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0337 The problem of standing in line

Ma He has recently been thinking about whether to take sides.

This matter cannot be delayed for too long, and a decision must be made. Of course, it is best to hug Zhang Siwen's thick legs. After all, Zhang Siwen is the municipal party committee secretary and the top leader.

Ma He knows one truth very well, if you don't take sides, you will die!

Superior leaders will not seriously reuse a person who they cannot control. Even if you are very capable and do not really value your superiors, you will end up just marrying someone. Once there is any trouble, you will be the first to be abandoned by your superiors! Anyway, there is no psychological burden.

There will be no future troubles. Don’t even wait for trouble, your superiors will ask you to move your position.

What are you doing?

Make room for your loved ones!

You are not mine. Isn’t it a waste to let you occupy such an important position?

If you stand in the wrong team, it will be a dead end!

Once the superior leaders who have been entrusted to others and relied on lose in the struggle, then it will be a disaster. The victorious leader will definitely settle the score in the future. The next step is to step aside and basically never stand up.

So, be careful and look again.

Ma He used to be on Mayor Wu Qi's line in Jingyin County like Jiang Bao, but now that Wu Qi has fallen, he has become a person without a backer. He cannot move closer to Zhang Siwen immediately yet. Ma He

In fact, he is also a very principled person. He will not blindly choose sides. He has his old ideas.

But standing in line in official circles is sometimes so helpless. You can't stand if you want to, but you have to pay attention to opportunities. If the leader doesn't like you, it will be useless for you to take the initiative to get closer.

Now, looking at this plan, Ma He once again thought of this "mysterious" Yu Yan.

Yu Yan was previously the First Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee. The reason why he recommended Yu Yan to take over as Beiluan District Party Committee Secretary was to leave a way out for himself.

Ma He took two puffs of cigarette and gently rubbed his temples. During this time, the elder of Ma County felt a little difficult to concentrate, and it seemed that his energy was not as strong as before. When he went to bed, he felt that he had newly married the second beautiful girl.

Madam, she was a little tired. Rubbing her temples, Ma He took out a mirror from the drawer and carefully looked at his temples, and found that there were two more white hairs.

"This officialdom is really grinding, like a slow poison that kills people invisible!"

Stroking the white hair on his temples, Ma He let out a long sigh.



After sighing for a while, Ma He reluctantly took another look in the mirror before putting the mirror away. From this small action, it can be seen that County Magistrate Ma has a tendency to be narcissistic.

Putting away the mirror, County Magistrate Ma straightened his body, picked up the development plan of Beiluan District, and read it carefully.

Yu Yan should be here in another ten minutes or so.

After Ma He saw the report, he immediately asked his correspondent to notify Yu Yan and ask him to rush to the county government to see him. Ma He felt that it was necessary to discuss the development plan face to face with Yu Yan in detail.

Let’s see what kind of troubles this “mysterious” young man has in his mind! Perhaps if he has more contact with Yu Yan, he can get some clues. Now the city is preparing for a big plan for mineral integration.

He also knew it.

Before Ma He had finished reading it for the third time, the phone on the table rang.


Ma He picked up the phone and said majestically.

"County Magistrate, the secretary of Beiluan District has arrived!"

The correspondent asked for instructions on the phone.

"Okay, invite him in!"

Ma He put down the phone and sat up straight, with a smile on his face.

In fact, Yu Yan arrived early and went to Xia Li's office first.

It was Ma He who summoned him this time, but Yu Yan knew very well who was on the line. If he went directly to Ma He without informing Xia Li first, what would Xia Li think if he found out?

Although Xia Li must have known that it was not Yu Yan who took the initiative to ask to see Ma He, but that Yu Yan did not report to him first, which would be too rude. Whether it is between friends or between superiors and subordinates, some particularly sensitive matters,

You can't be careless about it. No matter how big your background is and how hard your background is, you must abide by the rules. Otherwise, you will be in trouble with your own future.

The two chatted about work for a while, and Xia Li asked Yu Yan to go to Mahe.

Ma He was also very polite to Yu Yan, even more polite than Xia Li. He walked out from behind the desk with a smile, shook hands with Yu Yan, and asked him to take a seat on the sofa.

