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Chapter 0518 Timely rain

This Yueyan is such a timely gift.

When some of the fighters were heartily criticizing, they couldn't help but gossip in their hearts, thinking that Yu Yan was a good guy. Seeing that everyone had nothing to do, he quickly appeared and acted as a target so that everyone could have something to do.

Yu Yan didn't care at all.

It's not easy to say that these literati make a living by wagging their pens. They are in the same situation as the officials who make a living by wagging their tails. They are both quite pitiful. Let them show off. Otherwise, the master will not

If you are happy, it’s time to lose your job.

This is not kind.

Secretaries generally won't do anything that is unkind.

However, while the secretary may not care about the verbal criticism of the literary people, the minister cannot but care about the changes in the organization department of the county party committee.

As soon as Yu Yan returned to the county, he felt that the atmosphere in the department had become very strange. When the staff saw him, they looked embarrassed, their eyes flickered, and they did not dare to look into Minister Yu's eyes.

Only Meng Yang has a firmer stance.

As soon as Yu Yan arrived at the office, Meng Yang rushed over to make tea, with an angry look on his face, as if he had been holding back his anger.

"Xiao Meng, sit down for a while. If you have anything to say, just say it. It doesn't matter."

Yu Yan smiled slightly and greeted Meng Yang.

Meng Yang sat down in front of Yu Yan's desk, with his back straight. Yu Yan took out the special cigarettes, handed one to Meng Yang, and took one himself. Meng Yang quickly lit it for him.


"Xiao Meng, calm down and don't panic. Tell me, what happened?"

Yu Yan took two puffs of cigarette and asked slowly.

The tense look on Meng Yang's face emerged again, and he said: "Minister Yu, during the past few days when you were on a business trip, Secretary Zhang was talking bad about you everywhere, saying that you had made a serious mistake, and the municipal party committee was going to adjust your position immediately.

After working, he said, "You are in Taocheng, but a rabbit's tail can't grow long." When he meets people, he says..."

Although Meng Yang was angry, he still had some reservations when it came to **'s words criticizing Yu Yan. There was no original text, just a slight formality. **'s original words were much uglier than what he relayed.


Yu Yan remained calm and said, "What else did he do?"

Meng Yang told Yu Yan that ** had also talked individually with all the responsible cadres of the Organization Department. Not only had he talked with the three deputy ministers, but also the heads of each department one by one. Let them understand the situation clearly and talk to Yu Yan

Draw a clear line and don't make big mistakes like him.

So now the organization department is in panic, no one has the energy to do their work, and everyone is extremely nervous.

The top leader is unreliable and needs to be replaced. The county party committee secretary personally warned that it would be impossible for the secretary to calm down the cadres below.

This is basically consistent with the news Yu Yan got. During his time in the capital, he often talked on the phone with his close subordinates such as Man Baoyuan, Ma Changji, and Xue Guanyuan. Man Baoyuan and others reported to him the same news. However,

What Man Baoyuan and others reported were mainly the movements of other leaders in the county. It is said that ** talked to the county committee standing committee members and deputy county magistrates one by one, telling them to firm their stance and not make mistakes along the line.

What can we do to stand firm and not make mistakes along the line? ** also made it clear, that is, the punishment will be worse!

Only in this way can we prove that our stance is firm and our self-restraint is firm.

The news from Li Yitian was not so optimistic. Li Yitian told Yu Yan that the gangsters were very active. They visited the city a lot these days, and almost all the major municipal party committee leaders and gangsters came to visit.

After the visit, he only said one thing: cadres like Yu Yan with extremely wrong ideas and views can no longer remain in such an important position as the Organization Director of the Taocheng County Party Committee. They must be cleared out to ensure that the Taocheng County leadership team

and the purity of the cadre team.

As for how the city leaders expressed their stance, Zhu Chen was not so clear. At least Zhang Siwen did not express any stance.

However, **'s troubles, as secretary of the county party committee, can still play a big role. During this period of time, Taocheng County was in a state of turmoil. No one knew what the outcome of this matter would be, but most of the cadres were

I am worried about Yu Yan. In the eyes of the cadres in Taocheng County, Yu Yan is really too bold. It is hard to say whether he has made a line error. At least, it is very dangerous to be so disrespectful to his big brother in the Soviet Union.

Everyone knows that this is a diplomatic turmoil.

Can we evaluate foreign leaders in this way?

What’s more, he is also the big brother in the socialist camp!

It turns out that he is still too young. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

Mengyang is young and doesn't have so many twists and turns.

He admired Yue Yan for his courage and his sincerity in serving the masses. He especially disliked **'s backstabbing methods. He was so unbearable as a county party secretary!

