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Chapter 0509 Mutiny

Xia Li asked doubtfully: "Yu Yan, what kind of inside information is this? Did your friends in the capital hear about it?"

Yu Yan smiled and said: "Secretary, don't worry, if I have inside information, I will inform you as soon as possible..."

Charlie started laughing

He didn't doubt that Yu Yan had helped him a lot with Yu Yan's words. It was extraordinary that they could have such a good relationship with each other due to the age gap between them.

After Xia Li untied his knot, the next conversation became really relaxed. Xia Li was still very concerned about the situation in Taocheng County. After all, it could be regarded as the real starting point of his career. In the agricultural school and even in the agricultural bureau, it was just an ordinary job, just a position. Just different

Xia Li was very interested and asked very detailed questions. Yu Yan didn't bother to answer them one by one. The two of them started talking nonsense.

The next morning, Yu Yan, accompanied by Liu Wei, continued to go to the Provincial Department of Transportation to do business. The leaders of the Department of Transportation also gave face and approved a special fund of 300,000 yuan for road transportation construction in the impoverished mountainous areas of Beiluan District.

Yu Yan returned to Taocheng County with a full load. He summoned Beiluan District Party Committee Secretary Ma Changji and District Mayor Liu Ye and told them that the 700,000 funds must be earmarked and all used for traffic improvement in the backward cities of Beiluan District and not be used for other purposes. use

Ma Changji "sitting behind closed doors and receiving money from the sky" got a huge sum of 700,000 yuan for no reason. Needless to say, he was very happy in his heart. He gave Minister Yu's instructions, which were just orders. He patted his chest to express to the leader that he should rest assured and would never dare to disobey Minister Yu. This matter must be done well according to the instructions

Leader Yuyan smiled and trusted Ma Changgui very much.

At the end of June 1991, Antai City officially approved the establishment of two brands: "Taocheng County Energy Industry Management Company" and "Huaxing Energy Group Company". Each team uses the name "Energy Management Company" internally and "Huaxing Energy Group Company" externally. name

The administrative structure of this energy company is set as a deputy county-level management company directly under the Taocheng County Government. In principle, the leadership team of the company will be arranged by the Taocheng County Party Committee and submitted to the city for approval.

Antai City attaches great importance to this work. County Party Secretary ** and County Magistrate Ma He went to the city three times. The first time was to report to Liu Xiangdong, the second time was to report to Municipal Party Secretary Zhang Siwen, and the third time was to comprehensively report to all municipal Party committee leaders at the Municipal Party Committee Plenary Session. Ma He was the speaker for all three sex reports and was the sparring partner. After all, economic construction work is led by the government. This matter has always been planned by Ma He. ** He participated in it entirely because he is the secretary of the county party committee and deserves to be given this face.

Lao Zhang knew that he did not understand economic construction and was quite able to hide his incompetence in front of his superiors. He basically remained silent and only expressed his support for Ma He's opinions when appropriate.

Since the "People's Daily" published an editorial, the government's attitude has changed significantly. At least on the surface, it no longer engages in high-profile struggles and starts to calm down and do its work. In such an environment, the situation in the county is becoming more and more complicated. Extremely strong, ** also realizes that the consequences of continuing to be tough will only get worse. Moreover, Mahe’s plan is consistent with Antai City’s original intention of unified dispatch and management of the energy industry. It has been approved by the city and provincial leaders. ** has no reason to object. If he really does a good job, he might be able to profit from it and get a share of the pie. No matter what, he is still the secretary of the Taocheng County Party Committee. He cannot avoid any of Taocheng County's achievements, and he cannot avoid any of Taocheng's mistakes.

