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0359 Chain Plan

As the governor of the province, Jiang Xuezhong certainly knew that financial allocations could not be issued to private enterprises, but he still did not hesitate to write an instruction: "Please ask Comrade xxx from the Finance Department to investigate and study."

Officials who are familiar with Jiang Xuezhong's instructions all know that once Jiang Xuezhong used the instruction of "research" and added an exclamation point, it meant that it must be handled. After receiving the instruction, the Provincial Department of Finance was in a dilemma. According to the regulations, this matter cannot be done, but it was associated with Jiang Xuezhong's strength and domineeringness.

If you don’t comply, I’m afraid you won’t be able to protect your official title. Anyway, you’re spending the country’s money, not your own money. It’s not worthwhile to ruin your own future for the sake of the country’s money. Moreover, even if you don’t approve it, another director will still have to approve it.

In the end, in desperation, the Provincial Finance Department approved the funds and transferred them directly to the Deping Municipal Finance Bureau as a loan. The Deping Municipal Finance Bureau transferred the 50 million yuan to Jiutong Group in two installments.

After Jiutong Group took possession of it, it immediately transferred 30 million of the 50 million to Jiang Zheng. Jiang Zheng used the power of Jiang Xuezhong to transfer out the fiscal funds. According to relevant regulations, special fiscal funds are earmarked and cannot be evacuated. They immediately transferred them abroad.

on the account

One year later, when the financial allocation of 50 million yuan expired, Jiutong Group refused to repay the loan, and the Ministry of Finance had no way to deal with Jiutong Group.

The Jiang family and his son followed the same pattern. In just a few years, without investing a penny, they quickly accumulated a huge amount of wealth. They almost plundered the entire land of Sanlu Province. Jiang Zheng has more than a dozen companies in Sanlu Province under his name.

Assets exceed 1 billion yuan

"Since the information is so detailed, how should we fly this kite?" Wang Tianyu said with fighting spirit and fists in his hands, "We must nail the Jiang family and his son to the pillar of shame in history."

Yu Yan smiled slightly, picked up the phone, and dialed a number.

"How is the mountain prepared?"

"Everything is ready, all we need is the east wind"

"Let Pang Zhiwei start flying the kite. You should be ready to fly the kite at any time." Yu Yan gave the order. "In addition, be on guard against any changes by the three gangs at any time."

Just as Yu Yan issued the order, Xue Tiankuo was competing with Gao Dexi in the second round.

Xue Tiankuo listened to Ma Jiuying's words. After drinking a pound of liquor, he drove on the road and ran another red light. In fact, it was not that he had not thought that Ma Jiuying's proposal seemed a bit out of tune. But for some reason, he had great trust in Ma Jiuying. Ma Jiuying didn't care.

He thought everything was for his own good. After drinking a pound of white wine, he became even more passionate. He didn't have time to think deeply about why Ma Jiuying was always thinking about him. He stepped on the accelerator, and the car roared and rushed all the way.

an important crossroads

It is getting late at this time, and it is just before dark. It is the most dangerous time of the day. People's vision is blurred at this time, and accidents are most likely to occur.

The intersection where Xue Tiankuo came to is also a very busy intersection. Although private cars have not yet emerged, there are far less traffic jams than in later generations. However, Qinan City is the provincial capital after all. It is also the rush hour after get off work. There are long lines of traffic in the east-west and north-south directions.

You can't just run through a red light if you want to. You have to be the first in line at the intersection when the red light just lights up. Otherwise, you will be behind several cars in the queue and you won't be able to run through even if you want to.

This time Xue Tiankuo was unfortunate not to be the first in line. There was a taxi parked in front of him. He was depressed. When the light turned green, he could only pass the intersection obediently and obey the law. What should he do? Do he have to wait for the next intersection?

As he was drinking heavily, Xue Tiankuo remembered that he should have been first in line, but the taxi grabbed him and blocked his way. Damn taxis, they never obey the traffic rules, they run around randomly, they stop at random, and they need to be taught a lesson today.

Seeing that almost all the cars from the north and south had passed, and the red lights in the east and west directions were still about ten seconds away, Xue Tiankuo moved - the BMW sports car suddenly pushed forward and hit the rear of the taxi. The taxi was unprepared and immediately moved forward. Run a few meters away

The taxi was furious. He was rear-ended and even caused him to run a red light. How did the car behind him drive? The taxi driver was a bald man in his early thirties. He stopped the car angrily and was about to get out of the car to argue with the car behind him. But I found that the accelerator of the car behind me was roaring. I ran through the red light and was about to escape.

Hit and run, the strong man became even more furious and stopped getting out of the car. He stepped on the accelerator and turned the direction. The car turned sideways and blocked the path of the BMW.

