Finally, he couldn't hold back anymore and turned his sword towards each other!

As soon as Wu Qi finished speaking, the conference room fell into silence. Different from the silence that shocked everyone with Zhang Siwen's words just now, Wu Qi's words were so outstanding that everyone did not dare to speak, and they were all shocked by Wu Qi's domineeringness.

Yes, I was shocked that the mayor dared to challenge the authority of the top leader face to face!

The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee does have veto power in the Standing Committee. In the past, when the power of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee was the most concentrated, it was basically a situation where the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee was the dominant family. However, with the reform of the political system, the central government gradually adopted a series of measures.

Measures should be taken to weaken the current situation in which the municipal party committee secretary monopolizes power. After all, excessive concentration of power is not conducive to the development of work and is not conducive to uniting the majority of comrades.

What's more, as long as any major matter was discussed and approved at the Secretaries' Office meeting, it was basically equivalent to being definitely approved by the Standing Committee, because the attendees of the Secretaries' Office meeting were the secretary, the mayor and several deputy secretaries. These people were basically

We already have a majority in the Standing Committee.

Later, the power of the Secretary's Office became increasingly excessive, resulting in the Standing Committee becoming ineffective. In order to limit the excessive expansion of the power of the Secretary, the central government began to gradually weaken the number of deputy secretaries and increase the weight of the government team in the Standing Committee.

But despite this, the secretary, as the official in charge of the overall work of a city, still has great power, which is equivalent to being in charge of a city on behalf of the provincial party committee. At the same time, he has the power to convene the standing committee and the right to propose the composition of the municipal party committee. Of course, in the city

The provincial party committee will basically not seek the opinions of the municipal party committee secretary on the equipment of the mayor. Otherwise, the municipal party committee secretary may run the city to its limit.

After the municipal party committee secretary's power was weakened several times by using the system, the mayor's authority gradually increased. Today, as more and more emphasis is placed on economic construction, there are constant situations where strong mayors compete with weak secretaries, especially the role of the Standing Committee.

When the situation becomes more important, although the municipal party committee secretary is the first person, there are also situations where individual mayors have taken control of the standing committee, resulting in the secretary being unable to exercise his power calmly.

This was the case before Antai.

Although Wu Qi's strength often forced Zhang Siwen to make concessions in the past, Zhang Siwen's concession was humility and comity, not tolerance. Moreover, Wu Qi's strength returned to strength, and at least on the surface he maintained the due role of a mayor towards the municipal party secretary.

For example, it was the first time that Zhang Siwen was criticized in public for speaking out, and he used democratic centralism to ridicule Zhang Siwen for wanting to make a decision directly with the authority of the secretary.

Is there really going to be a public confrontation between No. 1 and No. 2? Many people looked at each other, wondering how things would end.

"Comrade Wu Qi, don't act out of emotion. If I make a decision directly, why should I discuss and study it in the Standing Committee? What you say is idealistic. I hope you won't make such a sound in the Standing Committee in the future." Zhang Siwen

After only a moment of silence, Li Fang counterattacked mercilessly, "If you are dissatisfied with me, you can report the problem to the provincial party committee. If you are dissatisfied with the current system, you can offer suggestions to the central government."

"Buzz..." The conference room almost erupted. Zhang Siwen's slap was so loud that it directly blocked Wu Qi's escape route. In public and private matters, if Wu Qi wants to cause trouble, just come over.

He'll take it all.

Zhang Siwen swept through thousands of troops with an unprecedented momentum, and the authority of his leader was domineering and tough, which directly impacted Wu Qi, causing Wu Qi's self-confidence and self-esteem to fall to pieces, and he almost lost his composure in public!

Chen Qin's eyes narrowed slightly, his expression remained unchanged, but his eyes kept beating. He knew in his heart that Zhang Siwen's gentle breeze and drizzle for nearly two years suddenly broke out today thanks to Yu Yan's promotion. Although the secret fueling played a certain role, it was also

It was an unbearable catharsis after being pushed to the limit by Wu Qi for nearly two years.

Zhang Siwen actually has a strong side in his character, but it needs an entry point to activate it. The arrival of Yu Yan, the successive defections of several key figures, the Dong Yuanyuan case, etc., a series of problems piled up together, finally made Zhang Siwen volcanic.

There was an outbreak.

"Comrade Zhang Siwen, what do you mean by this?" Wu Qi blushed. His previous style was strong and domineering. When he was the secretary of the county party committee, he once had a fight with the county magistrate.

The county magistrate was beaten to a bloody head. Later, when he got to the deputy office, his temper calmed down a bit, and he turned from aggressive to masculine. When he reached the mayor level, he rarely acted arrogantly anymore, and mostly acted in the dark.

, but Jiangshan’s nature is easy to change and hard to change. Being slapped in the face by Zhang Siwen, his anger was ignited.

Seeing that the Standing Committee might turn into a head-on confrontation between No. 1 and No. 2, Sun Yan, as a staunch follower of Wu Qi, should have intervened immediately to persuade or distract him, but the one who was at the door just now

He lost the confidence to complain. He wanted to speak several times, but seeing that Zhang Siwen's aggressive aura was unoffensive, he finally swallowed it back.

Qi Jiang also opened his mouth but did not dare to answer. He was not sure about the limit of Zhang Siwen's patience.

The other members of the Standing Committee were even more afraid to speak. In the past, Zhang Siwen had a lot of hidden secrets, but he acted upright and had a high prestige. In addition to giving in to Wu Qi three points, most of the Standing Committee members had five points of respect for Zhang Siwen.

"My meaning is very obvious, Comrade Wu Qi, do you want to discuss the issues I raised, or do you want to put forward different opinions on my working methods?" Zhang Siwen said calmly, but he still maintained his dissatisfaction even though he was calm.

The power of Ang Ziwei, "If you have an opinion about me personally, please raise it privately. If it is a discussion topic, then you can express your opinion now whether you agree or disagree?"

"I don't agree with the establishment of a special task force." Wu Qi raised his objections in public without hesitation, "Firstly, it is unnecessary, and secondly, it is making a fuss out of a molehill. Before this, our police or the Discipline Inspection Commission conducted investigations, so why is the current investigation team just like this?"

Will you not enforce the law impartially?"

This chapter has been completed!
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