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Chapter 0036

"Our Guangzhou Group's request is very simple. All mineral resources in Antai City that are integrating mineral resources will cooperate with us!" Ji Changfa said slowly.

As soon as Ji Changfa finished speaking, Secretary Zhang Siwen's eyes widened and he couldn't help but take a breath. This Guangzhou Group was so aggressive. You must know that Antai City is also a big mineral city in Shanlu Province. It wants to take over all the minerals in Antai.

It would be too whimsical to keep it in your own pocket!

Ji Changfa smiled sarcastically, "We also know that this decision is difficult to make and implement, but since we have said it, it shows that our Guangyuan Group has the strength and confidence!"

Zhang Siwen also smiled, "Comrade Changfa, you also know that if you want to win such a piece of cake, it takes more than just strength and confidence."

How could Ji Changfa not know what Zhang Siwen was thinking, and then said, "Secretary Zhang, Minister Zhang Lin has always been very caring about our Antai branch."

Ji Changfa saw the secretary's eyebrows move, and it was obvious that he had an idea in his mind.

Zhang Siwen thought deeply, but he didn't realize that Zhang Lin had hidden deep enough and was actually related to the Guangyuan Group. This Guangyuan Group was not simple. He could talk a lot. It seemed that there must be someone above him.

But now Zhang Siwen is thinking more about Ji Changfa's request. He knows that even if he has the ability to take down all the minerals in Antai, he will not agree to their request. What is the market most afraid of?

If one company is dominant and has a monopoly, competition is not terrible. The only fear is that no one will compete. If the Guangzhou Group drives up prices, it will not be the government or the people who have to bear the losses in the end.

"I will consider your request, but this matter is not a matter of one plus one equals two. To tell you the truth, the differences in the city are not small. Even if I want to hand over the mining integration to Guangzhou, it may not be possible." Zhang

Siwen said to Ji Changfa that although he was the secretary of the municipal party committee, he was not omnipotent. At this time, he should make his own demands and increase his alliances.

Ji Changfa stood up and filled up the water for Dozen, "Secretary Zhang, no matter whether this matter succeeds or not, as long as you try your best, we in Guangzhou will always support you."

Zhang Siwen chuckled, his request has been met, "Haha, as long as I can benefit the people of Antai, I will be satisfied."

Zhang Siwen still had someone to meet, so the two of them did not chat in depth.

Just as Yu Yan guessed, about twenty minutes later, the foreign businessmen and the deputy mayor arrived. Yu Yan took the initiative to step forward and made temporary arrangements for them to wait.

After a while, secretary Zhang Siwen came out. Yu Yan saw Ji Changfa and smiled at him. Ji Changfa nodded slightly and left.

The meeting between the secretary and the foreign businessman did not last long. After the conversation, Yu Yan and Lu Hua gave the secretary back.

The secretary never said anything, and Yu Yan didn't know if he knew what happened today.

The secretary returned to the office and continued his busy work. Yu Yan did not dare to disturb him, so he brought the secretary another cup of tea, closed the door, and walked out.

Yu Yan didn't stay in his office for long. He had his own things to do. Yu Yan took his notebook and went to the secretarial department.

Li Yunchang happened to be there, and Yu Yan walked in with his head hanging down, looking very sad.

Li Yunchang saw Yu Yan coming and said, "Xiao Yu is back. How is it? Is your work satisfactory today?"

Hearing these words, Yu Yan had an idea in his mind. Doesn't this Li Yunchang have three hundred taels of silver in this place?

Yu Yan reluctantly showed a smile, "Director Li, let me ask you something."

Li Yunchang looked at Yu Yan playfully, "Oh, what's the matter? Tell me."

Yu Yan looked sad and pitiful, "Director Li, what time will the secretary meet with foreign businessmen today?"

Hearing these words, Li Yunchang felt happy. It seems that Yu Yan fell into the hole I dug!

Although Li Yunchang was very happy, he still pretended to be serious and said, "Oh, it's half past three, what's wrong?"

Hearing this time, Yu Yan really wanted to go up and slap Li Yunchang a few times. Damn it, you are really plotting against me behind my back!

Li Yunchang pretended to be confused, "Secretary Yu, what happened?"

Yu Yan said hurriedly, "Oh, it's nothing, I just asked, haha." After saying that, he didn't say hello and walked away by himself, looking very lonely and miserable.

Li Yunchang sneered in his heart, Yu Yan, I will let you run wild, haha, my chance has come!

Back in the office, Yu Yan immediately changed his depressed look. He had already cast his net and was waiting for the fish to take the bait!

After a while, Li Yunchang came in a hurry, glanced at Yu Yan, and without saying hello, he knocked on the door of the secretary's office.

"Come in!" The secretary's voice came out, and Li Yunchang smiled slightly, which was caught by Yu Yan.

When Li Yunchang walked in, the corners of Yu Yan's mouth turned up, "Humph, let's see who laughs last."

