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0200 Zongzi

The next day, Yu Yan got up early, ate the breakfast cooked by Yang Yi, did some housework with her, and then went out. {Free Novels}

The focus of the next visit is the retired Director Ji of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources.

Mr. Ji, who retired from the position of director of the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, once served as secretary of the Antai Municipal Party Committee. At that time, the mayor was the former secretary of the municipal party committee Zhang Hao.

To be fair, Mr. Ji was born as a worker and peasant cadre, with a low level of education and average work ability. Because of his straightforward personality and strong personality, it is difficult for him to stir the spoons in the same pot with Secretary Zhang Hao, who is good at dancing.

The conflict once intensified to the point where it was even more extreme than what happened to Zhang Hao and Wu Qi later.

Later, the provincial party committee sent a working group to resolve the conflicts within Antai's team. Originally, the situation was favorable to Mr. Ji, but the basic trend was that Mr. Ji would remain in office and Zhang Hao would be transferred.

Unexpectedly, Kang Huaguang, the secretary-general of the Municipal Party Committee, made trouble and completely sided with Zhang Hao. He suddenly brought up many of Mr. Ji's problems, such as treating guests and giving gifts with public funds, using public cars for private use, etc., and remembered every detail of them clearly.

As a result, Mr. Ji was transferred to the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and Zhang Hao successfully took over as secretary of the municipal party committee. As a reward, not long after Zhang Hao took office, Kang Huaguang took over the position of director of propaganda of the municipal party committee. Mr. Ji, who was upright by nature, and Kang Huaguang began to work together.

The situation turned into fire and water, and I hated Kang even more than I hated Zhang Hao.

Four years ago, when Ji Lao reached his age and retired to the second line, he basically stopped going to work. Instead, he brought together a few veteran cadres from Antai who had similar aspirations and views to drink tea, play cards, fish, and complain together all day long.

Kang Huaguang and his ilk in An Tai's officialdom were scolded with utter insults.

During the war between Ji and Zhang Hao, Zhang Siwen was still serving in the far south, so he did not have time to intervene in the conflict between the two.

Now every opportunity, Zhang Siwen would take the opportunity to visit old cadres in the provincial capital and pay a visit to Director Ji. This was in sharp contrast to the fact that most cadres in Antai avoided and ignored him.

However, when visiting an old man like Director Ji who has deep grudges with Antai official circles, Zhang Siwen usually does not come in person, but is usually represented by his secretary Yu Yan. Therefore, Yu Yan has been here several times with Director Ji, and he is very friendly to Ji.

The director himself and his family are quite familiar with each other, and Director Ji also has a good impression of him.

When he usually comes to visit Director Ji, it is up to Yuyan himself to decide what to buy and how many gifts to give.

In Yu Yan's view, Director Ji is straightforward and easy to get along with. He is not a very greedy person in terms of position. In addition, the family has a large population and the situation is not very good, so Yu Yan buys him some economic benefits.

There are a lot of various things, which are beautiful and durable, making everyone in the Ji family very happy. Whenever Yu Yan steps into the house, Director Ji always insists on asking him to stay for dinner. During the dinner, they drink a few glasses of wine with each other, and the topics of conversation are endless.

And it is inseparable from Antai. Even though Director Ji has been in the provincial capital for a long time, he knows the situation of Antai very well, especially the dynamics of the officialdom. He has a lot of information about Secretary Zhang Hao and Kang Huaguang. When Yu Yan returns from here, he will tell Zhang Siwen

Only then did I know.

Therefore, when he usually visits, Yu Yan tries to avoid the dining stalls to avoid listening to gossip that he shouldn't hear and getting into trouble for no reason. Today, he deliberately chose to bump into Director Ji's dining table before lunch.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered Director Ji's house, the aroma of vegetables could be heard from the kitchen. Director Ji was lying on the brand-new physiotherapy machine, exclaiming with joy. Seeing Yu Yan come in, he immediately said loudly, "It's still Siwen and Xiao

The more you understand and care about me, look at it, this device can cure my lumbar and cervical spondylosis, and can also relieve high blood pressure and high blood lipids. It’s really a good thing! Thank you!”

Yuyan spent more than 2,000 yuan to buy the physical therapy instrument in advance and had the store deliver it to Director Ji's home, and help with the installation and debugging.

Yu Yan knew that Director Ji suffered from severe lumbar muscle strain and could hardly move on rainy days. Sometimes, the old man would go to some stores that sell such equipment and get it done for free, but he was reluctant to pay for it. It was said that

He was also looked down upon by the sales lady. The physical therapy device Yu Yan bought was exactly what Director Ji wanted.

After circling the machine a few times, Director Ji's eyes showed nothing but fondness.

"This, this, is very expensive, isn't it?" Director Ji gently tapped the physiotherapy device and asked.

"Let's not talk about whether it's expensive or not. Secretary Zhang told me that I must satisfy Mr. Ji." Yu Yan said with a smile.

In fact, he knew that this kind of instrument, which is said to be able to cure all diseases, is almost always advertised like a leaflet in the hospital. The performance and price of the product are clear at a glance. How could Director Ji not know why it is expensive?

"I'll give you the money." Director Ji's tone sounded tentative.

