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Chapter 0308

Once, twice, three times, he smashed a big hole in the glass. Meng Dashan kicked it away and the hole widened. He extended his baton into the hole, placed it across the hole, and then shouted: "Open!"

The extremely brave Meng Dashan actually pulled off the entire front windshield of the car.

The two people sitting in the driver's seat and the co-pilot were stunned. In fact, they were more than stunned. Due to the huge impact force, the two of them had been knocked to pieces before, and they were almost dizzy. Now they were knocked out by Meng Dashan.

His powers were shaken, and he was basically half-dementia and half-coma.

Meng Dashan didn't care whether the other person was dizzy or not. He swung his baton and hit the co-pilot on the head with one blow. He immediately beat the other person's head and blood flowed, and he was half dead without even a grunt.

He flipped his wrist and was about to hit the driver's head again. Just when he was about to land on the driver's head, the stick suddenly deflected and hit the driver's right shoulder. There was only a crisp click sound.

The opponent's shoulder bone was broken.

The other party was originally in a semi-conscious state. Under the severe pain, he only had time to moan, then his head tilted and he fainted completely.

Yes, the reason why Meng Dashan was soft-hearted for a moment and did not act cruelly was because the other party was a woman. To be precise, she was a girl in her early 20s. However, she wore a black leather suit, a hat, and her hair was short.

, Meng Dashan did not see her face clearly in his haste. After taking out the stick, he realized from the sharp contrast between her flawless face and black clothes that she was a woman. He deflected his wrist in time to avoid giving in.

She struck a blow.

Otherwise, a blow to the head will definitely disfigure her.

At this time, the scene in the field has changed drastically. Although the car just knocked Chen Nan unconscious and injured Chen Qiao, it also knocked down several people on his side. Now, in addition to Meng Dashan and Yu Yan, the people standing normally in the field are also

There were Fang Dalian and the other party's two men in black. In other words, the other party's strength was still three people, while Meng Dashan's side had two more.

Two versus three, the odds of winning are great.

However, before Meng Dashan could take action again, what was unexpected was that Fang Daliang encountered a huge change and was able to quickly adjust his strategy without any chaos. Seeing that the situation was favorable to his side, he immediately waved his hand and said: "Grab people!"

Well, I didn’t realize that Fang Dalian was a powerful character. Seeing this scene, Yu Yanzhang stopped pretending to be a good person and opened the car door first and took the electric baton from Wang Meigui: “Don’t come out.

, lend me the electric baton first."

Wang Meigui's face turned pale with fright in the car. Not to mention knowing how to use an electric baton, it was good that she didn't faint from fright.

As soon as Yu Yan took the electric baton, he felt someone behind him grab his arm. Well, it happened really fast. He pushed back with all his strength, pushed the other person out of the car, and then jerked his head back.

After many years of practice, this hand is the best counterattack against attackers from behind. As expected, just like when he used this hand to hit the opponent's nose countless times when he was a child, this time he accurately hit the back of his head with the attacker's nose.

Had a close encounter.

The opponent let out a scream and immediately let go of Yu Yan, squatting on the ground. The nose is one of the weakest parts of the human body and is the least vulnerable to being hit.

Yu Yan turned around and saw that it was none other than Fang Da Lian. Yu Yan, who was originally angry and had no place to vent his anger, saw that Fang Da Lian was in his hand, why not deal with him? Immediately, a spark of lightning flashed in his hand, and the electric baton was fired.

There was a solid electric shock to Fang Dalian's chest.

By coincidence, the place where the two metal contacts of the electric baton came into contact was exactly where Fang Da's face was corroded by sulfuric acid.

The high-voltage current burst out from the electric baton instantly passed through Fang Dalian's whole body. Fang Dalian's body trembled extremely like chaff. Then his whole body collapsed and fell to the ground, and he huddled up again. The shock caused his mouth to twist, his eyes to squint, and his mouth to speak white.

Mo, I saw that I had suffered a great sin.

After calming down Fang's big face, Yu Yan suddenly felt something was wrong. When he looked up, he saw that someone was kicking him in the stomach. It turned out that he wanted to make a sneak attack.

Yu Yanzheng was furious. Although Chen Nan was not his, she was knocked unconscious because of protecting him. In anger, he no longer behaved like the first secretary of the municipal party committee. Anyway, he didn't have one in Qinan City.

We know the person, so we can talk after calling him.

Thinking of this, Yu Yan became furious. He dodged to the side, reached out and grabbed the opponent's ankle, then stepped back and pulled hard... The opponent was probably pulled to the point of losing his temper, and screamed in pain.

With a sound, he sat on the ground with his legs spread wide.

While Yu Yan dealt with Fang Dalian and a sneak attacker, Meng Dashan also dealt with his opponent. The two looked at each other and looked at the scattered crowd lying on the ground. When they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they suddenly

A loud siren sounded in the distance.

The police finally came, albeit late, but they finally showed up.

I thought that when the police came, the other party would definitely calm down, and Yu Yan also saw that the other party was coming from an evil place. Unlike Dong Yuanyuan's men who were wearing police attire and met in Antai, Dong Yuanyuan's men, at least

They still have scruples, they will consider the impact, and they will hide and hide. However, the other party is completely a group of desperadoes, that is to say, the other party will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.

Yu Yan guessed that the other party was probably a complete underworld gang!

Sometimes Dong Yuanyuan, who has a white left hand and a black right hand, will think about his status as a police officer when acting. However, an all-black underworld gang has no taboos and is actually more difficult to deal with than Dong Yuanyuan and his like.

It was because of Ji Zhang's understanding that even though the police arrived, Yu Yan did not relax his vigilance. On the contrary, he hinted to Meng Dashan that he would strengthen his vigilance. Meng Dashan understood, nodded quietly, and looked at Chen Qiao.

At this time, Chen Qiao also regained some strength. He did not go to Chen Nan to see Chen Nan's injury. Instead, he came to Yu Yan with firm steps. He nodded at Yu Yan, with more admiration in his eyes. Just now Yu Yan

He was deeply impressed by Yan's bravery and aggressiveness, as well as his ability to assess the situation and take action, which raised his understanding of Yu Yan to a whole new level.

Yu Yan responded to Chen Qiao and nodded and smiled at him. Chen Qiao did not go to see Chen Nan's injury but came over to stand with him. This was a sign of not letting down his vigilance in consideration of the overall situation, which gave him a new understanding of Chen Qiao.

, it seems that Chen Qiao is more mature and has an overall view of the situation than Chen Nan.

As soon as Chen Qiao walked to Yu Yan and Meng Dashan, police sirens blared not far away. The distance to the scene was already less than 300 meters. At this moment, the other party should not be so vicious that he would try his best to kill again, right?

