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Chapter 0377 small fritters

Liu Yanfang glared at Man Baoyuan, as if blaming him for not mentioning this candidate. This was a fat job, and it was just for no reason. Why did Xue Guanyuan get the advantage? How could the friendship between Lao Xue and her family have reached that level?


Man Baoyuan pretended not to see it. In fact, he deliberately pushed Xue Guanyuan out with some ideas. Xue Guanyuan had been seeking to be transferred. Unfortunately, Liu Yanfang also wanted to be transferred. In case Xue Guanyuan was transferred first, Liu Yanfang's transfer

It's even more difficult to handle. You can't just pack all the cadres from Beiluan District into the county seat, right?

Yu Yan smiled and said: "The district chief's idea coincides with mine. I think it will work, it's Lao Xue!"

Yuyan did not give the cadres in Beiluan District a "breathing opportunity." He knew very well that the change of ideological concepts could not be achieved by holding meetings and talking about big principles. It had to be implemented in real work.

Change in real benefits.

First, we need to create a heated momentum.

Just as Yu Yan said, a few days later, one million yuan of money arrived in his account one after another. As expected, not a cent was withheld, and all was received. Because of this, Yu Yan's prestige in Beiluan District increased invisibly.

Steps. Not only could Secretary Yu get money, but he could also control the city. No one in the county finance bureau dared to deduct money from him. This was even more surprising than Yu Yan getting money from the province.

Among the local cadres, who has not seen the majesty of those men in the Finance Bureau?

As soon as the money was received, Yu Yan immediately convened a joint meeting of the two teams of the district committee and the district office to clearly implement the tasks.

When everyone learned that Xue Guanyuan was actually responsible for the preparation of these two factories, they were all a little stunned. Even Xue Guanyuan was a little shocked. Neither Yuyan nor Man Baoyuan said hello to him beforehand. Why was it suddenly announced?


But in the liaison meeting, Xue Guanyuan was not willing to give up the job on the spot. No matter what, in everyone's eyes, this was a fat job. Xue Guanyuan also had some thoughts in his heart.

Deputy District Chief Ma Changji is responsible for implementing cotton planting and pig breeding.

Naturally, Yu Yan personally took on the task of external relations. No one else could do this job well.

The other district committee members and deputy district chiefs were also idle, and Yu Yan assigned tasks to them one by one. Man Baoyuan was in charge of the general affairs, and when Yu Yan was away, he coordinated all the work.

After the tasks were assigned, the cadres all looked excited. The beautiful blueprint that Secretary Yu drew for Beiluan District actually saw the possibility of realization.

Man Baoyuan admired Yu Yan's vigorous and resolute methods. Although he was young, he was really courageous. With such a division, the mental outlook of the entire Beiluan District cadre team changed.

There is a new atmosphere of striving for progress.

After the joint meeting ended, Yu Yan immediately returned to his office, and Xue Guanyuan came to see him.

This was within Yu Yan's expectation.

Speaking of which, Yu Yan also played a little trick. According to the normal working methods, before announcing such a major arrangement, he should have a clear understanding with Xue Guanyuan, and at least seek his personal opinion. There should be no surprise attack.

But this time, Yu Yan decided to do the opposite. The purpose was to make Xue Guanyuan unexpected and take the initiative to communicate with him. In addition to establishing a certain "psychological advantage" and taking the initiative, he could also better understand

Let’s take a look at Xue Guanyuan’s true inner thoughts. Since it was Xue Guanyuan who took the initiative to come to see him, he couldn’t engage in Tai Chi with Yu Yan.

In any case, Xue Guanyuan is also one of Yu Yan's main deputies. He is always so outside the mainstream circle of Beiluan District, which is not beneficial to the development of work. Yu Yan cannot tolerate a deputy secretary of the party and the masses, the third in command,

I am restless at my job all day long.

Yu Yan knew very well that if the appearance of Beiluan District was to change, the mental outlook of the cadres must first be changed. The great leader taught that after the political line is determined, the cadres are the decisive factor. Yu Yan believed this sentence deeply and regarded it as truth.


A team of cadres who do nothing all day long and are scattered will not be able to build a new Hua Beiluan in any case.

"Comrade Guan Yuan is here, please sit down, please sit down!"

Yu Yan was extremely polite. He came out from behind the desk, shook hands with Xue Guanyuan warmly, and politely allowed him to sit down on the sofa.

Yu Yan's secretary's office is quite large. There is a special sofa area for guests, which can hold small meetings. Of course, the sofa and coffee table are all made of wood. As Liu Yanfang said, they are old goods.

