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Chapter 0512 The big success

"I hope so. Manager Dong, I am very satisfied with the equipment. Please take out the contract."

Manager Dong glanced at Xue Nannan. Xue Nannan nodded. Manager Dong took out a pile of information from his briefcase. It was also thick. Such contract terms are not too simple. They should be written clearly. They must be written. Be clear. To avoid ambiguity.

Ma He takes the terms of the contract more seriously. As the county magistrate, he is in charge of the economic construction of a county. He is familiar with all kinds of contracts and refuses to be careless. Once signed, it is a legal document and must be effective. .

Yu Yan also picked up the contract and read it carefully. Regarding serious work, Yu Yan has always been unwilling to take things carelessly.

While reading the contract, Ma He picked up a pen and made marks on it. It was obvious that he had questions. After reading the contract, Ma He found the marked places and asked Manager Dong for advice one by one. Manager Dong also has a very rigorous character. He did not show any impatience at all. He explained everything clearly to Ma He.

"Okay. I think this contract can be signed."

With his doubts answered, Ma He put down the contract, straightened his body and said.

Manager Dong asked Xue Nannan for instructions with his eyes. After receiving approval, he said: "County Magistrate Ma, the payment method in this contract is installment payment. After you confirm the payment method, let us know and we can finalize it."

Ma He nodded and said, "Okay."

The first negotiation was completed. Everyone was relatively relaxed. They did not go to the restaurant for lunch. Xue Nannan called the restaurant to inform them that they had sent four dishes and one soup. They had lunch in the villa and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

In the afternoon, Mr. Gauss, the representative of the American company, and his assistant, Miss Yan, were invited to Villa No. 9 to conduct relevant negotiations. Mr. Gauss is a yellow man in his forties, with a typical oriental face. Only after introduction did he know that He is an authentic descendant of Chinese descent. His ancestors were Chinese laborers. However, Gauss has already become an American citizen. He can only speak a small amount of Hakka and is often unable to express his feelings. Miss Yan is a Chinese and studied in the United States. She is not only Gauss's assistant. They are also his translators. Both Xue Nannan and Yu Yan have good English skills. There is no problem with conversation. But for the sake of caution, we transferred a translator who is proficient in English from Hongyu Company to negotiate.

The company Mr. Goss works for is a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs in the United States. It is responsible for Goldman Sachs' overseas investments in Asia. Goldman Sachs is currently not well-known in China. Except for top financial elites and powerful people in the business field, few people listen to it. I have mentioned this company. But because Xue Nannan and Yu Yan have admired Goldman Sachs for a long time, they know that this company can actually represent the US government many times, at least representing some of the interests of the US government. In the future, Goldman Sachs may be One of the American companies that has the deepest penetration into our country. Although it is not visible, it controls many domestic industrial chains and is inextricably linked to many high-ranking figures in the country.

But even now, it has just entered our country.

After the huge riot the year before last, Western countries joined forces to impose economic sanctions on us. They were very vocal. The red threat theory became rampant in the United States and some Asian countries.

The nature of capital in bourgeois countries determines their final stance. Western politicians fundamentally serve capitalists. Perhaps their service targets are not limited to a certain capitalist, but they must serve the entire capitalist class. Otherwise They cannot be elected.

Our country is the most populous country in the world. Especially since this country is undergoing reform and opening up, it means that it will be the largest market in the world. At least one of them. Faced with such a market with huge potential, the capitalists will not really Turning a blind eye. For those capitalists and capital institutions who are determined to obtain huge benefits in the ancient Eastern country, now may be the best opportunity to enter the country of China. According to the analysis of their intelligence agencies, due to sanctions, many places in the country of China are currently have further lowered the threshold for foreign investment. However, due to sensitive political reasons, such contact is still limited to a relatively low level. Higher-level officials will be more concerned about the political impact and are unwilling to communicate too openly with Contact with foreign-funded institutions. However, we have an encouraging attitude towards grassroots contact with foreign-funded institutions. Once the general line and policy are determined, this will be a great contribution. It will make a contribution to breaking the Western countries' influence on our country. In case the wind direction is wrong. It's also easy to find a way. Just use a little trick to lose the car and save the commander, and you can easily get away.