After listening to Meng Yang's angry speech, Yu Yan thought for a moment and said: "Xiao Meng, please send a notice and the department will hold a meeting..." Yu Yan raised his wrist and looked at it: "Nine o'clock, right?

, all personnel must attend the meeting.”


Meng Yang quickly stood up, agreed, and went out to make a phone call.

Yu Yan's mind is actually no longer on this matter. The article has been published, and it is not up to him to decide how to proceed.

What he is wandering about now is another matter.

Announcement of cadre appointment and dismissal!

This is what he is most concerned about right now.

If this is done well, it will make a huge contribution to the cadre appointment and removal system.

Soon, Meng Yang walked in again and reported to Yu Yan that all the cadres and workers of the Organization Department had gathered in the conference room, waiting for Minister Yu to preside over the meeting.

"Well, let's go!"

Yu Yan nodded with a smile and stood up.

Meng Yang took Yu Yan's briefcase and water glass and followed behind him, feeling quite tragic in his heart. This time, if it was like what ** said, Yu Yan would grow longer than a rabbit's tail,

It would be bad luck for Secretary Xiang to follow closely like this. Secretary Zhang will definitely not have any good impressions of him. When the time comes to clean up Yu Yan's remnants, he will easily drag the little chess piece Meng Yang into a corner.

Sitting on the bench and drinking the northwest wind is just a matter of words.

But Meng Yang felt that the more times this happened, the more he had to behave like a man.

Mencius said: It is self-defeating and shrinking, even if thousands of people are gone, I will go!

In the conference room of the county party committee office building, more than two dozen people came neatly, and no one was left behind. No matter what everyone thought, Yu Yan was still the director of the Organization Department, and he still had to pay attention to this face-saving thing.

Besides, although Secretary Zhang vowed to drive Minister Yu out of Taocheng County, it is difficult to say whether he can do it. In the history of Taocheng County, there has never been such a useless county party secretary, nor has there ever been such a cowardly secretary of the county party committee.

I have never seen such a strong organizational minister.

Secretary Zhang has targeted Minister Yu more than once. It seems that he has never succeeded so far!

Therefore, everyone is skeptical about Secretary Zhang's words. Don't be careful and be deceived by him, and finally find that the mistake is outrageous. In officialdom, some mistakes can be made, and some mistakes must not be made.

If you make a mistake, you will never have a chance to correct it.

Yu Yan had not been in office for long, and everyone had seen his methods. He was very ruthless towards his enemies. Su Zhiqiang offended him, but Yu Yan was forced to take advantage of him, and took away all the power in Su Zhiqiang's hands.

He also took everything away, not leaving any leftovers for others, and forced Su Zhiqiang to live in retirement.

This is how it is in the officialdom. If you offend someone you shouldn't offend, you must be mentally prepared to take care of yourself in old age.

So, when Yu Yan slowly walked into the conference room, Li Gang was the first to stand up and applaud. Everyone naturally stood up and the conference room burst into warm applause, which was even greater than when Yu Yan held a meeting on his first day in office.

The applause needs to be even more orderly.

Yu Yan smiled and returned to his seat at the old table, shaking hands with Li Gang and the other three deputy ministers one by one without any strange expression. Then he turned around, raised his hands and pressed down, and the applause gradually stopped.

Everyone looked attentively at the young leader in the chairman's position.

I originally thought that Yu Yan would convene this meeting to talk about the article, defend himself, and at the same time cheer everyone up and say something to support the scene.

Unexpectedly, Yue Yan did not mention a word in the article at all, and started talking about the public notification system for the appointment and removal of cadres. Yu Yan gave a very high evaluation to this public notification system, which can be regarded as Wang Po's self-promotion. Of course, Yu Minister Kai

This meeting was not just to show off his abilities. At the meeting, he discussed in detail all aspects of the cadre appointment and removal public notice system, mainly to make sense and partly to combine it with reality. After all, this public notice system has just been launched, and it has only been implemented on a trial basis in Taocheng County.

After doing it once, I can’t say I have rich practical experience.

But the level of Yu Yan's reports has always been very high. Every time Yu Yan holds a meeting, the discipline of the venue is quite good, and everyone listens very attentively. The reason is that when Yu Yan makes reports, there is almost no nonsense, and everything he says is the key point.

.If anyone doesn’t listen carefully, he or she may miss an important link or misunderstand Minister Yu’s intentions, which will cause big problems.

With Yu Yan's in-depth and simple explanation, everyone's minds unknowingly shifted from the line issue to the cadre publicity system. Yu Yan has this ability to make everyone's minds follow his mind.

