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Chapter 0472 Commendation Conference

Now everyone understands why ** convened this impromptu secretary office meeting. It turned out to be a conflict with Ma He. Normally for such a commendation meeting, the secretary and the county magistrate must communicate privately in advance to try to reach a consensus as much as possible. What's more, ** has just taken office. He basically did not participate in the work of 1990. Then we should listen more to Ma He's opinions.

Moreover, Ma He's words revealed an important point. **'s doing this is tantamount to denying the work of the Taocheng County Party Committee and County Government in the past year in disguise. Assuming that it is true as ** said, an entire district and six towns have gone wrong. Direction. Of course the county party committee and county government are responsible. Why not correct it?

Thinking of this, Mou Zhen felt a little more vigilant in his heart.

The five secretaries of the Taocheng County Party Committee, ** and Li Xueyou, who is in charge of industry, transportation and agriculture, have not been in office for a long time. They cannot be responsible for the work of Taocheng County last year. As for the director of the National People's Congress, Sun Dianhang, he will retire soon. It will be early. Don't care about worldly affairs. All the fights in the county have nothing to do with him. Only the county magistrate Ma He and the deputy party secretary Mou Zhen. If the list revised by ** is really adopted, it will not only be a blatant Slapping Yu Yan in the face was also a blatant slap in the face of Ma He and Mou Zhen.

It is hard to say that Ma He disregards the unity of the team and must resolutely oppose it.

Whether Ma He or Mou Zhen wants to see Yu Yan is another matter. Even if they all have opinions about Yu Yan, they can't help but do this. It is obviously aimed at Yu Yan. In fact, even Ma He and Mou Zhen were swept in, completing the slap in the face in one go.

** was also very serious. He said: "County Magistrate Ma, I have no intention of denying the work of the county committee and county government. Let's discuss the matter on a case-by-case basis. I think there is something wrong with the development ideas of Beiluan District and Comrade Yuyan. They are unorganized and undisciplined. They are Take the capitalist road."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

Good guy. Not only is he unorganized and undisciplined, he is also following the capitalist road.

I haven't heard this kind of thing for almost ten years.

Ma He, Mou Zhen and Gao Qingshan all had dark faces. Sun Dianhang and Li Xueyou had surprised faces.

After a while, Ma He said slowly: "Secretary Zhang, this is a very severe criticism. I think we should be cautious."

It should be said that Ma He is still very particular about rules. Even though he completely disagrees with **'s statement, he still uses his words carefully when rebutting. He always remembers **'s status as the top leader of the county committee and refuses to overstep his limits.

"Of course. I have no prejudice against Comrade Yuyan himself. But what he did in Beiluan District is really wrong. First, their district also held a summary and commendation meeting not long ago. This is nothing. It works normally. Well. But why do they want bonuses? Our party has always emphasized hardship and plain living and spiritual honors. For example, when our county conducts summary commendations, it is mainly about spiritual encouragement. Material rewards are only symbolic, and they are mainly given to units. For individuals, it is basically spiritual encouragement. At most, they are given a thermos cup, a briefcase and the like. But Yuyan in Beiluan District gives out a large bonus. Their advanced individuals are awarded 400 yuan each. Advanced units. .Thousands of yuan in rewards. What kind of behavior is this? Beiluan District is still on relief this year. It relies on fiscal transfer payments to pay cadres' salaries. How come at the end of the year, they can allocate so much money for rewards at once. Several tens of thousands of yuan Well. If I remember correctly, the annual fiscal revenue of Beiluan District last year was only more than 20,000 yuan. Who approved what he did? It is completely the materialistic approach of capitalism. Okay. Summary of Beiluan District Tens of thousands of yuan were awarded for commendation. Then should our county-wide commendation also award money? Should it be more than Beiluan District's award? According to their standards, county-wide commendation would cost at least how much. One hundred thousand. Can the county finances bear it? So, this is unconventional, grandstanding, using public money as a favor, and calling him a capitalist. It is not unfair. Only capitalist countries can care about personal gains and losses. .We are a socialist country and we don’t do this kind of thing.”

**Talking eloquently. Added another sentence at the end.

"Comrades, you must be vigilant. Whether you are surnamed socialist or capitalist. This is a matter of principle. You cannot be vague."

Ma He and others all looked serious. Sun Dianhang originally picked up the tea cup to drink water, but then put it down. He held the tea cup with both hands and rubbed it slowly. He seemed to have some ideas.

**This is directly on the line. A big hat was slapped on.

The conference room fell into silence for a moment.

After a while, Jacky Li coughed and said, "Secretary Zhang, it may be inappropriate to provide financial incentives in Beiluan District, but it's not that serious."

Most people cannot afford the big label of taking the capitalist line.

Jacky Lee suddenly questioned **. It was beyond everyone's expectation. But after thinking about it for a while, it seemed to be reasonable.

