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Chapter 0181 The secretary came down to inspect

When she went to work at noon, Xia Xiang received a call from Xue Nannan. She had reached a preliminary agreement with Ji Changfa. In the afternoon, Ji Changfa and Xue Nannan applied to the Shanyue District Government respectively, requesting to contract the Dongcheng Village area on the grounds of developing resources in barren mountains.

Barren Mountain. After receiving the application, Wang Licheng, the head of the mountain district, immediately reported to Zhang Siwen, and then came to the city hall to tell Wu Qi about the matter. Although Wang Licheng was partial to Zhang Siwen in his heart, he could not offend Wu Qi.

It's too deep. Let's just hand this matter over to the municipal party committee and city government and let Wu Qi handle it.

After receiving the report, Wu Qi summoned Liu Xiangdong, Song Hai, and several other deputy mayors to hold a temporary meeting to study the contracting applications submitted by the three companies. Wang Licheng, as the mayor of Shanyue District, was honored to attend the meeting.

When Wu Qi heard that two companies appeared out of thin air and asked to contract Dongcheng Village, his expression changed drastically. He endured it without having an attack. He took out the application materials of the two companies and looked at them. He asked Wang Licheng, "What is Secretary Zhang's opinion?"


Now that things have happened, he can no longer see that Zhang Siwen and Wang Licheng are working together to suppress him, and he is a complete fool. When he spoke, he stared at Wang Licheng's eyes, as if he wanted to find something in his eyes.

Wang Licheng, however, was calm and met his eyes without fear, "Secretary Zhang did not express his position. He just said that he would let the municipal government study it first and then come up with a plan... What does Mayor Wu mean?"

Wu Qi wanted to jump out and vent, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would be tricked by Wang Licheng, whom he had always looked down on. No wonder he kept holding on to the Heaven-turning Divine Palm. It turned out that he had a backup plan. He tried hard to stay calm and didn't want to let go.

He was seen as being rude, "What I mean is that we should try our best to take care of local enterprises. After all, local enterprises are rooted in Antai City, know the basics, and also have the emotional factor of seeking welfare for the people of Antai City. And foreign enterprises, whether in the capital,

Whether it’s Qinan City or not, I don’t know much about the situation in Antai City. Maybe I just came here to make a fortune and leave, leaving a lot of mess behind. Wouldn’t it become a joke to attract investment?”

Executive Vice Mayor Liu Xiangdong was not in a hurry to express his position. Wu Qi's tendency was also expected. He looked at the other deputy mayors and asked, "Everyone can speak freely. Say what you have to say and fully display your initiative."

Sex. Antai City has been poor for so many years, and finally it has companies investing in it. This is a big deal and must be treated seriously and prudently."

Several deputy mayors looked at me and I looked at you, and they all said that they should consider it. They said that the matter happened too suddenly and they had not had time to look at the information in detail, but in principle they all believed that local enterprises should be considered first. Wu Qi

Seeing this, a flash of pride flashed through his heart, thinking that on the government side, although Liu Xiangdong was the executive deputy, it was only in name, and the deputy mayors still had to look at his eyes to act.

Liu Xiangdong looked at Song Hai who was looking down at the information, and asked gently, "What does Mayor Song think?"

Song Hai said slowly, "This matter must be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion..."

Liu Xiangdong secretly thought, of course it will be submitted to the Standing Committee for discussion. Doesn't this mean that he didn't say it? But he said, "Yes, but Secretary Zhang's opinion is that before submitting it to the Standing Committee for discussion, the government must introduce a plan and have a clear plan."

Opinions, it is impossible for the government to submit them directly to the Standing Committee without having any opinions at all, so what use does our government team have?"

As soon as Liu Xiangdong finished speaking, the deputy mayor Yu Weishen, who was sitting at the end, slowly spoke, "Everyone is aware of the poverty in Antai. It's hard to say whether local enterprises have funds. It's hard to say. It's just empty talk. We've been talking about it for many years.

The slogan is to develop the Antai economy. Now everyone should be very clear that if Antai is to really develop its economy, it is impossible to rely on its own strength. It must attract external funds. After all, Beijing and Qinan are both big cities. Not only do they have sufficient

The source of funds can also bring advanced management methods and business concepts. Attracting investment is not just about attracting funds. If we want to move forward and develop, we must have enough vision."

As soon as these words came out, several deputy mayors raised their heads and looked at him with astonishment. In their impression, Mayor Yu, who had always been taciturn, had never spoken with such an attitude, and Wu Qi could not hide his expression.

Surprised, she looked at him as if she didn't recognize him.

Wu Qi didn't expect that Yu Weishen would actually speak to Zhang Siwen. He still didn't believe that Yu Weishen would suddenly change his attitude. Would he really choose to form an alliance with Zhang Siwen and be willing to be Zhang Siwen's mouthpiece?

