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Chapter 0138 Where does the money come from?

This is a big matter of principle, and it can be put on the line. You are making a mockery of the entire country’s ruling class!

Seeing everyone's surprise, Zhang Siwen continued as if he had not seen it, "Financial difficulties are a reality, but we cannot stop all the work we should do just because of financial difficulties. This is definitely not right! We are the people's government.

We should solve the problems of the masses. No matter how big the difficulties are, our government needs to deal with, overcome and solve them. This is not a reason for us to ignore the interests of the masses! Otherwise, what is the use of our government? What is the use of our leaders?


Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and looked at each other.

In today's world, everything is about practical benefits, and no one listens to the truth.

Wu Qi was stunned for a while, and then he laughed and said, "Secretary Zhang, you will still encounter many difficulties in actual work. Of course, Secretary Zhang has everything in mind, but I worry too much."

As he spoke, a hint of ridicule drifted from the corner of his mouth. Although the hint of ridicule was very light, everyone could see it.

Zhang Siwen didn't care about Wu Qi's ridicule. He knew very well that the prestige of a superior was not established by anger, nor by a straight face.

You have to have something real!

"Comrade Song Hai, please read the report to everyone!" Zhang Siwen looked away from Wu Qi's face, turned to Song Hai, and said calmly.

As the deputy mayor in charge of city education, Song Hai attended the meeting.

Wu Qi's eyes narrowed slightly. It could be seen that Zhang Siwen really didn't care about his ridicule, and it was not like he was pretending. This is worthy of vigilance.

Song Hai nodded, coughed again, and started reading according to a report in front of him.

This report was submitted by the Municipal Education Commission. It is divided into two parts. The first part summarizes the current basic situation of primary and secondary schools in remote areas of the city. According to the investigation of the Municipal Education Commission, this situation is not optimistic. Basically,

As long as it is in a slightly remote area, the facilities of primary and secondary schools are very poor, and the teaching staff is even worse. So-called schools like Dongcheng Village Primary School really do not exist individually.

Song Hai and the Municipal Education Commission did a good job. Not only did they have survey data, written reports, and photos, they even made a special slideshow.

"Comrade Song Hai, please show this slide for everyone to see."

Zhang Siwen suddenly interrupted Song Hai's speech and said.

Song Hai was slightly startled.

This was the first time that slides were shown at the secretary's office meeting. Before Song Hai could recover, Yu Yan had already moved a slide projector onto the conference table. The so-called slide projector uses strong light and lens devices to combine eye pictures and

A way of mapping text, etc. onto the screen, which can be widely used in cultural or promotional activities.

Of course there is no screen in the conference room, but the walls are white and can be used as a screen.

Naturally, this slide has been submitted to the secretary's office a long time ago.

The slides truly reproduced the real situation of primary schools run by villages in Dongcheng Village and some other remote mountainous areas. Looking at the images displayed on the wall, everyone present looked serious. It cannot be said that they were all pretending.

Many of these people have worked in rural areas before, and are somewhat familiar with the conditions in rural areas, especially remote mountain villages. However, as their official positions get bigger and their status becomes higher and higher, they know less and less about the underlying truth. In fact,

I never imagined that there are so many schools that cannot be called schools at all.

After showing the slides, the atmosphere in the conference room became more solemn, and the smiles on everyone's faces disappeared. Only a few heavy smokers lit up cigarettes and started smoking silently.

The second part of the Education Committee's report proposes corresponding solutions. The content of this plan is relatively detailed. According to the Education Committee's plan, the problem will be solved from three aspects.

The first aspect is the allocation of school buildings and teaching supplies. The Education Committee has proposed that at least one senior primary school should be ensured for every three administrative villages. For areas with large jurisdictions or areas with extremely inconvenient transportation, each administrative village must

There is a senior primary school. It can basically meet the needs of all school-age children to go to primary school. The school building must be a safe house with a brick or cement structure. From what the Education Committee knows, many school buildings are actually dangerous buildings. Edong City

Take the village primary school as an example. It would not be surprising if the two adobe houses collapsed at any time. In some wealthier villages, the pig pens of the villagers are much stronger than the school building of this primary school.