It was in this environment that Xue Nannan came into contact with Mr. Gauss through a shareholder member of the club. Gauss readily accepted Xue Nannan's invitation to come to China for financing negotiations.

Although the target is only a small county in the mainland, everything always needs a beginning.

Gauss is obviously well-educated and has a graceful manner. But the arrogance in his bones is also obvious. That kind of arrogance of overlooking all living beings cannot be concealed. Or maybe he is just pretending to hide it. In fact, But I really want to bring out my sense of superiority.

Gauss himself is just an employee, but the company he represents is really awesome.

The negotiations lasted all afternoon. The results were not satisfactory. Gauss told Ma He that money was not an issue. There was no doubt about the strength of their company. This was confirmed by Yu Yan and Xue Nannan. Although Ma He did not know about Goldman Sachs What kind of background does the company have? Seeing that both Yuyan and Xue Nannan nodded, they had no doubts. But then, the yellow American put forward many additional conditions. Many of them were difficult for Ma He to agree to. of.

Although the US$40 million loan promised by Gauss was very tempting, Ma He finally did not dare to agree. He politely told Gauss that he needed to think about it and would discuss it another day.

As the host, Xue Nannan naturally wanted to invite Gauss and Miss Yan to have dinner.

There is no righteousness in buying and selling.

After dinner, Yu Yanma and Meng Yang were drinking tea and chatting in the pavilion in the garden. Wan Ye and Yang Yuzhen had already gone to the Forbidden City in the afternoon. Xue Nannan went to attend the club's shareholders meeting. It is said that three more companies have proposed to the club to become non-shareholders. Member application. Shareholders and members must hold a meeting to decide whether to accept their application. These three companies are all well-known and powerful companies in Jiangkou. The big bosses are more interested in the club run by Xue Nannan and the others. Reform and opening up After that, they made a lot of money, and now they are in urgent need of a social status that matches their wealth. Xue Nannan's highest-end private club caters well to the psychology of these nouveau riche, and the purpose of resource sharing is also very popular. welcome.

"Minister Yu, it's hard to get this American money..."

Ma He picked up the small tea cup and took a sip of the yellow Kung Fu tea. He shook his head and said.

The equipment problem was solved. Ma He really wanted to get rid of the funds. Otherwise, it would still be difficult for the energy management company in Taocheng County to operate efficiently. But thinking about the harsh conditions of the Americans, Ma He felt very disappointed. At the end, I wanted to hear Yu Yan’s opinion. During the afternoon negotiation, Yu Yan strictly abided by the rules and did not step in front of him. He only asked Gauss about some situations of his company from time to time. He never made decisions for Ma He.

Meng Yang sat aside politely and listened carefully to the conversation between the two leaders. For him, this was a very rare learning process. Minister Yu's intention to cultivate him was very obvious.

Yu Yan frowned slightly and nodded: "It's really not easy to get. Goldman Sachs indeed has a very strong political purpose. The intention of capital infiltration is very obvious."

Ma He snorted and said, "That's what Americans are like. They always want to bully others. They used to be strong ships and powerful guns. Now they are economic aggression. It seems that the whole world should revolve around their American baton."

As a party member and leading cadre with a certain level, Ma He is very concerned about some principled issues.

Yu Yan picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He said: "This is a normal phenomenon. When the country is strong, this kind of self-centered mentality will naturally emerge. So what Americans think is not the key. The key is that we ourselves must change It has to be strong enough. When we are strong enough, it will be us who lead the way."

Ma He said: "This is the truth. It's hard to get money from Americans. It depends on the person's performance."