The other party dispatched a total of six cars, and so far, four of them are at the scene. Three of them surrounded Yu Yan's car, one crashed, and the other two went to unknown places. I believe they must not have escaped.

After leaving the station just now, the opponent's six cars were divided into two groups. One group of three cars surrounded Yu Yan's car, and the other group was also three cars responsible for intercepting him, Chen Nan and the two cars. It can be said that the division of labor is clear. Obviously there has been a long time ago.

Premeditated. Just now, after he and Chen Nan got rid of each other's three cars and rushed over, one of them followed, and now the front of the car was completely destroyed after the collision, and the other two have not shown up until now. With Chen Qiao's many years of practical experience

, the two cars that didn’t show up were probably preparing for the final wave of attacks.

Chen Qiao came to Yu Yan and said to Yu Yan: "The police are here, but we can't take it lightly. The other party also has two cars."

Chen Qiao's thoughts coincided with Yu Yan's worries. Yu Yan nodded: "Protect Wang Meigui and don't lose at the last moment."

Meng Dashan held his hands together tightly: "A scholar will die for his confidant!"

Chen Qiao originally looked down on Meng Dashan. He didn't think Meng Dashan was very capable. After witnessing Meng Dashan's bravery just now, he admired and appreciated Meng Dashan in his heart.

The three of them stood side by side, blocking in front of Wang Meigui's car, looking heroic and ready to die. At this time, there were hundreds of people watching, all shocked and frightened by the tragic scene that had just happened. The crowd

Pointing and talking, the place was filled with people.

Yu Yan stood in the middle, Meng Dashan on the left, and Chen Qiao on the right. The three of them stood calmly. Standing among the staggering crowd, with several crashed cars as a foil, there was quite a feeling that despite the tens of millions of people, I

The tragedy of going alone, and the heroic feeling of asking the world who is the hero with a sword in hand.

I don’t know who shouted: “Three Musketeers!”

"It really looks like the Three Musketeers!"

"The Three Musketeers fought against the three gangs, and there will be another legend in Qinan City from now on."

"Yes, yes. But I don't know if the Three Musketeers can survive tomorrow. They have offended the three major gangs at the same time. If they want to gain a foothold in Qinan City, don't even think about it."

While everyone was talking about it, suddenly there was a harsh sound of brakes coming from behind. The sound was so frightening that many people almost sat down on the ground in fright.

However, what was even more frightening than the heart-rending sound of braking was that two cars behind the crowd braked suddenly. Before they could stop, four or five people jumped out of the car, all dressed in gray.

The gray trousers, except for not wearing a pair of sunglasses, have the same image as the gangsters in Hong Kong and Taiwan movies, and each of them is carrying a gleaming weapon in his hand...

An iron ax over a foot long!

Ax Gang!

Someone in the crowd screamed in surprise. The reputation of the Ax Gang was so great that as expected, after the scream, the crowd immediately dispersed like birds and beasts.

Yu Yan and Meng Dashan did not know the existence of the three major gangs in Qinan City, let alone the characteristics of the three major gangs when they were dispatched. In fact, even Chen Nan, who was now unconscious, did not know that in today's round, more than just gangs were dispatched.

A kitchen knife gang, in fact, three major gangs were dispatched at the same time.

This is also the first time in history that the three major gangs have joined forces for action!

Fang Dalian is from the Chopper Gang, the girl who knocked Chen Nan unconscious with his car and injured Chen Qiao is from the Fist Gang, and now it is the Ax Gang that is doing the final attack in front of the police. The three major gangs dispatched six cars to join forces to deal with Yu Yan

There were three cars in the group, which could be said to have given Yu Yan enough face and awe of Yu Yan's reputation.

Who can have such great appeal that the three major gangs can join forces? No matter who it is, it must be an extremely huge black hand.

Four or five people carrying axes separated the crowd. Silent, cold, and with clear goals, they came straight towards Yu Yan and the others. Their arrogance and awe-inspiring momentum were the only ones Yu Yan had ever seen in his life.

Even Meng Dashan and Chen Qiao, who have experienced countless life and death tests, took a breath. The provincial capital is a provincial capital after all, and the underworld is so organized. In contrast, Dong Yuanyuan was half-covered and half-exposed in Antai, which was considered reserved.

Much more.

Yu Yan's eyes narrowed and he saw that the police car was less than 200 meters away from the field. He thought to himself that no matter how vicious the other party was, would he really dare to commit murder in front of the police? Just then, one of the four or five people facing him suddenly raised his hand and raised his hand.

As soon as he raised it, an ax flew in front of him.

Damn, you are so damn arrogant! Yu Yan dodged to the side, only escaping the vital point but not his shoulder. When he saw the ax was about to hit his shoulder, at the critical moment, Meng Dashan stretched out his right hand and clenched it tightly with his iron-like right hand.

When the ax handle was lifted, the ax was only four fingers away from Yu Yan's shoulder!

It was such a close call that Yu Yan almost broke out in a cold sweat. He was so awesome, he didn’t deserve to be a police officer at all. Who are these people, and why are they so lawless?

Yu Yan was furious, and when he arrived in Qinan City, he was tricked one after another, and almost lost his life. No matter who the opponent was, he was too arrogant. He didn't care whether there was a police presence or not, and shouted: "Hit me."

Damn it!"

As soon as the words came out, Yu Yan kicked the guy who threw the ax at him, right in the chest, and kicked him away. Then he took another step forward, and the lightning flashed in his hand, and he hit another one.

The stunned Qing wanted to attack him.

The powerful electric current was activated, and his whole body was trembling with electricity, as if he was dancing on horseback.

As soon as Yu Yan moved, Meng Dashan and Chen Qiao also moved. Chen Qiao still had the original baton in his hand, and with a flick of the baton, one person's arm was broken.

Among the three, Meng Dashan was the most skilled and the most accurate. Originally, he didn't want to hurt anyone, but his opponent had struck too hard just now and almost killed Yu Yan. He became so angry that he no longer showed mercy and used his baton in his left hand.

With one swing, he hit one person in the head, causing the other person's head to be covered with blood on the spot, gushing out like a fountain. With a swing of the ax in his right hand, all five fingers of the person were cut off.

An expert would know if there was a problem as soon as he made a move. Meng Dashan struck hard and severely injured the two of them in one move, and the opponent's arrogance was immediately reduced by half.

Chen Qiao blushed when he saw Meng Dashan, so he stopped showing mercy. The main reason was that he was from Qinan City and knew where the other party was from, so he didn't want to do anything wrong. However, when he saw Meng Dashan and Yu Yan, they took action without leaving any room.

He knew that from then on the blood feud between him and the three gangs was sealed, and there was no possibility of reconciliation, so his men used great strength. Every time the baton was swung, one of the opponent's arms would be broken or something would be broken.