But Wu Qi didn't think about it from another angle. You, the mayor, have the final say in everything, so what do you want the deputy mayors to do? The deputy mayor is being suppressed by the mayor. It's very frustrating and embarrassing!

Liu Xiangdong was not surprised at all by Yu Weishen's performance. He smiled and looked like he was studying seriously. "My opinion is that while trying to favor local enterprises, we can attract foreign funds as much as possible. The situation in Antai City is not something we are not aware of."

Do you know where there are any decent local companies? But if there are local companies with strong financial resources that can surpass companies in Beijing and Qinan City in terms of capital and technical strength, I will support local companies."

Liu Xiangdong's meaning is very obvious. There is no company in Antai City that can compete with the companies in Beijing and Qinan City. He has no choice but to blame the local companies for their failure.

Song Hai coughed and cleared his throat, "Since everyone has made a statement, I will also make a statement. I support Tianwo Trading."

Song Hai gave a short and powerful speech and firmly supported Mayor Wu Qi.

Wu Qi was very satisfied with Song Hai's statement and smiled at him from time to time. He had the most contacts with Song Hai. It could be said that Song Hai was his right-hand man and absolute supporter when he flourished in the city government.

Finally, the municipal government reached a consensus to take care of local enterprises as much as possible. When submitting a report to the Standing Committee, Tianwo Trading was given priority.

The result made Wu Qi very satisfied, and he regained his confidence that everything was under control.

The results of the meeting soon reached Zhang Siwen's ears. Zhang Siwen was not surprised and just handed Yu Yan over to Jiuliu Xianren to read the full text.

"When you go to the mountainous area tomorrow, talk to District Mayor Luo about contracting the barren hills. Oh, by the way, don't forget to inspect the construction of the mountain village primary school. Mayor Song Hai has been in charge of this matter. You go and see

Depending on the situation, report to me immediately if anything happens." Zhang Siwen said a few words and then got busy.

The next morning, Yu Yan and others set off on time.

When Yu Yan went to Dongcheng Village this time, it was a simple trip in a light car. There were four people in one car.

This time, Lu Hua learned his lesson and did not drive the Santana with the No. 1 license plate. Instead, he drove an off-road vehicle. The off-road vehicle has spacious seats and a high chassis, which is perfect for riding on bumpy roads in remote areas.


Wang Xiaohan was very excited while sitting in the off-road vehicle.

She hasn't been home for a while. Although she has no relatives in Dongcheng Village, the villagers used to be very kind to her, and she misses her students very much.

When the off-road vehicle passed the Shanyue District Office, it entered the courtyard. Yu Yan called the district committee secretary and district mayor to see the school's renovation. The first secretary of the municipal party committee went to the countryside without any prior notice. It was really novel.

The secretary and the district chief were both dizzy and got on the bus in a daze. You looked at me and I looked at you, both of them were uneasy.

Yu Yan's image as a strong secretary is forming in the minds of Antai City cadres.

This is a talented person who can deal with Mayor Wu Qi and beat up the biological son of the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission!

Those big bosses can't stop Yu Yan. It's better for the cadres below to be careful and don't mess with him. Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable. It is said that the urban area of ​​Antai is now in a state of chaos and chaos.

No one really has a good grasp of the routines of this young First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary Zhang of the Municipal Party Committee.

The car still could only park a few miles away from Dongcheng Village. Yu Yan jumped out of the car and said to the district committee secretary and district mayor with a smile, "You two have to work hard next and walk a few steps."

District Party Committee Secretary Niu Fan and District Mayor Luo Licheng quickly smiled and said it didn't matter.

Yu Yan can leave, why can't they?

Wang Xiaohan was very happy, jumping up and down to lead the way. Yu Yan followed her leisurely, asking her a few questions from time to time, roughly what the name of the place was, how to call it there, etc. Wang Xiaohan

Pointing to the mountains and forests far and near, he explained to Yuyan.

After about half an hour, we finally arrived at Dongcheng Village Primary School.


Wang Xiaohan shouted and froze.

What was displayed in front of her was a brand new school with red bricks and large tiled buildings, with three rooms in total. The dirt flat at the entrance of the school was also given a concrete floor and a basketball stand was installed. In the corner of the playground were two cement table tennis tables.

A dozen or so children are playing ball on the playground.

Wang Xiaohan stared at all this blankly, speechless.

"Teacher Wang..."

"Teacher Wang is back..."

The sharp-eyed children immediately spotted Wang Xiaohan and surrounded him with cheers.

Wang Xiaohan burst into tears and stepped forward, bending down to pick up one of the youngest students.

Due to limited conditions, Dongcheng Village Primary School still implements mixed teaching. There are about twenty students in total, ranging from the first grade to the fifth grade. The oldest is still thirteen or fourteen years old, and the youngest is only six or seven years old, but they are having a lot of fun together.


Yu Yan was very moved when he saw this scene.

Wang Xiaohan hugged the primary school students, touched the head of this one, pinched the cheek of the other one, and seemed to be happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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