Yu Yan smiled and said: "I hope the little devil won't let us down."

Meng Yang smiled softly.

Little devil.

Minister Yu wants other people's money, so you are still rude. If you give people money, you will not be the eighteenth generation of our ancestors.

But the performance of the little devils is actually better than that of the Americans.

The negotiation with the little devil was held in the morning of the next day. It was still in Villa No. 9.

The official negotiator of the Japs. His name is Takeda Koki. He is in his forties. He wears a suit and leather shoes. He is not tall. He is polite. He looks quite gentle. He looks like a high-level intellectual. He does not look like a businessman at all. When he saw Ma He Yu Yan and others, without saying a word, first bowed at 90 degrees and mumbled a few words.

The Japanese translator sent by the club explained that it meant "please take care of me."

In fact, there is no need to hire this translator.

Takeda Koki is the manager of a banking derivatives institution in China. He speaks Chinese very well. Mandarin is even better than Mahe. This is also a characteristic of the staff sent by the little devils to China. Usually some Chinese are sent here. .As long as you get rid of the habit of bowing all the time, put a blanket on your back, and blend in with the migrant workers, no one will be able to tell.

Since the little devil is being polite, I, as a great country, cannot speak ill of him. Xue Nannan smiled and invited Takeda Koki and his assistant to take a seat. The round-faced girl foreman quickly offered tea and opened the door to negotiation. Posture.

In accordance with the rules of negotiation, Ma He introduced the basic situation of Taocheng County to Takeda Koki.

"County Magistrate Ma. I am very interested in the upcoming large-scale development of mineral resources in your county. I am also very happy to serve County Magistrate Ma. I have always been very yearning for and admired your country's long history and profound culture. I can It is an honor for Takeda Koki to provide your county with some help within its capabilities."

After listening to Ma He's introduction, Takeda Koki bowed again and said respectfully.

At that time, the Chinese people's understanding of the island country was far less than that of later generations. It can be said that their impressions of the little devils all came from movies and TV series. The far ones are "Land Mine Warfare" and "Plain Guerrilla". The closest ones are "Volleyball Girls" 》. Going forward, of course, it will be the visual impact brought to everyone by Teacher Cang and others. But it will be at least twenty years before the human performance artist Teacher Cang can appear on CCTV.

Seeing Takeda Koki being so polite, Ma He and Meng Yang were both a little stunned. Listen to this, if our Taocheng County doesn't want his money, it will really be a shame.

In fact, Takeda Koki is indeed very sincere. He keeps saying that he wants to make some compensation for the brutal invasion of our country by the militarism. He is willing to provide Momogi County with an interest-free loan of 3 billion yen.

At that time, the ratio of the Japanese yen to the U.S. dollar was 120 yen per U.S. dollar. Three billion yen converted into U.S. dollars was about 25 million U.S. dollars. Then converted into domestic currency, it was about 130 million U.S. dollars.

Hearing that it was an interest-free loan, Ma He was overjoyed.

This is really unexpected.

"Mr. Takeda, you are talking about an interest-free loan."

Ma He couldn't help but ask.

"Yes. Magistrate Ma, it is indeed an interest-free loan. Our company has been working hard to find ways to make up for the regrets of the year. As long as we sign the contract, this three billion yen interest-free loan will be available soon. We are very sincere and do not have any additional conditions. Your county only needs to repay the money on time. Of course, according to the practice of cooperation, a credible intermediary agency is also needed as a guarantee. Please understand this, Mayor Ma. ."

Takeda Koki still said politely. The look on his face was very sincere.

Xue Nannan smiled and said: "Mr. Takeda, please rest assured. We have already found a guarantee agency."

"That's good. Thank you very much, Miss Xue."

Takeda Koki bowed to Xue Nannan again.