One leg.

Although Yu Yan was the weakest among the three, he had often fought in childhood and had rich experience. He first ensured safety, and then made sneak attacks at the right time, injuring one and knocking out the other.

Half a minute later, the battle ended. None of the three people on Yu Yan's side were defeated, and four or five people on the other side were all knocked to the ground. Three of them were seriously injured and two were disabled. It is estimated that among the few people, there must be some who cannot take care of themselves.

Finally letting out a sigh of relief, Yu Yan raised his head. After a minute of waiting, the police car finally arrived at the scene just as the battle was ending.

It was really on time. I believe that even if he, Meng Dashan, and Chen Qiao were beaten black and blue by a group of people or even died on the spot, the police would not arrive in time. Fortunately, he had Meng Dashan and Chen Qiao by his side. Otherwise, at this level today, say

It might even cost him his life.

What surprised Yu Yan was that after the police car stopped, more than a dozen police officers came down. The dozen police officers formed a semicircle, all raised their pistols, and pointed them at Yu Yan and the other three.

A person who was obviously the leader shouted with a loudspeaker: "Listen to the gangsters inside, you are surrounded, put down your weapons and surrender immediately, otherwise we will shoot!"

Well, Shan Shan came late and didn’t tell them, and he didn’t distinguish between right and wrong, so he wanted to shoot them? Yu Yan laughed angrily, almost out of anger, and shouted: "I don’t care who you are, what level you are, I

Warning, put down your gun, you are facing a state cadre and a state security officer!"

It is a big deal to dare to point a gun at a state cadre. And pointing a gun at a national security officer is not a serious political incident that ordinary police officers can afford. Yu Yan believes that his words will give the other party enough deterrence.

Unexpectedly, the other party ignored his words and continued to shout: "I count to three, if you don't put down the murder weapon, you will bear the consequences! One, two..."

When he saw the other party's "three" and was about to shout out, a familiar voice finally sounded: "Believe it or not, if you dare to shout half a 'three', I will let you ascend to heaven immediately!"

Yes, the owner of the lazy voice is none other than Liu Wei.

Compared with the belated arrival of the police, Liu Wei's appearance was much later. But it was not too late. At least several people were not shot to death by the police in the street as armed gangsters resisting arrest.

When the situation was extremely urgent just now, Yu Yan's mind was as clear as a mirror. After thinking deeply about the cause and effect of the incident, he deduced the careful arrangement behind the incident. In addition to expressing his admiration for the unknown and powerful opponent's almost complete approach,

He was deeply worried. Compared with Li Chengjun's methods of dominating in Antai, his opponents' methods in the provincial capital were obviously more clever, more sinister, and more difficult to deal with!

At this moment, Yu Yan roughly guessed from the screams and reactions of the surrounding people that the people who surrounded and besieged them were the underworld in Qinan City, although at this time he did not know that the three notorious gangs in Qinan City were also involved.

They were dispatched, but from the opponent's vicious attacks and unrelenting entanglement, it became clear that no matter what kind of gang the opponent was, it was definitely a gang with a background and backing.

Let’s call them masters in the provincial capital. Who wants to get involved with Wang Meigui? He is coveting Dong Yuanyuan’s legacy property. Yu Yan still doesn’t know it, but he doesn’t do it himself, and let the underworld come out to rob people. It’s really clever.

.Whether it is successful or not, you can prevaricate the matter by saying that the underworld is looking for trouble or revenge, and the real intention of trying to fight for Wang Meigui and occupy Dong Yuanyuan's legacy property is completely covered up. It's awesome. It's really awesome, brilliant, really

Brilliant! The master behind the scenes not only hides behind the scenes, but also hides the truth so deeply. He is the most unpredictable political opponent Yueyan has ever seen in his life.

Because of Wang Meigui, Yu Yan almost stepped into the gate of hell as soon as she got out of the expressway exit. Before even setting foot on the land of Qinan City, Wang Meigui didn't, or to be precise, it was Dong Yuanyuan's five things that she held in her hand.

The wealth of 100 million is not only a node in the situation in Antai, but also a piece of delicious meat that some people in the province covet. As expected, money is the root of all evil. A huge sum of 100 million is like a whirlwind, blowing from Antai all the way.

It went north and reached Qinan City.

Let’s forget about it for now. Let’s talk about it after we have passed the provincial capital. Yu Yan has finally experienced the skills of the provincial masters, and he has to admit that if he were to face-to-face with the masters behind the scenes now, he would not have the confidence to win. Still

Well, now he only interacts with Wang Meigui because of the matter. Moreover, he will continue to practice at Antai for a few more years. In a few years, I believe he will be able to fight even if he faces the masters who are planning today.

While thinking about it, he raised his head and looked into the distance, only to see Liu Weishi rushing into the police. He pushed away several police officers who wanted to stop him with great momentum, walked directly in front of the leader, and spoke in a condescending manner.

He said in a tone of voice: "Which branch are you from?"

The leader is about thirty-five or sixty years old, with a long and thin face, wearing glasses, and a mole on his chin. There is a tuft of hair on the mole that is growing tenaciously. It should be said that at first glance, this person looks gentle and good-looking, but there is a mole on his face.

But it was a huge failure, as if the Creator had played a bad joke on him, causing his originally pretty face to plummet from the nose down, from green mountains and green waters to a barren landscape.

"My name is Gong Jiadong, and I am the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Brigade of Qiaodong Branch. Who are you?" Gong Jiadong did not put away his pistol, but he did not point it at Yu Yan, but at Liu Wei.

Perhaps because he was used to being arrogant, and because of his pity, Captain Gong obviously did not recognize that the person in front of him was the secretary of the deputy governor of the Standing Committee of Sanlu Province. He used the gun as a finger, pointed at Liu Wei, and

His gun was still loaded... If Wang Quanqi found out about this, I wonder if the city police chief would come to apologize.

Liu Wei is now acting like the secretary of the San Lu Provincial Party Committee, but no matter how high he is, he is still afraid of the black muzzle of the gun dangling in front of his eyes, so he blocks Gong Ga's gun with his hand, with a look of dismay on his face.

He said happily: "Put away your gun, Captain Gong. If the gun goes off and accidentally hurts me, your whole family's life will be at risk, and you can't afford to pay for it..."

Yu Yan secretly laughed, this is Liu Wei's arrogant face in front of outsiders, he does have a bullying side.

Gong Jia got angry, pushed Liu Wei, and pointed a gun at Liu Wei's head: "Who are you? How dare you threaten me? When I went to the mountains and forests alone to hunt down murderers, you were still wearing crotchless pants. Get away.

, believe it or not, I also collapsed with you?"

