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Chapter 0483 attack

"Lao Qiu, have you discussed this matter with Chang Ji?"

Deputy District Chief Qiu spread his hands and said: "We discussed it, but he doesn't have any money either, hehe..."

Yu Yan naturally understood what Lao Qiu's last hehe meant. In name, the district chief is in charge of the economic construction and money bag of the entire district, but the enterprise that really brings in the money is directly managed by Yu Yan. This is It's not that Yu Yan can't trust Ma Changji. The key is that Yu Yan wants to establish rules for these enterprises and get them on the right track before they can be handed over to the district office for management. Otherwise, if things get messed up, these enterprises will sooner or later become The source of **.

There is no doubt that Lao Qiu wanted him to say hello to the company and allocate some money.

Yu Yan had no choice but to tell the truth: "Lao Qiu, the feed mill and the machinery factory do have some surplus, but they have to expand the production line and repay bank loans. They are struggling and can't squeeze out the money."

Deputy District Chief Qiu immediately grimaced and said, "What should we do?"

He did not doubt Yu Yan's words. This young secretary was fair and selfless and never took advantage of the government. Even if he used the car to run personal matters, he would pay for the gas out of his own pocket. Therefore, no cadres in the district had ever doubted Yu Yan. Yan controls two companies because he wants to use his power for personal gain. Yu Yan said that the company has no money, which must be the actual situation.

"Then, shouldn't we stop renovating the reservoir for the time being? Let's do it next year..."

Lao Qiu understood Yu Yan's difficulties and took the initiative to back down.

Yu Yan shook his head slightly and said: "Renovating water conservancy facilities is also a major matter and cannot be postponed. This year will have the same difficulties as this year, and next year will definitely have the same difficulties as next year."

Lao Qiu also felt embarrassed, frowned, thought carefully, and said, "Well, secretary, do you think we can raise some funds?"


Yu Yan flatly shook his head in denial.

The so-called fund-raising proposed by Lao Qiu only has a good reputation, but in fact it means apportioning money to the villagers.

"Lao Qiu, this is definitely not possible! You must not take advantage of the farmers!" Yu Yan strengthened his tone and said seriously: "We, the people in Beiluan, have just started to grow some cotton and raise a few pigs, so we have a little loose work. It’s a bit over the top, but it’s still far from a well-off level. It’s absolutely not allowed for people to make plans as soon as they have a little money. As long as I stay in Beiluan for a day, I will never allow any disguised distribution!”

Although Yu Yan has supreme prestige in Beiluan District, he rarely speaks harshly. Seeing his serious expression, Deputy District Chief Qiu was startled and said quickly: "Secretary, please don't misunderstand me. That’s what I mean. I am also from a rural background, so why would I go after farmers? I was thinking, otherwise, we would be like building roads, where we owe the labor costs first and settle the material costs first. The labor costs will be deducted next year and after that. Come on, do you think it’s okay?”

Deputy District Governor Qiu is also in charge of renovating provincial roads, and he has experience. It can also be heard from these words that Lao Qiu is indeed a down-to-earth cadre. He does not wait for the district party secretary to solve the problem, but takes the initiative to find a solution.

Yu Yan nodded and said: "This method is feasible. However, even if the labor cost is owed first, the material cost and machinery cost are also a lot. We have to think of ways from other aspects. The expansion of the factory cannot be delayed. Expansion should be done as soon as possible. If it is completed, profits will be generated one day earlier, and we cannot kill the goose that lays the goose to lay the eggs.”

Lao Qiu was really at his wits end this time, and said helplessly: "Secretary, I really can't think of a way to do this."

Yu Yan stood up, paced back and forth in the office, and said thoughtfully: "It seems that I still want to make a move to the bank."

Deputy District Governor Qiu was happy and said with a smile: "The secretary's brain is quick. If the bank is willing to lend, it will be easy. Our two factories have expanded, and the efficiency will be better next year. We can repay the loan." The ability will be stronger.”

Yu Yan stopped and said to Deputy District Chief Qiu: "Lao Qiu, let me see it this way. I will figure out a way to deal with the funding. You should immediately organize the manpower to conduct a thorough investigation of the situation of the three hub reservoirs. A detailed renovation plan has been released. We will proceed simultaneously. However, the reservoir must be renovated this year and cannot be delayed any longer."

Deputy District Chief Qiu was very excited, stood up, and happily agreed.

While he was talking, the sound of small leather shoes hitting the cement floor could be heard outside.

"Manager Zhang?"

Deputy District Chief Qiu shouted in surprise.

The person who came in, with shawl hair, plump figure, billowy waves, and graceful style, was Zhang Yanfang. Zhang Yanfang's current identity is the deputy manager of Taocheng County Agricultural Products Brokerage Service Company and the manager of Beiluan Branch.

"sister in law?"

Yu Yan was also a little surprised.

"Hey, District Chief Qiu is here too?"