As an "old product" from the 1960s and 1970s, the paint has peeled off in many places, revealing the white background inside.

"Come, Comrade Guan Yuan, please have tea!"

Yu Yan personally made tea for Xue Guanyuan.

Xue Guanyuan was so busy that he leaned over and thanked him repeatedly.

"Comrade Guan Yuan, are you a little surprised by the district's arrangements?"

Yu Yan handed him a cigarette and asked with a smile.

The smile on Xue Guanyuan's face froze for a moment, then spread again, and said: "Yes, Secretary Yu, you caught me off guard. I was not mentally prepared at all, and I felt very uneasy..."

To be honest, Xue Guanyuan felt a little weird every time he talked to Yu Yan. First of all, Yu Yan called him "Comrade Guanyuan", which made Xue Guanyuan very uncomfortable. In the countryside, no one usually calls him that, otherwise

They just call him "Secretary Xue" or "Old Xue", but few people call him "Comrade Guanyuan". However, Yu Yan not only calls him this, but also calls him "Lao Xue" for most other cadres in the district.

This is how they are called, except for Man Baoyuan, who is addressed by the official title. In private, Liu Yanfang is called "sister-in-law". When there is a formal meeting, of course, the title is still called Director Liu.

Xue Guanyuan also carefully analyzed Yu Yan's technique, and the more he analyzed it, the more he admired it.

Although Secretary Yu is young, he is very scheming.

All the leading cadres of the two teams in Beiluan District, without exception, are all older than Yu Yan, and much older. At least more than ten years older. Many people are estimated to be about the same age as Yu Yan's father. For example

For Xue Guanyuan, if Yu Yan calls him "Secretary Xue", it will be a bit harsh and does not imply closeness; if he calls him "Old Xue", it will be too frivolous and a bit disrespectful to the old comrades. According to the party's practice, "the name"

His "Comrade Guan Yuan" is just right. Even though it sounds a bit weird, it's hard to fault, and it actually highlights his special status as the leader!

Secondly, Xue Guanyuan felt strange. Another reason was that he always felt that Yu Yan's maturity and sophistication did not match his actual age. Although he could feel the energy of a twenty-year-old man in Yu Yan, he definitely could not feel it.

Impulsive. This new secretary does not express his opinions casually and always likes to find out why. Once a decision is made, he will go all out and not allow anyone to refute it.

Judging from Xue Guanyuan's many years of grassroots experience, such a leader is the most difficult to deal with. He will not change his decision easily. Anyone who stands against him, no matter who he is, is likely to be eliminated.

But this trip today was a must.

The leader has placed such a heavy burden on you and handed a huge sum of one million dollars into your hands, Xue Guanyuan. You can't even show no signs of it. That's too ignorant.

Xue Guanyuan also wanted to find out what kind of medicine was sold in Yuyan Gourd. If he didn't figure this out, his future response would be likely to go wrong.

After listening to Xue Guanyuan's complaint, Yu Yan smiled slightly and said: "Comrade Guan Yuan, this decision has been carefully considered. I have discussed it with District Mayor Man. We all think that you are a comrade with a good reputation, good at uniting comrades, and good education.

He is relatively tall, his thoughts are relatively liberated, and he has seen the world. It is our first time to set up an industrial enterprise in Beiluan District, and we really need educated and capable cadres like you to take charge."

Yu Yan's words are not flattering to Xue Guanyuan, but are indeed carefully considered. As Yu Yan himself said, among the leading cadres in the entire Beiluan District party and government team, except Yu Yan, who graduated from university, Xue Guanyuan has the highest academic qualifications.

, serious college students, and not workers, peasants and soldiers college students. There are also a few cadres who also have university degrees, but everyone knows that kind of education is hard to do. Apart from engaging in political movements, the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University has nothing serious.

What to learn.

Yu Yan knows very well that to run a business, you still need to have some culture. The rich generation like the devil, because of the drastic changes in society, may be able to take advantage of the situation, fish in troubled waters, or even operate illegally, but more often than not, it is

They fell into the dust and were quickly eliminated by the times. Yuyan did not need such people. The feed mill and machinery manufacturing plant were the first batch of hens in Beiluan District. Yuyan hoped to lay down a solid foundation at the beginning of preparations.

A solid foundation creates a good system. Only in this way can it achieve sustainable development. It will be able to continuously provide construction funds for Beiluan District for a long time to come.

Merely exploiting loopholes in the law and winning out of chaos is not a long-term solution.