When Yu Yan went to Xia Li's place, he was never so polite.

Naturally, it is due to the difference in relationship closeness.

But Ma He's unusual enthusiasm made Yu Yan feel wary. Ma He was not a leader known for being "approachable". Anyone who is familiar with Ma He knows that County Magistrate Ma has a lot of airs. The average district committee secretary

When district chiefs come to his office, he always stands behind his desk and waits for people to come up and shake hands with him. If they are talking about business, he rarely invites people to sit down on the sofa area where guests are entertained. They usually face each other across the desk.

Interview. Yu Yan had just taken office as district party secretary, and he was the party secretary of Beiluan District, the most remote district. Regardless of his position, qualifications, and reputation, he could not be treated as politely as Ma He.

Things that are abnormal are monsters.

There must be some reason behind Ma He's unusual enthusiasm for him, but Yu Yan can't guess it yet.

"Come on, Secretary Yu, please smoke."

Ma He laughed and handed the cigarette to Yu Yan. He neither called him "Xiao Yu" nor "Yu Yan", but called him by his official title in a formal manner, making it appear that the two parties were completely equal in status and there was no superiority or inferiority.


This kind of attitude goes beyond the scope of "win over". Besides, Ma He won't win over anyone else.

"Thank you, County Magistrate Ma."

Yu Yan took the cigarette with a smile, took out a lighter and lit it on Ma He. Since Ma He had adopted a "friendly and equal" attitude, Yu Yan could deal with it calmly. Let's see what happens next to County Magistrate Ma.


The correspondent in Ma He offered him some fragrant tea and withdrew.

"Secretary Yu, I heard that one month after taking office, you spent more than 20 days doing grassroots research. Haha, this is amazing. Our party cadres need this kind of practical spirit."

Ma He laughed and praised Yu Yan a few words.

Yu Yan said humbly: "County Magistrate Ma has given me the award. This is also because I just went to Beiluan District and am not familiar with the situation. I always need to know more about the real situation at the grassroots level to know where to start."

"That's right. As a leading cadre, you should always go deep into the grassroots to understand the most authentic first-hand information in order to make correct decisions. Secretary Yu, I have read your Beiluan District's five-year economic development plan three times.

It is no exaggeration to say that it inspired me a lot. So I invite you to come over and let’s discuss in detail how to implement this plan.”

Ma He's words became more and more polite.

"Please give instructions from County Magistrate Ma!"

However, Yu Yan strictly adhered to his duties as a subordinate and said respectfully.

"Well... there are no instructions or no instructions." Ma He smiled, waved his hand, and said, "Comrades should have open and honest discussions and exchanges, only in this way can we make progress."


Yu Yan responded simply, neither continuing to be modest nor following County Magistrate Ma's topic and giving Magistrate Ma a few top hats.

Yu Yan is still deeply wary of the youngest county magistrate in the district. In fact, Ma He took the initiative to propose that he serve as the secretary of the Beiluan District Party Committee, and Yu Yan still has doubts about it. This matter is not

It's normal, there must be a reason behind it. Ever since Yu Yan decided to enter politics, he has become more sensitive to everything. Yu Yan knows that there is only a thin line between being keen and suspicious. If you are too sharp, you are suspicious. But in officialdom, it has to be the case.

In official life, a little negligence may lead to big mistakes.

Seeing Yu Yan's calm attitude, Ma He was secretly puzzled. This guy really didn't look like a young man in his early twenties, and he was a little too calm.

It was a bit boring for Ma He to have a hot face but a cold butt, but he immediately adjusted his mentality. Since the other party had such an attitude, County Magistrate Ma had to be more careful.

"Secretary Yu, I invited you here today because I want to hear about the specific steps for the economic development of your Beiluan District."

There are still many smiles on Ma He's face, but the taste has changed, becoming more "professional", the kind of smile that superiors usually smile when they see subordinates.

Since we can't get close, let's just keep things official.

"County Magistrate Ma, although this development plan has been jointly discussed by members of the Beiluan District Committee and the District Office, it is still a first draft. When we report to the county, we also want to ask the county committee and the county government to give us guidance and check.


Yu Yan answered according to standard officialdom routine.