Xue Tiankuo completed the feat of running a red light. When he was about to drive away in a hurry, the taxi driver unexpectedly blocked his way without his life. He never thought that the taxi would be so crazy. He couldn't brake in time and hit the side of the taxi heavily.

With a loud bang, the front of the BMW sports car was completely destroyed

Xue Tiankuo was knocked dizzy and became furious. After getting off the car, he came to the taxi angrily. He kicked the taxi door and cursed: "You don't want your life. Is life or money more important? Damn you shit."

Under the protection of the father of the police chief, the young master has had no worries about food and clothing since he was a child. Although he has opened a company, he has never acted according to market rules. It has always been a transaction of power and money. Money comes easily. How does Xue Tiankuo know the difficulties of ordinary people's survival? Moreover, taxi drivers wake up early and work hard every day. How much money can you make in one day? For a taxi driver, the taxi is the lifeline. If it crashes, even if the insurance company supports the repair cost, it can’t afford the time.

So sometimes for the people struggling at the bottom, in a sense, money is indeed more important than life.

When the strong man saw that Xue Tiankuo had hit his car and was charging at him fiercely, the evil fire in his heart rose to the sky. He pushed the car door open and after getting out of the car, he kicked Xue Tiankuo in the knee. The strong man drove a taxi all year round and drove the Santana car without assistance. I had built up all my strength in the morning, and when I kicked him down, I almost missed Xue Tiankuo and suffered a comminuted fracture.

Xue Tiankuo fell to the ground with a plop and immediately fell on his back.

Originally, Xue Tiankuo was already 70-80% drunk, and he was originally a silver-colored wax gun. He was usually very powerful, but he was just using his power to bully others. If the person who usually shows off his power and power is his father, the director, then the one who relies on his domineering power in the city is the BMW sports car, which is worth hundreds of millions. Wan's BMW sports car always gives him a psychological advantage invisibly

Now that my father is not around, he got out of the car again, and he was beaten back to his original shape. After only one encounter, he was beaten by the strong man in the taxi and was unable to fight back.

However, he was used to bullying men and dominating women. Xue Tiankuo was drunk and cowardly. He rolled and got up from the ground. As soon as he lowered his head, he hit the strong man in the taxi: "Damn it, I will kill you."

Maybe it was because he had been driving for a long time. Under the stimulation of alcohol, Xue Tiankuo really thought that his head was as hard as the front of a BMW sports car and could directly hit everything in front of him.

But then again, a person's head is always harder than his stomach. The strong man in the taxi was caught off guard. He didn't expect that the gentleman driving a BMW sports car would act like a scoundrel when fighting. He couldn't dodge and was hit in the stomach. He was immediately hit by Xue Tiankuo and fell to the ground.

Xue Tiankuo succeeded with one blow and laughed loudly. He stepped forward and raised his foot to kick the strong man in the taxi several times. As soon as he raised his foot, the traffic police arrived.

The traffic policeman stepped forward and hugged Xue Tiankuo, threw him hard on the ground and said angrily: "You hit and beat people. I have been on duty for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person like you."

The name of the traffic policeman is Zhuo Fang. I have been a traffic policeman for more than ten years. I have seen many people who run red lights, show off and pose. This is the first time I saw someone who ran a red light on top of the car in front of me, then crashed and beat someone. I couldn't bear it anymore.

Without saying a word, Zhuo Fang went up and started to conduct an interrogation.

When Zhuo Fang checked the extent of the crash of the BMW sports car, he found that the license plate looked familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he recalled that the license plate of the BMW sports car was clearly that of a deputy director of the municipal bureau, and the deputy director's car was an Audi. It was obvious that this car BMW sports car is a deck

Well, Zhuo Fang is almost out of anger. He plays cards, runs red lights, crashes, and hits people. Who is so arrogant? He has opened his eyes today. He did not expect that there is a person more arrogant than Gao Dexi in Qinan City. I think back then, even though Gao Dexi's car ran a red light, it was... It's not a deck, and it doesn't hit anyone with a car.

Xue Tiankuo got up from the ground, staggered to Zhuo Fang, stretched out a finger and said, "What's your name?"

Zhuo Fang ignored Xue Tiankuo and went straight to open the door of the BMW sports car and looked for the vehicle license and driver's license inside.

Xue Tiankuo got angry and pushed Zhuo Fang away: "Don't touch my car, mother. If it crashes, your year's salary is not enough to pay for a part. Tell me your name quickly."

Zhuo Fang was extremely angry and pointed at Xue Tiankuo: "What's the matter? I just hit the taxi driver and I want to hit the traffic police."

