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Chapter 0142 Black and White Shuangsha

The Yao family is really good at treating Yu Yan, and they attack him really quickly.

However, the method of asking the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to come forward is not very clever. It is estimated that in the eyes of the Yao family or his party members, every official will have financial problems, and he will be sure after checking. Although he dare not say that he is spotless in terms of economic problems,

But there is absolutely no corruption or bribery.

Yu Yan followed Zhang Dongchuan to Zhang Siwen's office, because when the people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection came, Zhang Siwen stopped him and insisted on making it clear in person. The people from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection couldn't help but respect Zhang Siwen's opinion. After all, he was

The Municipal Party Committee Secretary, and Yu Yan is still his secretary, wants to bring people from Antai, and it cannot be justified without the secretary's consent.

Before arriving at Zhang Siwen's office, I met the Organization Minister ** in the corridor.

** glanced at Yu Yan playfully and said only one sentence: "Don't be afraid of them, kid. If they dare to mess around, I will make things worse. Are there any things that I can't handle?"

Zhang Dongchuan said sourly: "Minister Zhang is so courageous, but when you say this, it seems that I, Zhang Dongchuan, am not a friend enough. When I can no longer protect Yu Yan, please come forward again."

** laughed, waved his hand and left.

In the secretary's office, two members of the Discipline Inspection Commission were sitting on the sofa, urging impatiently: "Secretary Zhang, why hasn't Yu Yan come yet?"

"I'm here, I kept you two waiting for a long time." Yu Yan knocked on the door and came in with a faint smile on his face. He nodded to Zhang Siwen first, "Secretary."

Then he came to the two of them, stood still, and reached out his hand: "I am Yu Yan, what do you do with me?"

One of them is called Huang Lin and the other is Liu Xu. One is black and the other is white, one is tall and the other is short, a bit like black and white. However, their expressions are exactly the same, cold and very arrogant. Looking at Yu Yan’s eyes, it feels good

It's like looking at a dead person.

Huang Lin had heard that Yu Yan was a young first secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. He was surprised when he saw Yu Yan was so young. He thought that he had climbed to the junior college level at such a young age and was quite capable. Unfortunately, someone above him was doing this.

How good a future does he have? Hearing Yuyan's naive question, what's the point? The people from the Discipline Inspection Commission are looking for someone to talk to, but it's not the people from the Organization Department who are here to investigate, but to investigate and collect evidence.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection received a double report in letters and phone calls, saying that Yu Yan, the secretary of the Antai Municipal Party Committee Secretary, had accepted huge bribes. The evidence was conclusive. The time, place and amount of bribes were clearly stated, and several photos were attached.

Although it was a bit dim, you could still see Yu Yan holding a handbag in his hand and talking to a woman under the streetlight. There was also a photo of the two holding hands, and their attitude looked very intimate.

The report letter also specifically stated that Yu Yan not only had an ambiguous relationship with the woman, but also accepted a large amount of money from the woman. In the handbag were five cigarettes rolled in hundred-dollar bills, and each box of cigarettes contained 2,000 yuan.

Five cartons of cigarettes are a huge sum of 100,000 yuan. There are five gold coins in the caps of the other five bottles of wine, with a total value of 50,000 yuan. Yu Yan collected a huge bribe of 150,000 yuan in total!

The facts were clear and the evidence was conclusive. Huang Lin and Liu Xu reported the matter to Feng Kailing, the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission in charge.

The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection had long ago asked someone to secretly investigate Yue Yan, but he found that Yue Yan acted in an upright and flawless manner. No one could find any fault at all, and there were no financial or style problems. This made him very puzzled and couldn't believe it.

Is Yu Yan really a clean and incorruptible official? Especially now that he is so young, has a high rank, and holds great power, how could he not be surrounded by beauties? But it is impossible and there is nothing he can do about it.

Is it true that Yu Yan has nothing to investigate, or is he hiding it too deeply? Anyway, it just leaves him nowhere to start.

But then, something finally happened.

After hearing the reports from Huang Lin and Liu Xu, Feng Kailing jumped up happily. It was hard to find anything, and it took no effort to get there. Yu Yan was young and held an important position, how could he be fine? Even if it was possible.

Cats don’t like fishy food, so they can’t resist the smelly food coming to their door, right? Yuyan, Yuyan, this time the evidence is conclusive, let’s see what else you have to say? 150,000 yuan, at the least, you will lose your official position and be expelled from the party, at worst,

It's not too much to sentence you to a few years.

This time he could sell a favor to Yao Fei.

Feng Kailing was overjoyed and immediately ordered Huang Lin and Liu Xu to investigate, investigate, and get to the bottom of it.

There is no way, there is no human touch in the officialdom, sometimes human nature is so cruel and heartless.

Huang Lin and Liu Xu basically do not belong to any faction in the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. The two of them handle cases with a strong sense of impartiality. As long as someone commits a crime, as long as the superiors make a statement, they will investigate to the end, no one will lose face.

