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Chapter 0323 Resolute disposal

This shows how powerful the county magistrate is over ordinary people.

Of course, today is a new society, and county party committee secretaries are "people's servants" and cannot be evaluated from the old perspective. Although some "people's servants" often bully their masters, after all, we are a legal society.

Seeing this posture, Xia Li breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, quickly came to the crowd, stood on a rock protruding from the ground, and said loudly: "Folks, fighting is very inappropriate, let's solve it." If there is no problem, if there are any problems or difficulties, they should be solved by the government and organizations. Now, please put down your weapons. We must save people first. These injured people are all our relatives and friends. They have Parents, who have a wife and children, are the backbone of the family. If something bad happens and the whole family is left behind, how will they live? Do you think so?"

No one answered him, but many people couldn't help but look at the injured people lying there.

Yu Yan took a rough look and saw about a dozen men lying on the ground, moaning, and several with broken heads and bleeding. One or two of them were lying upright, not moaning, and they didn't know they had fainted. Or just immediately ran out of gas.

The first is to stabilize the game, and the second is to rescue the wounded.

The measures taken by Xiali were very reasonable.

"Folks, it is against the law and a crime to gather a crowd to fight. The ringleaders will be arrested and imprisoned. If someone is beaten to death today, someone may have to take his life!"

As soon as Xia Li said this, there was an immediate buzz in the crowd. Some villagers who had originally planned to put down their weapons couldn't help but clenched the hoes and sticks in their hands and looked at Xia Li warily, as if they would arrest people if he gave the order. You have to rise up and resist.

"However, I am here to make a promise to you. As long as you put down your weapons now, I will forget the blame and will not arrest anyone or hold anyone responsible. Everyone put down your weapons immediately and don't waste time rescuing the wounded. These people are all your relatives and friends. Qiyou, do you want to watch them lose their arms and legs and be disabled for life? Do you want to watch them die? Put down your weapons!"

Xia Li suddenly shouted loudly, quite powerfully.

With a "Dang" sound, someone finally dropped the stick in his hand.

This thing is "contagious" to each other. The first person to put down their weapons will be followed by the second one. Soon, everyone has put down their weapons. Everyone is looking at Xia Li standing on the stone, waiting for him. decision.

"Okay, everyone is going home now. The person in charge of the village is staying. We need to send the injured to the hospital as soon as possible. Please cooperate with us to find their family members and go to the hospital to take care of them together!"

Xia Li breathed a long sigh of relief, swayed slightly, quickly calmed down, and gave the second instruction

In addition to the two parties fighting, there is another group of people on the top of the mountain, about twenty or thirty people, all dressed as cadres. The leader is slightly bald, with a fat belly, and there are already age spots on his face. Cao Yanxi, secretary of the Beiluan District Party Committee, and the others, probably also cadres from Beiluan District and Liuqiao Township, arrived here earlier, but they did not have the momentum like Xiali and could not suppress the crowd, so they could only watch on the sidelines. Be anxious.

Now that Xia Li had stabilized the situation and the villagers had put down their weapons, Cao Yanxi became alert and immediately led his cadres forward to persuade the villagers to go home.

They were local cadres in the township and were familiar with the leaders of these villagers. They quickly picked out a few leaders from the crowd and asked them to do work for the villagers.

Seeing that a large number of "troops" came from the county, all armed with live ammunition, and even the secretary of the county party committee arrived, the two sides in the armed struggle did not dare to strengthen their position. After a few "leaders" hesitated for a while, they listened to Cao Yanxi's words and turned around to persuade each other. The tribesmen went home.

Mass incidents are like this. Once the leader changes his mind, there will be no more trouble. No matter how large the number of people is, it will still be a snake without a head. At that moment, the villagers picked up their hoes and sticks, turned around and walked down the mountain.

The reason why we chose this Yashan "Duel" is because this is the "ancestral mountain" where the two major surnames compete. The deceased old people surnamed Zhang and Ma are all buried in this area. As time goes by, more and more deceased people are buried in this area. If there are too many, "ancestral address" is a bit insufficient.

Yashan is also the watershed between the two sides of the "duel". The Zhang tribe lives on the left side of the mountain, while the Ma tribe lives on the right side of the mountain. Now when they go home, they are also clearly separated. They go down the mountain in one direction and they are not confused.

Soon, the top of Yashan, which had been crowded with people and loud voices just now, became empty. The dense thatch on the top of the mountain was almost completely "flattened" and there were blood stains in many places. It can be seen that the fight just now was still very fierce.

Cao Yanxi just walked over and said to Xia Li with shame: "Secretary Xia, I'm so sorry..." The cadres of Huodui District Township followed Cao Yanxi with a look of shame on their faces and looked at Xia Li with a very uneasy look. What happened? For such a major event, these cadres can be said to have failed in their duties.

