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Chapter 0515 The wind is not right

** was stunned for half a minute and was called out by his friend several times before finally coming back to his senses. Then a look of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he wanted to drop the phone and throw everything on the table away. smashed to pieces

There is such a good thing

Of course, ** didn’t really do this. After all, he’s over 50 years old and he’s still the secretary of the county party committee. He can’t be so impatient and make people laugh. ** I said thank you to the friend countless times in one breath and then hung up carefully. Telephone

Originally, **'s first reaction after hanging up the phone was to immediately summon Yu Yan to reprimand him for his rebellious words and deeds. ** finally held back. After all, he hurriedly called Yu Yan to reprimand him without seeing the original article of "Shuguang" magazine. It's not that safe. Although the possibility of that friend joking with him on such a matter is extremely small, seeing is believing. If he makes a mistake, it will be a serious mistake. From that moment on, he entered a long and painful wait. among

The same pain is also tormenting Xiao Zhou

Xiao Zhou once again sorted out the newspapers and magazines delivered yesterday and confirmed that there was no latest issue of "Shuguang". Then he reluctantly got up and sent the newspapers and magazines to **'s office.

**First, his eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Zhou's bitter face. Then he realized that he hadn't arrived yet, so he snorted coldly and signaled him to put down the newspapers and magazines. Xiao Zhou quietly walked out. ** He picked up the latest paper out of boredom. After glancing at the "People's Daily" above, my eyes suddenly lit up.

However, it turns out that the People's Daily published another article praising the current good situation of reform and opening up, asking the entire party and the entire army to unite closely around the Party Central Committee and unswervingly implement the great policy of reform and opening up.

This is the third time that the People's Daily has taken a clear stand. Because of the special status of the People's Daily, the three articles published have had a huge impact. The issue of surnames, which has been particularly hotly debated in the past few months, seems to be The conclusion has been reached. Some authors who used to publish refutation articles in newspapers and magazines have gradually disappeared.

**In fact, he holds the opposite attitude, but he also understands that with his status, it is absolutely impossible to go against the "People's Daily" article, which is called a real mantis trying to speed up his own death.

Of course, ** is definitely not a fighter who will fight for his whole life to defend his political ideas.

To put it bluntly, he is just a small cadre of the government. By chance, he became the secretary of the county party committee, so he has no qualifications to be a fighter.

This "People's Daily" article further strengthened the confidence of the Communist Party. Yu Yan is simply seeking death. As long as he waits for "Shuguang" magazine to verify his identity, he can open fire on Yu Yan to his heart's content.

Let's see who else dares to protect him

Zhang Siwen or Ma He

I'm sorry you don't have such courage either.

At this moment, the office door made a loud "bang" sound. Xiao Zhou rushed in like a cannon flying out of the chamber, waving a magazine in his hand. His face was red with excitement and he couldn't even speak.

"Zhang...Secretary Magazine..."Shuguang" Magazine"

Xiao Zhou gasped and put "Dawn" in front of **. The magazine was opened and what appeared in front of ** was the article "On the Mistakes of Soviet Reform"

This magazine should have just been delivered. Seeing that Xiao Zhou attaches so much importance to it, he will definitely flip through it curiously. Then he saw this article and the author of the article, Yu Yan.

Xiao Wei immediately understood that this was the article that Secretary Zhang was waiting for. At that time, Xiao Zhou jumped up in the secretarial group and shocked all his colleagues. I don’t know what Director Zhou is crazy about.

Originally Xiao Zhou was very dissatisfied with such a surprise, but now he naturally didn't care anymore and immediately picked up "Dawn" and couldn't wait to read it. The article was very long, with 20,000 words. Generally speaking, "Dawn" would not publish such a long article. This time I made an exception for the article, probably because it was too lethal, so I published it all at once.

