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Chapter 0219 group events

Early on Friday morning, as usual, people were coming and going at the door of the municipal party committee. People going to work passed through the door of the municipal party committee one after another, walking into the office building of the municipal party committee talking and laughing. Just like countless ordinary days, no one expected that today would happen.

The municipal party committee is about to put on a good show.[ d586.]

At around nine o'clock in the morning, the bustle of people coming and going in and out of the municipal party committee ended and the due order was restored. At nine thirty, more than a dozen people suddenly gathered at the door. Before the guards had time to take measures, more than a dozen people took out

The banners prepared long ago were lined up and held high.

"Justice to Tan Biao!"

"Repay the hard-earned money of the people!"

“Give the people of Antai a blue sky!”

Usually banners are white with black characters, but this time I don’t know who came up with the idea. The banner is black with white stripes, a long black banner with shocking white characters on it, just like an elegiac couplet, which has great visual impact.


The person behind the plan is definitely a talent, maybe someone who graduated from a design school. The banner he designed is not only unique with white characters on a black background, but also really flutters in the wind like a flag. It just so happens that there is a breeze blowing today, and the banner is...

The banner was raised very high and flew into the air, turning into a vivid scenery at the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee.

The guard was so frightened that he rushed forward to stop him, but was stopped by several people who looked like migrant workers. Then, like magic, several buses arrived at the stop, and all the people who got off the bus were migrant workers.

There were hundreds of people.

That’s not all. More than a dozen cars arrived almost at the same time, including small cars and large trucks. The cars were different, but they had the same purpose. They all pulled several cars full of people, especially a few of the trucks.

It was packed with people, and more than a dozen cars pulled at least 200 people.

As soon as two hundred people got out of the car, they surrounded the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee. In addition to the more than a hundred people earlier, a total of more than 300 people gathered at the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee. The momentum was huge and unstoppable. Those who wanted to step forward to block it

The guard was pushed by several strong migrant workers standing in front and fell to the ground. He had no fighting ability.

Afterwards, hundreds of people began to demonstrate at the entrance of the Municipal Party Committee. Some people moved matzas and sat down. They also brought out hot water and fried dough sticks, preparing for a protracted war. Others set up tables and chairs. It was obvious that they were ready.

Prepared for negotiation.

As soon as someone gathered in front of the door to cause trouble, someone notified Yu Yan and Ji Qi. As the first and second secretaries of the municipal party committee, they immediately reported to the leaders. Zhang Siwen's instruction was to ask Liu Bin to come forward. Wu Qi's order was

.Let Zhang Taizhong come forward. So, Liu Bin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, and Zhang Taizhong, Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, came to the crowd one after another.

Liu Bin is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and has a higher rank than Zhang Taizhong, so he should speak first.

When Liu Bin and Zhang Taizhong appeared in front of the crowd, the noisy crowd suddenly fell silent. Not only the crowd, but also many municipal party committee officials were quiet. It was not because Zhang Taizhong was domineering, but because Liu Bin had a stern face and showed no anger or authority.

Many people thought about it again and couldn't help but feel secretly shocked. Regardless of whether it was Liu Bin or Zhang Taizhong, although one was the Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee and the other was the Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, belonging to the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government respectively, they had recently become very close to Zhang Siwen.


Doesn’t it mean that the municipal party committee and the city government are almost firmly under the control of Zhang Siwen?

Others looked at the dark crowd and thought that judging from the organized, disciplined and orderly scene of the rioters, the incident must have been planned for a long time. Needless to say, there were organizers and behind-the-scenes pushers. Who were they?

In fact, many people know it in their minds but don’t say it clearly. Who else could it be but Wu Qi? The people who caused trouble were all workers of the First Construction City, and the supporter behind the scenes of the First Construction of the City was Wu Qi, who wanted to track down the people of the First Construction City.

Zhang Siwen, on the issue of whether the first construction of the city can be big or small, Zhang Siwen devoted himself to promoting the expansion of the situation, while Wu Qi took a passive and procrastinating attitude, although Wu Qi did not strongly oppose it during the discussion on the first construction of Charlie City.

, but with Wu Qi's insidiousness, after forcefully intervening to pursue the city's first construction, if he had not taken action behind the scenes, he would not be Wu Qi, the mayor who had dominated Antai for three years.

But the current situation is that the overall situation of the Municipal Party Committee is completely in the hands of Zhang Siwen. The incident of gathering people to cause trouble should be Wu Qi's desperate move. Many people are gloating and thinking that Secretary Zhang is indeed powerful. After more than a year of forbearance,

Coupled with Yu Yan's assistance, he finally turned defeat into victory and gained the upper hand, but was the country really stable?

not necessarily!

Zhang Siwen's biggest weakness is that his mass base is unstable. For more than a year, Zhang Siwen has tried his best to adapt to the political climate of Antai, but has not immersed himself in the masses and laid a broad mass base. The mass base seems useless in normal times, but in extraordinary times

period, but it is very useful. Now is the moment to witness how impactful the power of the masses is.

