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Chapter 0418 Seek truth from facts

Yu Yan looked at him. This article is only for publication. Please register an account to read the original version. He looked calm and asked with a smile: "Secretary Ren, I believe in real things. Boss Tian said that his saplings have been improved. Is there any Is there a special improvement test record for the certification of the authoritative agency that can be checked? It is not appropriate to let our three districts spend millions to buy saplings just by talking about it, right?"

In any case, Ren Sheng at least admitted that there are climate requirements for apple tree planting. Now he can only use a so-called improvement that is unsubstantiated as a shield. Yu Yan has actually taken advantage of it. But today's It would be too naive to view the meeting purely as a debate. There is another fact that is also there, that is, the county issued official documents. This is Ren Sheng's biggest support. Yu Yan firmly opposed it. It can also be seen as opposing the collective decision of the county committee and county government, rather than opposing Ren Sheng alone. Although this document was actually issued at Ren Sheng's insistence, once it was issued, it had a formal status and The binding force.

As the head of a lower-level party organization, he overturned the collective resolution of the higher-level party organization in one fell swoop, which was rare.

Ren Sheng said unhappily: "Comrade Yuyan, the experts from the County Agricultural Bureau have reported to me that the improvements to the Shuoda No. 1 are credible."

The corner of Yu Yan's mouth curled up, and a sarcastic smile flashed across his face that made Ren Sheng gnash his teeth with hatred.

Experts from the county agricultural bureau?

Don't say that the improvements of "Big One" are credible. If you let Secretary Ren Shengren tell them that watermelons can grow on apple trees, the experts from the Bureau of Agriculture will also say that they are credible!

Grafting isn’t it?

Yu Yan has always not believed in this kind of so-called expert theory under the high pressure of power.

"Comrade Yu Yan, the county has made a resolution on this matter and issued a special document. Dongwu District and Huaxi District have implemented it to the letter. Why do you, Beiluan District, have to go against the county document? ?Aren’t you clear about the nature of this behavior?”

Ren Sheng was stimulated by Yu Yan's smile, and couldn't help but start to raise his voice again. His neck became wider and his voice became higher.

Yu Yan glanced at him and said solemnly: "Secretary Ren, seeking truth from facts has always been the purpose of our party. Although the county has issued a document, I think there is indeed something inappropriate in this document. For so many years, Sanlu Province has not There is a reason for the precedent of large-scale planting of apple trees. We must respect science. Especially when it involves the personal benefits of thousands of farmers, we should be more cautious. Our people in Taocheng are not very wealthy. , many people may invest all their belongings, or even borrow money to plant trees. The reason why they do this is entirely because they believe in our party and our government, and we have an obligation to protect them from losses. Once these apples The trees are not like those that have been improved, as Boss Tian said, so in two or three years, what our people will grow will not be apples, but bitter fruits! With millions of investments and the hard work of thousands of farmers, in three years, All the time and energy are ruined! Secretary Ren, who will bear this responsibility? Who can afford it?"

Yu Yan's voice was not loud, but it was extremely clear and resounding.


Ren Sheng couldn't bear it any longer and almost slammed the table again.

"Yu Yan, don't be alarmist here. What reaps the bitter fruit? Are all the leaders of our county committee and county government bad guys and irresponsible, and you are the only one who is a good person?"

Everyone's expressions changed.

Xia Li said displeasedly: "Old Ren, pay attention to the occasion."

This is the venue for the county party committee secretary's office meeting, not your own office, let alone your home.

As soon as Ren Sheng's fiery temper came up, he ignored it and said coldly: "Lao Xia, don't always favor him. I know he is from the city. But there is a limit to everything. He is like this He is so arrogant and domineering, what is he fighting for? Who gave him such power? He openly despised the documents of the county committee and openly opposed the county committee? Taocheng County does not belong to anyone!"

At this time, not only Ma He, Mou Zhen, Gao Qingshan and others were shocked, but even Sun Dianhang, who was as calm as a mountain, raised his brows in surprise and looked at Ren Sheng several times.

Sun Dianhang was not afraid of Ren Sheng's sudden advances towards him. After all, he was also Ren Sheng's old superior.

Xia Li was furious and said angrily: "Old Ren, what's wrong with you? Can you say such nonsense? We are discussing now!"

