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Chapter 0466

Several young publicity officers also changed their minds slightly.

** waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, no matter how difficult it is, I will go and see that our party cadres should serve the people."

The female clerk in charge of recording hurriedly opened her notebook and recorded Secretary Zhang’s heroic words.

"Okay, Lao Gao, if you stay here, Comrade Yuyan and I, and Xiao Zhou and Xiao Huang from the Propaganda Department, will go with us and then leave. Comrade Yuyan, you should still remember the way."

** turned to Yuyan and asked

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said: "There is only one path and you won't go wrong."

"Well, let's decide, Comrade Yuyan, when we can arrive when we set off now."

Yu Yan said: "The car can drive to Shanshui Village, which is about three kilometers away from the Liuqiao Township Government. After that, you can only walk. I don't know exactly how far. Last time, I walked to the nearest Laoshuyu, which took about three hours from Laoshuyu. It still takes about three hours from Shuyu to the deepest Jiuzhaigou. If you don’t delay in the middle, you should be able to have lunch at Laoshuyu after noon.”

Yu Yan blurted out that Xiao Zhou, the female clerk in charge of writing records, had already changed her face and secretly looked at Yu Yan. This baby secretary was tall and had slender legs. He had to walk for three hours. He didn’t know how long it would take, but he wanted to come for three hours. It's definitely not enough. It seems you have to be mentally prepared to endure hardship today.

"Okay, then let's take the bus to Liuqiao Township and then walk if it's not open to traffic."

**made up his mind

Yu Yan smiled and nodded.

When the next group of four people boarded the black Santana, Yuhiyan ordered Xiaoman to take four military kettles, fill them with tea, and bring some dry food such as biscuits. It was obvious that the next journey would be a heavy blow to their physical strength. Yu Yan, who has been trained for a long time and is strong, is not afraid of it, but it is hard to say for his three companions** Xiao Zhou, who is in his fifties, is a lesbian. Although Xiao Huang is young and has been a cadre in the agency for a long time, he is afraid of physical strength. It's not necessarily better than ** Yuyan estimates that he can walk to the old tree area in three hours, plus ** and others, it may take five hours. I'm afraid it won't work if he doesn't replenish some water and strength in the middle.

Gao Qingshan hesitated again and again and saw that Santana really couldn't squeeze in anymore, so he didn't follow him.

Yu Yan was sitting in the passenger seat**, Xiao Zhou and Xiao Huang were sitting in the back. The driver was not familiar with the road in Beiluan District. Yu Yan acted as a guide. Under everyone's stunned gaze, Santana drove out of the district office and headed straight for Liuqiao Township.

The atmosphere was very dull along the way. ** Yueyan didn't speak and he didn't speak either. Xiao Zhou and Xiaohuang wanted to tell a joke to break the embarrassing dullness. The words came to his lips and he swallowed them

After all, I don’t have much dealings with Secretary Zhang, so I don’t know if he likes hearing jokes. Looking at the square face that he wears all day long, he probably doesn’t like it. It’s better not to be too smart.

Officialdom is repressive by nature

Although the driver drove carefully on the country road, the road conditions were really bad. No matter how good the driver was, Santana would still jump along like a yangko dancer. From time to time, Secretary Zhang Jingui's body would be thrown straight up. It was only a dozen kilometers away. The driver was drenched in sweat

The person who drives ** is the original Xiali driver. ** After taking office, the office he used is still the same one as before. Secretary Xia has been promoted, but using his office can give him some extravagance. The driver and secretary are also the same people for the time being. In fact, Kamiyoshi and the driver are very familiar with each other. I wanted to say that he would drive, but in the end he didn't say anything. The driver must also be very concerned about his opinion, so there is no need to embarrass others.

Finally, the car drove to the end of a narrow gravel road. The road ahead was only two lanes wide and full of potholes. It was easy to cause problems if you just drove forward.

"That's it. We have to walk from now on."

Yu Yan said calmly

The driver followed the instructions and stopped the car. The so-called pull over only means that the entire road surface is only about three or five meters long. If you pull over, you won't be able to get anywhere.

** and others got out of the car and looked around. They saw extremely desolate and old-fashioned farmhouses dotted in the fields in the mountains. The houses in the larger yards were hard to see. In the winter, the roadside in the mountains was also withered and yellow. Filled with a chilling atmosphere and the raging mountain wind, one can't help but feel sad. A sense of desolation rises from the chest.

"Master Liang, just back up here and go back."

Yu Yan said to the driver

Master Liang is about thirty years old. He is medium to thin and looks relatively capable. Hearing this, he shook his head and said, "I will also go with Secretary Zhang."