Not for sale. Therefore, although the two of them are in their 40s, they have always been at the division level in the Provincial Committee for Discipline Inspection and cannot be promoted. The superiors regard them as spearmen and victims who can be discarded at any critical moment. No one regards them as

Cronies. However, they don't care whether they can rise to a high position. They just focus on investigating the case and are determined to find out all corrupt officials in the world.

After getting Feng Kailing's nod, the two sorted out the relevant evidence and visited the community where Yu Yan lived several times, but they didn't get much. They tried to find out Huang Juanjuan's origins based on Huang Juanjuan's photos, but there were no clues. Now.

There is only physical evidence. If the person involved can be found and the evidence is complete, Yu Yan's case can be made into a solid case and he will never be able to turn around for the rest of his life.

But it doesn't matter if there is no witness. As long as there are problems, officials are afraid to go with them to assist in the investigation. Once they assist, they will be defeated by their continuous offensives and soon explain all the problems. They also believe that Yu Yan

Being young and with little experience, they must have confessed immediately under their tactics of coaxing, deceiving, and threatening. So the two decided to catch Yu Yan off guard, and when Yu Yan came back from his business trip, they would go directly to the office and give him a

A big display of authority.

Unexpectedly, Yu Yan's relaxed attitude, like a normal person, and his ability to laugh, surprised Huang Lin. He had met many officials, and when he heard that he was from the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, he immediately became short.

Three points. I have seen many officials act confidently and even shout arrogantly that he is fine. The wrong person has been arrested and his important work has been affected. Who can bear the responsibility? In short, they either bow their heads with a guilty conscience or put on a show to hide their inner nervousness.

, I have never seen someone as calm as Yu Yuyan, as if he really did not take corruption or bribery.

Huang Lin didn't believe that Yu Yan was fine. But Yu Yan behaved like this, and in his eyes he thought that Yu Yan, despite being young, had a deep mind, even worse than those who had been in the officialdom for decades. He felt in his heart

Having come to the conclusion, this person is more difficult to deal with.

"You know what you did yourself. It's useless to show off in front of us. Now that we've found you, we must have enough evidence." Huang Lin didn't mean to intimidate Yu Yan, but he had been working on the case for a long time.

He naturally spoke in a threatening tone, which was also a psychological tactic, "Come with us and please cooperate with our work."

"There's no need to go to the province, right?" Yu Yan knew that they didn't have conclusive evidence or full confidence, otherwise they wouldn't have been so polite. Besides, he didn't have anything to hold on to, so he knew he had to grasp it.

Take the initiative, "If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm also very busy at work and have meetings to attend."

"Meeting? You have been temporarily suspended. The Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission has explained the situation to us and asked you to put your work aside and cooperate with our investigation first." Huang Lin laughed contemptuously. Yu Yan was indeed young, so he didn't know.

Once someone from the Discipline Inspection Commission comes forward, the problem must be serious, and the contempt for him in my heart becomes a little more, "Your work is not important, it is your cooperation with our work that is important. Comrade Yuyan, please."

"If you have anything to say, you can just say it here..." Zhang Siwen stood up and said in a bad tone, "No matter what, as the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, I have the right to know that Comrade Yu Yan is out of order as long as I do not interfere with the handling of the case by comrades from the Discipline Inspection Commission."

What's the problem?"

The secretary of the municipal party committee is a key position on the road to official career. Huang Lin and Liu Xu saw that Zhang Siwen was very biased towards Yu Yan. He was also a young secretary of the municipal party committee. It would only be a matter of time before he was promoted to deputy governor, so it was not a good idea to offend him too much.

He couldn't help but nodded reluctantly: "Okay, let's ask Comrade Yuyan a few questions first. Secretary Zhang can listen."

Yu Yan made a look of listening attentively.

Liu Xu took out a small notebook from his bag, opened it, and then asked: "Comrade Yuyan, according to the information we have, you have close contacts with Ji Changfa of Guangyuan Group, and you personally have done a lot of things for him. You

As a Communist Party member and a state cadre, in what capacity do you participate in business operations? Don’t you know that national policy does not allow state cadres to participate in business? "

Yu Yan made several quick turns in his mind. Huang Lin and Liu Xu were members of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. They suddenly came to Antai to investigate him. He didn't hear anything about it in advance, so they were extremely efficient.

However, since there was no movement in all aspects, Zhang Siwen did not remind himself, and no one else knew anything. Even Zhang Dongchuan, the deputy secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, did not respond at all. It can be seen that the two are not people on Zhang Dongchuan's line, and it can be concluded from this

It is speculated that they did not follow the normal procedure, but directly nodded from above, bluffing themselves based on some things that could not be formed as evidence, trying to make themselves confused.

The issues between himself and Ji Changfa were really clear. Not to mention that he did not help Ji Changfa seek any benefits. On the contrary, he had troubled Ji Changfa a lot with many things. Yu Yan thought that on this issue, he needed Ji Changfa's constant care.

I didn't expect that they could use anything as evidence. Maybe they were so incompetent that they could only bring Ji Changfa here to test whether they had any power-for-money transactions.

This chapter has been completed!
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