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Chapter 0502 anger

Yu Yan was pleasantly surprised to find that this was a good and effective method. In the first day or two, the cadres in the organization department were a little uncomfortable adapting to this new model and couldn't let go. But soon everyone became active and devoted themselves to the work seriously. Among the reasons, the first is of course the role model set by Yu Yan, and the second is the good feeling of having the power to support him.

In the past, we were very polite to the cadres of the Organization Department and other cadres, but most of them went out of their way to be polite, especially those cadres who were not in a hurry to be promoted. But it is different now. Every grassroots cadre is cautious or even cautious in front of the cadres of the Organization Department. Some veteran township leaders at the deputy section level and principal section level smiled and nodded when facing a young man from the County Party Committee Organization Department who had just graduated from school. It was an unusually refreshing feeling.

As a result, the energy increased and each one became more noisy than the other.

Seeing this rapid change in mental outlook, Li Ganglinger, Xu Feng and other senior vice-ministers couldn't help but look at Minister Wawa in a new light. Yu Yan was able to make such a big fuss in Beiluan and establish his supreme authority in just over a year. It was a blessing. There is actually some real ability inside that can unite people's hearts in a short period of time.

In addition to the inspection and evaluation of cadres, Yu Yan also takes a break from his busy schedule to go to the mines wherever he goes. He is also in charge of the work of the mining industry. In addition, the main responsible cadres of state-owned coal mines and collectively owned coal mines are also within the scope of the inspection and evaluation of the Organization Department. Yu Yan, this is called killing two birds with one stone

The Organization Department is in full swing, but the home of County Construction Committee Director Long Cheng is in a different situation, with a somewhat tense atmosphere.

After dinner, Long Cheng sat on the sofa and smoked sullenly, while Mi Guangjing walked around the living room with her arms folded, her face full of anger, looking like she just wanted to find someone to fight with.

"The bastards are all a bunch of bastards"

After walking a few steps, Mi Guangjing began to curse, and she didn’t know who she was scolding.

Long Cheng didn't even raise his eyes and regarded Mi Guangjing as nothing. This woman would never stop. She would have hysterical attacks from time to time, whether at home or at work. Long Cheng had long been so numb that he could no longer be numb.

"Hey, I'm telling you, you can't say anything about the project in the new city. This bastard, Wang Ermazi, used to act like a dog when he saw me, and he didn't even have the tail of a dog. Now he thinks he's climbed up to the top of Simon Yam." Dare you underestimate me, you bastard? Have you forgotten that the director of the Construction Committee is named Long and not Ren?"

Mi Guangjing walked to the sofa and yelled at Long Cheng

Long Cheng frowned and said unhappily: "Please keep your voice down so that others don't hear you. What's the benefit of thinking that I have Wang Er's pockmark?"

If it weren't for the fear that Mi Guangjing's loud voice would be heard by the quiet neighbors, Long Chengcai wouldn't bother to pay attention to Mi Guangjing. As soon as he spoke to Mi Guangjing, the woman would immediately pester her endlessly and vow not to give up until she was noisy. Long Cheng was really afraid of her.

"I said, what are you afraid of? Anyway, this bastard Simon Yam is going to make a name for you. What else do you have to be afraid of? If you want me to tell you, go to the county party committee office tomorrow and slap him face to face to see if he still dares to make a name for himself like this." "

Mi Guangjing's anger increased and her tone of voice became louder and louder.

At this moment, Long Cheng wanted to jump up and slap her twice.

This stupid woman is not awake yet

Do you think it's still the same as before? Who is Ren Dahua? A popular person in front of the county party committee secretary. A serious member of the county party committee's standing committee. Even if he made a reputation on stage before, he couldn't do anything to him.

"Doesn't this bastard just want to take revenge? My second brother didn't agree to him back then, and he still holds a grudge against me even now. I won't even urinate and take a photo of him looking like that. Who can see him? His mind is smaller than the tip of a needle..."

Mi Guangjing was so angry that she couldn't stop cursing.

Long Cheng sneered: "Have you regretted it? If you had married him, wouldn't you be the wife of the county party leader now?"

"You...Long Cheng, what do you mean? I married you and I married the wrong person. What's so good about you? If it weren't for my second brother, you would be where you are today. You must have a conscience as a human being."

