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Chapter 279

After get off work the next day, Dong Yuanyuan was about to go home when he suddenly received a call from Ma Jiuying.

Ma Jiuying and Dong Yuanyuan have some friendship and have worked together before. However, Dong Yuanyuan thinks that the relationship with Ma Jiuying is not far or close, and now they have very little contact. He does not understand that Ma Jiuying proposed to invite him as soon as he came up.

Eating made him a little confused.

"Jockey Club, if you have anything to say, you're welcome."

"Brother Dong, to be honest, I invited you to dinner because I wanted to talk to you in private, because there happened to be a case in hand that involved you..." Ma Jiuying's voice was still very casual, but it made Dong Yuanyuan feel

A chill ran down my back.

He was frightened now. He knew in his heart that Secretary Zhang didn't like him and would definitely cause trouble for him. Ma Jiuying had a case related to him and he couldn't do it without thinking too much.

But Dong Yuanyuan was still a little hesitant, worried about being deceived.

Ma Jiuying said another sentence: "Brother Dong, if you don't have time, forget it. I will simply say on the phone that a rapist was caught last time. He committed two crimes, one of which was a home invasion rape. The location was

Room 404, Unit 4, Building 4, Rising Sun Garden..."

Dong Yuanyuan immediately felt a tightening in his lower abdomen, and a wave of bad breath surged up in his chest. He immediately agreed: "You tell me the location, I'll be there right away."

Dong Yuanyuan suppressed his anger and hurriedly drove to Juhuaguan. On the way, he didn't forget to call Xiaoli, but he couldn't get through. He felt that his scalp was itchy and his eyes were astringent, and he wanted to curse, damn, you dare to call me

If you are a cuckold, your surname will not be Dong unless I torture you to death!

When Dong Yuanyuan rushed to Juhuaguan, Juhuaguan was a famous specialty hotel in Antai City. There were blooming chrysanthemums everywhere. Ma Jiuying had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he entered the room, he asked impatiently: "Yingjiu, what on earth are you doing?"

What's going on?"

What Dong Yuanyuan didn't know was that what he was stepping into was not the Chrysanthemum Pass, but the Gate of Hell!

Ma Jiuying greeted him with a smile, but in Dong Yuanyuan's opinion, Ma Jiuying's smile had a hint of conspiracy, and it was uncomfortable to look at him from left to right anyway.

Dong Yuanyuan also knew a little bit about Ma Jiuying's personality. He knew that there was business in his absurdity, absurdity in business, and he was very difficult to deal with. But what happened today was so annoying that he lost his mind. As soon as he entered the door, he asked: "Is that bastard really...

Raped Xiaoli?"

There is a girl named Xiaoli living in Room 404, Unit 4, Building 4, Rising Sun Garden. Xiaoli is 22 years old, with fair skin and beautiful appearance.

Xiaoli is the most beautiful and youngest among Dong Yuanyuan's many lovers, and also the one he loves most. He can't put it down and dotes on her three times a week. It happened that he had something to do at home some time ago and returned to his hometown. In addition, he had many things to worry about, so he also

It's true that I haven't seen Xiaoli for about a week, but I didn't expect that she... was raped!

Dong Yuanyuan has a murderous anger. If anyone cuckolds him, as the director of the Urban Construction Bureau, he will not only confiscate their house, but also dig up and confiscate their ancestral graves, so that he will die without a burial place!

Ma Jiuying grabbed Dong Yuanyuan's arm and said, "Brother Dong, please be patient. Sit down and talk."

"I won't sit down. Xiaoli was raped. I went to castrate that bastard." Dong Yuanyuan became more and more angry as he thought about it, "What's the name of that bastard?"

"Han Geng." Ma Jiuying laughed a few times, with a nonchalant look on her face, "You are just a Xiaomi, so don't get angry. Brother, you are not just a Xiaomi. Xiaoli is only one-twentieth.


"Xiaoli is only one percent of me and mine, how can I let others touch her?" Dong Yuanyuan became alert again and shook his head quickly, "Yingjiu, stop making trouble, I am just Xiaoli, and you are not

I don’t understand, where are the 20 lovers? Now is not the time to joke.”

Ma Jiuying grinned: "Don't be anxious, don't be anxious! Maybe the suspect made a mistake. It was not Xiaoli who raped, but Xiaohong or Xiaoqing. He said that there were three women in the room at that time, and he originally wanted to rape all three.

, he ended up having no energy after only having sex with one person, because the woman he raped was too cooperative. He said that it was not rape at all, but being raped. He was almost unbearable by the woman's crazy behavior, and finally begged for mercy again and again.

