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Chapter 0510 business trip

In fact, ** doesn't like Su Zhiqiang. Su Zhiqiang is too self-righteous. It's just rare that Su Zhiqiang takes the initiative to get closer. From a power level, ** has to find a way to get good treatment for Su Zhiqiang. It can also be regarded as setting an example for others. Otherwise, ** He, the secretary of the county party committee, is very likely to really turn into a shell.

"The county magistrate. Come and smoke."

**Picked up the cigarettes on the coffee table and handed one to Ma He. The two of them lit it and leaned back slightly. The atmosphere was still relatively casual. **This is the effect that is needed. It is conducive to negotiations.

"The county magistrate and the city have approved our establishment of an energy management company. Let's see if we can discuss the staffing of this company."

After taking a few puffs of cigarette, ** took the initiative to start the conversation.

Ma He smiled and said: "Okay. Please give instructions from the secretary."

** quickly waved his hand and said: "Haha. Don't say any polite words. Let's discuss it. County Magistrate, my attitude is very clear. This energy management company is directly managed by the county government. How to employ people? Based on your Opinion counts. It seems that the county magistrate has already made up his mind."

Ma He laughed.

Yu Yan also said the same thing yesterday. **Now it seems that he is performing a meticulous performance according to Yu Yan's arrangements. In order to achieve the big goal of making Su Zhiqiang the general manager of the energy company, ** Ma He must be made Concession. Ordinary deputy arrangement. ** will not interfere. Give Ashima River face.

This is indeed the case now.

"Secretary, I don't dare to take it seriously. I have considered a preliminary opinion and asked the secretary to decide my fate..."

Ma He abides by the rules and has a lot of polite words to say.

**He nodded and put as much smile as possible on his face.

Ma He did not open his briefcase and took out his notebook to read from the script. This matter had been running through his mind many times and he was already familiar with it. He came up with the next step.

"Secretary, this new energy management company has never done this before and has no experience to draw from. That's what I think. Considering that this energy company will coordinate the county's coal production, the task is relatively heavy. Therefore, the management organization must be sound... ..." Ma He briefly introduced the organization of the energy management company. He said: "As for staffing, I think it should be as streamlined as possible. Soldiers are more valuable than more elites. It will be difficult to do things if there are too many people. Everyone recommends me. Your... can easily lead to wrangling..."

This was also one of the suggestions that Yu Yan focused on when Shang Mahe and Yu Yan discussed this matter last night. Yu Yan believed that bloated institutions and overstaffing were the root causes of failure in many things.

** then nodded frequently and said: "Yes. I completely agree with the county magistrate's idea. You really shouldn't hire too many people, otherwise the burden will become heavier and heavier."

"As for the selection of personnel, I don't want to increase the establishment for the time being. A large part of the functions of this energy management company overlap with the Coal Bureau and Mineral Resources Bureau. I think we can remove cadres from these two bureaus and some coal mines below. and employees. In this way, the financial burden will not be increased. It is just one more brand. In addition to removing personnel, some functions of the Coal Bureau and the Mineral Bureau can also be merged with the management company. Government orders must be unified. Do not If you order multiple doors, there will be no chaos."

Ma He talked eloquently. What he said were preliminary opinions, but in fact he had a very solid plan in mind.

** nodded again and again and said: "I think this is okay. There is no rush to increase the staffing. Let's set up the frame first. If the actual situation really requires it in the future, we can increase the staffing as appropriate."

"Yes. That's it."

In fact, these things are not what ** is most concerned about. ** is not so satisfied with Ma He's arrangement. How many establishments can a deputy county-level management company handle? Eighty is not a small number, nor is a hundred. It's not a lot. This is a big favor. After all, he, the secretary of the county party committee, can control thirty or forty indicators. This is justifiable. The city has agreed. Strictly speaking, it is necessary to increase the number of personnel for any enterprise. .All require the signature of the county party secretary.

** is new here, and he doesn't have any direct connections that he needs to take care of. But county leaders like Yunshan, Simon Yam and even Su Zhiqiang who are close to him can take care of him. If each person gives a few indicators, it will be a great favor. Aren’t these the so-called resources in the hands of the county party committee secretary?

