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Chapter 0474 Speak with justice

The so-called request for Secretary Yu's strong support was just a polite word to Yu Chengcheng. Although the small commodity market is on the territory of Chengguan Town, it is not under the jurisdiction of Chengguan Town. It is a county industry and is entrusted to the county industry and commerce. This small commodity market is directly managed by the bureau. It is also a major feature of almost half of the counties in the mainland in the 1900s. Such a market has been quite prosperous in the past few years. It can also be regarded as a direct manifestation of the market economy at the grassroots level. .

Of course, the small commodity market is built on the land of Chengguan Town. The Secretary of the Party Committee of Chengguan Town must also be given face. A real hello from Yu Cheng is more effective than Yu Yan’s words.

However, when Yu Yan mentioned this to Yu Ji, it was not as simple as just wanting him to say hello.

Qiu Chuji suddenly asked again: "Secretary Yu, you want to build a cold storage in the small commodity market. What is it for?"

Yu Yan smiled and said: "Frozen meat. I guess once the slaughter rate increases, this cold storage is indispensable. Especially on hot days. It is really impossible without a certain number of cold storages. Of course, this cold storage is not only The only purpose of frozen meat is to freeze some fresh vegetables and fruits a month or two before the end of the year. Before the New Year, you can sell them at a good price. Set up an agricultural product brokerage service company. It will not work without a cold storage. "

Don't look at Qiu Chuji's whirring. It seems that nothing is going wrong. In fact, his brain is moving very fast. He immediately heard something. He said: "This is a good idea. However, Secretary Yu, you Bei Luan will do it as soon as you come out. There are hundreds of dry-headed pigs and beef cattle. Three to five cold storage rooms may not be enough."

Yu Yan laughed. In fact, this was what he wanted to discuss with Yu Cheng. Regardless of the feed factory, the machinery factory's profitability was very good. After all, the production capacity of the factory was just set up. It won't produce much this year. And a large part of the profits must be reserved to prepare for the expansion of production. Starting next year, the bank loan of 800,000 yuan still needs to be repaid in installments. The financial pressure is quite high. Yu Yan cannot spend much money to support agricultural products. The construction of a brokerage service company. Building a cold storage is a costly job. A small cold storage can't be purchased for less than tens of thousands of dollars. Yu Yan wants to bring in foreign aid.

"So, it depends on whether Secretary Yu and Secretary Qiu are interested in this. How about we work together to make some money and build more cold storages. This cold storage can freeze popsicles in the summer. Other Li Jie You can freeze meat and vegetables and fruits. You can definitely rent it out. Once it is built, the maintenance is relatively simple. You only need to sit and collect money every year. It is quite cost-effective."

Secretary Yu then began to use his eloquent rhetoric to deceive the two colleagues.

In fact, Yu Yan did not intend to ask the district to pay for the construction of these cold storages. The idea was to mobilize private funds and leverage others' efforts.

Qiu Chuji clapped his hands and said, "Hey, it sounds like that's true. This matter is worthy of careful consideration."

Yu Yan smiled and said, "That's right. Since you, Secretary Qiu, plan to develop the breeding industry, you must do all the follow-up work first. Otherwise, you may not be able to make it in time. When the time comes, you will have no choice but to ask me to rent a cold storage for you." That’s so shameless.”

Qiu Chuji laughed and said, "Secretary Yu, don't provoke me. I'll think about it carefully before speaking."

Yu Yan then looked at Yu Jicheng.

Yu Cheng thought for a while and said: "It does make sense. Secretary Yu, I will give it some thought. As long as there is something beneficial, someone will always do it."


Yu Yan smiled and nodded.

It was approaching ten o'clock. County leaders finally began to file in and get on the podium.

Applause erupted in the auditorium. At first it was not so orderly and the momentum was not good. Gradually more and more people applauded. The applause became a bit like a storm.

I can't stand the crowds of people no matter what I do.

** walked in the front. His back was shiny and his hair was shiny. He looked very high-spirited. He kept waving to the audience. There was also a smile on his usually serious square face.

Ma He and others followed closely behind, but they just applauded with everyone and did not wave. The official rules were strictly observed.

There were also individual cadres in the audience who stood up and applauded. Usually if someone takes the lead, everyone would gradually stand up. However, those sitting in the front row from the district and town party committees and the county-level units all sat firmly. No one Stand up. The individual cadres who stood up sat down again, with a somewhat embarrassed expression. It's not that these people want to flatter the police. It's just that they have become accustomed to it. At their level, even if they have to To flatter **, Secretary Zhang needs to know him.

**Ma He and other county leaders sat in the front row of the rostrum. Soon, the five rows of seats on the rostrum were basically filled with people. Such a summary and commendation meeting is held once a year, as long as the leaders do not have too important official business. I usually attend. People love a good time.