Before Cao Yanxi could finish speaking, Xia Li stretched out his hand to stop his "examination", frowned, and said: "Old Cao, now is not the time for introspection, hurry up and save people!"

Really, who has time to listen to your nonsense now.

"Oh, okay, okay..."

Cao Yanxi looked ashamed and hurriedly ordered his district and township cadres to join the leaders of both sides to rescue people.

A simple calculation showed that there were a total of eleven villagers left unable to move on the top of the mountain. Two of them had their eyes rolled white and had passed out. Fortunately, they were still breathing.

In such a large-scale clan fight, naturally not only these few people were injured. It is estimated that many people were injured with sticks, but the injuries were not too serious, so they went home on their own. Seeing so many "troops" coming from the county, everyone Who wants to stay here if they can move? The county party committee secretary said he won’t arrest anyone, who knows if he will change his mind.

They are not afraid of fighting in groups with hoes and sticks. People have a "herd mentality." With so many tribesmen gathered together, everyone is "very courageous" and feels that there is nothing terrible in the world. However, they were arrested by the county and imprisoned. It's a completely different matter.

Being locked up in a prison is no fun.

Speaking of which, in such a huge group fight, only eleven people were seriously injured, and no one died on the spot. It was a blessing in misfortune. When Xia Li heard that, he still had some breath, and his heart, which had been hanging on, became more relaxed.

"Quick, carry the person down the mountain immediately and send him to the hospital for emergency treatment!"

Without saying a word, Xia Li waved his hand and gave the order.

At this time, Shen Jinsheng, the director of the County Public Security Bureau, finally arrived out of breath. After listening to Xia Li's order, he immediately ordered his police officers to rescue people.

The public security officers and the People's Liberation Army soldiers carried the injured villagers on their backs, and used local materials to make two improvised stretchers using sticks abandoned by the villagers at the scene and the belts of the People's Liberation Army soldiers. The villagers put them on stretchers, and a group of people walked down the mountain with the wounded.

Seeing Cao Yanxi following him step by step, Xia Li turned to him and said: "Old Cao, you don't need to go to the hospital with us. You can stay here with a few cadres and continue to deal with the aftermath. , remember, you must not let the villagers fight again, otherwise, you will bear full responsibility!"

Xia Li's tone was very stern and his expression was very serious. He stared at Cao Yanxi with twinkling eyes.

In normal times, Xia Li would never talk to Cao Yanxi like this. Although Cao Yanxi is his subordinate, he is old after all, nearly sixty years old, so he still has to give three cents of face. If Cao Yanxi usually listens to the county party committee secretary's harsh "reprimand" " I'm afraid he was dissatisfied, but now that there was such a big arsenic leak, and Xia Li was so tired that he came all the way from the county, Cao Yanxi felt ashamed and didn't dare to speak out.

"Yes, Secretary Xia, please rest assured, there will definitely not be another fight!"

Cao Yanxi hurriedly raised his chest and answered.

Xia Li stopped and looked at Cao Yanxi with bright eyes, as if he was considering whether Cao Yanxi's guarantee was credible.

Being stared at by Xia Li with eyes that were obviously suspicious, Cao Yanxi became even more uneasy, straightened his body a little more, and said as if he had made up his mind: "Secretary Xia, please don't worry, I promise Nothing will happen again!"

Finally, Xia Li nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: "Okay, I trust you, Lao Cao, whether you are a party member or a leading cadre, there must be no ambiguity at critical moments!"

Having said that, I'm actually still a little worried.

Cao Yanxi hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, Secretary Xia, I will review and review..."

Xia Li waved his hand and said: "There is no need to review, you can go to work!"


Cao Yanxi turned around and called the names of several cadres, asking them to work with him. He expected that these cadres were either Cao Yanxi's trusted confidants or local responsible cadres who could be used.

A group of people carried the wounded and walked down the cliff mountain.

Shen Jinsheng, perhaps feeling guilty, followed Xia Li closely and whispered: "Secretary Xia, there is a wounded person who is probably dying. Should he be sent to the nearest health center in Liuqiao Township?"

Xia Li's face changed, and then he made up his mind: "Okay, send him to the nearest hospital. You tell them that they must go all out to save his life as much as possible. Even if he is disabled, it is better than losing his life."

When you arrive at the township government, you immediately call the County People's Hospital and ask them to send a capable doctor over immediately!"

"Yes, understand!"

What Xia Li was most worried about happened.

Due to the long delay and the poor medical conditions at the Liuqiao Township Health Center, the seriously injured villager was finally unable to be rescued. Despite the best efforts of the doctors sent to support the Liuqiao Township Health Center and the County People's Hospital, the injured He passed away on the way to the County People's Hospital the next day.

This chapter has been completed!
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