Jacky Li succeeded Ren Sheng as deputy secretary of the Taocheng County Party Committee. He is not very old. He appears to be in his early forties. Before coming to Taocheng, he was the deputy director of the Municipal Party Committee Office.

Xia Li and Yu Yan fought against the local forces headed by Ren Sheng and Chen Dong. Zhang Siwen played a vital role. As you can imagine, he sent Jacky Li to Taocheng County to serve as the deputy secretary of the county party committee. Naturally, he was considered a close confidant. Although Xia Li is gone, it makes sense for Jacky Li to defend Yu Yan.

** glanced at Jacky Li. It seemed that he had already expected him to jump out at this time. He said calmly: "Comrade Jacky, when looking at a problem, you can't just look at the appearance. You must see through the appearance to see the essence. Of course, I'm not saying that it's better. Comrade Yan made a mistake in his line. After all, he is relatively young. He has nothing to do. He served as district party secretary in his twenties. He lacks the necessary experience. Then our county leaders have the responsibility and obligation to guide him, help him, and prevent him from continuing. He made a mistake. Beiluan District, while eating from the county's finances, reached out to ask for money. He asked for poverty alleviation funds. He also obtained a bank loan. But in the end, he gave all the money to cadres. This is definitely not the case. suitable."

Ma He frowned and said: "Secretary Zhang, you can't say that. Beiluan District did enjoy the benefits of fiscal transfer payments. It did receive poverty alleviation funds from above. But they did not spend the money indiscriminately. Feed mills and machinery Aren’t the factories all built? This is obvious to everyone. The efficiency of these two factories is very good. This can be investigated. Secretary Yu talked to me not long ago. Starting next year, Beiluan District will be able to achieve self-sufficiency. There is no longer a need for county fiscal transfer payments. He also plans to expand the scale of the feed mill and machinery factory to strive for greater profits. They have previously made a five-year plan for the economic development of Beiluan District. The plan is within five years. Beiluan District will make every village accessible to roads. Through vigorous development of planting and breeding industries, more than 80% of the people will be lifted out of poverty. It will resolutely remove the label of national-level poverty-stricken township and provincial-level poverty-stricken township. This determination is not easy to make. To be honest, I was skeptical about their five-year plan at the beginning. Beiluan’s foundation is too poor. The foundation is too weak. Everyone knows this. Within five years, every village must be connected. It is very difficult to lift 80% of the people out of poverty through highways. But now it looks very promising. The development of Beiluan District this year has completely exceeded my expectations. Therefore, I think Beiluan District The development idea is correct. As for the rewards for advanced units and individuals, I have also understood it. It is completely out of the profits from feed mills and machinery factories. It does not increase the burden on the masses, and only a small part of the profits is taken. Come out to make bonuses. Secretary Zhang, comrades, there is another fact. I also want to tell everyone. Comrade Yuyan’s own name is not included in the summary commendation of Beiluan District. He did not receive a penny of bonuses. Therefore, even if Beiluan District The district's approach is more radical. We still have to affirm the general direction. If you make achievements, you should be rewarded. In this way, cadres will be more motivated in the future. I think it is unfair to criticize him on such a matter."

Mou Zhen and Sun Dianhang both looked at Ma He in surprise.

According to rumors, County Magistrate Ma was very unkind to Yu Yan. Yu Yan contradicted Ma He more than once. At a certain secretary's office meeting, Ma He also proposed that Yu Yan and Ren Sheng be confronted face to face. The one who stirred up trouble. The intention was very obvious. Both Mou Zhen and Sun Dianhang witnessed it with their own eyes.

But now, Ma He has made a 180-degree turn. He has completely stood on Yu Yan's position and tried his best to defend Yu Yan. His attitude is more radical than Jacky Lee. Why is this? It's true. It's quite thought provoking.

Mou Zhenshuang frowned slightly again.

Ma He's attitude changed too quickly and too much. Mou Zhen didn't expect it at all. He needs to think carefully about why this happened. Could it be that Ma He got some kind of hint.

Xia Li was suddenly transferred and promoted to the provincial head of organization. Everyone thought that the black gauze hat of county party secretary would naturally fall on Ma He's head. Unexpectedly, when things happened, the policeman ran all the way from the province. Come and pick this big peach.

One can imagine Ma He's depression.

It is said that those who understand current affairs are heroes. Since others cannot count on you, for your own future, you must change your family. So who else has the thickest thighs in Antai City? Of course, it is the Municipal Party Committee Secretary Zhang Siwen.

Mou Zhen is indeed a veteran in officialdom. He can guess the general idea in a flash.

