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Chapter 0350 and Kun fell Jiaqing full

Since all the ways to leave the province and to hold office in this province are blocked, it becomes a top priority to resolve Gao Dexi's position at the department level. If Gao Dexi is now at the department level, then the move to nominate him as the executive vice governor of Henan Province may be revitalized.

, instead of being stillborn, based on the above understanding, Jiang Xuezhong decided to find another way to find a way out for Gao Dexi.

The opportunity soon came again.

After the separation of national and local taxation, the position of director of national and local taxation in Sanlu Province has been filled and there is no official position. Under this situation, neither Jiang Xuezhong nor Gao Dexi believes that it is not a smooth road to serve as deputy director of national or local taxation.

, Gao Dexi had no intention of arranging for Gao Dexi to go to the IRS, but God is not as good as man. Something suddenly happened, causing Jiang Xuezhong to quickly change his mind and nominate Gao Dexi as the deputy director of the provincial IRS.

This battle was a crucial turning point in Gao Dexi's political life.

The sudden accident was Wu Qi's unexpected death.

Wu Qi's death once again ignited the flame of hope for Gao Dexi's mayoral dream. But this time Gao Dexi learned the lesson and let the news privately that he was transferred to Antai to serve as mayor. As he expected, the news just started, and the provincial party committee organized

The Ministry then nominated another candidate for Antai mayor.

Gao Dexi was even more certain that there was a force in Shanlu Province that was deliberately attacking his rise. His path in the provincial party committee was dead. It was basically impossible to make a difference in the provincial party committee. So there was only one way to do it.

Go, jump out of the scope of the provincial party committee, and transfer to the national tax system where the provincial party committee has less influence. Maybe the sky will be brighter from now on.

The Provincial Taxation Bureau is under the vertical leadership of the National Taxation Bureau. Although the Provincial Party Committee also has jurisdiction over the Provincial Taxation Bureau, its influence is limited in comparison. Based on the above understanding, Gao Dexi made it clear to Jiang Xuezhong that he would first step out of the circle of the Provincial Party Committee and go to

It's okay to serve as the deputy director of the provincial national taxation department. As long as you break away from the scope of the provincial party committee first and then move around in the national taxation system, there will be more room.

After hearing Gao Dexi's ideas, Jiang Xuezhong immediately expressed his support for Gao Dexi. Jiang Xuezhong kept his promise and then recommended Gao Dexi to the Standing Committee and nominated Gao Dexi to be deputy director of the Provincial State Taxation Bureau and deputy party secretary.

As a result, he encountered another strong resistance. Lei Weidong, the Organization Minister of the Provincial Party Committee, and Song Haifeng, the Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, immediately made it clear that they opposed Gao Dexi's appointment.

Jiang Xuezhong finally ignored the image of the provincial governor and pounded the table and got angry: "Last time I recommended Comrade Gao Dexi to be the mayor of Deping or the secretary of the Hexiang Municipal Party Committee. You thought that his tenure as deputy director was too short and he was not approved. Last time

I nominated Comrade Gao Dexi to serve as executive vice governor in other provinces. You still objected and said a lot of bad things about Comrade Gao Dexi to the Henan Provincial Organization Department. Well, Comrade Gao Dexi is not qualified enough to serve as municipal party committee secretary or mayor, let alone executive director.

Deputy Governor..."

"But this time it's just a flat tone, and you are making irresponsible remarks, why is it so difficult for me to promote someone? Comrade Gao Dexi has strong work ability, dare to do things, is proud and righteous, and is young and capable. For this kind of innovative and pioneering type

Cadres should be used in an exception. Don’t I even understand my own secretary? If I can’t arrange him, how can I still arrange cadres to lead others? If I really don’t even understand my own secretary, how can the central government believe that I can lead well?

The work of Sanlu Province? Let’s discuss this matter today and be sure to give Comrade Gao Dexi a fair evaluation. I am waiting for everyone’s vote and respect everyone’s opinions. Based on the principle of the minority obeying the majority, let’s see who believes it.

I believe in Comrade Gao Dexi’s character.”