Especially the old comrades who have retired from the National People's Congress and the Political Consultative Conference want to take this opportunity to show their faces and show their presence. Otherwise, everyone will really forget about the old man.

The meeting was personally presided over by Mou Zhen, deputy secretary of the party and the masses. Mou Zhen pressed his hands toward the audience. The applause gradually stopped. Mou Zhen cleared his throat, opened the speech box in front of him, and began to give an opening speech.

There are certain rules for the annual summary and commendation meeting. Mou Zhen's opening speech was naturally revised and polished repeatedly by the pen writers of the county party committee. In just ten minutes, an article was written beautifully. Mou Zhen read it in a cadence. It was quite impressive. Next came the county party secretary ** who spoke.

There was once again not very warm applause from the audience. This shows that Secretary Zhang has not yet entered the hearts of the county cadres. It is not so easy to gain everyone's trust based on his approach.

**'s speech is very long and thick. If it goes like this, it won't last more than an hour. It will definitely not be finished.

Qiu Chuji adjusted his sitting posture and leaned back comfortably in the chair. He was ready for a protracted war. Yu Yan also leaned slightly in the chair to make himself more comfortable. There is no need to be serious in a meeting like this. There is no need to talk. I can't make it through my own body.

The first part of **'s speech was very satisfactory. He summarized the county's construction achievements. In short, the achievements are huge and the future is bright. However, there are also certain problems.

In fact, what everyone really wants to hear is this but the rest.

The previous summary is definitely good. **No matter how unruly we are, we cannot destroy some of the most basic principles. We cannot deny our predecessors as useless. As for the advanced units and individuals who have been named and praised, their faces are naturally very shiny. It's exciting. Even though it's only in name, it's a great honor to be named and praised by the county party secretary at the summary and commendation meeting.

**In the speech section, I talked about some problems that exist in Taocheng County. For example, some cadres are too arrogant about their achievements and are too ambitious. They are not down-to-earth. They only think about achieving political achievements and doing face-saving projects. They don’t care enough about the people who are really in difficulty, etc. .

Qiu Chuji suddenly reached out and touched Tong Yuyan's waist. With a playful smile on his face, he lowered his voice and said, "Brother, what about you?"

**This is not the first time I have said this. It was shouted out in Shanlu Daily not long ago. As everyone knows, Qiu Chuji adjusted you Yu Yan.

Yu Yan smiled indifferently. His face was calm and he didn't care.

In Yu Yan's opinion, ** is really eager for quick success and instant benefits. Of course, this eagerness for quick success and quick benefits is not reflected in serious work, but in the way of treating people. There is no doubt that ** came down with a mission.

** As soon as he arrived in Taocheng County, the bench was not yet warm, so he impatiently attacked Yu Yan. It was too pretentious and a bit lonely. The other leaders in the county did not know him at all. Even if If I want to get closer to him, I will observe him for a while. I am so anxious. In terms of strategy, I have not considered it a little bit. For the time being, I can only fight alone. With the respect of the county party committee secretary, I will go into battle naked to deal with Yu Yan.

Yu Yan has been working in Taocheng for a year. Although he can't say he has built a huge network of relationships, he has met a few more people. His foundation is more stable than **'s. And after it was confirmed that Xia Li was transferred, ** took over. At that time, Yu Yan began to make some necessary preparations. Compared with fighting alone, Yu Yan's mass base seemed to be a bit stronger.

Let ** show off first and then talk.

The following offenses are committed. Yu Yan needs to find the most suitable opportunity to launch a counterattack. Going against the county party secretary in everything is not necessarily a good idea. When starting a lawsuit, he must first settle the three points of the loss. The most basic respect is still You have to abide by it. You can't just appear like a thorn in the county party committee's office and contradict your superiors regardless of the situation. Even if you have a lot of truth, you still can't avoid being a young and arrogant person. Evaluation of impetuous personality.

** was frothing on the stage. His speech was impassioned. He almost didn’t mention Ping Yuyan and Bei Luanqu by name. But everyone could hear the meaning behind his words.

After firing a lot of artillery fire at Yu Yan, ** began to talk about political principles. In particular, he asked everyone to correct their thoughts and not be deceived by some appearances. They must unswervingly adhere to the "Four Basic Principles" and not let capitalism Something that has corrupted the minds and souls of the broad masses of cadres and the masses.

After hearing these words, the whispers that had been heard from time to time in the auditorium suddenly disappeared. The cadres present held their breaths and looked at the gesticulating leader on the podium. Their expressions became very serious.

It has been some years since I heard such words. Especially at the county cadre meeting. Everyone seemed to have returned to an era more than ten years ago. The highest directive of "taking class struggle as the key link" came to mind.