Zhang Yanfang smiled before saying anything and said softly. Ever since she became the deputy manager of the agricultural products brokerage service company, Zhang Yanfang has become more fashionable and fashionable, looking like an urban beauty. Yu Yan initially assigned Zhang Yanfang to the agricultural products company. The reason why she went to the brokerage service company was to avoid the government from plotting against her, and secondly, she also wanted to appoint people according to her talents. This woman is a good at public relations. At first, I was worried that she would be unhappy, but later I learned that Zhang Yanfang was in I feel comfortable in my new position and am very active.

It seems that a woman with a cheerful personality and a bit of beauty can quickly adapt to any job position.

"Haha, if you have something to do, would you like to see the secretary? I've finished talking about my matter, you guys can talk."

Deputy District Chief Qiu said with a smile, and stood up to say goodbye to Yu Yan. Originally, he planned to chat with Yu Yan. This is also a hobby of Beiluan District cadres. Chatting with Secretary Yu is also a way to enhance feelings. Well. Since Zhang Yanfang is here, she naturally needs to be informed.

Zhang Yanfang walked slowly to Yu Yan's desk. When she glanced at her eyes, she saw that the water glass in front of Yu Yan had reached the bottom. She reached for Yu Yan's cup, refilled it with tea, and poured herself a cup of tea.

Yu Yan smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, you are a guest, so I should pour you some water."

Zhang Yanfang smiled brightly and said: "Secretary, you are the leader, and it is the duty of our staff to serve the leader."

Seeing Zhang Yanfang's nimble hands and feet, she had already poured the tea in a blink of an eye, Yu Yan became less friendly.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here today?"

Zhang Yanfang smiled and said: "Secretary, you are a bit bureaucratic. I am the manager of Beiluan Agricultural Products Company. I came here today to hold a meeting for everyone. In the afternoon, I also made an appointment with representatives of several farmers for a discussion. You must get to know us better. For your own situation, this salesperson can provide you with the right solution."

The Beiluan District Agricultural Products Brokerage Service Company has two signs, one is hung in the office of the county company, and the other is hung in the Beiluan District Office. The staff are also divided into two. Several work in the county, directly at Zhang Yanfang Working under the leadership of Beiluan, they are mainly responsible for market development. There are also a few who stay in Beiluan, mainly to collect production information here and provide guidance to farmers in Beiluan. In fact, the agricultural product brokerage service in the county is currently The company mainly serves Beiluan District. The breeding industry in other districts has not yet begun to spread. Self-produced and self-sold products are basically sufficient, and there are not many agricultural products that need to be exported.

When the Communist Party tried every means to prevent Yu Yan from taking action in Beiluan, Yu Yan took a curveball approach to save the country and cooperated with Ma He to directly build up companies in the county and silently slapped the Communist Party in the face.

Yu Yan smiled and said: "Sister-in-law, your agricultural product company has done a good job and has achieved great results. Pigs and beef cattle are put on the market intensively before the Spring Festival. Without your correct guidance, the price may have dropped a bit."

At that time, farmers basically had no concept of the market. They only had some simple understandings of the market, such as eating meat during the Chinese New Year.

So in the past, pigs were raised to be strong and strong, and they were slaughtered before the New Year. An agricultural product company conducted an investigation and found that there were thousands of pigs and cattle planned to be put on the market before the Spring Festival. This is not possible. What is the population of Chengguan Town in Taocheng? How many days? There was absolutely no time to consume so much meat. So we adjusted our strategy in time, contacted Antai and the two surrounding counties, and sold more than 2,000 pigs and beef cattle in advance. Starting around the 20th of the twelfth lunar month, we organized Beiluan District The continued listing of live pork, pork and beef products ensured smooth trading in the market, and prices did not fall sharply. The interests of farmers were protected to the maximum extent.

At present, the pork and beef in Chengguan Town’s meat market are basically monopolized by Beiluan District.

Zhang Yanfang became even more joyful after receiving the praise, and said: "These are all achievements achieved under the wise leadership of the secretary. If you want to praise, you must first praise the secretary." After saying that, he sighed again and said with admiration: "Secretary, This is not to flatter you, this vision is really amazing. How come you can always think ahead to everything? Do all great people have the ability to strategize and win thousands of miles away?"

Zhang Yanfang said she was not flattering, but in fact she was flattering to the fullest. Not only did she say so, but her eyes matched it. I have to say that Zhang Yanfang is extremely talented in this aspect. She is obviously flattering, but she can make people think she is It comes from the heart. Of course, at this moment, her eyes are pure, without any ambiguity.

She knew Yu Yan's attitude.

Being able to quickly change his mentality and respect Yu Yan purely as a superior is quite remarkable, and he can take it up and let it go.

Yu Yan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Sister-in-law, please stop flattering me. Otherwise, I will be distracted." Zhang Yanfang chuckled, and then said seductively: "Secretary, I'm here today to tell you something. report."