** said seriously: "County Magistrate Ma, one of the four basic principles is to adhere to the socialist road. I think everyone should not forget this. After Comrade Yuyan went to Beiluan, he focused solely on building factories. . Engage in foreign investment. As the secretary of the party committee, he puts party building work behind. He is only talking about productivity. Furthermore, he arbitrarily contracts with coal mines in Liaoning. Who gave him the power? Our Taocheng mine. Why let outsiders do the contracting? It’s not like we don’t have the ability ourselves. He did this. Any leader or department in the county, city, or province agreed. There were no procedures. There were no instructions. He just did it. He started it without permission. Isn’t this unorganized and undisciplined? He doesn’t want bonuses for himself. He wants to promote his style. This is good and worthy of recognition. We always treat a comrade in two. Right is right and wrong is wrong. He has done something wrong. We should criticize him and correct his wrong behavior. This time the county commends him. I think Beiluan District will not participate for the time being. This is also a reminder to them. They must always be consistent with their superiors. Don't be unconventional and do your own thing. Otherwise, how can we ensure that government orders are passed smoothly and orders are enforced and prohibitions are enforced?"

**It is not that he is from a propaganda background. He speaks clearly and logically. He sticks to the theme from beginning to end. He puts big hats on Yu Yan’s head one after another.

Ma He frowned.

Regarding the matter of Kaiqi Coal Mine contracting mines in Beiluan District, Ma He has always felt that he has no confidence in his heart. He has never publicly expressed support for Yu Yan. He just adopted a laissez-faire attitude of turning a blind eye. In fact, this kind of This situation exists in many places. In the end, there was no big problem. Unexpectedly, the province sent this top-notch **. As soon as he took office, a debate arose about whether the surname should be social or capitalist.

As the county magistrate, Ma He is quite sensitive to the political trend. Nowadays, there is indeed a debate in all parts of the country, from the central government to the local governments, whether to be social or capitalist. However, Taocheng is located in a remote area and its economic development is slow. Basically, this is the case. Arguments are out of the question, so people don't pay much attention to them on weekdays. Most of them just have a spectator mentality.

By accident, this kind of argument happened right before our eyes.

Faced with the big hat that the police took down without hesitation, Ma He needed to carefully weigh the pros and cons to determine the countermeasures. He could not speak casually. If he was caught on such a principled issue, Handle. That is a big trouble.

The conference room fell into silence once again.

However, no one dares to defend the cooperation with Kaiqi Coal Mine easily.

Unknowingly, Ma He's eyes fell on Sun Dianhang's face.

Sun Dianhang picked up the tea cup and took a sip. A smile appeared on his face and he said in a low voice: "Secretary Zhang. County Magistrate Ma. Let me say a few words..."

** also had a smile on his face. He nodded and said in a rare gentle tone: "Director Sun, please speak."

Sun Dianhang said slowly: "Secretary Zhang was right just now. For any comrade, for any matter, it must be divided into two parts. Comrade Yuyan has carried out these constructions in Beiluan District. Is it a social or a capital enterprise? I think there is no need to argue for the time being. However, Yu Yan is Yu Yan. Bei Luan District is Bei Luan District. Even if Yu Yan made a mistake, he cannot beat the cadres of Bei Luan District to death with a stick because of this. He should completely deny it. This is not the case. It is conducive to unity. I personally suggest that advanced units and individuals in Beiluan District should be commended. Otherwise, it will affect the enthusiasm of the entire Beiluan District cadre team. It is not good to say that our county leaders look at people through colored glasses. Haha. Personal suggestion. For your reference."

Sun Dianhang usually doesn't speak, but once he speaks, no one can despise his opinions.

Where are the qualifications?

Everyone's eyes fell on **'s face.

** His eyebrows furrowed slightly. He pondered for a moment, then he tilted his head slightly and said in a deep voice, "Well, Director Sun's opinion is worth taking seriously. Let's discuss it carefully."

On January 25th, colorful flags were flying in Taocheng Auditorium. A huge banner was hung directly above the door of the auditorium.

Taocheng County's 91 Annual Summary and Commendation Conference was grandly held here. The auditorium can accommodate more than a thousand people. Nearly half of the seats were occupied. Cadres at the deputy section level and above from all districts and towns in the county. Most of the staff of the county-level units .Participated in this commendation meeting.

The organization of the conference was as complete as ever.

There are five rows of seats arranged on the rostrum. These are seats prepared for the leading comrades of the county's four teams and retired veteran cadres at the deputy county level or above. The first few rows under the rostrum are for county-level units and district and town parties. Seats reserved by political leaders.

Several heavyweight county-level units, such as the Public Security Bureau, Finance Bureau, and the top leaders of Chengguan Town and ten districts, were arranged to sit in the middle. County Public Security Bureau Director Shen Jinsheng, the County Procuratorate Chief Prosecutor, and the County Court President were all seated. They are deputy county-level cadres. Those who have seats on the rostrum and those sitting below the stage are the first deputies of these departments. They are all prominent figures in Taocheng County.

This chapter has been completed!
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