The city's support for Taocheng County's plan is not only superficial, but also has certain practical actions. For example, the level of the energy management company has been designated as deputy county level. This has no precedent before. It is usually difficult for a county-owned company to appear in a county. The deputy county-level unit and the city have also made it clear that the leadership team of this management company will be allocated by Taocheng County. As for reporting to the city for approval, it is just a formality. After all, the appointment and dismissal of deputy county-level cadres requires the approval of the city, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this deputy The power of appointment and dismissal of county-level cadres means that the county and city will not veto the county's opinions. In addition, the city has also allocated two million in special funds. Zhang Siwen and Liu Xiangdong both agreed to go to the province to obtain more funds as long as Taocheng can complete this work. Once the results are achieved, the city and province will increase their support

"The more ministers come to make one"

This is Ma He raising his glass to Yu Yan in the small box of Yinlong Villa

Yu Yan invites guests

Originally, Ma He suggested having a drink at home, but Yu Yan smiled and refused. He couldn't always go to Magistrate Ma's house to take advantage. The weather was hot. The private room in Yinlongzhuang was equipped with air conditioning. It was more comfortable to drink here.

Ma He now has a better understanding of Yu Yan. This guy is not just as simple as having a backend, but he is also really smart. Yu Yan proposed this energy management company when he arrived in Taocheng County last year. At that time, Ma He was unwilling. There is absolutely no precedent for doing this, and there are many difficulties in its implementation - I don't know how much energy it will take to solve it one by one. But now that it is done like this, all the leaders of the city and the province support Ma He. I can't help but express my admiration for Yu Yan in my heart. Got it

I don’t know what kind of stuff is inside this young man’s head. He’s so clever.

"I really didn't expect that both the city and the province would support our plan..."

Ma He and Yu Yan had a drink and said with emotion

Yu Yan smiled and said: "This can be regarded as a new exploration, right? The original intention of establishing Antai City in the province was to have unified management and unified dispatch. If the management model is still the same as before, and extensive farming is left to the mining companies to develop on their own, then Antai City will be established. What’s the point of having so many institutions to support so many workers for nothing, with no benefit at all?”

Ma He nodded: "Well, the city leaders may just want to come up with an innovative model. Let's take a first step and see the effect."

Speaking of this, Ma He was a little worried about the support of the city and the province. Of course, it would be a big job. With this help and Zhang Siwen's care, Ma He might be able to get rid of the fate of being the second child and achieve positive results. However, There are risks. Now that the momentum has been built, everyone is watching. It would be terrible if he doesn't become famous. In the eyes of the superiors, he will be judged. He only has so much ability.

Risks and benefits have always coexisted

Yu Yan understood Ma He's current thoughts very well and said with a smile: "County Magistrate, I don't think there is anything to worry about. There is no way back now. My friend over at the river mouth called me a few days ago and said that there is some clue about the matter." The equipment has been negotiated with the Soviet Union. It is the most advanced mining equipment and the price is relatively reasonable. A contract can be signed soon to transport the equipment. This will be completed by their company. When the time comes, the county will sign a contract with their company. I told her what the price was for bringing it from the Soviet Union to our county and what price it was, only the shipping fee was added, and everything else was not included."

Ma He was surprised and delighted. He didn't expect that Xue Nannan's place was so efficient. It was not easy for him to do business with foreigners here. There were so many procedures. If he really wanted to see results, it would take more than half a year. Unexpectedly, things happened in two months. The results were almost there and he said: "Haha, I'm afraid it's not good to transfer at the original price. Although Minister Yu is to support the economic construction of Taocheng, there should still be reasonable profits in business. I think it's 15%. That's it." Relatively fair profit”

The more you laugh, the more you laugh

Ma He really regarded him as a friend. Plus fifteen percent, no more, no less. He neither harmed the public or private interests nor let Xue Nannan suffer. It can be seen that Ma He still understands Yu Yan very well.

"It doesn't matter to the county magistrate, just transfer it at the original price. Xue Nannan has more ways to make money, and she doesn't care if our county gives her this small profit. Besides, this time the imported equipment is not only given to us, but also other equipment. It will always cost several hundred million rubles. If we don’t earn the price difference in our county, we can make up for it elsewhere and then leave.”

Yu Yan said with a smile

Xue Nannan also spent a lot of money to unite several companies and one guy bought equipment worth five to six billion rubles from the Soviet Union. The three-year installment contract clearly stated that the settlement would be in rubles and not in U.S. dollars.

