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Chapter 0394 Come with me!

Huang Taohua's face turned pale with fright. She quickly forced a smile and apologized to the fat boss. The hotel had rules. If the guests were unhappy, the ladies would be punished. Especially for girls like them who were not at ease at work, they had very strict requirements. The hotel may also want to use these means to force these girls to obey.

The fat boss didn't intend to go into details at first, but when he saw Pang Zhiwei's eyes coming towards him with a cold light, the fat boss felt provoked. Just seeing Pang Zhiwei's figure, he didn't dare to find trouble with Pang Zhiwei, so he poured out all his anger. Vent on Huang Taohua.

"Drink all this bottle of wine, or I will complain to your manager!"

The fat boss picked up the bottle of foreign wine in front of him, which was about half full, and handed it to Huang Taohua, threatening her fiercely.

The other two guests also looked at Huang Peach Blossom with displeasure on their faces.

This stinky bastard is too damn disrespectful. The big men are here to spend money. How dare you, a bastard, flirt with a pretty boy and purposely cause trouble for the big blokes.

Huang Taohua was immediately frightened.

Although she has been imprisoned in this land of fireworks for a long time and has to drink with these guests every day, she still doesn't drink much, especially foreign wine. After drinking this kind of wine, it tastes sweet. But the stamina is so great that you usually have to mix it with water. If you drink half a bottle of the original juice without water, you will probably get drunk to death.

"Forget it, boss, she was wrong, please forgive her for once...!"

Another lady felt compassion and helped Huang Taohua in a low voice to plead with the fat boss.

"Yes, boss, let her serve you well later!"

Another young lady also begged in a low voice.

"Shut the hell up, what qualifications do you have to say nice things to her? Are you going to drink or not?"

The fat boss became more and more arrogant and shouted at Huang Taohua.

Tears welled up in Huang Taohua's eyes, and then she gritted her teeth, set her heart aside, stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, and was about to take the bottle of wine.

Just die.

In such days, life is worse than death. I don't know when it will end. It is better to get drunk to death now and be done with it.

"I'll help her drink it!"

Unexpectedly, a big hand stretched out from the side and snatched the wine bottle from the fat boss's hand. It was Pang Zhiwei, looking sideways at the fat boss with a very contemptuous expression.

"Hey, do you understand the rules? This is the lady we call you!"

The fat boss was so angry that he started yelling at Pang Zhiwei.

Fortunately, the bar was very noisy, and although there was a conflict, it didn't attract the attention of other customers for a while.

"Rules, you tell me the rules, right? Believe it or not, I will kill you with one shot!"

Pang Zhiwei was furious and shouted in a low voice, his eyes sparkling.

The fat boss was so shocked that he took two steps back and looked at Pang Zhiwei, his mouth wide open and unable to close.

One shot will kill you.

This is not an ordinary threat. Ordinary people will never threaten others with guns. Look at this, the pretty face does not look like a tiger man. Maybe he is actually carrying a gun. He is either an official or a gangster, no matter where he is. He couldn't afford to mess with any of the family.

"Don't blame me for bullying you. If you know how to behave, just sit down for me. I want this woman, and I won't owe you any money. I'll give you the three here. I've already paid the appearance fee. How about it? , you won’t suffer a loss in this transaction!”

Pang Zhiwei said coldly.

"No, no, no, misunderstanding and fate... Haha, sir, I misunderstood. I didn't mean it. Since, since you have taken a fancy to this lady, everyone is here to have fun, so let's leave it to you. We Let’s go now!”

How could the fat boss dare to make a real deal? He kept saying this over and over again, nodding and bowing to Pang Zhiwei again and again, his demeanor was totally different from before.

"Come on, didn't you hear what I said clearly? Sit down and drink your wine. Nothing is wrong. Do you understand?"

Pang Zhiwei said with a straight face, word for word.

Now, if you let this guy go, I'm afraid he will immediately complain to the hotel's senior management, and the hotel will definitely intervene. Although both parties are guests, the hotel will not deliberately favor one party, but at the moment, naturally, It's better not to create extraneous problems.

