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Chapter 0420 kindly reminder

Gao Qingshan was not as optimistic as Yu Yan, and said in a low voice: "Secretary Yu, this matter is quite troublesome. It is said that both Wang Shengqi and Cheng Ping admitted that they gave 10,000 yuan, and there were financial account details as evidence, and the County Commission for Discipline Inspection Secretary Chen Dong has a very close relationship with Ren Sheng..."

There is no doubt that the 10,000 yuan thank you mentioned by Gao Qingshan was given to the main leading comrade of Beiluan District, referring to Yu Yan. Thinking about it in Gao Qingshan, this is reasonable and reasonable. Yu Yan originally borrowed money from the Construction Bank in the name of the district office Of the 800,000 yuan, 300,000 yuan was awarded to the District People's Hospital, which puzzled many people.

No reason!

The District People's Hospital is not managed by the district office, but is a subordinate unit of the County Health Bureau. There has never been a district office that will allocate funds to the district hospital, and the one-time allocation is 300,000 yuan. It is not the district office's own funds, but comes from bank loans. of.

This is simply unbelievable.

Now, Wang Shengqi and Cheng Ping admitted to sending a thank you fee of 10,000 yuan, that’s right!

It turns out that there really is insider trading going on.

Otherwise, why would Yuyan do such a thankless and stupid thing, offend the heads of the Health Bureau, and be criticized for not caring about the health of the farmers?

Gao Qingshan is obviously inclined to believe this situation.

"Director Gao, thank you for reminding me. I can say with certainty that I did not receive any appreciation fees. As for other major leaders in the district, I am basically certain that they did not receive any appreciation fees. This money was directly handled by me. It is allocated directly to the district hospital without anyone else interfering. I think there is a big problem in this."

Yu Yan quickly calmed down and spoke calmly.

"That's it..."

Gao Qingshan pondered, as if thinking about whether Yu Yan's words could be trusted. If Yu Yan really took 10,000 yuan as a thank you fee, it would be over. Even if he was Zhang Siwen's confidant, it would not work. Such a question, Either they won't be found out, and once they are found out, no one will be able to protect them. At present, the whole country is cracking down on corruption and corruption among cadres, especially party members and leading cadres. This is at the cusp of the storm. Whoever gets caught will definitely not get any good results. .

When Gao Qingshan heard the news, he was really surprised beyond words. He didn't expect that Yu Yan was so young, had such a big appetite, and was so courageous, that he would dare to do such a thing. Just forget it if you make money, don't You are going against Ren Sheng. I have told you before that Ren Sheng is not to be trifled with. But this is too careless. Do you think that with Xia Li's backing, you don't have to be afraid of anything?

After all, you are young and don’t have any social experience, so you will suffer a big loss now, right?

However, Gao Qingshan still made the call to Yu Yan immediately. In doing so, Gao Qingshan also considered it carefully. Even if Yu Yan really accepted the thank you fee from the district hospital, it would only be Yu Yan who would be unlucky, and Xia Li would not be involved for the time being. Gao Qingshan is a close confidant of Xiali. At critical moments, he must perform as he should. Even if Yuyan collapses, Xiali will not fall. It is still necessary to follow Xiali closely. What I am afraid of is that after Yuyan receives the money, he will follow It would be troublesome if Xia Li passed through. But Gao Qingshan had no choice. Now everyone expected him to be on Xia Li's line. Ren Sheng definitely didn't want to see him, and the same goes for Ma He. No matter what, he had to find a way to put him on the line. Xia Li picked it out. If there is a new secretary, Gao Qingshan may not be able to rely on him.

This thing sometimes has to do with fate.

"Secretary Yu, no matter what, this matter cannot get too big, let alone involve more people, otherwise it will be even harder to deal with."

Gao Qingshan immediately sorted out all the causal relationships in his head, and warned Yu Yan very carefully. I hope Yu Yan can understand and never involve Xia Li. Whether this matter can be passed smoothly, Xia Li is very important. Effect. If Yu Yan is anxious for a moment, unable to stabilize his position, and drags Xia Li into it, it will be really troublesome. Generally speaking, Yu Yan will not be so brainless. But Yu Yan is too young and has social experience Too little, and it’s hard to say whether it’s all-powerful to keep your head clear at critical moments.

Gao Qingshan was thinking about whether he should speak more clearly.

Ren Sheng is not a master who plays by the rules!

Okay, great, before I dealt with him, he came to the door.