** nodded approvingly. This is the attitude a driver should have.

Yu Yan will naturally not object

"Secretary Yu, is it safe to park the car here?"

Master Liang looked at the desolate surroundings and asked with some uneasiness that the wilderness was really not safe. When everyone came back, they found that the car was missing two wheels or that the gasoline had been drained.

Yu Yan thought for a while and said: "This is really not safe. Let's back up the car and find a house. Explain the situation to him and ask them to help take a look. Just give him a small reward when we come back."

Master Liang nodded repeatedly and felt that this idea was feasible, but he still looked at Mr. Zhang for instructions: "Secretary Zhang, do you think this is okay?"

** He slightly raised his head and said two words solemnly: "Okay"

So Yu Yan accompanied Master Liang to get into the car and carefully turned the car around and drove towards the road about 500 meters away. There was a farmhouse about 500 meters away. Master Liang parked the car outside the farmyard. Yu Yan personally went to the door and showed his sign. When the farmer heard that he was Secretary Yu from the district, he immediately agreed enthusiastically and insisted on inviting Secretary Yu to his home to sit for a while and drink a cup of hot tea to warm himself up. Secretary Yu paid for the parking fee of ten yuan. If you leave it to that farmer, the farmer won't stop no matter what. He keeps saying that Secretary Yu is a good cadre and everyone respects him. How can he still collect money for such a small thing? That's too outrageous.

After many refusals, the farmer finally agreed to Yu Yan's wishes and accepted the ten yuan with great reluctance. Ten yuan was not taken seriously by the wealthy secretary Yu Yan, but it might have some effect on the farmer.

"Secretary Yu never imagined that your prestige in Beiluan is so high."

Liang Moufu said with emotion after leaving the farmyard.

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said nothing

Monument in the hearts of the people

Both ** and Xiao Zhou and Xiaohuang have lived in the city for a long time. Xiao Zhou and Xiaohuang, as the secretary of the Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, occasionally go to the countryside for interviews and experience life. Master Liang used to drive for Xiali and also went to the countryside, but it was just a scratch. Even if you go to the countryside for a quick tour, you will only go to the township government at most, and rarely go to the village.

This time we returned to the real countryside. Everyone was a little excited. Xiao Huang was eager to capture the countryside scenery, while Xiao Zhou kept taking deep breaths, as if he wanted to breathe more of the fresh air of nature.

Master Liang stayed closely by **'s side, fulfilling his duties as a driver.

With a smile on his face, Yu Yan followed ** without waiting a step or two behind. He looked at the excited Xiao Huang Xiao Zhou and shook his head secretly.


Be excited

It won't take long for you to know how powerful it is

Although it is on a country road, there are rules. ** has the highest position, so he naturally walks at the front. Everyone follows his pace. At first, ** walks faster.

Yu Yan secretly shook his head again

The most important thing about long-distance marching is to control the speed. Going too fast or too slow will not work. Going too slow will certainly waste time. If it is too fast, it will consume a lot of physical strength and it will be difficult to persist.

Only advancing at a constant speed is the most efficient, which can control the marching time and conserve energy to the maximum extent.

Sure enough, within half an hour of walking, Xiao Zhou started to fall behind.

Xiao Zhou looks like he is in his mid-twenties, with a wavy haircut that is fashionable in the city. He is wearing a women's suit and a black turtleneck sweater. Although his appearance is not very beautiful, he does have the temperament of an urban white-collar girl, but her pair of High heels are a bit in the way.

No one thought that ** would do something like this

If I had known earlier, I would have changed my outfit and put on sneakers, it would have been much easier

** turned his head and glanced at Xiao Zhou, who was a little embarrassed. He frowned slightly and slowed down a little. In fact, even he himself did not expect that walking would be so difficult. After all these years, ** has not done much physical activity. When I stayed at the Beiluan District Office, my mind was filled with the heroic deeds of my youth. I felt that walking on a mountain road for several hours was nothing. Now that I actually drove away, I realized what it was like. It was really nothing.

Seeing Xiao Zhou following up panting, Yu Yan said: "Chief Zhou, I have a suggestion for you to take off the high heels of those shoes. You haven't started climbing yet. You will start walking on the mountain road later. High heels are not suitable. And it’s also more dangerous.”

Although ** called her Xiao Zhou, Yu Yan was younger, so it was wrong to call her Xiao Zhou. Xiao Zhou was at least three or four years older than Yu Yan, so Yu Yan followed the agency's rules and called her Section Chief Zhou.