Seeing that Yu Yan did not say "Xia Secretary Ma County Magistrate" but "County Party Committee and County Government", Ma He became even more cautious. Although Yu Yan was young, he was not vague about what he should pay attention to.

"Well, I have read your planning plan. Generally speaking, it is very good. You insist on taking the path of nationalization and insist on using the government as the main body to develop mineral resources and other resources. I personally appreciate this.


After officially talking about work, Ma He gradually became serious and spoke seriously.

Yu Yan smiled slightly, and there was a hint of meaning in his smile, even mixed with a hint of bitterness and helplessness.

Putting it aside, what Ma He said was a typical insincerity. Not long after Yu Yan arrived in Taocheng County, he saw the three-year economic development plan for the county that Ma He had made. The main force in the development of Ma He was

Based on "private capital", it was proposed to increase the intensity of investment promotion. After three months, Ma He "comparedly appreciated" insisting on the path of nationalization.

But now Yu Yan has no doubts about Ma He's words.

It is estimated that Mahe's plan was conceived in the second half or even the first half of last year. At that time, the domestic political trend had not yet undergone drastic changes. Mahe talked about "attracting investment" and encouraged private companies to enter the mining field, which is not "

"Violation" is very consistent with his young, pioneering and enterprising image. However, the dramatic changes in the situation have not only affected the domestic trend, but also the international trend.

At present, the major developed countries in the world, instigated by the United States, have joined forces to exclude China. They have isolated us diplomatically and sanctioned us economically. The economic situation has immediately become extremely severe.

At the same time, a new conservative trend has arisen in the country, raising various questions about the big policy of reform and opening up. The debate about "surname the society or the capitalist", which later caused a huge storm, has already begun.

In many places, some radical reformist officials are facing great difficulties, and some officials have even been replaced.

Yu Yan knows that no matter what kind of construction, in China, you must not forget the premise of "political leadership". If you make mistakes on the route, it will be useless to make great achievements in economic construction. At most, it will be a one-shot comparison.

It’s just a handy gun. And Yu Yan’s goal is not to become a “gun” but to become the hand that holds the gun!

Of course, once the general outline is established, there is still room for discussion on how to implement it in detail.

"County Magistrate Ma, the reason why we set such a general outline is after repeated consideration and discussion. The foundation of Beiluan District is too poor and there is no accumulation at all. If we take the path of development with private funds and foreign capital, although the results will be faster, the results will be faster.

There are also big disadvantages.”

Yu Yan said thoughtfully.

Ma He's expression condensed and he said, "Oh, I'd like to hear the details."

He really didn't expect that Ban Xiao Yuyan would say such a thing. It sounded like a complete refutation of the planning plan he had made before. But since Ma He was able to become the county magistrate in his thirties, he was naturally not that superficial.

.Liu Biyueyan is not specifically targeting him. Instead, he wants to hear what are the major drawbacks of relying on private power to develop the economy.

"First of all, what is our biggest advantage in Taocheng County? It is coal resources and other mineral resources. Mineral resources are non-renewable. If we just sell resources, we can get quick results in the short term, but in the long run, the disadvantages are also obvious.

eBay. The government hands over the mining rights of mineral resources to businessmen, and all we can receive is a very small part of the tax. And the value of the resources themselves is completely lost to the hands of businessmen, and the government cannot gain any benefits from it. Of course

, after these resources are developed, they will support some people, such as miners, the development of transportation fleets and other service industries, which is a benefit. With living money in the hands of ordinary people, the local economy can accelerate development. But these benefits, I think

It is not enough. Moreover, this model is likely to lead to collusion between officials and businessmen, corruption and bribery, and other ** phenomena. Businessmen who value profits will always do everything possible to evade taxes. With the secret help of officials, it is not difficult to evade taxes. In the final analysis,

Introducing large-scale private funds to develop mineral resources can only enrich the private sector and lose the public sector. To be more specific, it is enriching the wealthy and powerful private individuals. The rich will become richer and the poor will remain poor.

The wealth gap is further widening and social hidden dangers are deepening. This is the first point."

Yu Yan said slowly, with a solemn expression.

Ma He's face became more and more serious, and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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