Yue Yanle was happy. Liu Wei was bad enough. He obviously wanted to interfere with the Black Palace on purpose. However, Le Guile had some objections to Liu Wei's late arrival. According to Liu Wei's style, he should have arrived ten minutes earlier. Why?

Delayed until now? He almost lost his life.

He had to talk to Liu Wei properly later, Yu Yan thought unconvinced, even though he also knew that Liu Wei would never be late for no reason.

"I really don't believe you dare to lay a finger on me." Liu Wei stretched out two fingers to clamp the barrel of the gun, gently pushed the barrel aside, turned back and pointed to a car behind him and said, "You can't afford to offend me.

, and believe it or not, sitting in those two cars is... no, they are two people you can't afford to offend. Captain Gong, you, a small deputy captain of the criminal police brigade, dare to do this in Qinan City.

You are fooling around on the street, you are really living like a dog at your age! Not to mention me, you can't afford to offend any of the people you pointed a gun at! In Qinan City, you are just a lowly dog

Ant, I don’t have to move my toes, I just need to fart and I can beat you to death with my farts.”

These words are arrogant and arrogant, and they hit Gong Jiadong's weak spot. For a middle- and low-level cadre like Zhang Gongjiadong who is more inferior than his superiors, he has the best reputation and loves to put on airs. The thing he fears most in his life is to be beaten.

He was looked down upon by others, but his position was not high and he had little power, so he could only dominate in front of the people. He was beaten by Liu Wei with a stick and a gun, and he suddenly lost control of his emotions. He raised his hand and fired a shot into the air.

The "bang" sound of a gunshot shocked the surrounding crowd and let out a burst of exclamations.

Afterwards, Gong Jiadong pointed the smoking muzzle at Liu Wei again: "No matter who you are, I am now officially informing you that you are obstructing the police from performing their official duties and making trouble. Come and cuff me!"

"You have all seen it..." Liu Wei showed no fear and waved to the crowd of onlookers with a smile. "This is how the people's police perform their official duties and maintain social order. Do you think they are the people's police?"

"No!" someone in the crowd shouted in response.

Gong Jiadong became angry, raised his hand, and hit Liu Wei hard on the shoulder with the gun handle. Liu Wei seemed to be unprepared. After being hit, he bent over in pain, squatted on the ground, and shouted: "Police beat me."

There are people..."

Before he finished speaking, a policeman stepped forward, grabbed Liu Wei, cuffed his wrists without saying a word, and then pulled Liu Wei hard to take Liu Wei into the car.

Liu Wei was handcuffed very cooperatively, and raised his hands provocatively at Gong Jiadong, then turned around and smiled at the car not far behind him.

When Liu Wei came, there were three cars in total. He got out of the front car. The two cars behind him were parked in place, and no one got out. Although the car had an ordinary license plate, it had a deep film on it, making it difficult to see who was sitting inside.


When Liu Wei teased Gong Jia and was handcuffed and about to be pushed to the police car, the two cars behind finally moved. The co-pilot of the front car got out and a man who looked like a secretary came out and ran to the back door respectfully.

He opened the car door respectfully. As soon as the door opened, a man got out of the car. He was about fifty years old, thin and capable, with a cold and majestic face.

The door of the rear car opened by itself. There was no secretary to open the door. He got out of the car by himself. He was very impressive and talented, with a long face and thick eyebrows. Apart from the shortcomings of having a single eyelid, he was considered a handsome guy.

Yu Yan was far away, but he could clearly see the two people getting off the two cars at the front and back, which really surprised him!

Zhang Haoran, how could it be Zhang Haoran?

Yu Yan could not guess the reason for the moment, but at this time he understood to some extent why Liu Wei arrived late. It turned out that Zhang Haoran, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Qinan Municipal Party Committee, had been brought in as reinforcements.

As soon as Zhang Haoran appeared, someone in the onlookers immediately recognized him, and no one knew who it was who shouted: "Hello, Secretary Zhang."

"Hello, Secretary Zhang!" The greetings came one after another. This shows that Zhang Haoran has a high prestige in the minds of the citizens of Qinan City.

When the dozen or so policemen with guns saw the Municipal Party Committee Secretary appearing, they were stunned with fright and involuntarily put down the guns in their hands. Gong Jiadong was even more shocked and dumbfounded. Normally, he could not only see the Municipal Party Committee Secretary, but also the Municipal Bureau.

The director was not a high-ranking official that he, the deputy captain of the criminal police brigade of the branch, could reach. He did not expect the secretary of the municipal party committee who could decide the fate of the city's public security director to come to the scene in person. His brain short-circuited for a moment and he was petrified on the spot.

Zhang Haoran took firm square steps and came to Gong Jiadong. Gong Jiadong was in a panic and wanted to salute Zhang Haoran in a panic. He forgot about the salute, but forgot to put down the gun in his hand. When his hand was raised to his eyebrows,

When they were at peace, the gun in his hand was also pointed at Zhang Haoran...

If he pointed a pistol at Yu Yan and others, Yu Yan and Meng Dashan, one of whom is a national cadre, the secretary of the municipal party committee, are not ordinary people, and he can excuse it on the grounds of misunderstanding, then when he saluted Zhang Haoran, he forgot

He had to put away his pistol, but by chance, the muzzle of the pistol was pointed at Zhang Haoran. No matter how he defended or justified it afterwards, he would have to pay a heavy price for this unintentional move!

In an instant, Gong Jiadong's face turned as pale as paper, as if he had been shot in the chest. He was sweating profusely, his legs were trembling, and he was almost unsteady.

Zhang Haoran always had a stern face, but when a black gun was pointed at his forehead for the first time in his life, his expression suddenly changed!

The thunderous anger of the dignified member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Secretary of the Qinan Municipal Party Committee also has the power of changing the situation. Moreover, as a deputy provincial-level official, Zhang Haoran must be accompanied by guards when traveling. Just when Gongjia raised his pistol, he

Just when Zhang Haoran's face changed color, two figures suddenly appeared from behind Zhang Haoran. One on the left and one on the right, they grabbed Gong Jiadong's arms from both sides and did not wait for Gong Jiadong to react.

, the two separated their muscles and bones, and with a little force...

Gong Jiadong let out a scream, and both arms were removed. Not to mention, one person stumbled and knocked Gong Jiadong to the ground, who was unable to fight back. The other person stretched out his right toes and rushed forward.

Zhun Gongjiadong quickly kicked Gongjiadong's temple, and Gongjiadong fainted without even making another sound.

Yu Yan could see clearly from the side, and was shocked in his heart. He was indeed a senior official at the provincial and ministerial level, and the guards around him were really skilled. The few moves he made just now were like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling. They were quick and quick, without hesitation, not to mention being sloppy, and without asking any questions.