"Director Gao, thank you for reminding me. But please don't worry, this is just a misunderstanding. It can't be true, and it can't be true."

Yu Yan's eyes were filled with angry flames, but his tone remained very calm. Gao Qingshan was his friend, but the relationship wasn't good enough yet, so there were some things that there was no need to mention to him for the time being.

"Oh, that's good, that's good... Yuyan, you must pay attention."

Gao Qingshan warned him again with concern, instead of calling him "Secretary Yu", he called him by his first name, which seemed very close to him.

"Well, thank you, I will."

Yu Yan slowly put down the phone, his cheeks puffed up, and a sharp look flashed across his eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

Yao Yu also became serious and asked worriedly.

At that moment, Yu Yan's eyes were so terrifying that she couldn't help but shudder. It seemed that something had happened that made this man have murderous intentions!

Yao Yu also became excited.


In an instant, Yu Yan's eyes and face returned to normal, he smiled calmly and shook his head.

There was no need to tell her about the power struggle among grassroots cadres, and she wouldn't understand it even if I did.

Who knows that Yao Yu is not that easy to fool, and immediately said: "Is someone deliberately making trouble for you? If that is the case, I will find someone for you."

Yu Yan smiled and shook his head: "No need. He's just a clown. There's no need to go to war with him."


Yao Yu nodded obediently.

She trusted Yue Yan, this man seemed to always give people a full sense of strength.

It was originally agreed to take Yao Yu to the resettlement, but now that it was time to leave, Yu Yan sat down in a chair, lit a cigarette, and smoked slowly. It is estimated that it won't be long before Xia Li's call comes.

Yao Yu didn't push her, so she sat down on the sofa and looked at the office curiously. This was the first time she had seen such an antique-like office, and she looked very interested.

Sure enough, before I finished smoking a cigarette, the phone on my desk rang again.

Yu Yan slowly put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and grabbed the phone: "Hello, I'm Yu Yan."

"Yu Yan, what's going on? You took someone's thank you money?"

Charlie asked angrily on the phone.

If Yu Yan hadn't just received a call from Gao Qingshan and had Xia Li ask such a question, he would have been really confused.

"Secretary, Director Gao just called me. I've just heard about this. Haha, it's great. I'm so anxious that I can use any tricks."

When talking to Xia Li, Yu Yan didn't talk to Gao Qingshan in a very casual tone.

"Oh, you already know? Lao Wang made a promise to you first? What did he say?"

Xia Li was slightly surprised, and Yu Yan simply repeated the news reported by Gao Qingshan and sneered: "They are really brave. However, I believe Wang Shengqi is definitely not that kind of person. He will not talk nonsense. In the meantime, There are some problems."

Yu Yan has always had a good impression of Wang Shengqi, the director of the district hospital, but he does not believe that Wang Shengqi would frame him out of thin air.

Yu Yan's extremely calm attitude immediately affected Xia Li, and he also trusted Yu Yan.

"So, they are the ones messing around?"

He smiled as he got older, and his laughter was a bit cold.

Xia Li pondered for a moment and said, "Let's do this. Come to the county immediately and we will discuss it carefully."

At the critical moment, Xia Li didn't care about organizational discipline or taboos.

"Well, okay, I'll be there right away."

He said he would go there right away, but in fact he was delayed for a while. He couldn't just leave Yao Yu here alone, he had to make arrangements first.

At that moment, Yu Yan led Yao Yu to the party and government office.

Xiao Man quickly stood up, calling him Secretary Yu, but his eyes only glanced around Yao Yu. When Yao Yu first arrived at the Jiachen District Office, it was Xiao Man who she was looking for, saying she was Yu Yan's sister and came to look for him. Hearing that she was Secretary Yu's sister, Xiao Man naturally didn't dare to neglect her and quickly led Yao Yu to Yu Yan's office. By chance, Yu Yan was talking on the phone, so Yao Yu sent Xiao Man away and hid outside the door to eavesdrop.

To be honest, Xiaoman is really curious about Secretary Yu's younger sister.

This is too beautiful. None of the big stars in the movie are so good-looking. In the past, Liu Yanfang was known as a flower in Beiluan, but compared to Secretary Yu's sister, she was like dregs.

However, Secretary Yu is so handsome and handsome, and his sister is so pretty, so it makes sense.

"Xiao Man, this is my cousin, her surname is Yao. You can call her Xiao Yao from now on."

Yu Yan introduced Yao Yu to Xiao Man. He didn't know that Yao Yu claimed to be Yu Yan's sister to Xiao Man, but she could also be said to be her cousin, so she didn't cheat.