As soon as Li Yunchang entered the door, he said, "Secretary Zhang, I admit my mistake to you!"

Zhang Siwen raised his head and looked at him, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Hearing these words, Li Yunchang felt a strange feeling in his heart, but he continued, "I'm sorry, Secretary Zhang. It's all my fault. I blame me for not teaching Hao Yuyan normally. I told him clearly this morning that you would meet with foreign businessmen at 3:30.

But he made three points in his mind. It’s all my fault for letting you wait innocently. Please ask the secretary to criticize me!”

Zhang Siwen's mind was like lightning, and he immediately thought about the whole thing over and over again, and he had an idea in his mind.

Then he said to Li Yunchang, "Haha, Yunchang, you are not wrong. I can't blame you for this matter. Let's go back first. I still have work to do."

Zhang Siwen's lukewarm words made Li Yunchang feel confused. Why, it seemed that the secretary was not angry with Yu Yan, but why was Yu Yan not in a high mood just now? He was clearly angry.

When Li Yunchang saw that the secretary was continuing to work, he did not dare to disturb him anymore. He gently closed the door and walked out. He looked at Yu Yan and found that Yu Yan was also looking at him, and there seemed to be something strange in his smile.

Not long after Li Yunchang left, Zhang Siwen called Yu Yan to the office.

"Xiao Yu, what's going on today?" Zhang Siwen said seriously.

"Secretary, I'm sorry, I made a mistake today," Yu Yan said with his head lowered.

Zhang Siwen looked at Yu Yan and smiled unconsciously, but still pretended to be serious and said, "What's wrong?"

"Secretary, I remembered the time incorrectly today and advanced the time for you to meet with foreign businessmen by half an hour." Yue Yan was feeling nervous now, but he was still confident.

Zhang Siwen continued to ask, "Did you hear it wrong or remember it wrong?"

Yu Yan also said, "Maybe I heard it wrong, but I clearly remember it was three o'clock in the notebook."

Yu Yan raised his head and looked at Zhang Siwen. He found that there was a smile in Zhang Siwen's eyes, but there was no sign of anger.

Zhang Siwen stopped trying to scare Yu Yan, "Do you really think I don't know? I really thought you remembered the time wrong before. I think this is your first time doing secretarial work, so it's normal to make some mistakes, but

Just now,"

Zhang Siwen did not continue speaking, "Go and do your work, remember to work hard, I can see your efforts!"

He somewhat understood what the secretary said, "Thank you, Secretary!"

After Yu Yan left the office, Zhang Siwen picked up the phone and said, "Hey, Secretary-General, it's me. Yes, I have something to tell you. Comrade Yunchang is an old comrade with rich experience. I will transfer him to

Go to the data room, I believe he will be more useful there. From now on, I will leave my schedule to you first. Hit or scold Yuyan as needed, so that he can grow up as soon as possible!"

Secretary-General Liu Bin had been listening to the secretary's words on the other end of the phone. At this time, he was both shocked and happy. What was shocking was that he did not expect that the secretary would not like to see Li Yunchang so quickly. What was happy was that the secretary handed over his schedule to Li Yunchang.

He knows what this means better than anyone else!

Suppressing his inner joy, Secretary-General Liu Bin said, "Good secretary, I will definitely handle this matter well."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Bin thought of Yu Yan. The secretary said that he should be scolded if he should be scolded. This was obviously to ask him to take more care of him. This Yu Yan was really not easy. He had gained the secretary's trust and trust so quickly.

Support, and he also gained the secretary's trust because of Yu Yan. He is truly a rare talent!

After thinking about all this, the secretary-general picked up the phone on the table and dialed a number, "Hey, Yunchang, if you have nothing to do, come to my office now!" The tone was very calm, just like that.

Just like business.

Not long after, Li Yunchang arrived.

The secretary-general did not stand up, but pointed to the chair next to him and said, "Yunchang, sit down."

Li Yunchang wondered what happened to the Secretary-General, and then asked, "Secretary-General, what's the matter?"

The secretary-general laughed at him in his heart. Li Yunchang was so good at what he did. He didn't even know he was being demoted.

The secretary-general looked at him and said, "That's it, the municipal party committee has decided to transfer you to the reference room."

Hearing this sentence, Li Yunchang felt as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue. What! The reference room! Damn it! Li Yunchang cursed in his heart. How could he not know where the reference room was? He was faced with piles of information all day long.

The work was boring and the future was bleak. Only veteran cadres who were about to retire were willing to go. Suddenly he thought of Yu Yan, and suddenly he figured out the link. He was cheated by Yu Yan! Li Yunchang's heart was completely cold at this time.

Originally, he wanted to frame Yu Yan and ask Secretary Zhang to put him in the cold palace and then re-enable him. Unexpectedly, he shot himself in the foot!

The person involved, Yu Yan, now looked completely unfazed. He was writing a report with his head down. He knew that the secretary would definitely give him a result in this matter, but if he knew the result, he would not be frightened.

This chapter has been completed!
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