In a word, as long as there is a possible personal threat to Zhang Haoran's safety, he will take it down without hesitation.

Poor Gong Jiadong, the vice-captain of the criminal police brigade who usually showed off his power in front of the people. Not only was he unable to fight back in front of the guards, but also in front of more than a dozen of his men. He was taken down with one move and kicked unconscious on the spot. This man.

It was left at grandma's house.

It is a small thing to be embarrassed, but it is a big thing to be embarrassed by an official. And judging from the situation just now, Gong Jiadong, let alone his political life, is probably going to be in prison for the rest of his life. Even if Mr. Zhang Haoran will not pursue his unintentional mistakes in large numbers,

The municipal public security director would not let him go. Which leader would let a subordinate who pointed a gun at the municipal party committee secretary dangling under his nose? What if the secretary came to the municipal bureau for an inspection one day and saw Gong Jiadong?

I remembered what happened in the past. If the secretary was unhappy and spread his grievances on himself, wouldn't he be causing trouble for himself?

Don't worry, it won't take long for Gong Jiaqi to keep a mistress and accept bribes. What awaits him will be severe punishment from the law.

Gong Jiadong was taken down, and the dozen or so police officers present were stunned. They had never experienced such a scene before. They stared at each other for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"You haven't put away the gun yet. Do you want to wait for Director Xue to come and help you put it away?" At the same time that the two guards took down Gong Jiadong at lightning speed, the secretary who had just opened the door for Zhang Haoran appeared almost at the same time.

The figure flashed and stood in front of Zhang Haoran, showing the fearless spirit of a secretary and savior.

Rong Xu, who stands in front of Zhang Haoran, is the most popular person around Zhang Haoran. He is the first secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Qinan City. The 32-year-old Rong Xu is now at the division level. Once he is released, he will at least start as the secretary of the district committee, or even the deputy mayor.

At the senior level, at this time, like all his loyal subordinates, he was willing to risk his life to stand in front of Zhang Haoran, and he still had no hesitation on his face.

It can be said that opportunities are always fair. Everyone will have at least one opportunity in their life. It depends on whether you are ready to seize it.

Rong Xu almost did not hesitate to protect the Lord with his own body. This move by Rong Xu left an everlasting impression in Zhang Haoran's heart. From then on, Zhang Haoran regarded Rong Xu as his lifelong direct descendant.

As soon as Rong Xu spoke, more than a dozen police officers hurriedly put away their pistols. No one knew who took the lead and saluted Zhang Haoran. More than a dozen police officers lined up in a row and solemnly saluted the first person in the municipal committee in front of them!

Life is so helpless. If it were normal, his boss would be kicked unconscious. As a subordinate of Gong Jiadong, it would be strange not to fight with the other party. But in front of Zhang Haoran's immovable authority, more than a dozen policemen each

He said he had thoughts of resistance, but did not dare to reveal even a trace of dissatisfaction. If Gong Jiadong, who was lying on the ground, was awake, would he lament the harshness of the world?

However, we can't blame his men for not standing on the same front as him. Who made him unfortunately point his gun at the Municipal Party Committee Secretary? If he can only blame himself, he can only blame his own bad luck and bad luck.

Zhang Haoran turned a blind eye to the salute of more than a dozen police officers, and walked straight through the police team, heading straight for Yu Yan. The more than a dozen police officers put down their arms in embarrassment, neither walking nor leaving, and looked at each other in confusion. For a moment, they were all leaderless.

Silence fell.

However, there are some very thoughtful people among the police. When they saw Zhang Haoran showing up without Municipal Public Security Director Xue Xiaogang accompanying him, they knew that Director Xue had been tricked by Secretary Zhang. I believe that Director Xue has now gotten the news and is rushing over in a hurry. There is no other way.

, Director Xue and Secretary Zhang have been refusing to deal with each other. Now is a good time for Secretary Zhang to embarrass Director Xue. Secretary Zhang will definitely seize the matter in front of him and make a fuss about it.

The discord between Zhang Haoran and Xue Xiaogang, or Xue Xiaogang's lack of respect for Zhang Haoran, is almost a well-known fact in Qinan City. Secretary Zhang's inability to control the public security system has always been his biggest shortcoming during his tenure. What happened today will probably

This became the trigger for Zhang Haoran to attack Xue Xiaogang head-on.

Everyone knows that Zhang Haoran's patience with Xue Xiaogang has reached its limit.

But what is puzzling is that Secretary Zhang did not hesitate to personally come to rescue Yu Yan. If it was not for Yu Yan's sake, then he must have been invited by Liu Wei, but why did Wang Tianyu come to join in the fun?

Yes, it was Wang Tianyu, the son of Wang Guoliang, the number one son of Shanlu Province, who came with Zhang Haoran!

No matter what everyone guessed, at the same time that Zhang Haoran walked towards Yu Yan, Wang Tianyu also came to Liu Wei. He took out a key and wanted to open the handcuffs for Liu Wei.

Liu Wei dodged and smiled: "I didn't let them handcuff you to open it."

"Okay, that's about it. Don't go too far." Wang Tianyu insisted on unlocking Liu Wei.

Liu Wei just refused: "No, if you insist on opening the lock, don't blame me for not recognizing you as my buddy in the future."

Wang Tianyu smiled bitterly: "What do you want? The matter has become big enough now. Who else do you want to alarm?"

"Is it big enough? Not big enough!" Liu Wei frowned, "These people almost killed my brother and injured my bodyguard. If I don't turn the Municipal Public Security Bureau upside down, I won't be happy." I said

Tianyu, if you are a man, just play with me, don't be timid, show your courage."

"You..." Wang Tianyu shook his head helplessly, "I am different from you. I have to keep a low profile. My dad said that these are extraordinary times."

"Okay, you play the red face, and I play the bad side, that's alright, right?" Liu Wei just wanted to drag Wang Tianyu into the water.

Wang Tianyu shook his head: "I have been dragged here by you, and now I can't leave even if I want to. If I had known that this was what happened here, I would never come here. You said that there is a conflict between Zhang Haoran and Xue Xiaogang, you can't interfere with it.

Forget it, why bother with me?"

"If Uncle Wang listens to what you say, he will have to scold you as a rotten tree that cannot be carved. What a great opportunity to intervene in the affairs of Qinan City. Uncle Wang wants to establish the authority of the provincial party committee number one, and now is the time to lend a hand.

The best time for the Nanshi Municipal Party Committee.”

"I can't tell you anything." Wang Tianyu simply stopped talking, "I'll just watch the show."

"Yes, watch the show, watch the show." Liu Wei smiled proudly, and when Wang Tianyu wasn't paying attention, he winked at Yu Yan in the distance.

