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Chapter 0345 want to cry without tears

Lei Weidong was still able to laugh, smiled calmly, turned around and left.

Afterwards, the municipal party secretary nominated by Jiang Xuezhong was finally won because he did not meet the conditions. This incident made Jiang Xuezhong very unhappy and he was sulking for a month.

Originally, a confrontation between Lei Weidong and Jiang Xuezhong was a top-secret incident and should not be spread out. Later, I don’t know who leaked the news. It spread to everyone, and some good people gave Lei Weidong the nickname Iron Shoulder Thunder.

Wei Dong.

Someone even gave Lei Weidong a pair of couplets saying "Iron shoulder to bear moral responsibility, toughness to confront hegemony". From then on, Lei Weidong's reputation as "Iron shoulder" became famous.

Many people don't know who Lei Weidong's backstage is, but under Jiang Xuezhong's hegemony and strength, it can be concluded that Lei Weidong has a strong background if he still can't get enough of it.

Even though Lei Weidong is a strong man, his principles and fearless character have won the admiration of countless people. Even the proud Song Haifeng admires Lei Weidong's magnanimity.

Lei Weidong showed up unexpectedly. Not only Song Haifeng and Liu Wei were shocked for a moment, but also Wang Guoliang and Wang Quanqi were surprised. They looked at each other with doubts in their hearts, wondering why Lei Weidong was here too.

Lei Weidong's stance on the Provincial Party Committee was in the middle. His relationship with Jiang Xuezhong was average, and he had little contact with Wang Guoliang. He had little professional contact with Wang Quanqi, and his personal relationship was as light as water. In other words, Lei Weidong was like an outlier to the Provincial Party Committee.

In the Provincial Party Committee, he acted alone and truly acted as a group rather than a party member.

Compared with Wang Quanqi's moderate and neutral stance, Lei Weidong's tough style of daring to challenge Jiang Xuezhong, although not everyone can understand and accept it, at least made him a role that everyone respected in the provincial party committee. If we talk about Wang Quanqi's

If people are willing to approach him if he is unfathomable, then people will stay away from Lei Weidong's solitary nature.

Even Wang Guoliang has never been able to figure out Lei Weidong's approach. If Lei Weidong can unite with him, his weight in the provincial party committee will be greatly increased, which will be enough to resist Jiang Xuezhong's pressure, but he has never been able to

I had the opportunity to sit with Lei Weidong. Unexpectedly, the hospitalization of Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu actually triggered changes in various forces in the Provincial Party Committee.

When Lei Weidong showed up at the hospital, was he here for Yu Yan or Wang Tianyu?

Everyone's doubts did not last long, because when Lei Weidong came in front of Wang Guoliang, he followed the principle of priority for the boss, and Wang Guoliang was respected by everyone present, so Wang Guoliang and Lei Weidong shook hands first, and after holding Wang Guoliang's hand, they said the first sentence.

The words were: "Is something wrong with Yu Yan?"

Yu Yan, Yu Yan again, Wang Guoliang's eyes narrowed slightly, his thoughts were agitated, Yu Yan hit a brick on his shoulder, it seemed that he was seriously injured, but in fact he and Wang Tianyu were both hospitalized, which was equivalent to kicking Gao Dexi's heart.

In addition, several members of the Provincial Committee were alarmed at the same time, which triggered a great turmoil in the Provincial Committee. The serious consequences were equivalent to a blow to the head of Gao Dexi, who had risen too quickly and was very popular.

"Yu Yan is still in a coma." Wang Guoliang said calmly, "Weidong, are you quite well informed?"

Not only Wang Guoliang was confused about Lei Weidong's purpose of visiting Yu Yan, but Wang Quanqi and Song Haifeng were also not very clear about why Lei Weidong cared so much about Yu Yan. They had never heard of any interaction between Lei Weidong and Yu Yan.

, how come Lei Weidong, who has always been cold and stern, has become enthusiastic? What is the reason?

Unknowingly, Yu Yan turned out to be an irreplaceable key fulcrum.

Not mentioning Song Haifeng's little thoughts, after Lei Weidong shook hands with everyone, he briefly asked the doctor about the conditions of Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu. His face was as cold as the thick night outside the window, as if he was thinking about something, and then

He nodded again to Wang Guoliang, Wang Quanqi and Wang Quanqi, turned around and left.

When he reached the entrance of the corridor, Lei Weidong suddenly stopped again, turned around and said something that surprised and delighted several people.

"This matter... is not over yet!"

This matter... is not over yet.

Yes, it's definitely not over. Yu Yan is in coma, Wang Tianyu is in coma, Wang Guoliang and Wang Quanqi are dispatched, Wang Quanqi and Song Haifeng show up, and in the end, even Lei Weidong unexpectedly appears. It's strange that things can end there.

Lei Weidong, like Wang Quanqi, will not easily express his opinion on a matter. Once he speaks, it will be a conclusion that will not be changed. Although Wang Quanqi's character may seem gentle, it is like the ocean, containing a profound background. Lei Weidong, on the other hand,

He is strong and determined, with a fiery character.

It is said that water and fire are incompatible. In their normal work, Wang Quanqi and Lei Weidong cooperate more and diverge. The main reason is that they have similar views on many things and their positions are almost the same. Although their methods of doing things are very different, they often often end up in conflict.

The goals are the same. However, because their personalities are too different, the two of them go their own ways in the provincial party committee, and there is almost no tacit cooperation.

But today, due to the incident between Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu, the first direct cooperation between Lei Weidong and Wang Quanqi officially kicked off.

After Lei Weidong left, Wang Guoliang also left, leaving only Wang Quanqi and Song Haifeng to guard Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu.