, I just escaped with my life..."

Dong Yuanyuan was drinking tea. He spit out all the tea in a mouthful and laughed loudly: "Nonsense, that guy must be talking nonsense. He must have misremembered the buildings and units. Xiaoli, Xiaohong, and Xiaoqing know each other."

, but she never allowed them to stay. Besides, Xiaoli was so timid that she cooperated with the rapist? Thank God she didn’t faint from fright.”

Ma Jiuying also laughed: "Let me just say, the suspect also said that the woman had a birthmark on her chest..."

With a "pop" sound, Dong Yuanyuan threw the teacup: "You son of a bitch, you are really Xiaoqing. I have long suspected that Xiaoqing is a ****, but I didn't expect that her **** is really a ****. I'll go to ****, Yingjiu."

, come, have a drink, brother, thank you, I have had enough fun with Xiaoqing, and I just have an excuse to kick her, so as not to make me dirty. "

Ma Jiuying said a lot of naughty things, called Dong Yuanyuan brothers, and got drunk. Dong Yuanyuan saw that Ma Jiuying was really just venting his anger in private, and there was no suspicion of trying to trick him. He immediately became very fond of Ma Jiuying and felt that Ma Jiuying

Although he likes to drink and get into trouble, he is indeed a good friend.

Without exception, Ma Jiuying got drunk again, and finally Dong Yuanyuan sent him home. Over the course of a drink, the relationship between the two took another level.

After Ma Jiuying got home, she was still half drunk. She immediately picked up the phone on the table and called Yu Yan, "Brother Yu, the matter is done. Xiaoqing has been kidnapped by me."

"Who?" Yu Yan was stunned. He didn't know who Xiao Qing was.

Ma Ying-jeou is bolder than Yu Yan and dares to be cruel than Yu Yan. Yu Yan has learned the lesson.

"Dong Yuanyuan's mistress, Zhiwei and I captured her." As he spoke, Ma Ying-jeou showed a strange smile on his face.

"What?" Yu Yan was almost confused, "Why are you arresting her?"

"What nonsense." Yu Yan couldn't laugh or cry, "It's just adding to the chaos. What does the horse department think? Kidnapping people is illegal."

"Haha, brother Yu, don't be anxious. Come quickly and you'll know when you get here." After saying that, Ma Jiuying hung up the phone directly.

Yu Yan was puzzled. He went out and soon arrived at Ma Ying-jeou's house. As soon as he entered Ma Ying-jeou's room, he pushed the door open and went in. He thought he would see a woman tied to a chair and crying. Unexpectedly, what surprised him was

, there is indeed a woman in the room, and she is a woman who is half charming and half enchanting, sitting on the bed eating melon seeds.

Ma Ying-jeou sat opposite her, holding a plate of melon seeds in one hand and a drink in the other. He smiled as if he were treating his girlfriend, and Yue Yan couldn't help but be surprised.

There was another person in the room, it was Pang Zhiwei whom Ma Jiuying mentioned. Yue Yan still had some impression of him. Before, Xia Hou was arrested and taken to the Public Security Bureau, and Yu Yan got information through him.

Seeing Yu Yan come in, Ma Ying-jeou chuckled: "Come on, Brother Yu, let me introduce you to Yi Rongrong."

Yi Rongrong jumped out of bed. She was only wearing pajamas, exposing her white thighs and arms. She reached out to shake hands with Yu Yan: "Yu Yan, right? I am Yi Rongrong, Dong Yuanyuan's mistress."

"Yi Rongrong...Hello." Yu Yan stretched out his hand to shake hands with Yi Rongrong. He was speechless for a while. Ma Ying-jeou had tied up Dong Yuanyuan's mistress Yi Rongrong, and Yi Rongrong was as generous as a guest.

, no crying, no fuss, no talking, good food and drink, no hostage consciousness at all, it is indeed an unexpected scene.

After shaking hands with Yi Rongrong, Yu Yan couldn't wait to pull Ma Ying-jeou out, and asked, "Why did you arrest Yi Rongrong?"

"How is it? Yi Rongrong is very cooperative, right? This woman is a weird woman. I thought I had to torture her before recruiting her. Unexpectedly, as soon as I caught her and asked her a question, she confessed. I really convinced Dong Yuanyuan, where did she come from?