It's better now. With one word from Ma He, the indicators of dozens of public institutions that could have been lost.

But Ma He must do this, and it’s not easy to object to it. Everyone in Ma He is dedicated to serving the public good. What reasons do you have for objecting? It’s better not to give others a handle.

In fact, not only is ** depressed, but Ma He is also depressed in his heart.

He really doesn't want to do this.

It's all Yu Yan's fault.

When we were drinking last night, Yu Yan made this suggestion very clear and with a serious expression. Ma He did not agree immediately. Instead, he smiled and gave some reasons. Of course, he said it in a more obscure way. He was talking about a new unit. There needs to be a new atmosphere. All personnel should be removed from the existing cadres and workers. I am afraid that these people will develop the habit of being old officials. After entering the new unit, they will become sluggish within a few days. It is not conducive to Carry out work.

Yu Yan knows very well what Ma He is thinking. Ma He can pull up a group of people in Taocheng County and help him ascend to the throne of county magistrate. It also requires resources. This is his resource to start dozens of businesses. Compilation, close relatives and friends can all share it.

Yu Yan was determined not to see this happen.

The cadre team continues to expand and administrative expenses continue to increase. This is definitely one of the fundamental reasons for the arbitrary charges and fines imposed on farmers and self-employed individuals in the next few years. Many administrative units are overstaffed several times, with four or five people squeezed in. It’s a pitfall. There aren’t so many fiscal allocations. What should we do? We can only charge and impose arbitrary fines. Otherwise, how can we make a living? Not to mention the huge social costs caused by the doubled consumption of public funds.

The contradiction between cadres and the masses gradually became more prominent and even became acute. From this moment on, the root of the disaster was laid.

Since Yu Yan is the head of the organization, he must resolutely put a stop to this evil trend. Yu Yan also knows that with his current personal power, he can only change a very small part. It is far from enough to affect the overall situation. But it can change everything. Even if you score a point, it is better than doing nothing and just watching. Yu Yan also hopes that it can gradually affect the people around him, especially the main leading cadres like Ma He.

Seeing Yuyan's insistence, Ma He could only think about the problem in a different way. Yuyan's words were also reasonable. By not increasing the number of staff, it was certainly a great opportunity to give a favor, but it was also a political achievement. Okay. This thing can be promoted and become a good experience.

Of course, the initiative in this matter is still in Ma He's hands. If he insists on adding new staff, I don't think any other standing committee member will object. Yu Yan's opinion alone will not make any difference. But Ma He does not Dare to despise Yu Yan's suggestion. This person's background is extraordinary. It's better not to play against him.

Because of the establishment of these undertakings, I had a quarrel with Yuyan. It is very likely that the gains outweigh the losses.

Now seeing **'s somewhat disapproving eyes, Ma He felt a sense of pleasure inexplicably. Two people were unhappy. Of course it was better than one person being unhappy.

This is called sympathy for each other.

But Ma He also knew that **'s focus was not on that. What he was focused on was the composition of the energy management company's team.

Ma He’s opinion: The energy management company has five main leaders: one chief, four deputy leaders.

The party committee secretary can be concurrently held by the general manager. For the time being, do not hire two deputy county-level cadres to manage affairs. Set up four deputy general managers at the department level to assist the general manager in his work. One is in charge of production, one is in charge of sales, one is in charge of logistics, and one is in charge of finance. At this stage, there are actually two people in place. One person is in charge of production and sales. One person is in charge of financial logistics. In addition, each department is set up as a deputy department-level unit, and the actual allocation supervisor is in place.

After hearing this arrangement, ** frowned slightly and said: "I think it is better to do it all at once. We will build a new energy company. Everyone has no experience. It is better to brainstorm. As the saying goes, one person can calculate the shortcomings and two people can calculate the longcomings."

Ma He thought for a while and without much hesitation, he nodded in agreement with **'s opinion.

The two deputy general managers at the department level are really not enough to allocate. They have to take care of the people on the Mahe side and the people on the ** side. There is a little less. When four positions are arranged, it will be more comfortable.