In the past, with Song Haifeng's proud identity, he would not have lowered his status to protect Yu Yan, but it is different now. Through a series of contacts, he has discovered some clues. This Yu Yan may be far different from what he knew before.

It's so simple.

Of course, what made Song Haifeng even more excited was that he finally had the opportunity to sit down with Wang Quanqi in private and chat together.

That night, many unknown things happened in Shanlu City and the Provincial Party Committee.

First up is Gao Dexi.

After Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu were picked up, Gao Dexi stood alone in the field for a moment like a ferocious god. Under the crowd's watch, his mind went blank. He was usually showing off his power and arrogance. Now he didn't know where he was. He just felt

I felt cold all over, unsteady on my feet, and almost collapsed.

After this incident, Gao Dexi finally understood a truth. Rather than bullying and being arrogant, sometimes an appropriate concession is a smart way to retreat. In the eyes of everyone, with everyone's ridicule and onlookers, he figured out what he has learned today.

What happened was a trap, and he was framed by Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu!

In fact, he was the most seriously injured person. Not only did he hit his head and bleed, he was also hit in the face by a leather shoe flying from Wang Tianyu in public. Not only was he physically injured, but he was also embarrassed and humiliated.

It's just arrogant. But it is far less sinister than Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu. Yu Yan and Wang Tianyu did nothing, but they were unconscious. They were victims in the eyes of everyone, but they were severely tortured physically and mentally, but they became the perpetrators.

And it was still at the gate of the Provincial Party Committee, under the eyes of countless senior officials of the Provincial Party Committee!

Although Gao Dexi was arrogant, he was not a person without political acumen. After he figured out the cause and effect of the matter, he knew that Yu Yan, the devil who had disrupted the situation in Antai, came to the Provincial Party Committee and took action again to break the current situation of the Provincial Party Committee.

A balanced situation.

Gao Dexi didn't bother to wipe the blood on his face, and stood there blankly for a long time, until his palms felt numb. He looked down and saw that he was still holding a brick stained with blood. In the eyes of outsiders, the blood on the bricks

It was Yu Yan's blood, but actually it wasn't, it was blood from his hands. But the problem is, no matter how hard he tries to explain it now, he can't explain it clearly. Everyone will think that he is a vicious perpetrator.

Gao Dexi looked up to the sky and sighed, threw away the bricks in his hands, sat down on the ground, and wanted to cry but had no tears.

The news that Gao Dexi committed the murder in public and that Yu Yan kicked Wang Tianyu with bricks spread like a whirlwind throughout the Provincial Party Committee within half an hour.

Jiang Xuezhong was feeding goldfish at home. After feeding his beloved goldfish, when he was about to feed his pocket dog, the phone rang suddenly.

Because he likes to keep rare ornamental fish and valuable miniature dogs, when Jiang Xuezhong first arrived in Shanlu Province, he had an unpleasant encounter with a deputy governor. At that time, the deputy governor came to his home and was attracted by his miniature dog as soon as he entered the door.

Shocked, the deputy governor said that raising dogs and fish was something for idlers. Unexpectedly, Governor Jiang, who had so many things to do, also had the leisure and elegance to raise fish and dogs.

The then governor Jiang Xuezhong first came to Son Lu Province and had not yet established a stable foothold. Although he was very disgusted with the deputy governor's words, he could not show any dissatisfaction and just laughed it off. He did not want to raise fish and dogs after that.

The source of the conflict between Xuezhong and the local forces in Shanlu Province. The local forces in Shanlu Province were conservative and stable and could not stand the fact that Jiang Xuezhong, as the governor, also raised fish and dogs. The deputy governor circulated a rumor that Jiang Xuezhong raised fish and dogs.

As a result, many people in the Provincial Party Committee had opinions about Jiang Xuezhong, thinking that Jiang Xuezhong was exaggerated, incompatible with the conservative and conservative style of Shanlu Province, and was not the same person.

After Jiang Xuezhong heard the rumors, he felt very uncomfortable and hated the deputy governor deeply. However, his foundation was not stable and he had not yet taken control of the overall situation, so he could only endure it.

After Jiang Xuezhong took the throne of provincial governor, he, who had always been brooding about this matter, finally broke out and raised the issue of over-standard housing, suggesting that the Discipline Inspection Commission should take down the disobedient construction committee director.

Zhu Jianggang, then Director of the Construction Committee, was transferred from Philadelphia not long ago. When the Construction Committee wanted to allocate housing to him, according to the regulations, the deputy department level was 2+2. The director of the Construction Committee was at the main department level, so it should be 3+2, which was one more room than the deputy department. The people below

Once reported, Zhu Jiang agreed without much thought.

At that time, Beicheng No.1 Construction had entered Shanglu Province. There was a key project in the province. Jiang Xuezhong asked Zhu Jiang to hand over the project to Beicheng No.1 Construction. Zhu Jiang felt embarrassed and did not agree. Jiang Xuezhong held a grudge and took up more housing as an excuse.

As a result, the Discipline Inspection Commission was instructed to give Zhu Jiang a punishment of "removal from all positions within and outside the party, and a serious warning within the party."

After the disciplinary decision was announced, there was an uproar in the Construction Committee. Some upright people in the Construction Committee were dissatisfied and went directly to the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection to complain about Zhu Jiang: "Some cadres have been rented out houses, even more than Zhu Jiang's. Director Zhu's house is just a distribution plan.

If you haven't moved in yet, how can it be considered that the housing exceeds the standard?"

A leader of the Discipline Inspection Commission replied: "We just want to punish him! You can't control it. The Discipline Inspection Commission can punish whoever it wants!"

This chapter has been completed!
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