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Chapter 0231 here is the best

The look on Zhang Siwen's face became more and more indignant, and he smacked the table: "Some comrades are unorganized and undisciplined. Here, I want to solemnly criticize you, and you must straighten your position, and don't run around and talk nonsense, which affects the individual."

The image is a small matter, but it affects the image of Antai's entire team, makes provincial leaders have a bad opinion of Antai's team, and smeares the Antai Municipal Party Committee and Government, it's a big deal!"

Liu Xiangdong's face was embarrassed, but it was okay, he knew that Secretary Zhang was referring to Sang and Huai, and he was Sang and Wu Qi was Huai.

Wu Qi's great and upright image can no longer be maintained. The first two secretaries rarely criticized him in public, let alone criticizing him in public. He was also used to overstepping his bounds. Today, Zhang Siwen showed his authority and slapped the table again.

It was insinuated that he was originally sulking because Liu Xiangdong ran away from Governor Yao, but Zhang Siwen lit up the situation again, and his disguise was torn apart.

Yu Yan was not high enough, and he was eating in the next room. When he heard the sound of banging the table from the leader's room, he hurriedly walked into the room where the leader was eating.

Yu Yan was startled as soon as he entered the room. For some reason, Mayor Wu Qi was blushing and Zhang Siwen was staring.

This was so good that Yu Yan came to Zhang Siwen's side in just a few steps, just in case Wu Qi did something outrageous again.

"Comrade Zhang Siwen, don't make weird insinuations about individual comrades. You are the secretary. If you want to criticize anyone, you can criticize them by name." Wu Qi hummed a few words and said as if he had a toothache.

"Whoever said that knows what he is saying." Zhang Siwen also changed from his previous gentleness and tolerance to being aggressive, "Comrade Wu Qi, have you corrected your attitude? Have you corrected your position? Have you paid attention to your own image?"

After questioning him three times in one breath, Wu Qi never thought that Zhang Siwen would actually ask directly. After all, Zhang Siwen was also the secretary and a top leader. He had indeed committed a taboo today, so why should he deny it on the spot?

But if he had to acquiesce without denying it, wouldn’t it be tantamount to reaching out and asking Zhang Siwen to beat him? Wu Qi had been in the officialdom for many years, and for the first time, he was speechless. He was stunned on the spot and could not speak!

"And you, Comrade Liu Xiangdong..." Zhang Siwen seemed to be frighteningly angry today. It was the first time for everyone to see Secretary Zhang getting so angry. "Just give a toast. If the leading comrades can't bear to drink, don't do it."

Reluctantly, insisting on forcing leaders to drink, is it a mistake that we, as subordinates, should make? Because the toast made Governor Yao angry, and it spread outside, bringing disgrace to the entire Antai team."

Wu Qi gritted his teeth with hatred, "Oh Zhang Siwen, Governor Yao left on the pretext of having something to do, but you insist on saying it clearly, it seems as if Governor Yao is stingy, and you are clearly deliberately trying to smear Governor Yao."

Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and he understood the general meaning, and his worried heart was relieved. The secretary was just making use of the topic.

What Wu Qi didn't expect was that Liu Xiangdong didn't know what kind of evil he had committed, and he said aggrievedly: "Secretary Zhang, I didn't say anything excessive. I just said that the reporter from Qi Province Evening News arrived in Antai and wanted to interview Yao.


"That's enough, stop talking." Zhang Siwen slammed the table again, "Recognize your ideological mistakes, go to Governor Yao to admit your mistakes, and do some self-criticism."

Liu Xiangdong looked embarrassed and had nothing to say.

But between the questions and answers just now, everyone present understood what was going on. Those who knew the inside story and those who didn't knew the inside story immediately understood that Governor Yao was afraid of seeing reporters, so he left in an evasive manner.

It seems that Governor Yao has something shameful going on. Governor Yao's image has plummeted in the minds of many people.

Wu Qi heard that Zhang Siwen was criticizing Liu Xiangdong, but secretly asked Liu Xiangdong to point out Governor Yao's guilty conscience, and became even more angry: "Comrade Zhang Siwen, let's not mention today's matters for now, the banquet will continue.

Comrades haven't eaten yet." Naturally, his intention was to cover it up first so as not to make it worse in public.

Before Zhang Siwen could speak, Wang Dahai, the deputy secretary-general of the provincial government who had not left with Yao Fei, suddenly spoke: "Leaders are also human beings and they make mistakes. If they make mistakes, they must point them out. What's wrong? Comrade Zhang Siwen, you criticize

Comrade Liu Xiangdong is a bit unreasonable."

Everyone was shocked again. Since Deputy Secretary-General Wang came with Vice Governor Yao, he must have a good relationship with Vice Governor Yao. How could he continue to discuss the issue of Vice Governor Yao after Vice Governor Yao left?

Hold on and won't let go?

Just when everyone was puzzled, Wang Dahai said again: "Governor Yao just didn't want to publicize it, and it's not a big deal. You guys took it too seriously. He left just now because of a call from the Provincial Party Committee.

Ask for his opinion on the municipal party committee’s publicity work...don’t make a fuss out of a molehill, okay, okay, it’s time to eat and drink.”

It can be regarded as a roundup for Yao Fei. Although it is not quite round, it is better than nothing. However, when Wang Dahai spoke, his eyes glanced at Liu Xiangdong's face several times, which was a bit meaningful.

In the end, everyone at the banquet was exhausted and ended hastily.