Mi Guangjing quit and started yelling at Long Cheng again.

Long Cheng stood up with a dark face and pushed towards Mi Guangjing.

Mi Guangjing was so shocked that she stepped back a few steps, stared at Long Cheng's almost twisted face, and asked: "You...what do you want to do?"

After she changed, she was still a little scared. Now she really doesn’t compete anymore.

Long Chengli ignored her and walked straight past her into the bedroom and closed the door with a bang. Mi Guangjing was stunned for a moment and quickly walked over quietly, putting her ear against the bedroom door and listening carefully.

It seemed that Long Cheng called someone in the bedroom and called him "Mr. Yu" several times in a very respectful manner.

County Party Committee Standing Committee Member Lou Yuyan’s Dormitory

Long Cheng stood outside the dormitory door and took a deep breath to calm down his turbulent mood again. Then he slightly bent down and raised his right hand and knocked lightly on the door.

He could see that the door was unlocked and ajar, but the necessary etiquette was still followed.

Because the person living in this house is not the Beiluan District Party Committee Secretary but the County Party Committee Organization Minister.

"Please come in." Yu Yan's clear and clear voice came from the room, sounding faintly majestic.

Long Cheng carefully opened the door and walked in. He saw Yu Yan sitting on the sofa and quickly closed the door and walked a few steps to Yu Yan. He bowed slightly with a flattering smile and said in an almost demonic soft tone: "Hello, Minister Yu"

Yu Yan slowly stood up and said with a smile: "Comrade Long Cheng, please take a seat."

"Yes, thank you, Minister Yu"

Long Cheng agreed repeatedly and put the clinker bag he was carrying under the coffee table. There were two cigarettes and two bottles of wine in it. One of the cigarettes was specially treated. I believe Yu Yan could see it if he paid a little attention. It will feel different when you take it out and hold it in your hands.

Originally, Long Cheng didn't need to be so cautious in front of Yu Yan. No matter how much you are the leader of the county committee, the director of the county construction committee is still a role. Long Cheng used to think so. But a few days ago, when news of the secretary's office meeting came, Long Cheng no longer dared to think so.

It seems that there is only one step away from the main department and the deputy department, but this step is like a world of difference. The difference between active and passive arrangements and being arranged is like a huge gap that separates the two into two different worlds.

At that secretary's office meeting, Long Cheng's name appeared in the mouths of the county party committee leaders with unprecedented frequency, but every time he was mentioned, it was not a good thing, let alone a compliment. Although Ren Dahua and Yunshan were very positive about him, he was even acceptable. They called it appreciation, but their real intention was to drive him to the countryside. Yun Yan, Yun Shan and Ma Hekou kept saying that Long Cheng was not experienced enough to rule the country, but in fact they were speaking for him and letting him Able to remain in the position of director of the County Construction Committee

Who can tell clearly the meaning behind words spoken in official circles? The same words spoken on different occasions have completely different meanings.

Long Cheng would rather be said to be worthless as long as he can keep his current position.

“Comrade Long Cheng drinks tea”

Yu Yan stood up and made a cup of tea for Long Cheng.

"Thank you, Minister Yu"

Long Cheng quickly stood up and took it with both hands and thanked him again and again. It seemed that Long Cheng's brain was a little short-circuited at this moment and he couldn't say anything else except "thank you".

Yu Yan handed him another cigarette. Long Cheng took it with both hands. Seeing that Yu Yan also took one in his mouth, he quickly took out a lighter and lit it for Yu Yan. He pretended to look at Yu Yan's room casually and sighed. Said: "Minister Yu is really honest and upright..."

Long Cheng also lived in the county construction committee's cadre dormitory with three bedrooms and one living room. However, compared with Yuyan's three bedrooms and one living room, it was much more luxurious. It was almost like a palace. Except for a TV and a set of wooden sofas, there was basically no furniture in Yuyan's living room. None

Yu Yan smiled and said, "It's okay if you can live in the dormitory."

