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Chapter 0222 red face white face

"We are all migrant workers!"

"Don't think that you want to characterize us just based on your words. Whether we are migrant workers or not, it doesn't matter what you say."

"That's it, why should we turn around and leave just because you say a word? If the government doesn't give us a decision and give us an explanation, we won't leave!"

"Yes, I'm not leaving either!"

The crowd was in chaos again, and a high-pitched voice sounded in the crowd: "Don't listen to Ma Jiuying's nonsense, he is a big liar. [The Training Queen] Beat him!"

"Yes, beat him and see if he still dares to be aggressive!"


The reason why crowds and riots can easily get out of control is that when there are too many people, it is easy for individuals to lose control of their emotions and be infected by the atmosphere at the scene and lose their minds. Furthermore, if there are people with ulterior motives who fan the flames, no matter how well-intentioned the petition is, the consequences will be unpredictable.

deviation, so any leader is afraid of casualties. If there is a bloody conflict out of control, and eventually it becomes an uproar, he will definitely be punished.

This is why Wu Qi was convinced that Zhang Siwen did not dare to force himself, so he was willing to risk the situation getting out of control and promoted this petition behind the scenes. Although this move was insidious and vicious, while dragging Zhang Siwen into trouble, it would also

He was also dragged into the water. But because the Sun Lei case was under the leadership of Zhang Siwen, when the responsibility was finally shared, Zhang Siwen had to bear the bulk of the blame.

Wu Qi is determined. He would rather kill one thousand enemies and injure eight hundred himself to defeat Zhang Siwen. He is indeed a ruthless character. However, it has to be said that Wu Qi's attack is indeed astonishingly lethal, unless Zhang Siwen is fully prepared.

, otherwise it will definitely fail.

Judging from past experience, there are only two ways to deal with out-of-control incidents. One is to suppress it forcefully and use armed force to suppress it. The other is to appease and promise large sums of money. Other than these two, there is basically no other way to think about it.

Wu Qi also understood the current situation of Antai and figured out Zhang Siwen's trump card. Of the two methods, Zhang Siwen did not have enough chips for either method. To suppress it forcefully? Zhang Siwen did not dare! The main body of the revolution was migrant workers, belonging to the

Workers at the grassroots level cannot be managed centrally, and most of them are middle-aged people, senior and junior. They are the backbone of the family. If something goes wrong, it may be a tragedy for three families. The stakes are high and the consequences are serious.

Zhang Siwen has been in officialdom for many years and would not have imagined that things might trigger a series of unpredictable chain reactions.

Promising large sums of money to appease is the best solution, and it is also the most effective method among the many measures that the government has taken over the years to resolve the crisis. But this time the crisis is very different from the past, as a migrant worker

As the victims of the Sun Lei incident, the number of people and the amount of money were beyond imagination. Even if Zhang Siwen wanted to compromise and spend money to eliminate the disaster, the key is that he could not spend so much money to compensate the migrant workers.

What's more, the financial power is in the hands of Wu Qi. Wu Qi has already arranged the government's financial situation. Wan Nianda has also verbally promised not to decentralize funds. In other words, the Finance Bureau has no money at all.

Even if Zhang Siwen verbally promised to compensate the migrant workers for their losses, it would only be to satisfy their hunger. Moreover, the anger of the migrant workers has been building up for many days. It is impossible for Zhang Siwen to just turn around and leave after listening to Zhang Siwen's verbal promise. He will definitely ask Zhang Siwen to solve the problem on the spot.

To put it bluntly, even if Zhang Siwen stepped forward and guaranteed that every migrant worker would receive compensation as the secretary of the municipal party committee, the migrant workers unexpectedly believed Zhang Siwen's promise and retreated one after another. Wu Qi also prepared a back-up plan.

, then some people will jump out and accuse Zhang Siwen of not keeping his word, and continue to encourage migrant workers not to be deceived, and never leave until they see the cash.

Cash, yes, it's cash. Even if Wu Qi was killed, he wouldn't believe that Zhang Siwen could actually come up with so much cash to pay the migrant workers on the spot... In short, under his careful design, there is no possibility that this time the rape will end smoothly.

, this incident will definitely become the Waterloo in Zhang Siwen’s political career, and will definitely leave a big stain in Zhang Siwen’s political life, making Antai become Zhang Siwen’s beautiful dream.

It can be said that Antai's last supper carefully prepared by Wu Qi for Zhang Siwen was indeed difficult to swallow. Zhang Siwen had to swallow it regardless of whether he wanted to, and after swallowing, he had to taste the bitter fruit alone, which was difficult to eat and digest.

I believe it is enough for Zhang Siwen to drink a pot.

The situation was just as Wu Qi expected, and it got out of control again and again. The situation that was originally out of control after being provoked by Liu Bin had just improved, but now it was provoked by Ma Jiuying and faced a new round of loss of control. If Wu Qiren had been at the scene at this time,

He might laugh out loud.

However, even if Wu Qi was present, even if he laughed, his laughter would stop abruptly, because... Ma Jiuying pulled out his pistol and fired three shots into the sky.