Although Jiang Xuezhong's words were not without threats, and there was no way out, in the final vote, although Gao Dexi approved the appointment, it was approved by a slim margin of six votes in favor and five votes against, that is,

He said that there are still many voices opposing Jiang Xuezhong and Gao Dexi in the provincial party committee.

After Gao Dexi was appointed as the deputy director of the Provincial Taxation Bureau, it was a smooth move on the surface, but the significance was extraordinary. The main reason was that he jumped out of the scope of the provincial party committee, and his future path would be smoother. At the same time, Gao Dexi served as deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau.

After becoming the director, an ambush was laid, but he was not relieved of his position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office.

Song Haifeng, Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, thinks this dual identity is against the rules, and Lei Weidong, the Organization Director, also thinks it is problematic. Originally, the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee had the right to nominate and remove Gao Dexi from his position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office.

The usual practice is that when an official at the deputy director level is removed from office, he or she must be nominated by the Organization Department and then approved by the Standing Committee after discussion.

But after Jiang Xuezhong took office, in order to further deepen his power, the power of personnel was transferred to the provincial party committee, which means that removal at this level does not need to be discussed and is directly decided by the provincial party committee. And it is directly decided by the provincial party committee. If Jiang Xuezhong does not say anything, who will take the initiative?

Mentioning Gao Dexi's position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office? Therefore, Gao Dexi's position as deputy director has been retained due to selective forgetfulness and has been retained.

There are four kinds of people in front of opportunities. The first kind of people create opportunities, the second kind of people look for opportunities, the third kind of people wait for opportunities, and the fourth kind of people miss opportunities. Gao Dexi is obviously not the third and fourth kind of people. If he is the best

He was the second type of person at the beginning, but after he became the deputy director of the Internal Revenue Service, he became the first type of person.

Many people thought that it was Jiang Xuezhong's negligence in retaining Gao Dexi's position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee's General Office. However, subsequent facts proved that retaining the position of deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee's General Office was a well-planned move by Gao Dexi.


Before Yu Yan came to Qinan City, he conducted a systematic and comprehensive study on Gao Dexi. He noticed an abnormal phenomenon, that is, under the surface arrogance, Gao Dexi had a careful and calculating heart, that is,

It is said that the general impression left by Gao Dexi to the outside world is that he is superficial and ignorant under his arrogance and arrogance. In fact, this is not the case. Gao Dexi's arrogance and arrogance are protective colors. Behind his protective colors, he is actually very scheming, and he carefully works for his future.

Every step has been planned.

If you only recognize Gao Dexi's shallowness and fail to discover his excellence, it is a prejudice against Gao Dexi and a one-sided understanding of him. At first, Yue Yan was also confused by Gao Dexi's external performance and thought that Gao Dexi was just a complacent person.

He was a nouveau riche in the officialdom, but later after Yu Yan systematically studied every step of Gao Dexi's promotion in his official career, he was surprised to discover that it turned out that Gao Dexi worked step by step and was always one step ahead of others. He was an out-and-out master of officialdom!

Since you are a master in officialdom, why do you have to show yourself in an arrogant image? You must know that in officialdom, high-profile and arrogant people are most taboo, and they hate the bully Ergouzi the most - Gao Dexi calls himself the Second Governor, but in private many people call him the Ergouzi.

Gouzi - Yuyan was also confused at first. Later, after it was revealed that Gao Dexi was Hekun from Shanlu Province, he suddenly realized that Gao Dexi's arrogance was not due to arrogance or personality, but because Gao Dexi was smart enough.

What he wanted was to use his arrogance and arrogance to open the way for Jiang Xuezhong.

Jiang Xuezhong was domineering and powerful, and his work in Shanlu Province encountered great resistance. However, Jiang Xuezhong was the governor. No matter how powerful he was, he had to act within the rules. He could not curse people in the street or kick them. Who do you think the governor Jiang is?

If he didn't like someone, he couldn't do it himself, so Gao Dexi became his eloquent person at the right time.