"First, I think agricultural product brokerage service companies must go out. At present, the meat supply in Chengguan Town is close to saturation. I heard that large-scale pig breeding has also begun in the west of the city. Our feed factory has Supply them with 500 tons of feed every month. It won’t be long before their pigs are ready for slaughter, which will definitely have an impact on the meat market in Chengguan Town. The price drop is one aspect, and on the other aspect, I am afraid that sales will not be enough. Go out. Even though we have built several cold storages, I’m afraid we can’t freeze that many. This is a problem…”

When Zhang Yanfang talks about business, she is very businesslike and has the demeanor of a manager.

Yu Yan immediately nodded approvingly and said: "Yes, that's true. I'm afraid that not only one district in the west of the city will start a large-scale breeding industry, but other districts will follow suit. It's profitable. We should take precautions. Then What is your company planning to do?"

"There is no other way but to go out. Our economy in Taocheng is underdeveloped, and the market for meat consumption is not big. Generally speaking, workers often eat meat, and there is basically no chance in rural areas."

Zhang Yanfang said firmly.

The smile on Yu Yan's face became thicker and he said: "This idea is very right. However, I'm afraid it's not enough to just leave Taocheng. At least we have to leave Antai and face the whole province. For example, big cities such as Qinan and Hexiang are all We should find ways to break in. If we can open up sales in other provinces, that would be even better. Especially in the cities in the south and Jiangkou, we must find ways to break in. What we have to fight for now is time, and we have to get ahead of others. Establish a complete sales network in front of us. In this way, we can predict the enemy's plans first and remain invincible."

Zhang Yanfang showed a look of surprise and admiration on her face, and said in a slightly exaggerated tone: "Secretary, this is really amazing. We held several meetings and discussed it several times before making this decision. It turns out that you have already made this decision a long time ago." Thought of it!"

Zhang Yanfang's words are not entirely flattering, but also somewhat truthful.

Yu Yan smiled and shook his head and said: "Sister-in-law, I completely agree with this method. However, you'd better report it to County Magistrate Ma. With the support of the county government, many tasks will be easier to carry out. It's justifiable." ."

"Okay, we will definitely report to County Magistrate Ma."

Zhang Yanfang nodded repeatedly. In fact, she had this plan originally, but she would never say it in front of Yu Yan.

"Secretary, the second thing is, I just want to ask for instructions. The Two Sessions are about to be held. Should our company donate something to the Two Sessions?"

Yu Yan was startled and said: "Donate to the two sessions?"

Zhang Yanfang said: "Hey, this is also a new thing. It is said that during the Two Sessions in Antai City, some companies donated gifts to the representatives, such as thermos cups, briefcases and so on. You can print our company's name on the gifts. It can be regarded as a kind of propaganda. The key is that Director Gao has this instruction."

Yu Yan laughed dumbly.

Gao Qingshan can be regarded as following the trend. Antai's Two Sessions distributed things to the representatives, and Taocheng cannot lag behind. Even after the Two Sessions, he will leave his post as director of the County Party Committee Office, and he still wants to "stand on the last duty" to Everyone, please leave a thought and praise him Gao Qingshan. Maybe Gao Qingshan plans to make a last-ditch effort to stay in the position of director of the County Party Committee Office through this matter. Although this possibility is very small, he must at least try for it.

"Okay, since Director Gao has instructions, then you can just follow them. But not too many."

Secretary Yu gritted his teeth and acted generously for once.

Zhang Yanfang laughed. Everyone said that Secretary Yu was notorious for using public money, and he certainly lived up to his reputation. This man was really strange.

"Secretary, there is another thing. I also heard the news, I don't know if it is accurate..."

After Zhang Yanfang smiled, her face hardened, she suddenly lowered her voice and spoke very carefully.

Yu Yan frowned slightly and asked, "What news?"

Zhang Yanfang moved her head closer to Yu Yan and whispered: "I heard that County Magistrate Su has given instructions to the Coal Bureau, Land Bureau, and Mineral Resources Bureau that outsiders are not allowed to mine in our county's mines. "

The so-called County Magistrate Su is the deputy county magistrate in charge of the mining industry, whose full name is Su Zhiqiang. Among the deputy magistrates, Su Zhiqiang is relatively high-profile and is known for his toughness. He is young but has quite senior qualifications. Yu Yan smiled calmly, his expression I don't really care that much.

Seeing Yu Yan's nonchalant look, Zhang Yanfang became a little anxious and said quickly: "Secretary Yu, please don't underestimate Su Zhiqiang. This person has a big temper and is very tough in his work. He also has a good relationship with Yun Shan, a matchmaker. He promoted the heads of the Charcoal Bureau and the Mineral Bureau, and he speaks with great authority. I heard that County Magistrate Ma couldn't do anything to him."

Zhang Yanfang has stayed in the county party committee office for so long, and now works for an agricultural product brokerage service company, so she is very well-informed. I guess she came here today mainly because she wanted to report the news to Yu Yan in person.

Yu Yan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter. I don't want to do anything to him, as long as he doesn't hinder my work."

This chapter has been completed!
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