**Those who stood watching forgot to sit down.

Sure enough, the content of the article was exactly the same as what my friend from the Provincial Party Committee said, only the wording and sentences were more intense than what he said on the phone. Yu Yan almost directly accused Gorbachev of messing around and carrying out reforms that completely ignored the national conditions and were wishful thinking. Although this is what a Chinese magazine said. It is a foreign matter, but it is very rare to criticize the top leaders of foreign countries by name. Yu Yan dared to write and the editor of "Dawn" magazine really dared to publish it.

According to **’s experience in the propaganda department, such articles are generally not dared to be published in official party newspapers and periodicals. Firstly, it will cause diplomatic disputes. Secondly, it will have a huge impact on the domestic ideological field. The consequences are extremely difficult to predict and do not know how to use them. What kind of tricks did he use to publish this article on "Dawn"?

But ** has no time to worry about this now. He just needs to confirm that this article was written by Yu Yan.

The sky has eyes. This arrogant and domineering guy finally made an unforgivable mistake.

**I read it very carefully for half an hour. I basically finished reading the entire article and browsed it again from beginning to end. Then I slowly sat down and leaned back slightly, lost in thought.

When I heard the news on the phone, I was so excited that I wanted to confront Yu Yan right away. Now that I have been proven innocent, I calmed down and thought about how to use this matter. I must tap all the potential of this matter. Come out and defeat Yu Yan completely so that he will never be able to stand up again.

Xiao Zhou has also been waiting for him. He knows that Secretary Zhang will definitely give instructions. ** fell into deep thought. Xiao Zhou refilled **'s tea and stood with his hands down, waiting for Secretary Zhang's instructions.

Xiao Zhou is afraid of Yu Yan, but he doesn't dislike Yu Yan in his heart. However, based on the current situation, it would be better for Secretary Zhang to deal with Yu Yan because he is now on the front line. Once the enemy fails in the struggle, his This is the end of your official career. You will end up as a minor or main major for the rest of your life.

"Xiao Zhou, please call and ask Yu Yan to come to my place."

After a while** he spoke slowly and his tone turned out to be very calm.

"It's Secretary Zhang"

Xiao Zhou suppressed the excitement in his heart and responded calmly, knowing that the secretary's personality would be affected by the leader unknowingly. Xiao Zhou, who doesn't like impetuous young people, naturally wants to become more mature and steady.

The call went directly to Yu Yan's office. Yu Yan personally answered the phone. After listening to Xiao Zhou's words, he smiled and nodded and said he would be there right away.

It's time to call

Like **, Yueyan was holding the same copy of "Shuguang" magazine in his hand. He put down the phone, put down his clothes, picked up the magazine, walked out slowly, and went straight to the fourth floor.

"Minister Yu"

Xiao Zhou greeted him with a rather polite demeanor. Now Xiao Zhou is no longer the same as Wu Xia Amon back then.

Yu Yan nodded, still with a smile on his face

Xiao Zhou was very surprised how he could still laugh after getting into such a big trouble. But then again, there is always a reason why people dare to write such articles and publish them in "Dawn". Maybe Yu Yan considers himself a fighter. Generally speaking, people with strong self-confidence have this kind of good mentality.

Walking into the **office**, he sat majestically behind the large desk with a straight face and no trace of a smile.

"Hello Secretary Zhang"

Yu Yan greeted ** with a smile

"Well, Comrade Yuyan is here, please take a seat."

** nodded slightly but showed no intention of getting up and shaking hands with Yu Yan. Moreover, adding the word "comrade" to the last name and last name was enough to show Secretary Zhang's serious attitude.

Yu Yan came and sat down opposite **

Xiao Zhou serves tea

** said: "Xiao Zhou, are you going to record a formal conversation with Comrade Yu Yan on behalf of the county party committee?"

Xiao Zhou followed the instructions and sat down beside him and spread out his notebook on his lap.