Find such a big-breasted and brainless mistress." Ma Ying-jeou burst into laughter, "Guess what, Yi Rongrong said that she was about to take Dong Yuanyuan's money and run away, but she was caught. The exchange conditions she proposed

Yes, let me help her leave Antai, and she will hand over Dong Yuanyuan's accounts to me."

"Reliable?" Yu Yan couldn't believe it. The feeling of being hit on the head by such a huge surprise was too unreal. "Could it be Dong Yuanyuan's counter-intention, or was Yi Rongrong deliberately misleading us?"

"No, with Yi Rongrong's IQ, even if Dong Yuanyuan wants to use counterintuitive tactics, he will not let her do it." Ma Ying-jeou was full of confidence, reached out and took out a piece of paper and handed it to Yu Yan, "Look what this is.


A thin piece of paper, as light as a feather, with only a string of simple numbers on it. But if Yu Yan knew what this string of numbers represented, he would feel that the piece of paper in his hand weighed more than a thousand pounds!

"What is this?" Yu Yan took the piece of paper. The Arabic numerals on it seemed to be a meaningless combination. It didn't look like a birthday, a mobile phone number, or a bank account number. Moreover, the piece of paper was also torn from a primary school student's exercise book.

In the corner of the page, not only does the number look meaningless, but it also looks like a piece of waste paper randomly picked up from the trash can.

"Dong Yuanyuan's account." Ma Ying-jeou reached out and grabbed it from Yu Yan's hand, placing it on her body like a treasure. "Dong Yuanyuan's entire net worth is in it."

Seeing Ma Ying-jeou's love as a treasure and treating it as an extremely valuable item, Yu Yan smiled happily: "Don't be fooled by Yi Rongrong. You said she has big breasts and no brains. Maybe Dong Yuanyuan just wrote a few numbers casually.

Tease her and she will take it seriously, and then give it to you and you will treasure it too."

Ma Ying-jeou laughed: "Listen to Yi Rongrong, and you won't say that."

Ma Ying-jeou patted Yu Yan on the shoulder and said sincerely, "Brother, you always show your masculine side in front of women. This is a natural ability that I can't compare with. If one day I meet another person who really makes me

My beloved woman, I hope you can help me clear the obstacles on the road to happiness."

"You..." Yu Yan couldn't laugh or cry, "Are you still a man?"

"Of course I am a man, Dong Yuanyuan is not a man." Ma Ying-jeou smiled, opened the door, and said to Yi Rongrong, "Xiao Yi, tell me the story of you and Dong Yuanyuan."

Yi Rongrong wore a pajamas with a split front. She sat on the bed with her legs crossed, exposing her breasts and thighs. She was not only sexy but also promiscuous. It was true. Her breasts were surprisingly big and lifelike.

It's like having two little white rabbits in your arms.

But then again, although her make-up was a little thicker, her facial features were quite regular. If she had washed away her beauty, she could still be regarded as a woman of above average beauty. If you look closely, you can see that she is not very old.

She is about twenty-seven or eighty years old. Except for her face, which is a little baby-fat, all parts of her body are well-proportioned.

"Give me a cigarette." Yi Rongrong stretched out her hand for a cigarette, and Pang Zhiwei handed her one in time, and lit a fire for her. She took a puff, blew out a smoke ring and sprayed it on Pang Zhiwei's face. She chuckled and used

He pointed at Pang Zhiwei and said, "This man is a bit lecherous. When he tied me up, he took the opportunity to touch my breasts several times. This man is not bad. He dare not look at or touch me. He is like a little boy."

The man Yi Rongrong described as a little boy was naturally Ma Jiuying. Ma Jiuying laughed, scratched his head and said nothing.

Pang Zhiwei was not annoyed when Yi Rongrong called him a pervert, and kept glancing at Yi Rongrong's chest.

"Stop looking." Yi Rongrong rolled her eyes at Pang Zhiwei, "If I told you that more than 50% of my breasts are fillers and less than half are original, would you still think they look good? Smelly man,

There is no good thing. I would rather have a fake white rabbit than a real squab."

This sentence made Pang Zhiwei, who had experienced many occasions, feel embarrassed and did not dare to look at Yi Rongrong's huge peaks any more.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. Even though I'm Dong Yuanyuan's mistress, I also have true love." Yi Rongrong's smoking posture was very jerky, but she tried her best to show off a skillful look that had been experienced for a long time. "It's not that I'm in love with the world.

It was a mistake. I think back then, I was once an innocent girl, full of beautiful yearning for life..."

"Ahem..." Ma Ying-jeou interrupted Yi Rongrong's emotion about life, "In the near future, don't talk about your girlish feelings. Girlish feelings are always poetry, but I don't have that much time to listen to you reciting poetry."