In addition to the safety of school buildings, some of the most basic teaching supplies must also be fully equipped. For example, desks, stools, blackboards, appropriate textbooks, etc. are all essential. For particularly poor schools and students, some aluminum

Pen and workbook.

The second aspect is that the teaching staff must be fully equipped. There are 25 mountain village primary schools in the city. There are no formal teachers. They are all substitute teachers. One substitute teacher teaches all the courses for fifth and first grade at the same time. And some larger

Some primary and secondary schools do not have enough teachers. Most of them are private teachers and substitute teachers in the countryside, while public teachers generally teach in urban schools. The salary of substitute teachers is extremely low, only 60 yuan per month for substitute teaching.

Despite this, the money is often in arrears and cannot be paid on time. Correspondingly, the teaching level is naturally not much higher.

In some junior high schools in towns and villages, it is also normal for there to be insufficient subject teachers. Especially for relatively "unimportant" subjects such as biology and physical education, many junior high schools basically do not have dedicated teachers, and other subject teachers serve part-time.


In the third aspect, the Education Committee proposed that issues such as teachers’ salaries and benefits must be implemented. In recent years, Antai City has become a “habit” of arrears in teachers’ salaries. When the finance is out of money, the first trick that comes to mind is

It means arrears of wages to teachers. Relatively speaking, teachers are a relatively weak group with no power. They were once derogated as the "stinky old nine". The arrears of wages to them is not a big problem. In addition to petitioning, teachers also want to

There is no "clever trick" to come up with.

Because of this reason, the enthusiasm of teachers in the city has been seriously affected, and it can be said to be "full of complaints." To run the city's education well, we must first stabilize the teaching team. Teachers are no longer at ease teaching, and the quality of teaching can be imagined.


When Song Hai mentioned these solutions, everyone at the meeting nodded frequently, feeling that they were very reasonable. It takes ten years for trees to grow and one hundred years for people to grow, so it is necessary to do a good job in education.

According to preliminary estimates from the Municipal Education Commission, a comprehensive solution to this education problem will require at least 6 million. Even if the first step is only to solve the problem of dilapidated school buildings and the salary of substitute teachers, more than 1.5 million will be needed.

After being stunned, everyone couldn't help but shake their heads.


where does the money come from

In previous meetings of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, we have encountered this situation more than once. A certain problem is very serious and must be solved immediately. We have also found a solution that is very practical. But in the end, it was left alone. After all,

There is naturally only one reason, and that is lack of money.

Without money, you can’t solve any problem!

"Comrade Song Hai, how do you think this problem should be solved?"

When Song Hai finally finished reading the long report, Zhang Siwen asked in a gentle tone.

Song Hai straightened up and said, "Secretary Zhang, I think the current education situation in our city is really not optimistic. We need to pay attention to it and solve it as soon as possible!"

Saying this is like saying nothing. Since the situation is so serious, it naturally needs to be solved. As for how to solve it, Song Hai didn't say a word. He really had nothing to say. As the deputy mayor, he doesn't care about money.

Zhang Siwen smiled calmly and said, "Comrade Song Hai, you are in charge of education, and I want to hear your opinion."

Song Hai became cautious and couldn't help but glance at Wu Qi. Wu Qi leaned back slightly, leaning on the back of the chair, as if watching the excitement, and looked at Song Hai as if he hadn't seen him before.


Song Hai gritted his teeth and said, "Secretary Zhang, I think, among other things, this dilapidated school building must be renovated. This situation is nothing if nothing goes wrong. If something goes wrong, it will be a big deal, so we can't take it lightly."

This chapter has been completed!
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