Ma Heben also made this plan. What he said before was just a test.

There was a look of concern on **'s face: "Well, these four deputy general managers are all relatively important personnel. County Magistrate Ma's opinion is how to arrange it."

Gradually we get to the important part.** Get serious.

After returning home last night, Ma He has been thinking about this matter in his mind. Of course, he mainly talked about the candidates for the four deputies. In addition, the candidate for the financial section chief must also be considered. After thinking about it for half the night, Wanyo urged him. He asked him to go to bed early twice. Now he has a general understanding. It depends on whether he can accept it.

"Huang Yiping, does Secretary Zhang have any impression of this person?"

** frowned slightly and said, "Huang Yiping, is he the manager of the Chengxi Coal Mine?"

"Yes. That's him."

Ma He was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, ** also knew Huang Yiping. "Huang Yiping is an old model worker. Chengxi Coal Mine is also the largest state-owned coal mine in our county besides Hongjia Coal Mine. Huang Yiping has worked there for many years. He has very good experience. Rich. My opinion is to let him go to the energy company to take charge of production and serve as the executive vice president. Secretary, what do you think?"

** thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Since the county magistrate thinks he is suitable, I have no objection."

It's unclear whether Huang Yiping has a close relationship with Ma He. But he is more sensitive to the three words Chengxi District. Isn't Qiu Chuji the former secretary of Chengxi District? Ma He's best friend. This Huang Yiping must also have a close relationship with Ma He. Otherwise, Ma He wouldn't be the first to recommend him.

However, being in charge of production is indeed a big deal. It must be presided over by an experienced person. Chengxi Coal Mine is one of the largest state-owned coal mines in the county. It is also a formal official. Huang Yiping was transferred to the vice president of the Energy Management Company, and his real power was greatly increased. .There is no adjustment at the level.** Naturally, it is inconvenient to object.

Ma He then recommended the candidates for the other three vice presidents one by one. One of them was relatively close to Yunshan. The other one was from the Ren family in Dongwu. He should have some relationship with Ren Dahua. The four vice presidents seemed to have something to do with each other. The two are the people who arranged for ** to be there. It can be regarded as a bowl of water.

Sure enough, ** agreed readily. He felt that Ma He was quite sensible. The four cadres at the scientific level could leave two positions for Ma He. ** felt that he was quite kind. After all, he was in charge of the job.

Seeing that ** agreed readily, Ma He couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If he had known this, he shouldn't have arranged it like this. He could have secured an extra position for himself. Yu Yan made it clear last night, in order to support Su Zhiqiang's rise to the position. Even if Ma He's other demands were a bit excessive, he would hold his nose and accept them.

If you don't make some concessions in other aspects, how can you pick the biggest peach?

Now it seems that everything is as expected by Yu Yan.

At such a young age, Ma He was secretly surprised that he could be so savvy.

"I think the arrangement of the county magistrate is still very appropriate. In principle, I have no objection. The key now is to arrange who will take overall responsibility. I think Comrade Su Zhiqiang is more appropriate. Su Zhiqiang himself is the deputy county magistrate. He has always been He is in charge of the mining industry and has rich experience in this area. He has been assisting the county magistrate in the past. The county magistrate should also be aware of his abilities. I think he should be the general manager of this energy company. What’s the county magistrate’s opinion?”

**He showed his trump card as soon as he came up.** This was because he was worried that Ma He proposed his candidate first and he would overturn it later. It would not be so good. The harmonious conversation atmosphere that was finally created would be destroyed. If it is destroyed, wouldn’t all the previous efforts be wasted?

And ** consciously put Su Zhiqiang in charge of this energy company. The reason is very good.

If Ma He proposed other deputy county-level cadres to compete, the one in charge of work would not be as powerful as Su Zhiqiang. As for department-level cadres, let alone that. Where is the level? Why? You now have a person in charge of minerals There is no need for the deputy county magistrate for resource work. Another department-level cadre should be brought up. Do you want to continue to let Su Zhiqiang idle? That is too pretentious. Even if he is on the Standing Committee, ** feels that he is on the right side. He is very confident. Adopt this proposal.