"I hate it." Yi Rongrong rolled her eyes at Ma Ying-jeou, "I hate it when people interrupt me. When I was with Wu Qi in the past, he never interrupted me."

Although the shuddering sound of disgust gave Yu Yan goosebumps all over his body, the shocking truth revealed in Yi Rongrong's words still shocked him. Why was Wu Qi involved again? Isn't she Dong Yuanyuan's mistress?

Could it be that he and Wu Qi share a mistress?

Although he had heard that some high-ranking officials had public mistresses, when it actually happened in front of his eyes, Yu Yan was still shocked. This... this was too strong. Dong Yuanyuan and Wu Qi shared a woman, and there was no psychology behind it.

and physical discomfort?

"Wu Qi's favorite baby is fat. Every time he pinches my cheeks and kisses me endlessly..." Yi Rongrong fell into memories fondly, "Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. Later Dong Yuanyuan saw me

, and snatched me away from Wu Qi. The hateful Wu Qi is not a man, and he can’t even keep his own woman. Dong Yuanyuan said he wanted it, and he sent it over without saying a word. He hurt me, and he laughed it off and said

If I follow Dong Yuanyuan, I will be happier and have a better life. Bah, you stinky man. There is no good thing in a man. From now on, I hate all men in the world."

Yi Rongrong's IQ was really a problem. Yu Yan went to see Ma Ying-jeou. Ma Ying-jeou gave him a helpless look and told him to calm down and continue listening. He had no choice but to continue listening patiently.

"Do you know why I hate men?" The atmosphere in the room was ambiguous. Yi Rongrong must have been tied up in her pajamas, and it was obvious that there was still a vacuum inside her pajamas. She didn't know if it was because she was really hot or because she was used to ****ing people.

, not to mention the turbulent spring scene was leaked, the straps of her pajamas were almost untied, and she didn't know how to tie them, and she probably only wore underwear underneath. She was sitting on the bed, and it looked like her body was exposed at any time.

Fortunately, neither Yu Yan nor Ma Ying-jeou was interested in Yi Rongrong. Yu Yan never liked women who smoked. No matter whether they were real smokers or fake smokers, as long as a woman held a cigarette in her hand, he would always be sentenced to death in his heart. As for Ma Ying-jeou,

He doesn't like women who are too sexy. In his opinion, a woman's sexiness is like opium that always tempts men to commit crimes. It's only a matter of time before they are swallowed by men.

"I don't know." No one answered Yi Rongrong's question. Pang Zhiwei didn't want her to be left out, so he answered, "Let me tell you."

"I used to have a first love boyfriend who we vowed to each other. I loved her so much that I was ready to get married. One month before the wedding, I went on a business trip. For just one month, when I came back, he married another woman for four years.

I was not convinced that my love was not as good as the passionate love of a month. I went to find that woman and wanted to know how she was better than me. As a result, she couldn't compare to me in face or figure. She was better than me in one thing, her breasts were bigger. It turned out that

Stinky men all like women with big breasts and no brains. It’s really mean. I spent all my savings to have breast augmentation surgery in a fit of rage. Then I came to my ex-boyfriend. When he saw my huge breasts, he regretted it so much.


Yu Yan almost laughed out loud. This Yi Rongrong was indeed a weirdo. She had all these three views. He convinced her. In order to prevent her from continuing to talk nonsense, he had to change the topic in time, so he asked: "What are you doing?"

How come you became Wu Qi’s mistress after you met Wu Qi?”

Yi Rongrong glanced sideways at Yu Yan and stretched out her hand: "I want to drink water."

Yes, he even picked up the shelf. Yu Yan smiled, took a glass of water and handed it over: "It's a bit hot, drink it slowly. It's not good to drink water that is too hot. It can easily damage the esophagus and stomach."

One sentence made Yi Rongrong squeeze out tears: "You are really a careful and good man. It's a pity that I met you too late, otherwise I would have to..."

"The Wu Qi you are talking about, is it Mayor Wu Qi?" Yu Yan quickly interrupted her innocent moaning. Although he, as the first secretary of the municipal party committee, directly asked Yi Rongrong about her ambiguous relationship with the dignified mayor Wu Qi, it was not consistent.

Official rules and regulations, but in order to find out the truth, I don't care much. If Wu Qizhen and Dong Yuanyuan have a common mistress, doesn't it mean that he and Dong Yuanyuan have ulterior common interests?

This chapter has been completed!
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