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Chapter 0054 Preliminary Results

"Secretary, as soon as the 3.14 mining disaster is over, I will go to Qinan to find out what Professor Luo said." Yu Yan said to Zhang Siwen. It has been some time since the 3.14 mining disaster. There should be a result. In the past two days, the municipal party committee and

The government is as calm as water, as if everyone has forgotten this matter, and everyone is busy doing their own thing, but Yu Yan knows that there are definitely stormy waves hidden under this seemingly calm lake. If you are not careful, you will be beaten black and blue by the waves!

Zhang Siwen nodded, "This afternoon an enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will be held to formally discuss the handling opinions. I have already communicated with Comrade Chen Qin before. What puzzles me is that there was some movement from the Bureau of Mineral Resources first. The Public Security Bureau

On this side of the game, Liang Xuan has already opened a breakthrough."

Hearing this, Yue Yan felt relieved. Zhang Siwen's words made him think like a mirror. Ma Shangsheng played a crucial role in the Bureau of Mineral Resources making such a big move. Yu Yan didn't say anything. He hasn't figured out what to do yet.

Tell the secretary about this. Anyway, the days are long and there will always be opportunities.

At noon, Yu Yan received a call from Ma Shangsheng, "Secretary Yu, everything has been done. I'm just waiting for the secretary to decide the matter in one fell swoop. I hope you can say a few nice words in front of the secretary."

Yu Yan said with a smile, "Director Ma, I didn't expect you to finish the work of your Bureau of Mineral Resources so quickly. I will definitely report this matter to the secretary." Although Yu Yan didn't like Ma Shangsheng's character, he still admired him in his heart.

He, the second-in-command, really did something extraordinary.

In the afternoon of the same day, the enlarged meeting of the Standing Committee of the Antai Municipal Party Committee was officially held. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Siwen, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

The enlarged meeting of the Municipal Standing Committee is actually a joint meeting, in which not only the so-called Municipal Standing Committee members participate, but also all the deputy mayors of the municipal government, the deputy directors of the Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee who are members of the Municipal Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference, the Minister of the Municipal People's Armed Forces Department and the political commissar.

All attended the meeting.

"Comrades..." Zhang Siwen looked around the venue and spoke slowly, his tone couldn't help but add a bit of majesty, adding a bit of coercion compared to the usual gentle and elegant image of the municipal party committee secretary.

Of course, maybe it's just the psychological effect of everyone.

"The expanded meeting of the Standing Committee was held today mainly to discuss the follow-up to the March 14 mining disaster. After the March 14 mining disaster, the city immediately established a special accident investigation team, led by Secretary Chen Qin personally, and the work was very effective. According to the accident

The investigation team’s meticulous investigation has concluded that the 3.14 mining disaster in Daping Coal Mine was a man-made safety accident. The person in charge of Daping Coal Mine and relevant technical personnel concealed the existence of the old kiln they discovered while exploring the terrain.

Failure to report it caused the miners to rush into construction without understanding the geological structure. As a result, a water leakage accident occurred, and three workers were unfortunately killed, causing economic losses of hundreds of thousands. Comrades, this lesson is profound."

Having said this, Zhang Siwen paused, sighed deeply, and his face became more solemn.

The cadres attending the meeting also straightened their bodies one by one, the smiles on their faces had long since faded away, and their expressions became very heavy.

"If our cadres, especially leading cadres, were not so bureaucratic, paid attention to production safety, and went deep into the front line to inspect and supervise, this man-made safety accident could be completely avoided. Behind the 3.14 mining disaster, a phenomenon is reflected. That

The Daping Coal Mine's safety production measures are not in place. Mine leaders and safety management personnel have developed the bad habit of bureaucracy. They usually stand aloof. The so-called safety production is just something they talk about, and never does.

The implementation of the work has not been done seriously! The No. 2 mining area where the accident occurred is close to the abandoned old kiln, and the geological conditions are relatively complex. The responsible comrades of Daping Coal Mine cannot be unaware of this situation, but during the construction, they were not aware of it.

No protective measures have been arranged. It can be seen that safe production is just a slogan to them. Strictly speaking, this is an act of dereliction of duty, a disregard for the safety of people's lives and property, and extremely irresponsible!


As Zhang Siwen spoke, his voice gradually became more serious. He couldn't help but stretched out his fingers and knocked on the table. Although the knock was not heavy, it still made the hearts of many participating cadres jump.