Yu Yan and Liu Wei had the same mind. From Liu Wei's proud smile and winking expression, he guessed that Wang Tianyu was dragged onto the pirate ship by Liu Wei.

However, Liu Wei asked Zhang Haoran to come forward in person. Yu Yan guessed that it was the giant behind the command of the underworld, and the development and growth of the underworld in Qinan City involved the internal political struggle in Qinan City. Zhang Haoran, as the municipal Party committee secretary, personally

They were dispatched to deal with public security emergencies, but there was no municipal public security director accompanying them. It was obvious that Zhang Haoran did not trust Xue Xiaogang, the Qinan City Public Security Director, and intended to embarrass him.

Before Zhang Haoran could come closer, Yu Yan took a few steps forward to greet him.

"Secretary Yu, I've frightened you." Zhang Haoran had a stern expression on his face. When he reached out to shake Yu Yan's hand, Zhang finally relaxed a little, "On the way just now, Siwen and I talked on the phone."

In terms of level, Zhang Haoran is the leader of the provincial party committee and Zhang Siwen's superior. When Zhang Haoran mentioned Zhang Siwen, he did not refer to Zhang Siwen as Secretary Zhang, but called him by his first name, which proves that his relationship with Zhang Siwen is extraordinary.


Every detail in officialdom is a matter of knowledge. If you are not able to observe and discern the details keenly, you will often miss many opportunities.

"Thank you, thank you Secretary Zhang." Yu Yan respectfully held Zhang Haoran's hand with both hands, with a respectful expression, but felt helpless in his heart. What a Liu Wei, while pulling Wang Tianyu into the water, he also pulled him into the water. From this moment on, he

He was also forced to intervene in the political struggle in Qinan City.

Before Yu Yan and Zhang Haoran could say anything, a rapid siren sounded again, and four or five police cars lined up and arrived at the scene at lightning speed. As soon as the leading car stopped, someone jumped out of the car.

, trotted all the way to separate the crowd, and came to Zhang Haoran.

"Secretary Zhang, I'm late, please criticize me."

Qinan City Public Security Bureau Chief Xue Xiaogang finally showed up.

"Are you late?" Zhang Haoran glanced at Xue Xiaogang casually and said indifferently, "If you are late, just clean up the mess."

Yu Yan didn’t know much about Xue Xiaogang. He only knew that after he became the police chief of Qinan City, the public security in Qinan City improved greatly in the news. Major murder cases were solved one after another, the crime rate continued to decline, and the detection rate increased rapidly. A number of

Unjust, false and wrongful convictions were vindicated.

The most impressive thing is that the Qinan City Daily also published an exclusive interview with Zhang Xue Xiaogang, which recorded Xue Xiaogang's life in detail and vividly, starting from Xue Xiaogang's experience at the township police station to the people he saved when he was a grassroots policeman.

The old lady fell into the water, and after he became the captain of the criminal police brigade, he led seven or eight criminal policemen deep into the mountains to hunt down the murderer Zhang Moumou who shocked the whole country. He didn't sleep for three days and three nights, and finally he killed him with a single shot.

A fugitive, he has made a series of glorious deeds such as illustrious achievements. The Xue Xiaogang in the news is a selfless party member, a great policeman, a single-handed hero, and a public security chief with a perfect personality.

If it weren't for that exclusive interview, Yu Yan wouldn't be so impressed by Xue Xiaogang. He also didn't expect that his first meeting with the legendary hero would be under such circumstances.

Zhang Haoran finished speaking to Xue Xiaogang and walked away without looking at Xue Xiaogang again.

As soon as Zhang Haoran left, Rong Xu followed closely behind.

When Zhang Haoran passed by Liu Wei, Liu Wei's playful expression immediately turned serious, but his words were still a bit naughty: "Secretary Zhang, how are you? Has the show started yet?"

Zhang Haoran glared at Liu Wei dissatisfied: "Are you going to go back with handcuffs or what? Adding chaos!"

"Hey, I don't dare to cause trouble to Secretary Zhang." Liu Wei seemed to be half afraid of Zhang Haoran, but also half joking. He raised his handcuffed hands, "I plan to ask Tianyu to drive me to the Provincial Party Committee. I

I have to show up in handcuffs at the Standing Committee Building of the Provincial Party Committee and tell every uncle of the Standing Committee how good the public security in Qinan City is..."

Zhang Haoran's tense face was finally amused by Liu Wei, but the smile was helpless. He shook his head and said: "Okay, that's almost it. If you continue to mess around, Quan Qi will get angry."

Zhang Haoran was smiling. In fact, Liu Wei's words still stirred up his heart. It was better not to think about it. When he thought about it, even he, a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee, couldn't help but feel frightened. Just imagine, the secretary of the deputy governor of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee was...

He was handcuffed and then driven to the provincial party committee by the son of the provincial party committee secretary. Well, the provincial party committee would have to be turned upside down. Although the young man's idea was bizarre, he must admit that if Liu Weizhen did this, the provincial party committee would definitely have some problems.

Many people are unhappy.

But at the same time, many people will be happy. And it may also trigger a series of changes.

In the past, he really underestimated these young people. Zhang Haoran looked back at Yu Yan again, then withdrew his gaze, and glanced across the faces of Liu Wei and Wang Tianyu. Suddenly, he felt sigh in his heart, the young people are terrible!

Yu Yan was regarded as the instigator. He brought Wang Meigui to Qinan City, which resulted in an earth-shattering accident. Liu Wei took advantage of the situation and took action, rushing to the municipal committee to ask for help. It was okay to ask him for help. With him and Wang Quanqi

Because of the relationship, Liu Wei came forward to plead, and he had to refuse. However, he did not expect that when he got in the car and went out, Liu Wei told him that Wang Tianyu was accompanying him.

Zhang Haoran knew very well that in the whole incident, Yu Yan was the fuse and Wang Meigui was the bait. The big fish did not take the bait, but not only did the small fish take the bait, but several shrimp soldiers and crab generals also surfaced. It was precisely by taking this opportunity to catch all the

He would definitely not miss the great opportunity to bring the issue of underworld gangs in Qinan City to the table. On the issue of combating underworld gang crimes in Qinan City, he and Wang Quanqi had completely the same position, but they had not heard of Chen Hengfeng’s attitude. Liu Wei insisted

What's the purpose of dragging Wang Tianyu along?

Regardless of Liu Wei's intentions, Zhang Haoran knew clearly that the conflict between him and Xue Xiaogang, due to the commotion of several young people, has completely opened up the situation from now on!

"I'll get back to you first. Just accept it when you're ready." Zhang Haoran nodded slightly, glanced at Wang Tianyu again, turned around and left.