"Take off the heels"

Xiao Zhou looked at his beautiful little leather shoes and was a little hesitant. How ugly would it be if he took off the heels of the high heels?

Yu Yan smiled and said: "If you are reluctant to break your shoes, that's fine. We will go to the people's homes later and get you a pair of cloth shoes. Although they don't look good, they are absolutely comfortable to wear. We are still far away from Laoshuyu now. I estimate it will take at least four hours to walk.”

Xiao Zhou walked like this in high heels, not to mention four hours. I'm afraid he might not be able to reach Laoshuyu before it gets dark today. It gets dark early. If he can't get to Laoshuyu before dark and spend the night in the wild, That is unimaginable, but it is even more unimaginable to climb a mountain road after dark without lighting equipment.

"cloth shoes"

Xiao Zhou’s eyes are full of little stars

Suit and leather shoes, wavy hairstyle, with a pair of old cloth shoes

What kind of outfit should this be?

Seeing that Xiao Zhou could not let go of his "charmingness", Yue Yan smiled slightly, and without further ado, he realized later that in the face of the "cruel" reality, his love for beauty would soon be shattered.

After walking for another half an hour, Xiao Zhou screamed "Oh!", staggered, and almost fell down. Everyone looked around, and saw Xiao Zhou with a sad face, holding on to a stone on the roadside, and lifting one foot. Get up, the high heels on the beautiful little leather shoes have been completely broken.

Seeing this, ** couldn't help but laugh and said, "Xiao Zhou, please take off the high heel of that shoe too."

Originally, ** planned to tell Xiao Zhou not to go, but she was already halfway there. It seemed inappropriate to ask her to go back alone as a girl. In case of any accidents along the way, it would be difficult to explain.

At this point, Xiao Zhou had no choice but to break off the high heel of his other shoe, put it on again, and tried to walk a few steps. He suddenly smiled and said, "Secretary Yu, it really works. , it’s much more comfortable this way…”

Yu Yan said with a smile: "It is said that high heels were originally introduced by the French aristocratic society. They can make women's legs look longer and their figures slimmer. It is also more comfortable to wear flat shoes when walking."

Xiao Zhou nodded repeatedly and glanced at Yu Yan, feeling that this baby secretary knew quite a lot.

** said: "Those bourgeoisie with the decadence of capitalism think about these things all day long."

As soon as these words came out, not only Xiao Zhou was greatly embarrassed, but Master Liang and Xiao Huang were also a little bit embarrassed. Secretary Zhang is really an anti-capitalist fighter, and he always tightens his strings.

Yu Yan laughed and said: "Secretary Zhang said that our socialist country should pay more attention to the people's living sufferings. These decadent things should really be criticized."

Secretary Hezuo Yu is a seven-foot tall man. On his big feet, he wears a pair of Nike sneakers sent by Xue Nannan from Jiangkou. In this life, he no longer has to wear the high heels of the decadent capitalism. He can stand and talk without back pain.

Two hours later, Xiao Zhou's hair was disheveled and he was out of breath from exhaustion. His originally not very plump breasts became spectacular due to his rapid breathing. Xiao Huang was also panting** and was no better, his head was full of fog. , regardless of the dignity of the county party committee secretary, he took off his Chinese tunic suit and wore only a sweater

Only Master Liang could barely hold on, but he was already sweating profusely

Yu Yan looked at the defeated team and could only secretly shake his head and sigh.

Xiao Zhou couldn't help but ask: "Secretary Yu, how far is it?"

Yu Yan calmed down and said with a smile: "It's not far away and we will start climbing after passing the village in front. We can reach Laoshu Domain in more than an hour. Of course, this is my speed."

Everyone is out of breath. This guy has very little sweat on his forehead. He feels very relaxed.

"We haven't started climbing for more than an hour yet. Aren't we walking all the way up mountain roads?"

Xiao Zhou suddenly exclaimed, with a look of despair on his face

And Yu Yan said, at his speed it would take more than an hour. Now everyone knows how big the gap between them is.

Yu Yan smiled and said: "This is just a dirt road, not a mountain road, but the mountain road is much steeper than this. It's very difficult for me."

"Oh my god..."

Xiao Zhou's face turned completely green. He didn't care that the county party secretary was right next to him, and he lamented loudly.

**'s face was also dark. Even though he didn't say anything, he was actually just holding on. He regretted it for a long time. He really shouldn't have made this suggestion. Wasn't he asking for trouble? But the matter is now over. I can only grit my teeth and hold on.

This chapter has been completed!
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