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Chapter 0188 The abnormal state must have a demon

"Mayor, Secretary Zhang is going to take action!" Wan Nianda left the mayor's office and did not return to the Finance Bureau. Instead, he went straight to Mayor Wu Qi's office. [`Novel`]

As soon as Wan Nianda entered Wu Qi's office, she put her briefcase on the chair, sat down, crossed her legs, and said angrily, "The nose is not the nose, the face is not the face."

"I know." Wu Qi said coldly.

"Mayor, do you know? How did you know it?" Wan Nianda raised her eyebrows and asked in surprise.

Didn’t he know it without saying anything?

Wu Qi sneered and placed a report in front of Wan Nianda.

Wan Nianda picked it up and saw that it was an urban construction report. Wu Qi had signed it. It looked very formal and there was nothing wrong with it. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Wu Qi in confusion.

Wu Qi said, "This report was sent over by Yu Yan just now. He said that he would ask Yu Weishen for approval."

"Yu Weishen? What does it have to do with him?"

Wan Nianda is simply baffled. Isn't Wu Qi in charge of urban construction work?

Wu Qi sneered and said, "Yu Yan said this was Zhang Siwen's instruction. Yu Weishen is also in charge of the urban construction work. He needs Yu Weishen's signature before he can approve it!"

Wan Nianda couldn't help being furious, her eyebrows raised up, and she said, "Isn't this intentional to cause trouble? Yu Weishen is a fringe figure, so why did he sign such an opinion?"

Seeing that Wan Nianda was really angry, he didn't pay attention to his identity at all and started to speak dirty words.

Wu Qi let out a heavy breath and said nothing.

Strictly speaking according to the process and the scope of the deputy mayor's division of labor, Zhang Siwen cannot be said to be wrong in doing so. The mayor and deputy mayor have overlap in the division of labor. Wu Qi is the director of the Urban Planning and Construction Committee, and Yu Weishen

He is also in charge of some urban construction work. Regarding reports on urban construction work, Zhang Siwen asked for Yu Weishen's signed opinions, which is normal and in line with the process.

It’s just that he had never done this before. Zhang Siwen suddenly made such a request, which was undoubtedly aimed at Wu Qilai and asked Yu Weishen to resist him. Ever since Yu Weishen expressed his position on the contracting of the Dongcheng Village villa last time, Wu Qi had no intention of doing so.

Hesitantly assigned Yu Weishen to Zhang Siwen's camp.

Now the eight deputy mayors of the city government, Liu Xiangdong and Yu Weishen, have clearly joined Zhang Siwen's command. The other deputy mayors have ambiguous but firm stances, but Wu Qi really feels that Zhang Siwen

It has an aggressive aura. And the technique is very sophisticated, so you can't find anything wrong with it.

"Mayor, what should we do now? Secretary Zhang just said that people from the Audit Bureau will go to my place for an audit tomorrow. He also said that it is a routine audit in the first half of the year, and he wants us to cooperate more..." Wan Nianda was stunned for a while.

, he said worriedly. The anger on his face had long since disappeared and turned into worry and fear.

He himself knows best whether there are any problems with the Finance Bureau. If he really continues the audit seriously, he may not be able to withstand it.

Wu Qi's eyes twitched and he said gloomily, "Mao Kai may not listen to Zhang Siwen's words that much."

Mao Kai is the current Municipal Audit Director, a very arrogant man, and a close associate of the former Secretary Zhang Hao.

Wan Nianda snorted coldly and said, "Mao Kai is not really that noble. I think he is not noble, he is just waiting for a price. Secretary Zhang Hao has left long ago. If he doesn't turn to Zhang Siwen, who will he turn to? You don't

Forget, he is not on the same page as us."

In the past, Wu Qi had a particularly fierce fight with Secretary Zhang Hao. Mao Kai was one of Secretary Zhang Hao's capable men and caused Wu Qi a lot of trouble. Wu Qi tried to capture him several times, but failed.

It would be really embarrassing if he really took refuge in Zhang Siwen.

"Hmph, when Zhang Hao was here before, he couldn't do anything, and now he can't do anything. Zhang Siwen is very powerful. We underestimated him before. But he is not necessarily better than Zhang Hao. Last time Zhang Siwen

Siwen forcibly transferred part of the infrastructure funds out, but I didn't forcibly stop him. You should also know why. Don't worry, Zhang Siwen's good days are coming soon!" Wu Qi said gloomily.

"You mean?" In these aspects, Wan Nianda's brain is far inferior to Wu Qi's. Under Wu Qi's slow guidance, Wan Nianda suddenly understood.

"Then, what exactly does Secretary Zhang want to do now?"

Wu Qi said, "I guess I just want to scare you and make you cooperate with him more."

Wan Nianda thought for a while and said, "Mayor, why don't you make some concessions to Secretary Zhang? It doesn't really matter, after all, he is the secretary."

The corners of Wu Qi's eyes twitched a few times, and he pondered for a while before saying, "Let me think about this matter carefully, and don't rush to make a decision. Don't worry too much, and go back with peace of mind. No matter what Zhang Siwen's tricks are, the soldiers will stop the water."

Tubo, just be careful. We are not toothless wolves!"

Wan Nanda nodded.

He has always trusted Wu Qi's words. Wu Qi is just a little arrogant, but his brain is really flexible. Otherwise, he would not be where he is today.

