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Chapter 277 Pursuit

Yu Yan came out of Ji Qi's office and went straight downstairs. He didn't stop for a moment. After leaving the municipal party committee compound, he went straight to the famous snack bar Wanwanxiang in Antai where he had made an appointment with Ma Jiuying to eat.

Ji Qi's unexpected episode gave him more confidence in the prospects of Antai's situation. Wu Qi's people are about to betray their relatives and leave. What other trump card can he use? Even his closest secretary has to go against him. Wu Qi has failed so much as a human being. For my sake, it's quite weird.

Yiwanxiang Restaurant is located on Congtai Road not far from Xuebu Bridge. It is a time-honored restaurant famous for its various steamed bowls and local flavors. It is always full at every meal time. In 1991, the per capita income was generally Antai, which is not high-end, has such a good business for Yizhixiang, which proves that it is indeed unique.

It is not clear whether the diners who come to eat are simply because of the delicious bowl of food, or if they want to take a closer look at Song Fanyou, the proprietress of the steamed bowl of Xishi.

Song Fanyou has the appearance of Yancao as green as silk and Qin Sang as low as green branches. Legend has it that Song Fanyou is known as the most beautiful woman in Antai. Since ancient times, Antai has produced beauties. Not only Yueyan knew about it, but Ma Jiuying also heard about it. However, Yueyan had a beauty in his arms. She is the most beautiful woman in Antai, so I am afraid it will be difficult to impress him.

A bowl of fragrance is not big. When Yu Yan arrived, Song Fanyou was welcoming guests in front of the hall. She had fair skin and a well-proportioned figure. She had the gentleness of Xiaojiabiyu and the style of a lady. She was 1.71 meters tall and wore a pair of Flat cloth shoes are light and silent when walking.

She was wearing a skirt with a thin waist, wide hips, and perfect and attractive curves. The skirt with white flowers on a blue background and a slightly red top made her whole body look like a graceful violet.

Song Fan is very beautiful. If you want to compare her with Yang Yi, she is just as beautiful as her.

In fact, if you really want to talk about it, Yu Yan is not a gentleman who can sit back and relax. When he sees a stunning beauty like Song Fanyou, he will inevitably look at it a few more times and even chat for a few words, but he has no thoughts at the moment. Today he and Ma Jiuying You have something important to talk about, so don't get distracted.

Ma Jiuying was already waiting at the front desk. When Yuyan arrived, the two of them asked for a private room at the end of the corridor on the second floor, which was very secluded.

The decoration style of Yiwanxiang is antique. The entire hotel has cornices and ridges, similar to the style of an ancient restaurant. There is also a pair of bright red lanterns hanging at the door. If it weren't for the crowds of people coming and going in bright and modern clothes and the sound of cars, It makes people suspicious that they have gone back to ancient times.

The overall style is classical, and the decoration style of the private rooms is naturally the same. The name of the private room where Yu Yan and the others are located is called Yancao. There are screens, murals, and guzheng in the room. The murals on the walls are also simple and elegant. Looking from a distance, the mountains are close by. In the water, there are people living deep in the white clouds, the mountains and rivers are quiet, and the old man is fishing, which is quite sentimental.

Ma Jiuying ordered a bowl of eight kinds of steamed bowls with the most famous fragrance. After the two sat down, a woman came in with a dignified and elegant appearance. She came to the table, smiled without saying a word, and quietly cooked tea with her bare hands. After a while, she cooked the tea. A pot of white tea was prepared for Yu and Yan to taste.

White tea is one of the six major tea categories in China. It has always been a treasure among teas. It is silver-white in color and has the beauty of "green makeup". Yu Yan took a sip and couldn't help but praise: "Good tea, pure taste, although it is bland." It’s not boring and has endless aftertaste.”

"May I ask, is this snow water obtained many years ago?" Yu Yan asked with emotion as if he still had something to say after sipping the tea.

The woman's eyes lit up and she nodded, looking at Yu Yan with a clear look of admiration and surprise.

"One time in "A Dream of Red Mansions", when Daiyu, Baochai, and Baoyu were drinking tea in Miaoyu's ear room, Daiyu asked Miaoyu: "Is this also the rain of the old year?" Miaoyu replied: "This is the fifth rain.

