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Chapter 0183 Emancipation

When leaving Dongcheng Elementary School, Secretary Yu was in a good mood. "Pure"

Qiu Dong, Wang Xiaohan and the children from the school took them to the roadside where the car was parked before saying goodbye. The village party secretary and the village chief heard the words and rushed over, wanting to keep Secretary Yu and the district cadres together.

To have a meal, Yu Yan declined.

He really doesn't have time.

We plan to visit all the renovated remote mountain schools in Shanyue District within one day. Shanyue District has a large jurisdiction, with a total of 97 administrative villages. In the rectification plan submitted by the Municipal Education Commission, the first batch of

Of the 57 primary and secondary school buildings included in the renovation list, 23 are within the jurisdiction of the Mountain District.

This visit to the mountainous area was no exception. Although it was impossible to visit the ninety-seven administrative villages in one day, it was necessary to see every one of the twenty-three schools. This time he came down to inspect, on behalf of

It was not him but the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, so this inspection must be treated with caution because he was on a "mission."

Dongcheng Village is a special case, and Yu Yan knows that it will definitely be included in the "most important projects." However, it is hard to say whether other schools are like this. Based on Yu Yan's understanding and understanding of the mainland officialdom, he has a strong sense of responsibility and understanding of the cadres below.

The sense of mission must not be overestimated. It is common to deceive superiors and hide from subordinates.

It is said that in a certain province in the southwest, such an incident happened: The farmhouse that the General Secretary saw personally was fully equipped with electrical equipment and looked like a well-off home. However, the farmhouse just a few hundred meters away from this family still had an old house inside.

It looks like the house is empty with only four walls.

When the Prime Minister inspected local areas, the granary in a certain county was clearly empty, but local cadres rushed to mobilize grain from other grain stations and stacked them neatly, creating the illusion of a bumper grain harvest and a full treasury, openly deceiving the Prime Minister of a country.

The cadres in the county dare to lie blatantly against the country's top leader, especially the hated Prime Minister. The cadres in Antai City are not necessarily less courageous than the cadres in other areas. Why not deceive Secretary Yu?


"Secretary Yu, do you think we should go back to the district first, have a meal, and then inspect the work?"

On the off-road vehicle, District Party Secretary Niu Fan asked carefully.

When they arrived, Yu Yan and Wang Xiaohan were sitting on the off-road vehicle, which could not accommodate the district committee secretary and district mayor, so they had to drive one more vehicle. Now that Wang Xiaohan stayed in Dongcheng Village, Yu Yan invited Niu Fan and district mayor Luo Licheng to come.

I got an off-road vehicle and learned about the basic conditions of the mountainous area while traveling. It was a killing two birds with one stone.

Yu Yan waved his hand, not shying away from the fact that the two of them had higher official positions than him, and then said, "We are not going back to the district. We will go directly to Wujin Village. If you have any work, we can talk about it in the car. I will go ahead now."

Please inform us of our itinerary."

Yu Yan nodded to the two of them and immediately informed them of the itinerary.

Because Yu Yan had already done his homework before, he didn’t need to open his notebook to read. The places he wanted to go to this time were announced one by one. He was very familiar with them, and there was no hesitation at all. In fact, Yu Yan in the mountain area

It was also the third time that this trip was planned with Lu Hua. The ground and route map were all imprinted in his mind.

Niu Fan and Luo Licheng were stunned when they heard this.

Secretary Yu is going to visit all the remote areas in the mountainous area.

is it possible?

It seems that Niu Fan and Luo Licheng, the two "parent officials" in the mountainous area, have been in office for a long time, and they have not visited all the villages Yu Yan mentioned.

"Secretary Yu, this...is the schedule too tight?"

After being stunned for a moment, Niu Fan said with a smile, and expressed his objection in a very vague way. If he really had to go to all these places in one day, he would be exhausted. The younger you are, the younger the secretary is, but we are not young anymore.

District Mayor Luo Licheng also echoed, "Yes, Secretary Yu, well, many villages are like Dongcheng Village and have no access to roads."

It would be okay if the whole road was open, but it would only cost more gas and my legs would not suffer. What if I really had to walk on two legs like I went to Dongcheng Village?

Yu Yan said calmly, "It doesn't matter. If one day is not enough, let's arrange a few more days. If there is no traffic, just walk. The situation in the mountains is better than that in other mountainous areas. I have seen the map. There are administrative villages in the mountain areas that are not accessible to traffic.

, there are only fourteen of them, and there is no village deep in the mountains like Fairy Village. If you spend some time, you should be able to reach it."

Niu Fan and Luo Licheng hissed at the air conditioner.

According to current popular sayings, Yu Yan is too powerful!

There are so many villages, no one is left behind, go to them all!?

Since Secretary Yu has this determination, what reason does the district committee secretary and district mayor have for not accompanying them?

"Secretary Yu takes his work so seriously and responsibly. He is really a model worthy of all of us to learn from..."

Niu Fan then gave Secretary Yu a slap on the back.

In front of "superiors", flattery has become a cadre's instinct and is almost completely out of control of his or her brain.