Oil and sweat were pouring out from the fat boss' fat forehead. He raised his hand to wipe it. Nuonuo responded repeatedly and sat down on the sofa. However, everything felt wrong, and he didn't dare to get up and leave seriously. Although I haven't seen whether Pang Zhiwei really brought the guy with him, it is better to believe that this kind of thing is true than to believe it is not true. If it is true and Pang Zhiwei is angered, it will be very bad.

Such a stupid little young man wouldn't care about the consequences. If he were shot, wouldn't he die unjustly?

The other two men were obviously the same thing, and they did not dare to act rashly, lest they suffer disaster. The three of them sat there without embarrassment, staring at each other, full of discomfort.

"Huang Taohua, come here!"

Pang Zhiwei said to Huang Taohua, but he used the Antai dialect. Although the Antai dialect and the Taocheng dialect are very different, they can still be understood. To outsiders, they are exactly the same. They are all gibbering foreign languages.

Huang Taohua was sensitively aware that this young man who suddenly appeared might be an opportunity to change her life's destiny. Even if she guessed wrong, this man was just an ordinary prostitute who fell in love with her appearance. It won't be too bad.

Could there be a situation worse than her current situation?

With all these thoughts swirling in her mind, Huang Taohua walked over without hesitation.

"You, go over there and accompany them!"

Pang Zhiwei casually pointed at a young lady on his side and sent her over to accompany the fat boss as compensation.

Seeing that Pang Zhiwei was so ferocious and how dare he say no, the young lady immediately nodded, got up obediently, walked over, and sat down next to the fat boss, but she didn't dare to do anything. The atmosphere was very embarrassing.

Yu Yan waved to Huang Taohua and said, "Come here, I have something to ask you!"

He also spoke the Antai dialect, but it was mixed with a Taocheng accent, which was less pure and authentic than Pang Zhiwei's dialect.

Huang Taohua immediately came over and bowed deeply to Yu Yan. She crossed her hands in front of her and held them tightly. Her knuckles were a little white, which showed that she was very nervous.

"Sit down, don't be afraid, we are not bad people!"

Yu Yan said gently, with a kind smile on his face.


Huang Taohua nodded, sat next to Yu Yan on the sofa, and looked at Yu Yan nervously.

"Your name is Huang Taohua, right? What's your father's name?"

"My name is Huang Taohua, and my father is Huang Qiusheng!"

Huang Taohua said timidly, her delicate body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and there were tears in her eyes. Although the lights in the bar were not bright, she could still see that Huang Taohua was indeed very beautiful, but her face was... I no longer have the pure and fresh look in the photo.

This society has hurt her too deeply.

Yu Yan breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Taohua speaks the standard Beiluan dialect. This cannot be faked, and no one has enough food and nothing to do to learn the Beiluan dialect.

"Huang Taohua, listen carefully and don't say anything. Do you understand? Just listen!"

Yu Yan warned Huang Taohua in a deep voice.

Huang Taohua nodded repeatedly, with a look of hope on her face, and the light of hope once again bloomed in her already desperate eyes.

"My surname is Yu, and I am the secretary of the Beiluan District Committee of Taocheng County. That person's surname is Pang, and he is the director of the Beiluan Police Station. We received a report from your father Huang Qiusheng and made a special trip to take you home. You will come back later. Come with us, don’t be afraid, we have arranged everything, you will definitely be able to go back!”

Yu Yan said slowly, with one sentence, he said it very clearly.

Huang Taohua was shaken suddenly, her whole body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and tears burst into her eyes.

Now that the yellow peach blossom has been found, there is no need to stay here any longer.

Yu Yan immediately stood up and said to Pang Zhiwei, "Let's go!"

Pang Zhiwei nodded and glanced at Wang Haodong. Wang Haodong stood up quietly, made an inconspicuous gesture to the young men sitting by the door, and then followed Huang Taohua, a group of four people, towards the bar. Walk outside.

The two young ladies were confused and followed him outside.

Pang Zhiwei turned around and said: "You don't have to follow me, go back and go to work!"

The two ladies looked at each other, not knowing what Pang Zhiwei meant. These people were really strange. They had already paid the appearance fee and just left without even touching them. If these kind of customers come every day, Miss We are going to faint with joy.

Although they did not understand the dialect of Shanlu Province and did not know what Yuyan Pang Zhiwei and Huang Taohua said, they also vaguely guessed that these people seemed to be here just for Huang Taohua, and they did not seem to be trying to get along with Huang Taohua. Do that kind of thing.