"Secretary Xia, there is a prerequisite for discussion, right? The county can discuss it before it has formed a resolution or issued a document. Now that the document has been issued, why is there any need to discuss it? If this precedent is set, all county documents will have to be discussed again. I don’t think we need to do any work anymore. We can just have meetings and discuss every day. What else should we do?”

Ren Sheng immediately pushed Xia Li back hard.

A smile flashed across Ma He's eyes quickly. Unexpectedly, the effect turned out to be better than expected. It would have been better if Xia Li couldn't bear it anymore, slapped the table hard on Ren Sheng a few times, and called the meeting to an end.

It's not that the county party committee secretary can't bang the table. There are quite a few bosses and bosses in the Antai area who have a strong feudal patriarchal style. It's common for them to bang the table at meetings. But it depends on the situation. It's not appropriate for Xiali to give him a hand right now. Ren Sheng slapped the table. Because the matter involved Yu Yan. Almost all the cadres in Taocheng County knew Yu Yan's identity. Now that Yu Yan was confronting the county party committee's documents, Ren Sheng criticized him, and Xia Li was openly partial. For this reason, he and Ren Sheng Slapping the table is wrong.

What is the matter of spreading the document that the secretary of the county party committee encouraged his subordinates to fight against the county party committee?

Xia Li's face turned black, his eyes were wide open, the veins on his neck were bulging, his arms were shaking slightly, and he could no longer bear it.

Yu Yan suddenly said: "County Magistrate Ma, agricultural work is the responsibility of the county government. May I ask Magistrate Ma, if something really goes wrong with this apple tree, how does the county government plan to deal with the aftermath?"

Everyone was startled for a moment and looked at Ma He again.

Xia Li lowered his arm that he was about to raise.

Ma He felt depressed for a while. Yu Yan was too cunning and refused to let him reap the benefits, so he had to be dragged into the whirlpool.

Yu Yan had no choice but to do this. Seeing that Xia Li was about to fall into the trap and was instigated to have a fight with Ren Sheng, an arrogant and domineering brainless bastard, it was definitely not possible to stop him forcefully. At this time, Ma He was dragged into the water. It's the only solution.

No one should want to stay out of the situation and take advantage of it.

"Yes, County Magistrate Ma, please express your position. This document was jointly issued by the county committee and the government."

Ren Sheng also said hotly.

The meaning is very clear. Ren Sheng has a bad temper. His ability to be the deputy secretary of the county party committee has a lot to do with his local power, but he is not really brainless. Ma He deliberately wants to provoke a fight between him and Xia Li Don't you understand the contradiction of this intention? At this time, it is absolutely impossible to get away with things. You can't agree to this plan at the beginning and then slap yourself in the mouth in the blink of an eye. At this time, Ren Sheng I also want to pull Ma He into the water and fight side by side with me. Even if I can't squeeze Xia Li away, I still want everyone to see clearly who has the final say in Taocheng.

Ma He's head was running at high speed, a gentle smile appeared on his face, but he was not in a hurry to speak.

In this current situation, there are some things that really cannot be said carelessly. You must think carefully before speaking.

"Secretary Ren, comrades from the Agricultural Bureau, have you ever gone to Huanghai Province for on-site inspection? That huge apple tree has indeed been improved?"

After a while, Ma He finally spoke, and the smile on his face immediately faded, becoming more serious.

As soon as Ma He said this, Sun Dianhang picked up the cup and drank tea, with a slight curl of the corner of his mouth. As expected, Ma He was also not economical, so he asked lightly and kicked the ball to Ren Sheng.

To be honest, no one is sure whether this "giant" apple tree has been improved and whether it can really adapt to the geographical climate north of the river, especially to the Taocheng mountainous area. Even if it goes to the Yellow Sea, After inspection, we found that it is also in the north, and its geographical location and climate conditions are completely different from those of Taocheng County, so we can’t see what the reason is.

Yu Yan's question is not unreasonable. Although it is piloted in three districts, the cost is not small. The purchase of saplings alone is millions of dollars, plus other initial investments, and thousands of households. The investment of time and energy by the fruit farmers is indeed not a small matter. Fortunately, it is successful and everyone is happy. If the fruit tree is not adapted to the geographical climate of Taocheng County, as Yu Yan said, it will produce bitter fruits instead of apples, and things will be a bit troublesome. .