Ma He smiled. Sure enough, everything was as expected by Yu Yan.

"Secretary Zhang, I think this energy management company is a new thing. It has never been done before. It must be taken seriously. The city has high hopes for us. We can only succeed but not fail..."

Ma He straightened his body and said. His expression was very serious.

**'s face became serious. It seemed that Ma He really had other plans.

"So, I have decided that I will be the general manager of this energy management company for the time being. When the company is on the right track, I will consider letting other comrades take over."

**A face suddenly turned black. I couldn't speak for a long time.

Capital Railway Station. Mahe Wanyo Yuyan. Meng Yang and Yang Yuzhen walked out of the platform with simple luggage.

They were on a business trip to the capital. Xue Nannan helped find an institution that was willing to lend money to the newly established energy management company in Taocheng County. As the county magistrate and the first general manager of the energy management company, Ma He naturally wanted to go to Jiangkou in person. Host negotiations.

Yu Yan is the middleman and one of the members of the negotiating team.

As for Wanyu, he took a leave to travel to the capital and take care of the daily life of County Magistrate Ma. Meng Yang followed Minister Yu to see the world. During this period, Yu Yan was quite satisfied with Meng Yang's performance and became interested. We need to cultivate him and give him more experience. Yang Yuzhen is the deputy director of the county government office. Originally she was dispensable. She was nominally the record-keeper of the negotiation team. In fact, Yu Yan asked her to accompany Wanyu.

Wan Ye will definitely not be able to participate in some formal negotiations. She is bored by herself. Let Yang Yuzhen accompany her around the capital. It is also good to have someone to talk to. The recording work is left to Meng Yang to complete.

After leaving the platform, Yu Yan is tall and has sharp eyes. He has seen Xue Nannan a long time ago. Xue Nannan is still so exquisite. She is wearing a white professional suit. She walks there and stops there. It is a beautiful scenery. Next to her is a man in his thirties. A 20-year-old young man, holding a sign in his hand, picked up Mr. Ma He and Mr. Yu Yan. Xue Nannan was always very careful when doing things. He came in person, but he still made such a sign. There were too many people at the train station. Yu Yan and others don't have mobile phones. If they don't put up a sign and hold it high, they are afraid of missing it. It is also a small trouble.

"Nannan is good."

As soon as Yu Yan saw Xue Nannan, he immediately squeezed over and took Xue Nannan's hand.

Xue Nannan's face was full of joy. Seeing Yuyan sweating, he took out a tissue from the Xiaokun bag he carried with him and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He said angrily: "Why are you so anxious? Look at the sweat on his head."

The young employee holding the sign was a little dumbfounded.

In their eyes, Miss Xue was always unattainable. Although she rarely spoke harshly to the staff, she had a majesty that could not be offended. How had she ever seen Xue Nannan be so gentle to a man?

This is really subversive.

"Hello, Miss Xue."

Several people from Ma He also crowded over, all sweating profusely. This was Ma He's first time in the capital. He had only heard of its name before.

"Hello, Magistrate Ma."

Xue Nannan smiled and stretched out his hand towards Ma He.

"Nan Nan, let me introduce you. This is the wife of Magistrate Wanyo Ma."

"Hello, sister-in-law."

Xue Nannan's smile became more friendly. According to standard social etiquette, she should call Wanyo "Mrs. Ma". However, based on Yuhiko's identity, she called Wanyo "sister-in-law".

Before leaving, Ma He explained Xue Nannan's identity to Wan Ye in detail. Xue Nannan stayed in Taocheng for three days. Ma He had met him before, but Wan Ye had not. Wan Ye rarely saw Ma He praise him so highly. Introducing others to her in a tone of voice, she was quite curious about Xue Nannan. Now after meeting her, her reputation was indeed well-deserved. However, Xue Nannan's polite "sister-in-law" instantly shortened the distance between the two. Wanye took Xue Nannan's hand. I admired him a lot. They got along very harmoniously.

This chapter has been completed!
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