But what's going on in this matter is not their thing to worry about, as long as they have the money.

When Yu Yan and the others moved, several young men sitting at the door also moved. They seemed casual, but they were well-trained.

It wasn't until Yu Yan and others left the bar that the fat boss let out a long sigh of relief. Then he slammed the coffee table in anger and said angrily: "What the hell? This hotel is too unruly. Let's go and find their manager." , I must have an explanation today!”

The other two men were also angry and echoed.

In fact, there was no need for them to go find the manager. The manager had already come over. He was not far from the bar and approaching the lobby. Yu Yan and his party met the hotel manager and four security guards. The security guards all held rubber sticks in their hands. .

"Sir, please stay!"

The manager of the hotel, who was about thirty years old, wearing a suit and leather shoes, looked quite shrewd. When he saw Huang Taohua, who was following Yu Yan closely, he immediately raised his eyebrows and reached out to stop Yu Yan's path.

The four security guards also looked over, with alert looks in their eyes.

Yu Yan stopped and looked at the manager calmly without speaking.

The deep look in his eyes made the manager feel slightly startled, giving rise to a different premonition.

"Excuse me, sir, where are you going?"

Pang Zhiwei took a step forward, stood next to Yu Yan, and slightly covered Yu Yan with his body. In a situation like this, of course Director Pang had to step forward. If he really wanted to take action, it would be Director Pang who would charge into the battle.

"What do you mean, no guests are allowed in or out of your place!"

Pang Zhiwei asked coldly, staring directly at the manager's face.

"Haha, sir, you misunderstood. My surname is Ke, and I am the security manager of the Hongye Hotel. Guests have to come and go as they please. But this lady is from our hotel, and she can't leave!"

Manager Ke said with a smile.

Huang Taohua and several other young ladies have registered and must be strictly monitored. They are absolutely not allowed to leave the hotel. If guests want to be romantic and happy, they must do it in the hotel. Anyway, Hongye Hotel is the first-class luxury hotel in Jiangkou. The guests would not be dissatisfied. These guests just wanted to take Huang Taohua away. Manager Ke had a vague feeling that there was something wrong.

Pang Zhiwei sneered and said: "Is your hotel a bandit den? It also restricts personal freedom!"

Manager Ke's expression suddenly changed, and the four security guards also tightened their grip on the rubber sticks.

I originally thought that these young guests were going to take Huang Taohua to have fun outside. They didn't know that Huang Taohua was the lady under strict supervision of the hotel, which was understandable. They made it clear to them and left. As for Huang Taohua, they wanted to She took the opportunity to escape, but she was not allowed to do so lightly. After the matter was settled, it would not be too late to teach her a lesson.

But as soon as Pang Zhiwei said this, Manager Ke knew that was not the case.

This is a clear attempt to find trouble.

Haha, these foreigners are so ignorant that they don’t know who is covering the Hongye Hotel.

"Hey, sir, if you want to cause trouble, you have to see clearly what kind of place this is. I advise you to leave now. We won't argue with you, otherwise, you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

Manager Ke also sneered. He straightened up and showed a ferocious expression. His eyes swept over Huang Taohua's face. Huang Taohua suddenly turned pale with fear and trembled all over.

This Manager Ke looks gentle and polite, but in fact he is a devil.

Huang Taohua had been tortured by him countless times.

"Take this bitch back and teach her a lesson!"

Manager Ke had completely changed his face and ordered several security guards.

The two security guards agreed and stepped forward to take the person.

Huang Taohua exclaimed, and she was so frightened that she slipped to the ground. Yu Yan grabbed her arm and said calmly: "Wait a minute!"

Manager Ke raised his hand to stop the security guard and asked with a smile: "What does this gentleman have to say?"

"Manager Ke, if we must take this girl away, what conditions do you have!"

Yu Yan asked calmly.

Manager Ke laughed and said: "It turns out that this gentleman is really attracted to this woman. Okay, I like to be kind to others. As long as you give me 100,000 yuan in cash, we will have the money and the goods, and you can bring it to us right away." She can go and do whatever she wants, so what, this condition isn’t too much!"

Yu Yan smiled and said, "Does she owe you money?"

∷Updated quickly∷∷Plain text∷

This chapter has been completed!
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