After all, these enterprises are not private, but public. Private enterprises can develop for a long time because of fixed leaders. Public enterprises, however, will constantly change leaders. No one can guarantee that every leader will be selfless.

Or they are all business wizards. If you want to develop for a long time, the system is crucial. Of course, in a society ruled by people, the binding force of the system is extremely limited. But it is better to have a complete system than no system at all.

But Yu Yan hoped that Xue Guanyuan could understand his painstaking efforts.

In addition, Xue Guanyuan's good personal ethics and good at uniting comrades are indeed what Yu Yan values. Yu Yan can grasp the major political policies himself. Specific work requires the coordination of people like Xue Guanyuan. Everyone only cares about moving forward.

, who will finish the aftermath?

"Secretary Yu has given me the award. I feel really ashamed that I don't deserve it. I feel so ashamed."

Xue Guanyuan waved his hands repeatedly and said with some embarrassment. In front of this young man who was twice his age, Xue Guanyuan did not have the mentality of relying on his elders.

"Secretary Yu, let me tell you sincerely, I feel really unsure. I have never run a business before. I am really afraid that I will not be able to shoulder such a heavy burden. If I mess up, I will be in trouble. I'm sorry to the organization.

Secretary He Yu’s trust.”

Xue Guanyuan felt ashamed for a while and then got down to business.

Yu Yan noticed that Xue Guanyuan only mentioned "organization and Yu Secretary" and did not mention Man District Chief. This shows that in Xue Guanyuan's mind, only the party committee secretary is his superior, not the district chief! Xue Guanyuan usually talks to Man Man

The relationship between Baoyuan and Baoyuan is not bad. It is only a good relationship between comrades and has nothing to do with superiors and subordinates.

"Comrade Guan Yuan, can you be more specific about what aspects you are mainly worried about? You can bring it up and we can discuss it."

Yu Yan continued to have a smile on his face and said unhurriedly.

Xue Guanyuan was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he really couldn't figure out an idea, but he was quite uneasy. As for what specific aspects he was worried about, he couldn't say for the moment. People are like this.

There is always a sense of fear in work. He came today mainly because he wanted to explore Yu Yan's tone. Unexpectedly, Yu Yan turned his back on the guest and conquered an army. This young secretary seemed to have this ability.

He always takes the initiative in the conversation and completes the subject-object transition inadvertently.

At this point, Xue Guanyuan could only sort out his thoughts and make a report to Secretary Yu.

"Haha, the main reason is that I have never run a business before and am very unfamiliar with this area. I don't know how to start. Secretary Yu is a college student in the new era and is well-informed. Please give me some advice."

Xue Guanyuan also gave Yu Yan a move to turn defense into offense.

Yu Yan waved his hand and said: "Comrade Guan Yuan is too polite. I don't take advice seriously. We just discuss and learn from each other. You know, I graduated from school not long ago and I have never started a business before. But this is not the most important thing.

The problem mainly depends on whether we have the determination to do this job well. Whether we are engaged in business or other work, there are two basic prerequisites. The first is to be dedicated to the public and be selfless in our hearts. The second is that

Be serious. As long as you are serious, everything can be done well. Comrade Guan Yuan, is that so?"

That’s a fair question!

Can Comrade Guan Yuan say that this is not the case?

Xue Guanyuan nodded repeatedly, pretending to be open-minded and accepting the instruction.

"I believe that whether it is a feed factory or a machinery factory, a culture must be formed at the beginning of the establishment of the enterprise. These two concepts must be instilled in all cadres and workers. The concept of being dedicated to the public and taking things seriously must be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

.This is the so-called corporate culture.”

Secretary Yu spoke eloquently, but Comrade Guan Yuan was confused.

Yu Yan didn't care whether he understood it or not, and simply followed his own ideas and narrated it. This was actually a kind of conceptual indoctrination. Once the advantage was established theoretically, the advantage would naturally be established psychologically.

As the actual person in charge of this work, Xue Guanyuan, how can he implement this concept without first establishing it?

"We don't have a grassroots team. Although these two factories were definitely crude when they were first opened, and many things were incomplete. However, I have an idea. The only thing that is crude is the material conditions, and the system cannot be crude. The first step

, it is necessary to formulate various basic systems so that the first batch of cadres and workers can establish the mentality of doing things according to the system and develop such a style. Comrade Guan Yuan, this is crucial. These two

Whether the factory can survive and develop in the future depends on a correct business philosophy and a substantial corporate culture."

Yu Yan said, his face became more serious.

This chapter has been completed!
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