Ma He's face was full of joy. He was about to agree. Yu Yan suddenly said: "Mr. Takeda, thank you very much for your company's help to our Taocheng County. We will definitely repay the loan on time. However, we also have a small request. ."

Takeda Koki quickly bowed to Yuhiko and said: "Mr. Yu, please speak."

"We hope that the three billion yen interest-free loan can be paid in U.S. dollars. Of course, when it is returned, we will also return it in U.S. dollars. After all, the U.S. dollar is the universal currency. It is also more convenient for us to import equipment. .I think this shouldn’t be difficult.”

Yu Yan said equally politely.

Takeda Koki's face changed slightly and he muttered: "Settled in U.S. dollars."

"Yes. This is our only requirement. And this requirement cannot be changed."

Yu Yan said with certainty.


Takeda Koki pondered again. He seemed a little unsure of his decision.

Yuhiko smiled slightly and said: "If Mr. Takeda finds it inconvenient, then it is okay to provide Japanese yen. But when repaying, we will still settle in US dollars. An interest-free loan of 25 million US dollars."

Both Xue Nannan and Ma He were a little strange. They didn't know why Yu Yan was entangled in the minor issue of Japanese yen and US dollars. For Xue Nannan, whether the other party provided Japanese yen or US dollars, it could be easily converted into domestic currency. The exchange rate at that time Basically stable. The handling fees and exchange rate losses are not large. They are completely within the tolerable range.

"Mr. Yu, whether to settle in Japanese yen or US dollars. It shouldn't be the key issue."

Takeda Koki pondered for a while and then spoke slowly. There was a hint of nervousness in his eyes. He seemed to take this issue very seriously.

Yu Yan still had a smile on his face, but what he said was extremely firm: "Mr. Takeda, we insist on settling in US dollars. This is a basic condition. It cannot be changed."

Takeda Koki's expression changed again. He looked at Yuhiko deeply and said, "Okay then. Since Mr. insists, then I have no objection. I will handle it according to Mr.'s opinion."

Yu Yan smiled: "Thank you, Mr. Takeda."

When Yu Yan insisted like this, Mahe's heart was in his throat. In his opinion, Yu Yan was making trouble over nothing. If he offended Takeda Kouki and walked away in anger, wouldn't all the previous efforts be wasted.

That would be a pity.

But Ma He forced himself to endure it. Based on his understanding of Yu Yan, he knew very well that Yu Yan would never express his opinion rashly on such a major matter. Since Yu Yan insisted and would never let go, it must make sense. As for Yu Yan, What the reason is is currently unknown. But I believe Yu Yan will explain it clearly when the time comes.

Seeing that Takeda Koki finally agreed, Ma He let out a long sigh of relief. His hanging heart returned to his chest and stopped beating wildly.

People work more efficiently. Takeda Koki had already prepared the draft of the contract. Seeing that both parties had no other objections, he took out the contract and asked Ma He to sign it. Of course, this was just a draft, indicating that both parties basically An agreement has been reached. The real contract can only be officially signed after a third-party guarantee agency is present. You still need to wait for Ma He to bring the contract back to Taocheng County, stamp it with the official seal of Taocheng County Government, and then send it to Takeda Koki. .is considered a truly effective contract.

However, with Yueyan’s understanding of people, he knows that this nation’s stubbornness and mechanical nature are unparalleled in the world. Once a contract is initialed, there is basically nothing to worry about. People will definitely fulfill the contract. In addition to being rich in human body performance artists, the little devils have many other things. It's not without merit. As long as you are better than him, even if you slap him with a loud mouth, he will respectfully call you "Hai".

The negotiation was successful. Everyone was in a happy mood. Xue Nannan invited Takeda Koki to have Chinese food in the restaurant's restaurant. No matter which private club, as long as it is of a certain level, it will do its best in the restaurant. To put it bluntly, no matter how high-end it is. In fact, the essence of the services provided by places is the same, that is, it can make guests feel happy.

This chapter has been completed!
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