The three-shot shooting was surprising.

After three shots, no one dared to take another step forward. Seeing that the time was right, Ma Jiuying shouted: "Arrest him!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several riot police rushed into the crowd, punched and kicked them, and immediately knocked down several people and grabbed several others.

The crowd was in chaos again, and someone shouted: "The police are brutal, let's fight."


With a response, the crowd that had just calmed down surged again, even more violently than last time. Many people began to smash cars and objects, and some people hid in the crowd, holding iron bars in their hands, waiting for an opportunity to take action.

"Listen to me, everyone listen to me."

Just when everyone was furious and wanted to fight Ma Jiuying to the death, someone shouted from behind: "I am Zhang Taizhong, Secretary General of the Municipal Government. There are two ways in front of you now. One is to move forward.

They will be regarded as underworld criminals. The second is to retreat, which is migrant workers fighting for legitimate interests. The result of rushing forward will be jailed, and the migrant workers who retreat can receive compensation on the spot!"

If there is nothing new in the previous sentences, then the last sentence directly points to the heart of everyone and touches everyone present. Compensation? Yes, under the premise of worrying about their job future, it is considered a great achievement to be able to recover their hard-earned money.

of comfort.

But... is this true, or is it a lie?

While everyone was still hesitating, Zhang Taizhong said loudly: "From now on, not only can the first fifty migrant workers receive compensation on the spot, but the municipal party committee and government can also be responsible for solving your work problems, with five

Limited to ten people, first come first served..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange scene suddenly appeared on the scene. Everyone stood there blankly, looking at each other. The atmosphere at the scene was depressing and tense, as if it had suddenly entered a world of ice and snow from the heat just now.

Silence, silence means wavering, it means choice, it means that whoever takes the lead can get everything they have planned for, such as compensation, such as the future of their work...

But the fundamental reason why everyone hasn't taken a step forward is whether what this man named Zhang Taizhong said is true?

"It seems that everyone is skeptical about my statement, haha, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if I doubt it, as long as the money is real. If you take the first step too late, there will be no successors." Zhang Taizhong stood in front of the crowd with Liu Bin at the beginning, and later Liu Bin

When he was chased to the municipal party committee building, he disappeared, but now he suddenly appeared behind the crowd, still standing on a high place, waving a wad of banknotes in his hand, "Did you see, the cash in my hand is cashed to everyone

Guarantee of compensation, okay, let me show my sincerity first..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the person closest to him: "Raise your hand."

The person chosen by Zhang Taizhong had a bald head, single eyelids, a double chin, and a wretched appearance. He raised his right hand doubtfully: "What do you want me to do?"

"What are you doing?" Zhang Taizhong reached out and took out a hundred-dollar bill from the cash in his hand, "Of course it's a good thing. Here, I'll give you a hundred yuan."

The bald man took the hundred-dollar bill dubiously: "Is it real or fake?"

"If you don't believe it, you can give it back to me." Zhang Taizhong smiled and stretched out his hand forward.

The bald man hurriedly put a hundred yuan into his pocket. He covered it tightly and said, "No, you told me to give it to me. I can't go back on it."

"Of course I won't go back on my word." Zhang Taizhong pointed behind him, "Have you seen the temporary office tent in the back? From now on, the first fifty migrant workers can go to the tent to receive compensation, and I guarantee to solve your problems in the future.

Work issues, the number of places is limited. First come, first served..."

The power of role models is infinite. If everyone still didn’t believe what Zhang Taizhong said just now, then the moment Zhang Taizhong’s hundred-dollar bill was handed over to the bald man, everyone’s psychological defenses collapsed. Compensation and job prospects were at stake.

Under the temptation, under the premise that there is only a limit of fifty places. If you go forward, you will be regarded as a gangster criminal gang, but if you go back, you may have all the demands met, there is a strong contrast that no one will go forward foolishly.

After being stunned for only a few seconds, the crowd erupted into a burst of shocking cheers. Headed by Baldhead, hundreds of people rushed to the tent at the back, fearing that they would fall behind and be ranked outside the 50th place.

Someone in the crowd became anxious and shouted: "Don't run away, don't be fooled. Come back quickly..." Halfway through, he was knocked down by a riot policeman with a stick. Then he was handcuffed and detained.

A satisfied smile appeared on Ma Jiuying's lips. Yu Yan was hiding behind the scenes, strategizing, and Liu Bin took the lead. He stirred up the incident first and detonated the situation, so that he could be convicted of the crime of underworld gangs attacking the municipal party committee. Of course, many migrant workers were mixed into the team.

After that, Zhang Taizhong contacted the agencies directly under the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and reached a preliminary consensus on arranging the employment of some migrant workers. A temporary office tent was also set up to accommodate Yu Yan's cash.

Judging from the current progress, everything is going smoothly. Except for Yu Yan's cash link, which was delayed for some time, the progress of other links has reached expectations. Next, one will be a good person and the other will be a bad person. It is his and Yu Yan's turn to do it in one fell swoop.

Is it time to settle things?

This chapter has been completed!
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