This is true. The dormitory is a dormitory, not a home. Of course, this dormitory is much tidier than before. Yu Yan listened to Xue Nannan's suggestion and hired an hourly worker to clean the room for him. Although he said it was an hourly worker, it is not actually the county party committee responsible for cleaning. Zhang Yanfang, an aunt in the sanitation department, recruited her. It is said that she is somewhat related to Zhang Yanfang. Zhang Yanfang introduced her to her as a temporary worker when she was working at the county committee office. She was very honest and hard-working. Yu Yan paid her fifty yuan every month. Aunt Kuai helps Yuyan with cleaning twice a day

As for the clothes and pants, I naturally have to wash them myself. Fortunately, there is a washing machine and it is not too hard.

“Minister Yu’s hard-working and simple style is a model worthy of all of us to learn from.”

Long Cheng gradually became more articulate, and his hats flew all over the sky one after another, and fell off on his long and handsome head.

Yu Yan waved his hand and said calmly: "Comrade Long Cheng, we are all old acquaintances, so I won't say much more."

"Ah, yes, these are not polite words. I am really grateful and respectful to Minister Yu from the bottom of my heart..."

Long Cheng nodded repeatedly and kept his hat on, but continued to fly around. As a cadre, it has almost become a fixed thought to flatter him in front of his superiors. If he is not careful, flattery will come out and he can't stop it.

Yu Yan was also a little helpless and had no choice but to say no more.

Many things cannot be changed if the general environment remains unchanged. This is true at all times and in all countries.

"Minister Yu... I came here today to report to you on the recent work of the County Construction Committee..."

Long Cheng observed Yu Yan's expression and said tentatively: In fact, Xiao Xiang of the Organization Department only formally informed him this afternoon that tomorrow morning, Minister Yu will personally lead a team to the County Construction Committee to conduct cadre inspection and evaluation work. Please ask the comrades of the County Construction Committee to do so. Good preparations

After receiving this notice, Long Cheng's originally nervous mood became more and more uneasy. He knew very well that this major adjustment of cadres was unavoidable. Not only did ** have this need, Mahe Yuhiko and others also had this need.

Now half a year has passed and it is time to mobilize cadres to establish their prestige. Yu Yan has just taken over as the Minister of Organization and needs to use this major adjustment to establish his prestige. As for Mahe, Mou Zhen, Yunshan and others, they naturally have their own small calculations and use this opportunity to eliminate dissidents. Exclude former Secretary Kang’s cronies and redefine spheres of influence

The county party committee secretary, organization director and others all had the same needs, so we started to work vigorously and resolutely.

But Long Cheng sadly found that he had become the first person to be excluded.

The second name on that list was him, Simon Yam, taking this opportunity to avenge the death of a single stone.

Long Cheng never thought that he would have such a day

Now everyone is basically clear about the situation at the county party secretary's office meeting. Ren Dahua and Yunshan wanted to drive him away, but Yu Yan and Ma He wanted to keep him. Of course, Long Cheng knew very well that neither Yu Yan nor Ma He had anything to do with him. The reason why Great Friendship protects him is that he does not intend to let him take up such an important position as the Secretary of the Chengxi District Party Committee. If Ren Dahua insists, Ma He Yuyan will definitely change his mind, and the worst situation will occur. The position of Longcheng Liancheng West District Party Committee Secretary I can’t catch it, but I don’t know that I will be sent to that corner to drink the northwest wind.

In a county, there are many idle positions at the official level that may have been prepared for him.

After careful analysis, Long Cheng felt that this was the most likely possibility. Ma He had already agreed with Qiu Chuji to be the Secretary of the Chengxi District Committee of the Transportation Bureau. The vacancy had become a foregone conclusion. Ma He and Yu Yan focused on sending a trustworthy cadre to Chengxi District and Ren Dahua The focus is to suppress him. The goals of both Long and Cheng are not contradictory. After the contest, only by sacrificing Long and Cheng can the two sides reach an agreement.

He just had the mentality of treating a dead horse as a live doctor and tentatively called Yu Yan. He didn't have much hope at first. After all, he was Ren Sheng's brother-in-law. However, Yu Yan agreed to let him come over.

Long Cheng immediately saw the glimmer of hope again.

Yu Yan smiled and nodded and said: "Okay, Comrade Long Cheng, please speak."