Originally, even if the consequences were bitter, the problem was actually not big. The superior leaders made such stupid decisions not once or twice. They happened everywhere, and nothing happened. At most, they just made decisions. The leader slapped his thigh and felt regretful, saying that everything would be fine if he just paid the tuition. But now there was a conflict with the boss, and Yu Yan firmly resisted. If it really resulted in bitter consequences, it would not be so easy to deal with. If you want to just pay the tuition and go, I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

Ma He obviously foresaw this possibility and was unwilling to be tied up by Ren Sheng.

Ren Sheng is in his early fifties and has no ambition. To put it bluntly, his future goals in life are nothing more than money, children and women. While he is in power, he can make whatever he can. Ma He is completely different from him. .He is only less than forty years old. He has been working as county magistrate for almost three years. He is very ambitious. I am afraid he will never want to stay in the position of county magistrate for the rest of his life.

This ball must be kicked back by Ren Sheng.

It's a conflict between you, Yu Yan and even Xia Li. You should resolve it yourself. Don't try to involve me.

Ren Sheng frowned and said: "Of course, they have already inspected this. His apples grow very well, have a high fruit bearing rate, are big and sweet, and look good. Otherwise, how could they introduce his fruit seedlings? ?”

"So, the quality of this fruit seedling can be guaranteed?"

Ma He asked still gently.

Ren Sheng felt a little uneasy in his heart. At the beginning, he was really as strong as an ox. This matter was discussed by the county and formally formed a document. Yu Yan opposed it, and Ren Sheng felt that he was completely on the right side of the truth. , so he dared to slap the table and challenge the top leaders at the county party committee secretary's office meeting. Now that Yu Yan has repeatedly questioned him, and even Ma He asked him, Ren Sheng is no longer so sure.

In fact, he knew very well how this large-scale promotion of apple tree planting was done. As for the on-site inspection of Ren Jiming and the Bureau of Agriculture, that was even more nonsense. The reason why Ren Sheng dared to do this when the situation was unclear Such recklessness is mainly due to the ecological environment of the domestic officialdom. Are there still too few leading cadres who make random decisions?

Everyone is fine!

There are quite a few benefits that it should have.

The farmers should pay the "tuition fees" that need to be paid!

Unexpectedly, he encountered Yu Yan, who was so stubborn that he was pushed against the wall and couldn't get down.

"County Magistrate Ma, what do you mean by this? Do you suspect that my old man is up to something?"

Ren Sheng felt uneasy in his heart, but he refused to give in and asked in displeasure.

Xiao Ma, I know you are a character. But don’t play tricks on me. There is no quarrel between you and me. Didn’t you call Yu Yan over at the secretary’s office meeting because you wanted to see me and Lao Xia? Want to start a war? Now you have got your wish. If you want to put everything aside, you are not the only smart person in the world, Ma He.

Ma He smiled slightly and said: "What did Secretary Ren say? I didn't mean that. Although it is a pilot project, it is always good to be more cautious."

"Yes, since it is a pilot, we should try more. If we don't do anything now, how can we know whether the results will be good or bad? Once the county's documents are issued, they must be implemented. This is a matter of principle and cannot be negotiated. "

Ren Sheng said.

This statement is very revealing. Let’s put the pilot brand out first, so that if something goes wrong, we’ll be prepared to step back. A pilot is a pilot that allows failure and is guaranteed to succeed. So why try it? Just promote it directly. He left. Then the conversation changed. He held on to the document tightly and pinned the label of deliberately undermining organizational discipline on Yu Yan's head.

Ma He smiled slightly again, turned to look at Yu Yan, and said, "Secretary Yu, what's your opinion?"

Yu Yan picked up the cup and took a sip of tea, and said slowly: "County Magistrate Ma, I think that although it is a pilot project, it should be based on science, and there must be at least a 60-70% certainty of success. It’s easy to conduct pilot projects, so we can’t be too blind. Moreover, there’s no need to have such a large-scale pilot project, right? Three districts, 150,000 fruit seedlings, this is no longer called a pilot, it’s a large-scale promotion. Our Taocheng has a total of only There are only ten districts. If we really want to conduct a pilot project, I think it should be done at the Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Create two acres of land and grow dozens or hundreds of fruit trees to see if they are suitable for planting in Taocheng County. The results have been obtained After that, we can decide whether to promote it or not, which is safer.”

"Well, I think Secretary Yu's suggestion is good.

Don’t rush into anything, it’s better to be on the safe side.”

Mou Zhen immediately said that this article is only for publication. Please register an account to see the genuine version. He clearly sided with Yu Yan.

This chapter has been completed!
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