"Mr. Ji, you are out of sight now. Secretary Zhang often told us that when you were working at Antai, you always ran to the grassroots level all day long, in the wind and rain, fighting for your life day and night, and finally ended up suffering from back pain.

Problem. Secretary Zhang has been worried about your waist and has long wanted to buy a machine and deliver it to you. It was difficult to deliver it when you were in office, but it will be fine now." Yu Yan naturally tried his best to put his words to the point and reassure Director Ji.

Director Ji lay down on the physiotherapy device and tried it again. He still felt very satisfied. His expression gradually became calmer and he sighed, "It's better to be Xiao Zhang. We don't have any favors for him. This is the way it is. It's not like some people."

, turn your back and refuse to recognize anyone, you are worse than an animal!"

While they were talking, Director Ji's food was served one after another. Yu Yan was not polite and found a seat close to Director Ji to sit down, saying that he wanted to have a good time with Mr. Ji.

During the meal, the topic on the table was inseparable from Antai officialdom. Director Ji came up and asked, "I heard that there was a mineral integration conference recently held in the provincial capital. It was hosted by Siwen?"

"Yes, that's the case." Yu Yan quickly told the relevant situation, and at the same time changed the topic and added, "But it is difficult to say that just because the meeting is well held, it may not be able to be implemented."

"Could there be any changes? Yesterday, I also communicated with several elderly people from Antai. Everyone commented favorably on Siwen's idea and believed that this is the only way to help the people of Antai." Director Ji's wine glass stopped in mid-air.


"Oh——, it's a long story." Yu Yan sighed, and immediately said what he wanted to say the most. "You may not know something. Antai's conservative power is very strong. How can we handle this matter?

It’s really not easy.”

As a result, Yu Yan exaggerated the opposition forces in Antai, which made Director Ji so angry that he almost dropped his glass and said, "These bastards! As long as they are around, there will be no peace in Antai politics."

, the people of Antai will also suffer from the consequences. That Wu Qi, that Kang Huaguang, they are not the people’s servants, *** cadres, they are simply worse than bandits!”

Next, Director Ji once again started from the beginning of Pangu and described in detail how Zhang Hao and others colluded with each other to attack and persecute the righteous and righteous forces and usurp the leadership of the Antai Municipal Committee. At the same time, he did his best to

Knowing that, Kang Huaguang's various corruption behaviors were also exposed in a hot pursuit style, including old facts such as Kang Huaguang stole a classmate's pen when he was a child, and Zhang Hao slept with several women in the county.

All old accounts are clearly settled.

It can be heard that after not seeing each other for a while, the materials Director Ji has mastered have increased and become much more detailed.

"In this lifetime, even if I risk my life, I can't let their conspiracy succeed!" When he said this, Director Ji's eyes almost had sparks. He also said that he would start writing the exposing materials tonight, and then

He went directly to the Provincial Party Committee and reported to each standing committee member in person.

"If you don't want to smash their dreams, write the character Ji upside down!" The old man kept repeating this oath.

Yu Yan was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

After coming out of Ji's home, Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and walked on the street. Among the endless crowds around him, there were still many girls wearing skirts, long-sleeved shirts and flesh-colored stockings.

"Some people say that summer is the season for women. No, I want to say that summer is exactly the festival for men. When midsummer comes, when colorful skirts bloom all over the streets, who can deny that it will attract men's attention?

A feast for the eyes." This is a poem "Summer" written by Yuyan University and published on the cover of the school magazine, complete with color illustrations.

Summer is his favorite among the four seasons of the year. Although the heat is unavoidable, the skirts all over the streets decorate the city in a colorful way. The naked glamor that matches the skirts gives people the feeling not of lust or sex, but of sex.

It is an association full of beauty.

I don’t know how long I walked, but when I looked up, I suddenly saw the sign of the Provincial Agricultural University.

"Hey, doesn't Zongzi work here?" Yu Yan suddenly remembered that among his classmates at Shandong University, several of them were at Agricultural University. Among them, Zongzi lived in the same dormitory with him for four years. Everyone had classmates in the same dormitory.

The nickname "Zongzi" comes from the fact that he especially likes to eat Zongzi, and his family keeps bringing them to him throughout the year.

Thinking of this, Yu Yan stopped.

Through the school's education office, Yu Yan found Zongzi's contact information and called him directly.

After a phone call, Zongzi found out that he lived at the school. Hearing that Yuyan was at the school gate, Zongzi was so excited that he kept saying, "Boss, don't move, don't move now, I'll drive to pick you up right away."

After a while, as expected, a Passat came out with its flashing lights on. The people in the car first saw Yu Yan, with a familiar head sticking out of the window and shouting, "Boss, I'm here."

Yu Yan waved in response and quickly ran towards the car.

When I got home, I realized that Zongzi was still single.

Zongzi conjured up a lot of food from the refrigerator, including beggar's chicken, salted duck, five-spice beef, peanuts, etc. There was also a large box of beer ready.

Good friends haven't seen each other for such a long time. There is no need to greet each other with polite greetings or ask if they are okay. Instead, according to the old rules in the dormitory, drink three glasses of beer before asking where the hero is.

This chapter has been completed!
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