Yu Yan waved his hand and said, "Secretary Niu, District Chief Luo, let's talk about the situation in Shanyue District now. I heard that you went to Shantai District for Buddhist scriptures not long ago?"

"Yes, yes, Secretary Yu, Luo Licheng and I both went there. The changes in Shantai District are really amazing. It can be described as changing with each passing day. We can't believe it..."

Niu Fan said quickly, with a look of extreme admiration on his face.

Yu Yan said, "Shantai's development is indeed relatively fast. Relatively speaking, the geographical location of Shanyue is similar to Shantai. In terms of economic development, the speed is not satisfactory."

Secretary Niu hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, Secretary Yu, the key is that our minds are not emancipated enough and our vision is not far-sighted enough... Especially the industrial park in Shantai is already very large, the roads are well built, and the traffic is very


Secretary Niu's words are a bit "piliyangqiu". The self-criticism is false, but the "complaints" are true. Why can Shantai develop so fast? Isn't it because of the care from above? They can get money from above to set up businesses and repair

Highways. We don't have the ability. If I had so many resources, I could develop the mountainous areas.

Yu Yan frowned slightly and said, "Secretary Niu, objective difficulties exist everywhere. Overemphasis on objectivity will weaken subjective initiative, which is not conducive to emancipating the mind. What is emancipating the mind? The secretary told me, emancipate

Thinking means using your brain more and thinking more."

Secretary Niu and District Chief Luo said to each other repeatedly, with a hint of embarrassment flashing in their eyes.

Although they were still a little unconvinced in their hearts, they never dared to show off their faces in front of such a forceful First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, who came with Shang Fang's sword. Even the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee's Discipline Inspection Commission said that if someone offends him, he will be offended.

, in Yu Yan’s eyes, what do they mean?

Yu Yan secretly sighed in his heart.

Compared with the Taocheng County Secretary Wang Hong and County Magistrate Xia Li whom he had met before, the two leaders in Shanyue District were far different. Their thinking mode was still completely stuck in the era of planned economy. Everything was subject to the will of their superiors.

On weekdays, I just maintain the situation in the local area. As long as no trouble occurs, I have fulfilled my duty.

However, Yu Yan also knows that this cannot be entirely blamed on the incompetence of these grassroots cadres. Changing ideas is a long-term process, and it is by no means just shouting a few slogans and issuing a few documents and it will be effective. Otherwise, the central government will not make great efforts

While advocating the emancipation of the mind, it also proposes to vigorously cultivate and promote young cadres and accelerate the process of making cadres more educated and younger.

Sometimes, the head is really not that easy to replace, and it is not as convenient as replacing someone.

But at the moment, it is naturally impossible for the secretary to replace all the cadres with aging thinking. In that case, more than 80% of the grassroots cadres in Antai City will have to be replaced. Even if Zhang Siwen is the municipal party committee secretary, such a big move cannot be done.


That would be a mess.

We also have to teach these cadres with rigid thinking step by step and use their brains as much as possible.

This was what the secretary had instilled into his head on a daily basis.

"Secretary Niu, District Chief Luo, Shantai is planning to build a road, are you aware?"

Yu Yan asked in a more friendly tone, and his slightly frowned eyebrows naturally relaxed. He was here for a field trip today, not to "train people."

Secretary Niu and District Chief Luo communicated with each other out of the corner of their eyes. Secretary Niu said, "Yes, Secretary Yu, we have heard about it. It is said that Shantai is going to carry out a highway grid project and strive to complete it within three years."

, every village in the district has access to roads, and three main lines need to be built..."

"That's right. Do you two see any clues from this?"

Yu Yan inspired.

Secretary Niu scratched his head and said, "Secretary Yu, well, we don't have money... If we had money, we would also plan to renovate the road from the district to the city."

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said, "Secretary Niu, the distance from the mountains to the city is 40 kilometers. The distance from the mountains to Shantai is 23 kilometers, of which 13 kilometers are within the territory of Shantai. Have you ever thought about it?

Build these ten kilometers of roads and connect them to Shantai's road network. If you develop this as a main line, you will be able to use Shantai's road network for free! Shantai has already developed, and many products do not necessarily have to go to the market.

If you want to trade here, just trade in Shantai. It’s a short distance away, saves trouble, and you can still make money.”

Niu Fan and Luo Licheng's eyes suddenly widened.

Can it still be done like this?

They have really never thought about the problem like this before!

But after thinking about it carefully, Secretary Yu's suggestion is not unreasonable. The so-called liberating the mind is really not just for fun, it has very practical significance.

It was almost noon when the group arrived at Wujin Village.

Lao Niu and Lao Luo already admired Yu Yan very much. Yu Yan casually pointed out many things that they had never heard of, but when they thought about it carefully, it made sense. No wonder they were able to get the title of Municipal Party Committee Secretary at such a young age.

His favor is indeed justified. It seems that asking him more for advice in the future will be very beneficial to emancipating the mind and broadening the mind. Of course, it will be even more beneficial to get closer to Secretary Yu.

This chapter has been completed!
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