Years ago I lived in Panxiang Temple in Xuan Tomb. I harvested all the snow from the plum blossoms and got the grimace-blue flowers in jars. I was reluctant to eat them and buried them in the ground. They only bloomed this summer. I only ate them once.

, this is the second time, why can’t you taste it? The rain the next year is so light and clear, how can you eat it!" Seeing that Ma Jiuying seemed to have some enlightenment, Yu Yan continued: "The ancients liked to wade in the water by themselves when drinking tea.

, make tea by yourself, relax and satisfy your body and mind during the process of introducing, making, decoction and drinking. Flowers in front of the fence, clear spring stone table, small cauldron fried tea noodle pool, white beard Taoist bamboo chess

It is a kind of rare elegance. Modern people live at a fast pace and have little time to go deep into it and appreciate the elegance of the mountains and rivers. Drinking tea has become quite simple. Most people put tea leaves into a cup, then pour water, cup by cup, until the tea color is complete.

None. Then it is either used to water the flowers or thrown away directly. It is only for quenching thirst and not for tasting tea. Naturally, it is impossible to experience the fun of drinking tea. "

After Yu Yan finished speaking, the woman and Ma Jiu Ying were completely stunned. Ma Jiu Ying did not expect that Yu Yan had such a profound understanding of tea, and sighed: "The gap in realm is sometimes really huge. Yes.

For some people with advanced realms, they look at the essence of a problem, while ordinary people only look at the appearance, and the more they are secretive, the more they admire, admire!"

Yu Yan laughed, "What Ma Ju said is true, but it's just a general talk. What is the realm of profoundness, and how far can it differ from one person to another?"

"There are too many differences. The difference between people is not in appearance or wealth, but in thought. The difference in ideological realm between people is just like the indescribable difference between summer insects and ice. It is an insurmountable gap." Ma Jiuying

Continuing to talk, he had read a lot of books recently and said with emotion, "You can't explain what ice is like to an insect whose life span is only one summer. Back then, Sakyamuni Buddha led his disciples

During our practice, we asked our disciples to filter the water with gauze when they drank it. The disciples were puzzled and asked what was going on. The Buddha said that there are eighty-four thousand insects in a bowl of water."

"At that time, many disciples were not in the realm, but if the Buddha said it, they should do it. With the development of science and technology, it has been scientifically proven that there are a large number of microorganisms in the water. At that time, others did not know it, but the Buddha knew it. This is the gap in realm."

"Well said, Ma Ju has read a lot of useful books recently." Yu Yan chuckled and took over the conversation, "There are three situations in human beings' understanding of the world: actual quantity, comparative quantity and sacred quantity, and present quantity

Quantity is the ability to intuit its existence without conscious thought. For example, when a person touches water and fire with his hand, he immediately knows the existence of water and fire. Quantity is known by comparison, which is the knowledge of reasoning. If you see smoke in the distance, you will know where it is.

There must be fire. If you hear the sound of talking next door, there must be someone there. Holy teaching quantity is also called holy word quantity, which means that we only know it because of the teachings of saints. Because everyone's level is limited, and their realm is higher than ours.

Many saints have taught us what to do and what not to do, so we must implement it seriously and not have any doubts. When we reach the state of mind, we will naturally know that the saints are right."

"Nowadays, many people neither study the Bible nor read history, and do not believe in the Holy Word. They only know how to doubt and reject, and are arrogant. In fact, they are just frogs in the well." Seeing the lively discussion, Ma Jiuying started talking again, "Many people don't read.

They are still complacent and think that they can make money without studying. A person's life is not about wealth or status, but about feelings. What are feelings? It is thoughts, thinking about life. People are not animals. A visit to the world is not about eating and drinking.

Just die, and you must think about why people want to live and why they want to die. Since you must die after you are born, why do you have to come to the world for a while? If everything turns out to be in vain, then won't the struggle and efforts in life be meaningless? "

The woman making tea covered her mouth and smiled: "I don't know much about ancient poems, but there is one poem that stands out in my mind. I remember it very well.

If you study, you will never get ahead."

"Not necessarily." Yu Yan chuckled, "Now when it comes to the issue of children's schooling, there are big differences between the south and the north. Under the impact of the economic tide, the south does not pay much attention to learning, and many people do not go to college or junior high school.