Yao Yu immediately interrupted: "Just call me Yao Yu, little Yao doesn't sound good."

This little girl’s movie has such particularities!

Yu Yan didn't bother with such trivial matters, so he naturally let her go.

"Yao Yu is going to stay here for a few days. Please arrange a guest room for her."

Yu Yan ordered.

There is a small and dilapidated hotel in Beiluan Town. Yu Yan doesn't think Yao Yu can tolerate the sanitary conditions there. There are two guest rooms in the area. Although the conditions are also very poor, in general, the hotel is better and at least it is clean. , also relatively quiet.

"Hey, okay, okay..."

Xiaoman agreed repeatedly. When he heard that this extremely beautiful girl was going to stay in Jiachen for a few days, Xiaoman was so happy. Although he never dared to make any plans, at least he could look at it a few times a day, right? Then It’s also enjoyable!

The ancients said: Beautiful scenery is delicious.

If you are honest, I won’t deceive you!

At that moment, Xiao Man led Yao Yu to the guest room, and Yu Yan naturally accompanied him.

There were people in every office sticking their heads out to look into the yard, with extremely curious expressions on their faces. In such a remote and closed place, such a beautiful girl suddenly appeared and said she was Secretary Yu's sister. It would have caused a sensation. Disaster.

Only Man Baoyuan was worried. He hurried out of the office and hesitated when he saw Yu Yan and Yao Yu together. Undoubtedly, he had also heard the news. Liu Yanfang worked in the county party committee office and was very effective in intelligence work. Man Baoyuan was very worried. When Baoyuan heard this, he wanted to report to Yuyan without saying anything.

In fact, Liu Yanfang made this call to Yu Yan first. Unfortunately, Yu Yan's office phone line was always busy, so Liu Yanfang notified her husband and asked him to immediately call Yu Yan to report to prepare for countermeasures.

This news really confused Man Baoyuan.

His first reaction was that it was impossible. Through contact with Yu Yan in the past few months, Man Baoyuan had a very good understanding of Yu Yan's character, conduct and moral character. Yu Yan was definitely not that kind of person. If he really wanted to To reap the benefits, Yu Yan can definitely stay in the county party committee office without moving. Although he is the top leader in the lower district, and it seems to be a prominent position, it is easy to reap the benefits. But he also has to divide the places. Beiluan District is a bird that doesn’t shit. In a poor and remote rural area, if all wages are not paid, what benefits can be gained? In any case, it is a more lucrative position than the deputy director of the county party committee office.

If Yu Yan really wanted to make up his mind, he would not give the loan to the district hospital, which would have to be repaid. He used to get one million aid funds in one go from transferring noodles, but if he wanted money, he would not get it from this aspect. Thinking of a way? There is no supervision at all for this kind of funds. How to use it is completely up to Yuyan. Let’s discuss it with him as the district chief. Safety and insurance.

Man Baoyuan knew that this must be Ren Sheng's mischief.

This guy really doesn't want to suffer any loss.

Yao Yu also saw Man Baoyuan's expression. The little girl Bingxue was smart and said in a horse tone: "Brother, you go and do your business first."

If it were normal business, Yao Yu wouldn't be so understanding of justice. But now it seems that there is obviously trouble, so Yao Yu will naturally not be naughty. Smart girls will distinguish the situation and watch the words.

This "Brother" was called very smoothly and naturally, without any hint of reluctance.

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, it's no big deal."

At that moment, he and Xiao Man sent Yao Yu to the guest room. Seeing the state of the guest room, Yao Yu was already secretly pumping the air conditioner. He didn't expect to be so behind.

Yu Yan caught a glimpse of her expression, but he was secretly amused. This little girl always compared her family with her own. As for her family's conditions, looking at the country at this stage, I'm afraid there are not many hotels that can compare. About Beiluan District?

Xiao Man rubbed his hands again and again, and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Yao Yu, this... the conditions in our countryside are very poor. However, I promise you that the beds and bedding are all clean. It has just been washed a few days ago and has been exposed to the sun for a day. It is absolutely clean!”

Yao Yu stayed silent and approached the mattress. Her little nose turned up, and then she smiled. The quilt was old, but the smell was very refreshing, and smelled like the sun. It seemed that what Xiao Man said was true.

"Okay, it's pretty good, I'm quite satisfied."

The little girl said, threw her small backpack on the bed, sat on it, and shook it twice to express her satisfaction.

This chapter has been completed!
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