"Then, I'll leave first."

Wan Nianda said and stood up.

Wu Qi nodded and was about to stand up to say goodbye when the phone on the table rang. Wu Qi waited for the phone to ring for a few seconds before he picked up the receiver without haste.


"Hello, Comrade Wu Qi?"

Zhang Siwen's voice came over the phone, and it was still the same "Comrade Wu Qi" who was neither far nor near.

"Hello, Secretary Zhang."

Wu Qi remained calm, with a little respect in his calm tone, as if he was adhering to his duty as the second-in-command.

Zhang Siwen said politely, "Comrade Wu Qi, do you have time now? If you have time, I have some work to discuss with you."

Wu Qi didn't hesitate and immediately replied, "Okay, please wait a moment, Secretary Zhang. I'll be there soon."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Wu Qi put down the phone, and Wan Nianda looked at him a little worriedly, "Secretary Zhang's phone number?"

Wu Qi smiled and said, "I guess it's a condition. Isn't Sister Chen reaching the age of retirement soon?"

The so-called Sister Chen is the deputy director of the Finance Bureau and a confidant of Wu Qi. She has a very good relationship with Wan Nianda. She was recommended by Wan Nianda. In the Finance Bureau, she is Wan Nianda’s most capable right-hand man. But her age is a bit off.

Older, I will soon reach the age of retirement.

"You mean, Secretary Zhang wants to send someone over to me?" Wan Nianda immediately asked vigilantly.

Wu Qi said calmly, "If I were Zhang Siwen, I would do this. It will be difficult to start for a while, but my own people must be sent there. As the secretary of the Finance Bureau, there is no way I can just leave them all alone.


"Then, what should we do?" Wan Nianda habitually did not use his own brain to think in front of Wu Qi.

Wu Qi spread his hands and continued, "Didn't you say it doesn't matter if you give in a little bit? Then just give in a little bit. I just hope this guy will stop soon."

Wan Nianda nodded and was angry, but after all, his own good life was more important. If, as Wu Qi said, he had fooled Zhang Siwen and asked him to leave early, that would be the best ending. As long as

Wu Qi is still the mayor, so there is nothing to worry about.

Wu Qi said that Zhang Siwen wanted to negotiate with him, which was just a guess. But the facts proved that Wu Qi's guess was very correct. There are many similarities in the operating methods of official officials. What Zhang Siwen could think of, Wu Qi also

I can think of it.

Soon, Wu Qi appeared in Zhang Siwen's office and called "Hello, Secretary Zhang" with a big smile.

Zhang Siwen was very polite to Wu Qi. He came out from behind the desk, shook hands with Wu Qi with a smile, exchanged a few pleasantries, and invited Wu Qi to sit down on the sofa. Yu Yan served him a cup of tea.

"Comrade Wu Qi, smoke."

Zhang Siwen handed Wu Qi a cigarette, and Wu Qi quickly picked up the lighter and lit it for Zhang Siwen first. Both of them were smiling and seemed to have a very harmonious relationship.

"Comrade Yu Yan, you have been running down here for a long time in the past few days. It's really hard on you." Wu Qi didn't know why, but he changed the topic through Yu Yan.

Yu Yan smiled respectfully and quickly replied, "This is what it should be. For the sake of the secretary's work, I go deep into the grassroots, and it's not hard at all."

Wu Qi also smiled, and he smiled very sincerely, "Yu Yan, your extremely serious and down-to-earth attitude towards work is very worthy of our learning."

Zhang Siwen smiled and waved his hand, but his face gradually became serious, and said, "Comrade Wu Qi, it is really difficult to understand the real situation without going down and taking a look. Just looking at the report, how could you imagine that there are actually so many

The work was not done well. Xiao Yu went down for me this time and found a lot of problems."

Wu Qi nodded repeatedly and said, "Yes, this Hou Ming is indeed more sophisticated. If it is not completed, it is not completed. What kind of false report is it? It is just playing the piano randomly."

"So, it is necessary to further strengthen the construction of our cadre team. I plan to make adjustments to some deputy cadres in various bureau committees in the near future. I wonder what Comrade Wu Qi's opinion is?" Zhang Siwen said,

He stared at Wu Qi with sharp eyes.

Wu Qi was surprised, but still felt a little uncomfortable.

Zhang Siwen has been making frequent moves recently, with big moves coming one after another. He really thinks that Wu Qi is just a decoration. However, thinking about it, Wu Qi still dare not disobey Zhang Siwen on this issue.

"I completely agree with Secretary Zhang's opinion. Some deputy cadres really need to make adjustments. Staying in one unit for too long can easily lead to inertia and empiricist mistakes."

Wu Qi didn't hesitate much and immediately nodded in agreement.

Zhang Siwen nodded slightly.

It seems that Wu Qi is indeed a smart man.

After Wu Qi left, Yu Yan made a cup of West Lake Longjing specially for Zhang Siwen.

"Do you think Mayor Wu suddenly became easier to talk to?" Zhang Siwen took a sip of tea and asked Yu Yan slowly.

Yu Yan also nodded in agreement. He also felt that Wu Qi's attitude had changed too much. This was very different from the unruly Wu Qi he knew before.

When things are abnormal, there must be monsters!

This chapter has been completed!
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