What happened during the morning inspection quickly spread among the people below. The most talked-about thing was not Governor Yao’s own mistake, nor was it Liu Xiangdong’s public exposure of Governor Yao’s shortcomings, nor was it the chorus between Governor Yao and Mayor Wu.

There are various anecdotes that deliberately embarrass Zhang Siwen, but Zhang Siwen angrily slammed the table at Mayor Wu at the banquet.

Since Zhang Siwen came to Antai, his governing style has always been moderate. There must have been conflicts with Mayor Wu, but they have never been made public. Zhang Siwen suddenly had a fit at the banquet. Not only did he slam the table, but he also scolded Mayor Wu, who had nothing to say, and quickly

The news spread in Antai institutions of all sizes.

Could it be said that Zhang Siwen has already suppressed Mayor Wu in Antai?

But the rumors were spread with precision, and everyone talked about it as if they had witnessed it with their own eyes. It was said that Secretary Zhang slapped the table, which frightened Mayor Wu so much that he even drank his wine glass. Then Secretary Zhang spoke with a stern voice like a class teacher criticizing a student.

, Mayor Wu was so punished that he lowered his head and did not dare to express his anger, let alone talk back.

Many people who were just outsiders decided to move closer to Secretary Zhang, thinking that Secretary Zhang had consolidated his power and established authority in Antai.

Most of Wu Qi's close associates and direct descendants do not believe the rumors, and they also know that in officialdom matters, the superficial bowing is due to power and rank, and it is not yet known who will win and who will lose in the secret contest.

However, after the news reached Wu Qi's ears, Mayor Wu, who had always been conceited, finally became angry and punched the table, smashing his beloved inkstone - although he did not know the reason for the inkstone.

The age and value do not affect his elegant and noble sentiments.

Zhang Zeyuan knocked on the door of Wu Qi's office.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw the mess on Wu Qi's table, and when he saw that Wu Qi's palms were bleeding, he said with half complaint and half concern: "Mayor Wu, I have to criticize you, please be careful.

It would be a pity if one of the inkstones was smashed. If it were given to a professor at the university, it would be a wonderful story for teaching together."

Wu Qi liked to listen to Zhang Zeyuan's pretended criticism in a concerned tone. He laughed: "A mosquito bit me. When I swatted the mosquito, I accidentally smashed the inkstone. It's a pity."

Where are the mosquitoes in the mayor's office? Zhang Zeyuan didn't point it out, he just laughed: "Hurry up and get a band-aid to prevent infection."

Wu Qi liked to do everything by himself, so he did not ask his secretary Ji Qi. He took out a band-aid from the drawer, and Zhang Zeyuan stepped forward to help him put it on. While putting it on, he said in a consultative tone: "Mayor, Secretary Zhang, what's the matter?"

Bian's momentum has been very strong recently, I think it's better for us to keep a low profile during this period of time to avoid his sharpness..."

"Bullshit!" When Wu Qi thought of Zhang Siwen's eccentric behavior at the banquet, he became angry again and hit the table with his palm, "He is the oldest one, and he actually pointed fingers at Governor Yao. What kind of sharpness, I think he is at best

Consider it a comeback!"

An extremely imperceptible smile flashed across Zhang Zeyuan's face, and he asked tentatively, "What about Governor Yao's inspection work this afternoon?"

It was time to see the outcome. Wu Qi ignored the severe pain in his hands and calmed down: "I have already asked Governor Yao for instructions. The inspection work in the afternoon will proceed as normal. By then..."

Wu Qi didn't say what would happen then, and Zhang Zeyuan certainly didn't ask any more questions, just waiting to watch the show in the afternoon.

The new city is now beginning to take shape. As you look around, you can see a busy scene with workers crowded and busy. In addition to planting ornamental trees, various commercial facilities, kiosks, food stalls, etc. have begun to be built along the coast, giving people a

A picture of prosperity.

A group of people from Antai Party and Government, headed by Zhang Siwen, gathered around Yao Fei and strolled along the river bank in a mighty manner.

Yao Fei pointed, seeming to have forgotten the embarrassment of the morning, and then gave a series of instructions on various tasks in the new city, such as strengthening safety protection, paying attention to preventing soil erosion, and keeping the river water clean.

You can say a lot of things and get to the point, and others will say so.

Not far away, Yao Fei pointed to the river in front of him and said: "If a high bridge is built here, it should inject new vitality into the economic development of the new city."

Wu Qi quickly agreed: "Governor Yao is right. Building a high bridge will not only make the natural moat accessible, but also shorten the distance between the urban area and the new urban area. There will be no need to detour on National Highway 107 in the future."

Kang Huaguang also nodded repeatedly: "Governor Yao has a lofty vision, and a leader is a leader. He really has a unique vision. Why didn't the Antai government discover that a viaduct can be built here that can improve the economy of the new city? This proves that our comrades

We still need to strengthen our studies and work hard to improve our abilities in order to keep up with the pace of economic construction."

There was joy on Yao Fei's face, and he smiled and waved his hand: "I am just making a suggestion, and it has not been strictly verified. The specific work still needs planning experts to do it."

Zhang Siwen didn't say anything, just laughed. He had never seen a decision-making process where the butt determines the head. There were even leaders who went out to urinate after getting drunk. When people next to them asked where to build a monument, the leader pointed to the place where he urinated and said: "Here."

That's the best." In the end, it was actually built there. Fortunately, the incident didn't spread, otherwise it would really have become a laughing stock.

This chapter has been completed!
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