**'s speech took almost an hour and a half to end. This time, the auditorium burst into unanimous applause. Everyone was a little unsure of the meaning of Secretary Zhang's words. They felt a little scared. He gave Secretary Zhang a round of applause. Next, Mou Zhen asked the county magistrate, Ma He, to speak.

In such a conference, the county party secretary is the protagonist. The county magistrate usually only makes a symbolic speech.

Despite this, Ma He also prepared a topic. He mainly talked about the economic development of Taocheng County last year. But what everyone expected was that Ma He specifically mentioned one point of view in this speech - one by one. If you want to be rich, build roads first. The economy must develop and the people must be prosperous. It is the general trend to build roads and improve transportation construction. Ma He also named Beiluan District. He said that the current financial situation in the county is also tight and not well-off. To build roads throughout the county, relying solely on the county's money cannot fundamentally solve the problem of few roads, poor grades, and poor road conditions. Ma He pointed out that under this general premise, all districts and towns must use their brains to find solutions. Raise funds in various aspects. For example, Beiluan District has done a good job. It has pioneering thinking and vision. It has taken the initiative to obtain loans from banks and renovated main roads. Currently, among the roads leading from various districts and villages to the county seat, Beiluan District is the only one. The provincial highway to Chengguan Town is in the best condition. The driving speed has nearly doubled. This is a remarkable improvement.

As Ma He spoke, the face of the woman sitting next to him darkened unconsciously. He picked up his tea cup and kept drinking water. The cadres below only found it interesting and straightened their backs one by one. There was a strange look on his face. Fortunately, at such a meeting, the two top squad leaders in the county publicly butted heads.

This thing is really interesting.

Qiu Chuji became excited. He put his head in front of Yu Yan and said in a low voice: "Brother, County Magistrate Ma is quite honest. You think so."

Yu Yan still smiled and said nothing.

Qiu Chuji is also a wonderful person. Since he is Ma He's confidant, he always looks for opportunities to say a few good words to the boss no matter where he is. It is indeed a good skill for Ma He to train such a subordinate.

"Brother, I'm telling you, don't take that fool seriously. His grandma's mouth is full of shit. Is it wrong to build more factories to make more money, build roads, and make people's lives more comfortable? It's just talking. Bullshit. It’s useless.”

Qiu Chuji seemed to have a greater opinion of the Communist Party than Yu Yan. He directly called the county party secretary a fool.

Yu Yan was a little helpless.

Even if he is not afraid that the walls have ears, Yu Yan is not willing to let everyone regard him as a rough guy like Qiu Chuji. Secretary Yu has an opinion against Secretary Zhang and has to keep it in his stomach. Qiu Chuji is the same. He is full of foul language.

"Secretary Qiu and County Magistrate Ma are making a report."

Yu Yan had no choice but to give a very subtle reminder: Your boss is holding a meeting on the stage, and your old man is holding a small meeting off the stage. This is not very appropriate.

Qiu Chuji lowered his voice and laughed a few words. Then he sat upright and looked at the rostrum.

Ma He's speech took about half an hour. Next, he summarized the main content of the commendation meeting. On behalf of the county committee and county government, Ma He read out the list of advanced units and advanced individuals in Taocheng County in 2019. Basically, Ma He's speech took about half an hour. They sit in rows and eat fruits. The county-level units and the districts and towns below all have a share. Only Beiluan District has only one advanced unit. That is Liuqiao Township. The reason for the commendation is that social security has improved significantly. As a result of having Liuqiao Township has a traditional habit of clan fighting. Last year, it made great efforts to comprehensively manage social security. No clan fighting occurred throughout the year. The incidence rate of public security cases was the lowest in the county.

As for Secretary Yu's economic construction in Beiluan to increase the income of farmers, there is no need to mention it. Secretary Zhang almost criticized him by name. He also praised it as advanced. Think about it beautifully. This is the advanced unit of Liuqiao Township and The three advanced individuals in the district are still the result of hard work. Otherwise, Beiluan District would probably eat duck eggs this time.

Ma He was able to praise Bei Luan District and Yu Yan by name in his speech just now. It was a great honor. Just like Qiu Chuji said, it was quite righteous.

Ma He may also want to use this action to express his attitude to Yuyan. Or maybe he just wants to feel disgusted. You, Lao Zhang, don't wave a big stick to suppress people as soon as you come. You don't have the final say in Taocheng County. .I really treat Ma He and other county leaders as transparent. County Magistrate Ma is also reminding ** that if you want to have fun in Taocheng County, you must unite some people who should be united.

Make a final wish. I want a VIP. I want a VIP. I want to break through 1,000 votes today. I will give you four updates. Please note that the four updates refer to a large chapter of 4,300 words per update, not a small chapter of 3,000 words. .My fourth update is equivalent to the fifth update of a chapter of 3,000 words. Brothers, please let Wang Hai’s small wish be fulfilled...

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