Ma He was stunned: “Equipment worth several hundred million rubles”

I never thought that that beautiful young girl would be so generous. According to the current official comparison of the ruble and the US dollar, what is the concept? Ma He is dizzy just thinking about it.

"Yes, there are also plans regarding the loan. If the county magistrate has time, let's go to Jiangkou in the near future and meet with representatives of foreign-funded institutions to discuss the conditions first. It would be better to settle this matter as soon as possible."

Yu Yan looked relaxed, as if he didn't care about the hundreds of millions of rubles.

Ma He looked at Yu Yan in confusion, a little confused as to whether he was really confident or pretending to be mysterious. But even if he seemed to be pretending to be mysterious, he still had to be confident. This thing can't just talk about wanting to meet. Genuine

We need to really bring the machinery and equipment back from the north.

"Ah, the loan matter has also been settled."

Ma He asked in surprise

This efficiency is really impressive. It seems that the reputation is well-deserved.

"Well, I contacted two institutions and both have this intention. One is from the United States and is said to be a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs. The other is a semi-official organization in Japan. It has a relatively friendly attitude toward us and is willing to provide low-interest loans or even interest-free loans. The conditions for loans in the United States are a bit more stringent and the interest rates are higher. Of course, we won’t know the specific situation until we go there. Negotiations must be done before we can figure out their trump cards.”

Ma He was also a very decisive person and immediately said: "Well, let's go and have a look in a few days."

Yu Yan smiled and nodded, clinking glasses with Ma He, taking a sip of wine and saying, "I'm afraid there is something that needs to be settled before the county magistrate goes."

Ma He understood what Yu Yan was referring to and said: "Well, we should first determine the team of the energy company. Others can say that the candidate for the general manager is not so easy to decide. I heard that Secretary Zhang is interested in recruiting someone." Let Lao Su take the lead.”

"Su Zhiqiang, hey, don't even think about this good thing."

Yu Yan smiled lightly and said with a bit of disdain

Su Zhi is indeed desperately fighting for the position of general manager of this energy company.

After Ma He tinkered with the preliminary plan, as soon as the news leaked out, many cadres in Taocheng County immediately heard the news and set off. Officialdom is always particularly sensitive. Although it is not yet clear what mode the energy company will ultimately operate, as soon as they hear the name I just know that Feique manages the coal energy of the whole county in a unified way. How many benefits can there be in this?

However, the total determination of all Gan Na is not as firm as that of Su Zhiqiang.

Su Zhiqiang is almost depressed to death now. Yu Yan is so unceremonious that he completely ignores him. Three of his bureau chiefs, two of them rebelled, and the remaining one is forced to call Yu Yan and sent to Beiluan. He is nominally the district chief, but he has Ma Changji. There is a group of Beiluan cadres below, all of whom are loyal to Yu Yan. Everyone knows that Liu Ye once made Yu Yan famous. Now that Liu Ye has gone to Beiluan, can he give him good things to eat? Liu Ye probably can't even be a temporary worker in Beiluan District. The command cannot move

Coal Director Wu Wei and Mining Director Mao Shi fully followed Yu Yan's instructions and launched a vigorous inspection of production safety throughout the county. In addition, Yu Yan held organizational power and dismissed several state-owned coal mines that did not pay attention to production safety. The long-term killing will serve as a warning to others. Now all the coal mine leaders in Taocheng County only recognize Minister Yu and don’t know that County Mayor Su Xingxu is also a person.

This helpless person is always so realistic. Whoever controls his own wealth and future is the boss.

Su Zhiqiang really lived an office life with a newspaper, a cup of tea and a magazine. Almost no one asked him for instructions and reports. He directly reported to the organization department to Yuyan.

Moreover, Yu Yan often visited the towns in the Lower Border District and it was more convenient for the cadres to ask for instructions and reports from him. Su Zhiqiang also went to the countryside a few times. On the surface, the cadres below were polite to him. In fact, no one was looking down on him. Su Zhiqiang himself felt that it was boring. I didn’t go there anymore and just ran to the city.