Go into business after graduation or high school, be satisfied with less, be content with what you have, and be satisfied with being a small boss."

"There are different pursuits in life, and we cannot generalize. However, it is not bad to be a small boss and live a leisurely life. It is not bad to be a farmer, to live a life of thirty acres of land, one cow, and a wife and children who are hot on the bed." Making tea.

Despite her humble status, the woman has a lot of emotions about life. "Some people only care about living a comfortable life for themselves and don't care about the dire straits of others. Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door and doesn't care about the frost on other people's tiles. If you use Buddhism,

To use the terminology to describe it, it means coming from the Han Dynasty, and coming from the Han Dynasty means that the seeds are burned out."

"Gao, you are not a simple girl. You have studied Buddhism?" Ma Jiuying applauded and laughed, "I admire you. When I was the same age as you, I was only thinking about making money and thought that making money was everything. Now that I think about it,

My ideological realm is very different from yours."

"Haha, this big brother can't say that. There are early and late stages of enlightenment, and there are specializations in the arts. There is no difference between early enlightenment and late enlightenment. Maybe I am gradually enlightened, and you are suddenly enlightened. Gradual enlightenment is the cultivation of enlightenment in stages, and sudden enlightenment is the instant enlightenment.

"The woman was very interested and was very lively in conversation. It was also after she listened to the conversation between Yu Yan and the two that she felt disturbed, "But whether it is doing business or being an official, it is still impossible if you don't study. If you don't study, you won't know how to behave.

If you don't understand the truth, you will live in confusion all your life. If you don't know what life is, you will come to this world in vain."

"As a young man, you must study hard, and your articles can help you stand up. All the nobles in the dynasty are scholars." Yu Yan continued, "Correcting your mind, cultivating yourself, managing your family, governing the country, and bringing peace to the world are all matters of order. Although reading is important, it is not the most important thing.

The most important thing in the world of life is to have a correct mind, which is to establish inner admiration and moral values. In terms of the guidance of moral values, Buddhism deserves to be the first. Just as the girl said, without knowledge and vision,

It can only be based on the views of a small family and a small family, and there is no concept of the world being for the common good."

"Don't seek happiness for yourself, but hope that the world will be free from suffering. The Buddhist Mahayana Bodhisattva's mind, and the Confucian guiding ideology of being a man of great virtue and benefiting the world, have different approaches but the same purpose."

"You are right. Establish your mind first, then be a human being. The difference between humans and animals is that they have moral norms, behavioral norms, inner admiration and beliefs. Wisdom can create culture or destroy culture. Wisdom does not distinguish between good and evil.

Morality can be distinguished. Therefore, no matter what position a person is in, he must first establish a lofty moral standard, which is the foundation of his life. Without the restraint of morality, a person is no longer a human being." It is rare for a woman to have a whim. She has been interested in Buddhism since she was a child.

, I have read many Buddhist scriptures and studied many essences of traditional Chinese studies.

Ma Jiuying laughed: "Interesting, interesting. I think you are suitable for learning in the future. Being an official is to use behavior to guide social progress, and being a scholar is to use thoughts to guide human progress. An official serves for one term and benefits one party, and a thinker

But it can affect millions of people and even history."

The woman smiled modestly and said: "I don't dare to show off in front of you. You are officials with thinkers' feelings. I believe that one day, you will be the only people in the country who serve as officials with the height of thinkers."

"It's too difficult to combine the identities of a thinker and a politician..." Ma Jiuying blinked and smiled. Unexpectedly, the woman knew their identities, and continued, "How high up do you have to sit in order to have a guiding ideology?"

, below a certain level, even if you have ideas, it is impossible to formulate them into words and publish them publicly. In China, the official-oriented thinking is too serious. Only when you reach the level of national leaders, no, you have to reach the height of the first person, can you have it?

Maybe you have ideas, otherwise no matter how many ideas you have, how many great achievements you have made in the country, and how many beautiful articles you have written about immortal events, you can only hide them deep in your mind."

Yu Yan laughed loudly: "The horse racing team is right, but society is developing and the country is progressing. Maybe one day, even if I am not a high-ranking person, I will be able to express thoughtful remarks."

"I support you." The woman glanced at Yu Yan and immediately lowered her head, "I believe you too."