Xue Tiankuo punched Zhuo Fang in the face: "You are the one I am hitting. Let you know who I am. I will hit you every time I see you in the future."

"Hitting someone"

"The BMW driver hit the taxi driver and then hit the traffic police."

"How crazy. Who is this person? How dare he even hit the traffic police?"

"I don't know. He must have a capable father. Otherwise, how dare he be lawless?"

The onlookers around were booing and accusing Xue Tiankuo of his arrogant behavior.

Xue Tiankuoyuan opened his eyes and pointed at the people around him who didn't know the truth: "You guys who are watching the excitement, get away from me. You have nothing to do here. I'm just enforcing family law." Then he turned around and pointed at Zhuo Fang's nose. He said, "I am the son of your chief, Xue Xiaogang. I'm calling your detachment leader. Please hurry up and get things done. Otherwise, I want you to look good."

It turned out to be the bureau chief. Zhuo Fang had a nosebleed. He was punched by Xue Tiankuo and his face was full of tears. A trace of hesitation flashed in his heart. He is a small traffic policeman, but he can't afford to offend the dignified municipal police chief. Otherwise, let this matter be forgotten. I can't bear to swallow my anger again. What can I do? How can his arm be twisted past his thigh?

When the onlookers heard that Xue Tiankuo turned out to be the son of the director of public security, some people saw that the situation was not good and kept silent, turned around and ran away, while some people continued to boo.

"It turns out it's the Director. Then you continue to fight. This is dog eating dog."

"No wonder they say they are enforcing family laws. They are actually enforcing family laws. The fight continues. Let's watch the excitement."

“Well done, the traffic police don’t have many good things.”

"Mr. Xue, on behalf of the broad masses of the people, I support you in eliminating harm to the people."

Xue Tiankuo didn't hear that the booing was sarcastic or sarcastic. He was still smug, thinking that he had shocked the unruly people. He turned around and snatched the ticket from Zhuo Fang's hand and tore it into pieces with three blows. He laughed wildly: "If you don't accept it, don't you? If you don't accept it, give me another ticket. It's yours." In my eyes, a ticket is worse than a piece of paper, at best it’s just a piece of paper for wiping your ass.”

Zhuo Fang was completely angered by Xue Tiankuo's arrogance and immediately re-issued the ticket: "I don't believe it. I have to give you a ticket today. The tow truck will be here soon. No matter who you are, you have to pay the corresponding price for your illegal behavior."

"Okay, I'll wait." Xue Tiankuo said triumphantly and crossed his shoulders, looking disapproving.

Not long after, the sirens rang and the tow truck did not come. Instead, several police cars came. Several police officers got out of the police cars. With stern faces, they came to Zhuo Fang without saying a word. Two people surrounded Zhuo Fang, one on the left and the other on the right. One of them whispered : "Please come with us"

"Who are you?" Zhuo Fang realized that the matter was serious

"Don't worry about who we are, just come with us." The two of them didn't explain much, but just picked up Zhuo Fang and left. Obviously, they wanted to threaten Zhuo Fang.

"If you dare to go against me, you will reap the rewards," Xue Tiankuo said with great arrogance.

"What happened?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded, and a person came out of the crowd. Shi Ran came to Xue Tiankuo, "Xue Tiankuo, you also have today..."

Why is Gao Dexi here? Xue Tiankuo squinted his eyes. Seeing Gao Dexi's malicious smile, his heart jumped inexplicably. Gao Dexi didn't show up earlier and showed up later. But he showed up when he was fighting. What does that mean?

However, thinking of Ma Jiuying's explanation, Xue Tiankuo calmed down a little and smiled: "Secretary Gao, what a coincidence, you also ran a red light."

Gao Dexi was angry. He had been hurt badly by Xue Tiankuo. He didn't expect that Xue Tiankuo not only spoke lightly, but also meant to ridicule. He couldn't help but said angrily: "Mr. I got into the car, but I ran away. I didn’t expect that you would also crash the car after tit for tat. Hehe, God opened his eyes.”

After Gao Dexi was involved in a car accident and escaped from the scene, he drove the car to the repair shop and then changed to another car to go to the banquet as normal. It happened to be that the place where he ate was very close to the place where Xue Tiankuo crashed. Looking out from where he was sitting. At first glance, you can clearly see the accident that happened at the intersection. At first, Gao Dexi didn't pay attention, thinking it was just an ordinary accident. He didn't want the matter to get worse, so he couldn't help but look at it a few more times. It was okay if he didn't look. At first glance, he was overjoyed. It turned out that the perpetrator was not someone else. Xue Tiankuo

This chapter has been completed!
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