Yu Yan couldn't help but smile again. These people liked being represented so much. Unintentionally, he was represented again. ** could actually represent Yu Yan, a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee, to trouble Yu Yan himself. Maybe at this moment, Yu Yan was in **'s heart. Is he no longer a member of the County Party Committee Standing Committee?

"Comrade Yuyan, did you write this article?"

**With a square face, he pushed the "Shuguang" magazine in front of Yu Yan and asked coldly

"I wrote it"

Yu Yan admitted frankly

**Nodding, the facts are all there and cannot be denied by Yu Yan

"Then please tell me why you wrote such an article. Why do you want to discredit the great situation of our reform and opening up? Why do you want to pour cold water on the enthusiasm for reform and opening up across the country?"

** asked with a straight face and looked at Yu Yan with bright eyes.

However, Yu Yan did not feel afraid at all. He even leaned back slightly in his chair to assume a more relaxed posture and said with a smile: "Secretary Zhang, I am a party member and have the right to express my own opinions. What I write about is about the Soviet Union." Isn’t it just to discredit the good situation of domestic reform and opening up?”

"Comrade Yuyan, don't change your concept. Although you are writing about the Soviet Union on the surface, the Soviet Union is also a socialist country and is undergoing major reforms. If you comment on the Soviet reforms in this way, you mean something, especially what you wrote here. Be a hundred times more vigilant against ambitious elements and be on guard against drastic turmoil or even changes in the political situation of the Soviet Union. What is the basis for what you write like this?"

Yu Yan replied calmly: "Secretary Zhang, I'm just discussing the matter. Please don't make random guesses. Besides, based on the current situation in the Soviet Union, it's normal for me to remind them to be more vigilant against ambitious elements. It's just a reminder, but it doesn't mean that the Soviet regime will definitely be defeated." Overthrow and prevent problems before they happen. There are ambitious elements in every country, so we should be more vigilant.”

**’s face turned black and he said: “Comrade Yuyan, don’t be cunning. You are opposing our great policy of reform and opening up, and you are alarmist. No matter which country you write about, this essence cannot be changed.”

Yu Yan said coldly: "Secretary Zhang, let me reiterate once again that as a party member, I have the right to express my own opinions, and I firmly believe that the reforms currently being carried out in the Soviet Union are indeed very dangerous and have endangered the ruling foundation of the Soviet ruling party if not implemented. Correction is very likely to lead to huge political turmoil. My original intention of writing this article is to raise everyone's awareness that the policy of reform and opening up is correct. No one can deny that, but the reform process must be gradual and problems must be solved in a timely manner. Either we avoid radical political reforms like those in the Soviet Union or they are inappropriate reforms. We should start with changing the economic system instead of changing the political system right from the start, which will leave many party members and cadres at a loss.”

** straightened up and said sternly: "Comrade Yuyan, are you still insisting on your wrong thoughts and wrong views?"

Yu Yan also straightened up and said loudly: "Comrade **, do you have any reason or basis to think that my thoughts and opinions are wrong?"

"Huh, don't be cunning. Write it clearly in black and white. It's useless to quibble. Comrade Yuyan, I now ask you to make a profound self-examination immediately. Before the county committee studies and examines your mistakes and makes a disciplinary decision, you temporarily stop all work. The county committee organization The daily work of the department will be temporarily presided over by Comrade Li Gang."

** said categorically

Yu Yan smiled and said calmly: "Comrade **, please pay attention to me as a member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee. The Organization Minister is appointed by the Antai Municipal Party Committee. You have no right to suspend me."

** sneered and said: "Comrade Yuyan doesn't need you to remind me of the organizational procedures. I know it very well. I will immediately convene the county party committee's standing committee to discuss your mistake. I believe that the standing committee will make a correct conclusion at the meeting. I will also report this decision." The Administrative Office of the Antai Municipal Party Committee requests the approval of the municipal party committee leaders to suspend you immediately in order to prevent your wrong thoughts and wrong opinions from spreading further."