Yu Yan chuckled and suddenly felt that this woman was also a wonderful person.

However, even Yu felt that Naoyan himself did not realize that this conversation planted a seed deep in his heart and made his career in officialdom take a different path.

"Girl, what is your pursuit in life?" Yu Yan asked with a smile. He was very curious that such an insightful woman was willing to serve people here and make tea.

"My pursuit in life is..." the woman sighed for a moment, "eat the food you like, wear the clothes you like, do the things you want to do, and love the people you should love."

Yu Yan sighed, what a woman who dares to love and hate.

"I'll also talk about my pursuit in life." Ma Jiuying sighed for a moment, "I can do whatever I want with these four words."

Everyone in the world wants to do whatever they want, but actually there is nothing wrong with doing whatever they want, as long as it is not based on the suffering of others.

"What about you, brother?" Ma Jiuying asked Yuyan curiously.

The woman's eyes also fell on Yu Yan. Yu Yan's life pursuit was his governing philosophy and the goal that others strive for in the officialdom. What kind of life path does he want to take?

Yu Yan faced everyone's expectant eyes and smiled...

"If I say that I only have two tears in my life, half for my country and half for my beauty, that is my pursuit in life. Some people may say that it is too vulgar. If I say that my pursuit in life is to serve the world for the common good, some may say that it is too big and too empty.

A little bit." Yu Yan smiled, with a serious and serious expression, "There is a judgment in "A Dream of Red Mansions". If each of us's pursuit of life is the judgment of our own life, in fact, my pursuit of life couldn't be simpler. I wish all people in the world

People have food to eat, clothing to eat, a house to live in, and things to do, that’s all!”

Well, that's all. As soon as Yu Yan finished speaking, Ma Jiuying and the woman were both moved by it!

Yu Yan's life pursuit may seem simple, but in fact it is the highest ideal of everyone working for the common good and the world being unified. No matter how beautiful and moving the rhetoric is from every official, or how deafening the cry is from every thinker, what he seeks is

It’s nothing more than four words that mean the world will be unified.

The ideal society of the ancients is that everyone has a house, the sick have a doctor, the diligent have a career, the hard worker has a reward, the young have a place to study, the children have fun, the readers have a school, and the weak have help!

The old man has his support! The car driver has his position! The worker has his salary! The farmer has his land! The businessman has his profit! The excellent has his glory! The capable one has his use! The reader has his enlightenment! The scholar has his own


"If I add one more sentence, what I want to say is that under the premise of justice and fairness, the people will be prosperous and the country will be strong." Yu Yan emphasized another sentence. After finishing his words, he raised his glass and said, "I wish everyone here will achieve success."

My own pursuit of life.”

The GDP and political achievements of officials cannot cover up the difficulties of ordinary people's survival. People have nothing to ask for. In fact, as Yu Yan said, they have food to eat, clothing to eat, and things to do. They have houses to live in. The above are just for

Meeting the most basic needs of life is only the minimum life guarantee that a person needs to survive in this world.

The life pursuits of everyone here are actually the epitome of the current social class. There are government officials, businessmen, businessmen, and ordinary people at the lowest level. Everyone's life pursuits are different. Everyone's life encounters are also different.

The same, but the pursuit of life is the same. Life is a feast of uncertainty.

No one thought that a party would escalate to a metaphysical discussion about the pursuit of life, but then again, if there is no definite goal in life, there is no motivation to work hard.

Yu Yan's words made the atmosphere of the discussion much more solemn, and everyone fell silent for a moment. The waiter just happened to serve the dishes, and all eight bowls were served at once, including cubed pork, crispy pork, elbow buckle, meatballs, tofu, kelp,

The famous eight bowls of vermicelli and seasonal vegetables from farmers are overflowing with aroma and taste, which will whet your appetite immediately.

"Let's not discuss metaphysical issues. Let's solve the most practical problem of food and clothing first." Yu Yan laughed, "It is said that it is difficult to give alms if you are poor, and it is difficult to cultivate Taoism if you are rich. In fact, it is also difficult to cultivate Taoism if you are poor. A person can't even eat enough, and he has to live for food and clothing every day.

Busy and busy, there is no free time to think about metaphysical issues. But then again, if a person is really rich, but puts down his wealth to practice Taoism, that is the state that makes people look up to the mountains."

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