Zhang Haoran, who has never been seen before, appeared mysteriously when he arrived and left in a hurry. He only showed one side, but it brought varying degrees of impact to the hearts of everyone present.

Needless to say, Gong Jiadong was beaten unconscious on the spot, and his political life came to an abrupt end. It is hard to say whether Zhang is in danger of his life. At least for now, he was thrown to the ground, still half-dead.

No one dared to come up and take a look.

And Xue Xiaogang was tricked by Zhang Haoran and thrown on the spot. It was the first time in his life that he had suffered such a shameful humiliation. He stood there blankly, feeling that his face was burning, as if he had been slapped by Zhang Haoran.


Of course, Xue Xiaogang also knew that more uncomfortable things were yet to come.

After calming down, he took a step forward, stretched out his hands to hold Yu Yan's hand: "Secretary Yu, on behalf of the Qinan City Public Security Bureau, I would like to apologize to you. Please rest assured that today's matter will be investigated clearly and will be repaid.

I want you to be fair and give you an explanation."

"It doesn't matter if I personally feel a little wronged..." Yu Yan was neither humble nor overbearing. He neither assumed the posture of a victim nor took the opportunity to take advantage of him. Instead, he said calmly, "I was entrusted by Secretary Zhang to come to the Provincial Party Committee

Report, I didn’t expect it to take so long.”

"I will give an explanation to Secretary Zhang, please rest assured, Secretary Yu." Of course Xue Xiaogang has heard of Zhang Siwen. As the third-highest municipal party committee secretary in the province, Zhang Siwen is a political star that everyone is optimistic about.

, all believe that after Antai’s term, Zhang Siwen will be transferred to the provincial party committee.

Although Xue Xiaogang is the public security director of a provincial capital city, he also respects the municipal party committee secretaries of major cities below.

"Thank you, Director Xue. Can we leave now?" Yu Yan pointed at the messy scene, "I would like Director Xue to give a written explanation for what happened today."

The police in Qinan City dared to point a gun at the First Secretary of the Antai Municipal Committee, which is a very serious political incident. If Zhang Siwen insisted on asking the Qinan Municipal Committee for an explanation on this matter, the Qinan Municipal Committee would not dare to neglect it.

"Yes, yes." Xue Xiaogang's attitude was very upright, showing a posture of admitting his mistakes and being willing to make amends.

While they were talking, the ambulance also arrived and sent the injured people to the hospital one by one, including Chen Nan. However, Chen Qiao did not accompany Chen Nan. He wanted to stay and take notes.

Yu Yan was originally standing behind the car that hit the last one. After the car that hit the last hit, the driver and co-pilot were knocked unconscious by Meng Dashan and sat in the car unable to move, so no one paid attention. Just as Xue Xiaogang and

When Yu Yan was speaking, the car behind him made a loud clang, and the deformed car door was kicked open from the inside. A man with a strong figure, light and soundless, jumped out of the car like a civet cat.

She was wearing a tight-fitting black dress and a hat with a very low brim. She had fair skin and a great figure. Her current station, against the backdrop of the tight-fitting black dress, was like a black rose, full of charm. But her

Charm has a connotation of seducing people into sin, just like the subtle fragrance of tuberose in the dark night. You can only smell the fragrance but not see the person.

It's like a star in the distant night sky, shining with alluring luster, but yet so far away.

She stood three meters away behind Yu Yan, lowered her head, as if to prevent Yu Yan from seeing her face clearly, and asked in a dull voice: "Are you Yu Yan?"

The deliberately lowered voice is slightly hoarse and somewhat innocent, just like playing modern music with classical music. It is a perfect combination of classical and modern beauty.

"I am." Yu Yan said calmly, "Who are you?"

"See you later!" As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and left. Her back wrapped in a black tights was like a black dream, beautiful but blurred, and had an unreal feeling.

Yu Yan looked at her retreating back and pointed with his hand: "Director Xue, she was also one of the people who made trouble just now. Why didn't you catch her?"

As soon as Yu Yan said this, Xue Xiao just woke up from a dream and hurriedly issued the order: "Arrest people."

Someone immediately reacted and chased after her quickly, but was still a step too late. The woman in black disappeared into the crowd of onlookers in the blink of an eye, like a fish swimming into the sea.

"Director Xue, you were a step late first, and now you let the bad guys escape under your nose. You are a very rare public security director in the world." Liu Wei walked up to Xue Xiaogang with a leisurely and contented pace, and said in an extremely sarcastic tone.

, "Tell me, should I take my handcuffs to the municipal committee for a walk, or to the provincial committee for a walk?"

Xue Xiaogang was forced into a corner. The series of changes he suffered today made him dizzy and almost unable to make accurate judgments. One Yu Yan and Zhang Siwen behind him were enough to make his head big, plus Liu Wei and another

Wang Tianyu, who has an unclear attitude, is just a small police chief...

Under tremendous pressure, Xue Xiaogang suddenly made a surprising move...

"Secretary Liu!"

Don’t let it go.”

Liu Wei was stunned. He originally wanted to defeat Xue Xiaogang and see how Xue Xiaogang would step down. Unexpectedly, Xue Xiaogang also had a trick. He gave him enough face in public without saying anything. If he continued to be unreasonable and unforgiving, he would be unreasonable.

As soon as Xue Xiaogang saluted, more than a dozen police officers present also saluted Liu Wei.

Wang Tianyu secretly shook his head. Liu Wei was too noisy. If things continued like this, things would get serious. Why couldn't he calm down a little? Xue Xiaozheng was also the police chief of Qinan City, and he was very senior. He could just put it down as soon as he could.

Liu Wei was stunned for a while, but he still didn't give up. Instead, he shook his head and said: "Okay, I forgive Director Xue, but I was only handcuffed and not frightened. My brother was hit by a gangster first.

I was pointed at a gun by the police again, and I suffered a psychological and physical shock. Director Xue, it is up to him to decide whether this matter should be settled like this."

Yu Yan was already ready to retreat, but Liu Wei pushed him to the front desk again. Xue Xiaogang saluted Liu Wei, and the person he saluted was Wang Quanqi. Although he was the first secretary of the Antai Municipal Committee, he didn't show any respect in front of Xue Xiaogang.


Everyone had the same idea as Yu Yan. They all felt that Liu Wei was deliberately creating problems to put Xue Xiaogang in a dilemma. With Xue Xiaogang's level and qualifications, how could he plead to Yu Yan?

But what surprised everyone was that when Xue Xiaogang heard Liu Wei's words, he turned around without any hesitation, faced Yu Yan head-on, and saluted Yu Yan with a "pop" sound: "Secretary Yu

.I apologize to you. If you don’t accept my apology, I will keep saluting you and never let go!”

Xue Xiaogang's behavior stunned everyone present!