Gao Dexi's arrogance and arrogance, Gao Dexi's domineering behavior in Shanlu Province, are actually the true side of Jiang Xuezhong's heart revealed to the outside world. Gao Dexi's arrogance on the outside is to exercise the violent power that Jiang Xuezhong cannot exercise as the governor, just like He He.

Just as Kun was plundering people's wealth and wealth on behalf of Qianlong, Qianlong, as the emperor, cherished his reputation and did not want to be known as a person who taxed excessively, but he also wanted to enrich the treasury for his descendants. What should he do? Let He Kun do the hard work for him.

After He Kun fell and Jiaqing came to power, the new emperor punished corrupt officials and confiscated all the property that He Kun had worked hard to collect for decades. In this way, the emperor not only enriched the treasury and made a lot of money,

He also gained a good reputation for severely punishing corrupt officials. It can be said that he killed two birds with one stone, gained both fame and fortune. Therefore, there is a saying that He Kun fell and Jiaqing was full.

The world only saw Qianlong's connivance towards He Kun, but did not see Qianlong's long-term plans as an emperor for the sake of his descendants. Qianlong gave Jiaqing a generous gift, which not only enriched the people's wealth and wealth that He Kun had collected for many years, but was given away by Qianlong for his great success.

After squandering the treasury, Jiaqing also allowed Jiaqing to gain a clear reputation and secure his position by overthrowing He Kun. This meant that he established a firm foothold and opened up the situation as soon as he came to power.

In fact, He Kun was just a fat sheep raised by Qianlong, but the fat sheep also acted as a pet before it could be skinned and eaten.

Yu Yan has wondered more than once, does Jiang Xuezhong also have the deep intention to control the overall situation of Shanlu Province with the help of Gao Dexi? There should be. After Jiang Xuezhong came to Shanlu Province, whether it was because of his personality or his style of governance, he was unpopular. Anyway,

He had deep conflicts with the local forces in Sanh Luh Province. As he became more and more powerful, his domineering side became more and more distasteful to many members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee of Sanlu Province. As a result, he and most of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Committee of Sanlu

And rose to tit for tat.

Perhaps it can be said that behind Gao Dexi's increasing arrogance in San Lu Province, it is actually Jiang Xuezhong's growing dissatisfaction with a group of standing committee members of San Lu Province.

After Gao Dexi successfully jumped out of the circle of the Provincial Party Committee and became the deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau, he was not relieved of his position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office. One thing Gao Dexi always kept in mind was that although the power system of the entire Shanlu Province except for Jiang Xuezhong

Everyone outside the country is disgusted by what he does, but his power base is still in Sanlu Province, not in the national tax system. Not only does the national tax system have a relatively narrow vision, but he also has little foundation in the national tax system.

Gao Dexi is a smart man, and he is extraordinarily smart. He holds the dual positions of Deputy Director of the Provincial Party Committee Office and Deputy Director of the National Taxation Bureau. After Jiang Xuezhong defeated all the opposition forces, he returned to the Provincial Party Committee and completed a magnificent turn.

, retreat, if Jiang Xuezhong could not break out of the tight siege in the provincial party committee, he would have been climbing up the national tax system.

The more Yan Yan studied Gao Dexi's life and officialdom, the more he was amazed and admired, and the more convinced he became of one fact - every person who has ever held a high position has his own merits and is worth learning.

Wisdom and skill!

Only by learning everyone's strengths can you constantly make up for your own shortcomings.

Gao Dexi's strategy showed its due power for the first time a year after he served as deputy director of the Internal Revenue Service.

At that time, the former director of the National Taxation Bureau resigned, and Gao Dexi was originally the most popular candidate to take over as director. However, at this time, someone suddenly proposed a motion to transfer him to be the secretary of the Deping Municipal Party Committee.

The prerequisite for serving as Secretary of the Deping Municipal Party Committee was that Gao Dexi must hold relevant positions in the Provincial Party Committee. Only then did he suddenly realize that Gao Dexi had retained the position of deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee Office and had such long-term plans...

Gao Dexi's life trajectory was about to undergo the last major turning point before he met Yu Yan.