It seemed that what he expected was true, and Zhang Siwen was determined to give it a try.

"This kind of extremely irresponsible dereliction of duty must be severely punished to serve as a warning to others. Comrades, the string of safe production must not be loosened! It is related to the safety and happiness of thousands of families, and to the harmony and stability of the entire society.

This string must be tightened at all times. The relevant person in charge of Daping Coal Mine must deal with it seriously. Of course, our municipal party committee and government are also responsible for the occurrence of this accident. First of all, it is me, the secretary, who is responsible and failed to do a good job.

Safety production work. Here, I would like to reflect on everyone and express my deep condolences to the three miners who died!"

As he spoke, Zhang Siwen lowered his head slightly and remained silent for a few seconds.

The atmosphere in the conference room became more solemn.

"Comrades, the purpose of our party is that we cannot tolerate any accidents that are responsible. These cadres who bear certain responsibilities must be punished as appropriate, and those who should be dismissed must be removed from their posts. If they violate the law and should be imprisoned, they must also

Send him to jail! This point must not be ambiguous!"

After a few seconds of silence, Zhang Siwen straightened up, said with a straight face, and said very sternly.

Secretary Zhang, who has always been gentle and gentle, finally went crazy!

"Secretary Chen Qin, please share with us the preliminary handling opinions of your accident investigation team.

After Zhang Siwen gave a stern speech, he turned to Chen Qin and softened his tone slightly.

It stands to reason that Chen Qin, the deputy secretary of the party and masses, does not care about the handling of matters by cadres. Moreover, it involves the punishment of the deputy mayor. It is not in line with the rules for Chen Qin to propose preliminary opinions. Usually Zhang Siwen should talk to Wu Qi.

After some communication, the two of them reached a rough consensus, then went to the secretary's office meeting to discuss, and finally held a standing committee meeting to make a decision.

At the moment, Zhang Siwen seems to have omitted all these procedures and went directly to the Standing Committee. But I don’t know what Zhang Siwen is thinking. Maybe he is not willing to communicate with Wu Qi alone.

Now that you have made up your mind to give Wu Qi a good slap in the face and peel off a layer of his skin, then be ruthless. Even though Zhang Siwen has not had a real head-on conflict with Wu Qi since he took office, in fact the competition between the two is

Inevitably, it is only a matter of time before we break up.

Beneath Zhang Siwen's gentle and elegant appearance, what is hidden is not a humble and courteous heart.

The position of Secretary of the Antai Municipal Party Committee, as Zhang Siwen's real starting point in Samlu Province, does not allow him to end up in Waterloo. If he comes to the local top leader in Samlu Province for the first time, he will be crushed by the second-in-command and unable to breathe.

, Zhang Siwen’s future career may not necessarily have a bright future.

Don't reach out casually! But when it's time to take action, you can't hesitate and you must use your full strength!

As for letting Chen Qin set the tone for dealing with cadres, although it is a bit against the rules, it is not too outrageous. After all, Chen Qin is the leader of the investigation team, so it is reasonable for him to give preliminary opinions.

Since Zhang Siwen decided to go all out, there was no room for error. Chen Qin could still be trusted. Speaking of which, he had to thank Yu Yancong for his guidance.

"Okay, Secretary Zhang, comrades, let me give my preliminary opinions first. If there is anything inappropriate, please criticize and correct it from the secretary and comrades!"

Chen Qin had a sullen face, nodded to Zhang Siwen, said, and then opened the notebook in front of him.

"After multiple investigations and evidence collection by the investigation team, it can be determined that the 3.14 mining disaster in Daping Coal Mine was a man-made safety accident. The main reason, as the secretary has just talked about, is that when the Daping Coal Mine was surveying the terrain, it did not carefully survey the No. 2 mining area.

Geological conditions and illegal operations led to a water leakage accident. Twelve miners were trapped, three were killed, and direct economic losses were hundreds of thousands. Comrades, the consequences of the March 14 mining accident are very serious. In order to strictly enforce discipline, we must prevent similar situations from happening again.

happened, the investigation team believes that the relevant responsible personnel must be dealt with seriously in order to serve as a warning for past mistakes and avoid future consequences. After preliminary discussions with the comrades of our investigation team, we came up with a preliminary handling opinion..."

Please give me flowers and tickets!!!

This chapter has been completed!
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