Yu Yan still said calmly: "Comrade **, let's wait until the county committee standing committee makes a decision. You personally cannot represent the Taocheng County Committee. I will continue to work until there is no clear reply from the Antai Municipal Committee Administration."

** gave him a cold look and felt there was no need to waste any more words.

This person is the typical character who won’t shed tears until he sees the coffin.

Let’s meet the real chapter at the Standing Committee

** There was no record meeting but a meeting of the Standing Committee was held directly. However, there was no immediate notice that the County Party Committee Standing Committee was to be held at 2:30 p.m.

After Yu Yan left, ** immediately summoned Yun Shan and Simon Yam. Although ** believed that in the face of such a big principled issue, even the Standing Committee members who had a good relationship with Yu Yan would not dare to cover him, but preparations should still be made. It is necessary to summon your cronies to discuss and study the steps of the attack.

We must seize this golden opportunity to solve the problem once and for all.

Yu Yan was not idle. Strictly speaking, he was not allowed to be idle. As soon as he returned to the office, the phone rang.

"Hello, I'm Yu Yan"

"The longer I am, Mahe, do you have time now?"

Ma He's voice came over the phone and was obviously anxious.

"What are the instructions from the county magistrate?"

Yu Yan's tone is still relatively relaxed

Ma He was puzzled for a moment. Is this person really calm and composed or is he heartless? He poked a hole in the sky or is he still so easy to take care of?

"In this case, Minister, if you have time, please come to my office."

Ma He simply said that he had no intention of getting too entangled with Yu Yan on the phone.

"Please ask the county magistrate to wait while I ride over."

Soon Yu Yan's tall figure appeared in front of the county government office building. He happened to meet Yang Yuzhen, deputy director of the county government office. When Yang Yuzhen saw Yu Yan, she immediately came over and looked around. It seemed that no one was there, so she lowered her voice and said anxiously. : "Minister Yu is not going to get out of trouble. Is that article written by "Dawn" magazine really written by you?"

It seems that during the time that Yu Yan was in the ** office, the news that a big bomb appeared in "Shuguang" magazine has spread throughout the entire county party committee compound, and almost every staff member knows about it.

Yang Yuzhen went back to the capital with Ma He Yuyan and was warmly received by Xue Nannan. They also went to see the Flower World in Hong Kong and had a very good impression of Yuyan and his beautiful girlfriend. Now that something big happened to Yuyan suddenly, it is no wonder. Yang Yuzhen is feeling uneasy

Yu Yan smiled slightly and said, "I wrote it."


Yang Yuzhen's face turned very pale all of a sudden. She couldn't help being frightened and afraid. If something happened to Yu Yan, she didn't know if it would implicate Ma He. If she joined Ma He, she would also be unlucky. Yang Yuzhen would not have a good life for her and Ma He. His wife Wanyo is a relative. Wanyo was introduced to Ma He by her. Everyone knows that Director Yang is a close aide of Magistrate Ma. If Ma He is unlucky, can she continue to be the deputy director of the county government office?

Yu Yan smiled and said: "It doesn't matter Director Yang, every party member has the right to express his or her own opinion."

"Ah, yes, yes..."

Yang Yuzhen is a little distracted

Yu Yan nodded towards her and went straight upstairs.

There are some things that are useless to explain. The key is to look at the results.

There was no one else in Ma He's office. Ma He personally gave Yu Yan tea while waiting, with undisguised anxiety on his face. When he saw Yu Yan, he immediately said: "Minister Yu is so surprised."

Ma He paid more attention to his choice of words. Although he was anxious, he never lost his composure.

Yu Yan walked over with a smile and sat down on the sofa. He took out a cigarette and offered it to Ma He. He also lit one and took two puffs before saying: "County Magistrate, I just expressed some of my opinions."

Ma He said worriedly: "I know that every party member has the right to express his or her own opinion... But I'm afraid that some people don't think so... Secretary Zhang just came to see you."

This chapter has been completed!
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