Yu Yan was also shocked. He was the first secret of An Tai. When An Tai and Qi Jiang fought for a long time, Qi Jiang never even saluted him. He was always honest with him. Unexpectedly, it was the first time for him to enjoy the salute.

The person who treated me badly was actually Xue Xiaogang, the director of Qinan City Public Security Bureau!

However, this also shows that Xue Xiaogang is a man who can bend and stretch. Compared with Qi Jiang's domineering and strong character, he is much smarter. The more flexible and flexible a person is, the more difficult it is to deal with him.

Although Yu Yan also knew that Xue Xiaogang saluted him because he had no choice but to make a big deal out of a trivial matter. But in front of so many people, Xue Xiaogang could make a prompt decision and bow to him unambiguously.

His actions are so sophisticated and thoughtful. It's really admirable.

Not everyone has the courage and wisdom to bow their head when they should. Yes, courage and wisdom are both indispensable.

Xue Xiaogang saluted Yu Yan, and more than a dozen police officers present also turned around and saluted Yu Yan. For a moment, the scene was filled with a solemn and solemn atmosphere, including the dozen police officers who had arrived before and those who had arrived when Xue Xiaogang arrived.

The seven or eight policemen, a total of about twenty policemen, all looked solemn and saluted Yu Yan solemnly.

Under the clear sky of Qinan City, in the presence of hundreds of people in Qinan City, Yu Yan enjoyed high-level salute treatment for the first time. His heart was filled with ups and downs, not joy, not solemnity, but deep helplessness.

What he enjoys is not the salute of the Qinan City Public Security Chief and dozens of police officers, but the anger of the Qinan City Public Security Chief and dozens of police officers. From now on, he will become the underworld of the Qinan City Public Security Bureau.

Number one on the list.

If he goes out of his way a little bit in Qinan City in the future, I believe that all the police in Qinan City will be eager to deal with him severely. Liu Wei planted the flame of hatred, but let him taste the fire of revenge. Such a brother is really

Don't treat him as an outsider.

Yu Yan didn't let Xue Xiaogang wait too long. He took a step forward and reached out to pull down Xue Xiaogang's arm: "Director Xue, I accept your apology."

Xue Xiaogang put down his arms and held Yu Yan's hands excitedly: "Thank you, Secretary Yu. I will keep your friendship in my heart."

Although Xue Xiaogang's excitement was part of a performance, Yu Yan knew that he had indeed given Xue Xiaogang a huge favor. No matter how much Xue Xiaogang relied on himself as the municipal public security chief, he would not dare to show any signs of indifference in the face of Liu Wei and Wang Tianyu.

If Liu Wei insists on making trouble, he will not be allowed to remove the handcuffs and will have to walk around the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Party Committee in handcuffs. He will definitely suffer the consequences and may be blamed.


As soon as Yu Yan opened his mouth, Liu Wei followed the trend and stretched his hands forward: "Director Xue, please help me open the handcuffs."

Xue Xiaogang didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly opened the handcuffs.

Once the handcuffs were removed, the crux of the matter was solved and the matter entered the next stage.

After Yu Yan sat in Liu Wei's car and drove far enough away from the scene, he suddenly punched Liu Wei: "Well, Liu Wei, you are sincerely asking me to offend the police in Qinan City."


After receiving a punch from Yu Yan, Liu Wei did not fight back and laughed: "My brother, don't be so stingy."

"What do you mean by being stingy? You are really causing a lot of harm to people. I am not in Qinan City, and now I am being ignored. It would be better for you to not help me make friends, but to make enemies for me everywhere. Do you have a brother like you?"

"How have I made enemies for you? Xue Xiaogang is not the same person as you."

"Then there's no need for me to offend him now, let alone get involved in the political struggle in Qinan City." The more Yan thought about it, the angrier he became, feeling that there was an ulterior motive behind Liu Wei's proud smile.

"It's necessary, it's very necessary." Liu Wei continued with a smirk on his face, "You intervened in the political struggle in Qinan City and waited for Zhang to enter the sight of the provincial party committee leaders in advance. The political struggle in Qinan City is the politics of the provincial party committee.

Struggle, how long can you stay at Antai? One year, or two years? You have to plan ahead and make plans for the next step in advance."

"That's not right. Didn't you say that you have never cared about politics?" Yu Yan touched Liu Wei's forehead with his hand, "Why did you suddenly become a political expert again? Be honest, who taught you this?"

Yu Yan's suspicion is not unreasonable. It's not that he looks down on Liu Wei, or that he doesn't think Liu Wei has such political vision, but that today's drama, if he thinks about it carefully, should not be Liu Wei's handwriting.

"I'm so smart, why should I need someone else to teach me? I know everything once I think about it." Liu Wei patted Yu Yan on the shoulder, "Stop thinking about it, the matter in Qinan City is over, and you won't be here next."

Whatever happens, just do your job at Antai with peace of mind. Believe me, the stability and unity of Qinan City in the future is due to your contribution. Not only me, Secretary Zhang will also remember you."

"Okay." Yu Yan pretended to agree and smiled again, "These are extraordinary times. Please take it easy and don't use too much force."

"Don't worry, I'll do the work." Liu Wei smiled mysteriously and pointed at the car in front of him, "What do you think of Wang Tianyu?"

"Not much contact, not deep understanding, no opinions."

Liu Wei pointed at the car behind him again: "Wang Meigui is not safe in Qinan City, what are you going to do?"

As he was talking, the car had already driven into the Provincial Party Committee compound. Yu Yan got out of the car and said to Liu Wei: "Wang Meigui will be entrusted to your care first, I don't worry."

"Don't worry, Wang MeiGui is in the hands of me and Wang Tianyu. Whoever dares to touch her again will have the heart of a bear and the courage of a leopard. I plan to accompany Wang MeiGui to dinner with Tianyu later. What do you think? Do you have any objections?"

Yu Yan knew what Liu Wei was thinking. He wanted to retaliate against the opponent's sniping attack with a swaggering public appearance. He just wanted the opponent to know, come on, Wang Meigui is in my hands. If you have the ability, come and snatch her.

In response to Liu Wei's arrogant show off, Yu Yan could only shake his head and smile: "It's up to you." He remembered something again and asked, "By the way, who is that woman in black?"

"She?" Liu Wei smiled ambiguously, "Don't mess with her. She's too hot for you to swallow. I suggest you go get Wang Tianyu's cousin as your sister. That girl is delicious."

"..." Yu Yan was speechless. After a while, he said to Liu Wei earnestly, "Viagra, not everyone is as philanthropic as you."

Not to be outdone, Liu Wei said earnestly: "Brother, not all men can resist the charm of women of all kinds. Every woman is a different book..."

This chapter has been completed!
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