Long Cheng gathered his energy and began to report on the work of the County Construction Committee. Yan Yan listened very seriously and would interject a question or two from time to time. He was also more concerned about the situation of the other deputy directors of the County Construction Committee.

Long Cheng was secretly happy

Finally, Long Cheng finished his report. Yu Yan nodded and said: "Comrade Long Cheng, it seems that the county construction committee has done a good job. Director Ren Dahua is also very sure of your ability."

Long Cheng gave a wry smile and said, "Minister Yu is telling you that I don't deserve Director Ren's praise. Back then, Director Ren and I had some conflicts."

Yu Yan smiled and seemed more interested: "Oh, I don't know about this."

Long Cheng's face turned red and he said: "Hey, it's all old news. At that time, Director Ren and I were working at the County Revolutionary Committee. My wife was also in the same company and we were not married at that time. Director Ren had that intention, but later I My wife’s family objected, saying that they were all named Ren because they were afraid that it would look bad, so..."

Yue Yan couldn't help but was startled, and then felt funny again. Women like Mi Guangjing were still a hot commodity back then. Naturally, what was in demand was Ren Sheng's power. Whoever married Mi Guangjing could climb the big tree of Ren Sheng. However, Yu Yan recovered immediately. Being too frivolous about such a matter with a serious expression is not the demeanor that a county party committee leader should have. And Yu Yan understood Ren Dahua's thoughts in a flash. Ren Dahua was not trying to settle old scores. The most famous Dongwu Ren family used to be. The Ren Sheng family and Ren Dahua can only live under others. Now that Ren Sheng has fallen, Ren Dahua has become the new leader of the Ren family in Dongwu. If he wants to completely integrate the forces of the Ren family in the county, it is inevitable to suppress Long Chengcheng. Only the Ren Sheng family will completely lose power. Only people with this surname will fall into the arms of Simon Yam

For Yu Yan, this is not an opportunity, an opportunity to completely divide the Ren family.

"Comrade Long Cheng, don't have too many ideas, do your job with peace of mind, and trust the organization."

Yu Yan said seriously.

Long Cheng was overjoyed and nodded excitedly.

Su Zhiqiang is a little impatient

I went to the ** office angrily.

Deputy County Magistrate Su has a well-deserved reputation for his fiery temper. When he went to see the county party secretary, he didn’t make an appointment in advance or call for instructions, so he just called at his door.

Xiao Zhou was startled when he saw Su Zhiqiang's face full of anger. He cautiously stepped forward and said with a smile: "County Magistrate Su..."

"Is Secretary Zhou and Zhang here?"

Su Zhiqiang didn't wait for Xiao Zhou to finish what he said, then went up and asked, with a very bad look on his face. In the past, when he saw Xiao Zhou, he always called him "Director Zhou". At that time, he was in a good mood and naturally had to pay attention to the rules of officialdom. Although Xiao Zhou was young and serious, he was a county party committee member, so there was no need to offend him. How can he care about this when he is so angry now?

"Secretary Zhang is here but..."

Su Zhiqiang didn't continue listening at all and walked towards the ** office

When Xiao Zhou saw this, he was startled and hurriedly chased after him. He said repeatedly: "Su County Magistrate Su County Magistrate Zhang Ji talked to me... I will report it to you..."

"No need, Secretary Yun is better. I'm just looking for him."

Su Zhiqiang looked really angry. Without any regard for basic official etiquette, he walked to the door of **'s office in a few steps and stretched out his hand to push the door open. In the middle of the process, his hand changed to a knocking posture. No matter how angry Su Zhiqiang was, after all The person sitting at this door is the county party secretary. Is this too much or not very good?

Su Zhiqiang hasn’t really lost his mind yet

"Which one"

**’s voice sounded a little unhappy.

At that time, the conditions of the county party committee secretary's office were relatively simple. It was a single room, not a suite, and there was no secretary's room outside. Xiao Zhou usually worked in the secretary group of the county party committee office. If anything happened, ** called him to inform him, but ** when summoning subordinate cadres to talk, Xiao Zhou usually would Standing outside the door to stop other people from disturbing Secretary Su's conversation. Xiao Zhou came to knock on the door even though he knew he and Yun Shan were talking. He was being ignorant.

(Sorry for being so busy today)

This chapter has been completed!
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