Previously, Jiang Xuezhong had intended to appoint Gao Dexi as the mayor of Deping. At that time, someone raised objections. After going to the Standing Committee, Jiang Xuezhong's motion was vetoed. The reason for the rejection was that Gao Dexi's time as deputy director was too short and he did not meet the qualifications for the position, and he was too old.

Too light, and there is another very damaging reason. Gao Dexi has never worked in a grassroots city or county. If he is immediately assigned to serve as secretary or mayor of the city, he may not be qualified for the job.

Now, after Gao Dexi has served as the deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau for more than a year, the old matter has been brought up again and he has been nominated as the secretary of the Deping Municipal Party Committee - a step further than the previous mayor, becoming the top leader in one step - the opposition is still very strong

, the objections are nothing more than the same points as before. For example, Gao Dexi is too young. Although he has certain qualifications at the deputy department level, he has no experience in serving at the grassroots level and has never served as a county magistrate or county party committee.

Secretary, it is difficult to be qualified to serve as municipal party committee secretary in one step.

However, compared with the last time, the person who nominated Gao Dexi this time was not Jiang Xuezhong, but Wang Yu, the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee who was newly cultivated by Jiang Xuezhong. This is equivalent to saying that Jiang Xuezhong retreated to the background and no longer charged forward to personally stand up for Gao Dexi.


This promotion was not only well-planned, but Jiang Xuezhong retreated behind the scenes and worked openly and covertly with Deputy Secretary Wang, who nominated Gao Dexi. The two-pronged approach showed that he would not give up until his goal was achieved.

Jiang Xuezhong’s plan is for the deputy secretary to nominate Gao Dexi first, and then hold a secretarial office meeting to discuss who is firmly opposed to it, and then defeat each opponent’s different positions in order to wait for Gao Dexi’s nomination.

After being reported to the Standing Committee, it was approved in one fell swoop, avoiding the scene where all the Standing Committee members unanimously opposed it last time.

It should be said that the preliminary work went very smoothly. Deputy Secretary Wang also worked very hard to stand up for Jiang Xuezhong. He also communicated privately with Gao Dexi many times about the progress of the matter. Basically, who had the strongest opposition and who was easier to persuade or persuade.

Gao Dexi knew everything about the breakthrough. Before he went to the Standing Committee, Gao Dexi was almost certain that this time, he would be the Secretary of the Dingdeping Municipal Party Committee.

The last time he failed, he lost his position as deputy director of the Provincial State Taxation Bureau for a year. Fortunately, he was smart and retained the position of deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office.

Otherwise, if he gave up his position as deputy director of the Provincial Party Committee General Office at that time, and now the opportunity comes, but does not have the status of provincial party committee leader, he will only be the deputy director of the National Taxation Bureau and will not meet the nomination conditions at all, so he can only

Watching the opportunity slip away before my eyes.

As expected, people without long-term worries must have immediate worries. Gao Dexi secretly rejoiced and felt proud that he had arranged a wonderful move for him in the long run.

However... God is not as good as man. Seeing that everything is ready for the preliminary work, after Jiang Xuezhong's careful deployment and Deputy Secretary Wang's extensive work, it is basically guaranteed that more than half of the Standing Committee members approve Gao Dexi's nomination. In other words, it is just

Gao Dexi's nomination was submitted to the Standing Committee, and Gao Dexi was successfully promoted to a full-time official, moving from deputy director to main director, and sitting on the throne of Deping Municipal Party Committee Secretary...

It was just one step away - just when the work was done, a transfer order was suddenly issued, and Deputy Secretary Wang was accidentally transferred out of Shanlu Province!

The promoter of the whole incident was Deputy Secretary Wang. He was unexpectedly eliminated. It was impossible for Jiang Xuezhong to take over Deputy Secretary Wang's proposal and resubmit it to the Standing Committee for discussion. Gao Dexi was passed over, just like after all the hard work.

When I climbed to the top and prepared to enjoy the infinite scenery high above, I suddenly found that the road was cut off just one step away from the highest peak.

Gao Dexi almost vomited blood!

This chapter has been completed!
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