Taocheng has its own place to stay.

Su Zhiqiang couldn't get along in Taocheng and had to think of a way to transfer him. But it's not that easy for him to be transferred as a deputy county-level cadre. There are more benches in the city, but Su Zhiqiang doesn't want to sit there. Why should he find a job with some real power? It becomes more difficult as soon as it starts. The transfer is not something that can be done in a short time.

Now that he suddenly wants to establish this energy management company, Su Zhiqiang seems to have seen a ray of light in the darkness, and his mind is active again. As long as he can win this position, won't it be a bright future?

You have to find out about this**

The city has made it clear that the leadership team of the energy management company shall be arranged by Taocheng County. ** should be able to speak. He is also the secretary of the county party committee and a cadre who is in charge of the work.

Su Zhiyan felt that his conditions were the most suitable and the most sufficient reason to find an important official.

He himself is a deputy county magistrate in charge of mining work. He has enough experience and rich experience. The position of general manager of the energy management company is tailor-made for him. There is no need to choose him. The reason why he has fallen into this situation is because he offended Yu He. Why did Yan himself offend Yu Yan? Wasn't he charging into battle for **? Now something happened, ** can't leave him alone.

After figuring out what was going on, Su Zhiqiang took two cigarettes and two bottles of wine and went straight to **'s house. ** was a couple who lived in Taocheng. His wife, who also worked in the provincial capital, had retired last year and came with **. The children are all in other places. It is said that one daughter is working in the capital and no one has seen her.

Su Zhiqiang stayed at **'s house for more than an hour before saying goodbye and going out with a smile on his face. He seemed to be very satisfied with the effect of the visit. ** must have given him some kind of promise.

The next day, ** personally called and invited Ma He to sit in his office. He had something to discuss with County Magistrate Ma, and his words were very polite.

Ma He put down the phone and smiled.

It is estimated that Lao Zhang wants to tell him about the team configuration of the energy company. There are many cadres running to his house these days. Everyone wants to take a bite of the fat. Qiu Chuji is the most diligent one. Qiu Chuji is now the county transportation officer. The director of the bureau wants to say that he has no objection to the transfer of Qiu Chuji. The director of the transportation bureau is also not bad, and after entering the city, the conditions in Chengguan Town are much better than those in Chengxi District. Qiu Chuji was originally very satisfied with the energy company's plan as soon as it was announced. Qiu couldn't sit still and rolled up his sleeves to try to win.

Yes, everyone is motivated

Ma He doesn't blame him. He even took the initiative to think of Qiu Chuji and planned to fight for him. After all, this energy company is directly managed by the government. Ma He should not only have 100% decision-making power in terms of personnel allocation, but also have 100% decision-making power. If the energy company fails to do a good job with 60/70 decision-making power, he is the county magistrate.

Qiu Chuji has a straightforward personality, good ability, and is very loyal to himself. Why not fight for him when the opportunity is right?

But after drinking with Yu Yan yesterday, Ma He didn't think so.

What Yu Yan said is very Taoist. Let’s see what Lao Zhang has to say now.

When I arrived at **'s office, ** was unexpectedly polite. I had been waiting in the sofa area for guests for a long time. When I saw Ma He, I immediately smiled and came forward to shake hands with Ma He and exchange greetings. ** had never been so polite in the past. Even now. Ma He, the top leader in front of the county magistrate, is also very proud.

"Come on, county magistrate, please have a seat."

After shaking hands, Zhang Xinyi greeted Ma He and the two of them to sit down separately.

There are two reasons why ** is so polite. One is that the current situation in the county is very complicated. The four key deputies, Ma He, Jacky Li, Mou Zhen, and Yu Yan, are all at odds with **. ** The secretary of the county party committee The authority is greatly restricted. Secondly, Ma He has a great say in the personnel arrangement of the energy company. If you want to achieve your goals, you must be polite to Ma He.

This chapter has been completed!
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