However, some people are also worried that if the city's first construction incident is allowed to further expand, although Zhang Siwen cannot escape the blame and must bear certain leadership responsibilities, Wu Qi, as the mayor, will not be able to stand alone, let alone stay out of the incident unscathed. If

At the end of the matter, Zhang Siwen bore a huge political stain, but he also dragged Wu Qi into the water. Could it be that Wu Qi, after being overshadowed by Zhang Siwen, became so angry that he would rather be tied to death than die together?

Is it really possible that with Wu Qi’s personality, he would really risk everything to fight a tough battle with Zhang Siwen? Well, let’s keep our eyes open and see who wins in the end. Many people are thinking about the incident of gathering people to cause trouble.

There is no controllability. If it gets out of control, it will eventually lead to a vicious incident that affects the municipal party committee and city government. If there is a bloody conflict, no one will be able to end it.

Is the riot really going to the point where it will never end? Some people also sighed, saying that despite all the riots, the people are the most unlucky. Since the city's first construction department has investigated and dealt with it, it is impossible to say that everything is fine and everything is fine.

Workers work hard, but in the end they can't find a boss to ask for wages, and they end up with empty hands. What will happen to their families? What can they do to maintain their lives? Even Zhang Siwen and Wu Qi have suffered because of this incident.

What about a punishment?

Who will compensate for the lost hard-earned money? If the hard-earned money is not returned and only verbal promises are made, what kind of justice can be achieved? Many people are thinking, what should they do if they make such a big fuss and get nothing in the end?

Liu Bin stood at the door obediently, with an astonishing momentum. He had the potential to stand in the way and try to stop him. He glanced at everyone coldly: "If something happens, just report it according to the normal procedures. Why make trouble? Who said that it is okay to make trouble?

Solve the problem? Maybe, the more trouble there is, the harder it will be to solve the problem!"

Everyone thought that Liu Bin would enlighten and comfort him in a soft voice, but did not want to threaten him directly. The crowd suddenly burst into laughter. A bald migrant worker was so angry that he took a step forward and stretched out his hand to fight.

Beat Liu Bin.

The staff member was startled and was about to step forward to stop him. Liu Bin reached out to stop the staff member, took a step forward and puffed out his chest: "Can you try to move me?"

Before the migrant workers started to cause trouble, they had long heard that the leading cadres of the government agencies were all weaklings who bullied the weak and feared the strong. As long as you were tough, the other party would immediately admit defeat. However, they did not expect that the leaders who came forward were so courageous that the migrant workers would not dare

He rubbed his eyes in belief, but was suppressed by Liu Bin's momentum and almost took a few steps back.

As soon as the bald man stepped back, there was a burst of ridicule from around him. I don't know who started it. Many migrant workers were still making noises.

"Bald Ma, are you scared to death?"

"No need, Ma Bald, you're too stupid. Don't you claim to be the invincible one who can defeat Antai?"

"If you don't want to be embarrassed, we can't let others come!"



Although he was an accomplice, Bald Ma did not expect that others did not support him, but laughed at him. He suddenly became angry and took a step forward again, reaching out to grab Liu Bin's collar.

"Who do you think you are, dare to go against me? Do you know that I, Bald Ma, can fight all over Antai without any opponent?" As he said this, Bald Ma came close to within half a foot in front of Liu Bin, and immediately stretched his hand into Liu Bin's neck.

Liu Bin took a step back, reached out and grabbed Ma Bald's hand, then flipped his wrist and pressed down. Ma Bald screamed, bowed down like a shrimp, and could no longer stand up.

It would have been fine if he just bent Ma Bald's head. What no one expected was that Liu Bin actually had a backup plan. He suddenly raised his right leg, and his knee came into close contact with Ma Bald's nose.

The bald horse screamed, and squatted down with his hands covering his nose. Blood dripped from his hands, along his arms and chest, and instantly became wet.

"Buzz..." The crowd went crazy at this moment, with many people shouting: "The official is beating someone up!"

"The official is acting like a hooligan."

"Everyone has seen it. Officials bully ordinary people in front of the municipal party committee. The officials are forcing the people to rebel."



For a moment, the crowd became excited, and countless people rushed forward. Some even raised their mazas to hit Liu Bin on the head.

With Liu Bin's toughness just now, everyone thought that Liu Bin would still stand still. Unexpectedly, the crowd rushed forward. Liu Bin no longer had the ferocity he had just now. He suddenly softened and turned around to run. As he ran, he turned back and said: "Yes."

If you can, just rush in."

This sentence further angered countless migrant workers. The migrant workers pushed forward and supported each other. They shared the same hatred, hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and broke through the gate of the municipal party committee. Like a torrent, they headed straight for the municipal party committee office building with unstoppable momentum.

The situation...is out of control.

No one expected that Liu Bin, as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Municipal Party Committee, would personally come forward to resolve the dispute. Not only did he fail to appease the dispute, but he also detonated the situation in just one round and made the situation completely out of control.

Many people have high expectations for Liu Bin, thinking that Liu Bin, who has rich work experience, will definitely get it when he makes a move, but unexpectedly, this is the result, which can't help but surprise everyone!

This chapter has been completed!
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