After explaining the truth, Yu Yan directly assigned the task and asked the three deputy ministers to lead a team to personally go to the grassroots level to understand the true views of the grassroots cadres and the masses on the cadre appointment and removal public announcement system, and to collect first-hand information in as much detail as possible.

The cadres of the Organization Department are very sensitive in this regard. As soon as they heard the arrangement from Minister Yu, they knew that Yu Yan wanted to have a Taocheng experience. It should be said that leaders should achieve results in these aspects.

In terms of economic construction, Yuyan built Beiluan District, which is about to become a model for the whole region to get rid of poverty and become rich. Now it is natural to make achievements in party building. For a grassroots leading cadre, he has already made achievements in economic construction.

With the achievements in party building work, it is a great political capital.

Everyone thinks that this idea is good for the more ministers, but the timing is not right!

Now the focus of the county's attention is on the article in "Shuguang" magazine. Maybe Minister Yu will no longer be the Organization Minister in two days. What's the point of working so hard on the cadre appointment and dismissal announcement system now?

But no one dared to say it out loud.

Although Yu Yan is young and has not served as the Organization Minister for a long time, his prestige has been firmly established. Yu Yan clearly tells everyone through his actual actions: As long as it is what Yu Yan wants to do, I will not do it.

It won’t work.

Looking at Yu Yan's calm look now, he seems to have a plan in mind.

Anyway, he is still the minister now, so just follow his orders.

If things really change, it won't be too late to correct the mistakes when the time comes.

From Li Gang on down, everyone has the same idea and expressed their firm support for Minister Yu's wise decision. We must do a good job on the cadre appointment and dismissal announcement system, implement it thoroughly, and implement Minister Yu's instructions as soon as we get to work tomorrow.

As the saying goes, plans cannot keep up with changes, and changes cannot keep up with a word from the leader!

Just after the plenary meeting of the Organization Department, we received an urgent notice from the county party committee office at 2:30 this afternoon to convene a meeting of the county's main leading cadres above the department level. All cadres at the department level and above are required to attend the meeting, and no one is allowed to be absent.


After receiving this notice, Li Gang and Lin Ge looked at each other, with an ominous feeling in their hearts.

Both Li Ganglinge and Li Gangling are highly qualified official-level cadres.

At this time, the county urgently convened a meeting of the main leading cadres at the department level and above. It is self-evident that the intention must be for Yu Yan's article, but I don't know what exactly is going to happen.

It seems that the battle between Secretary Zhang and Minister Yu has heated up and the outcome should be clear.

After the decisive battle, there will always be a winner and a loser!

Yu Yan received a call from Ma He in the office.

"Minister Yu, are you back?"

Ma He's voice was still calm, but Yu Yan could hear a hint of well-hidden anxiety. It is conceivable that Ma He must not have slept well in the past ten days.

"Haha, hello, County Magistrate!"

Yu Yan's tone was still very relaxed.

"Minister Yu, have you received the notice of the meeting?"

Ma He didn't mince words either, he got straight to the point and got to the point.

Yu Yan responded calmly: "Well, I just received a phone call from Xiao Zhou."

Ma He was silent for a moment, his voice lowered, and he said: "Minister Yu, Secretary Zhang may have to speak at the meeting. I have a suggestion..."

Having said this, Ma He hesitated, seeming to be considering his words. Yu Yan did not rush him, but quietly held the phone, waiting for Ma He's suggestion.

"I think, let him say what he wants to say. As long as it is not a formal organizational decision, don't pay attention to it."

After a while, Ma He expressed his suggestion.

This statement is rather vague. It can be imagined that ** convened this meeting at this time to get angry at Yu Yan. As soon as the article in "Shuguang" magazine came out, ** couldn't wait to convene a standing committee meeting to punish Yu Yan.

Severe punishment, suspension, written self-criticism, and so on. If it fails to do so this time, the government will definitely not give up. If organizational procedures are not enough, then follow the mass line and mobilize the cadres and masses of the county to criticize together.

Yu Yan's erroneous thoughts and wrong views will have a certain impact as long as the momentum is large enough, and then the government will have the capital to bargain with the leaders of the municipal party committee.

Perhaps some municipal party committee leaders are also waiting for this opportunity!

In Ma He's view, at this time, he should still be in charge. He was worried that as Yan became more youthful and energetic, he could not help but argue with the president at the meeting, which would give others more leverage.

You see, this Yu Yan is too arrogant and domineering, right? He cannot be criticized at all. He made such a big mistake, and the county party committee secretary criticized him for a few words, but he was not convinced and openly contradicted him. Where can such a cadre be used?


Under today's circumstances, being too tough may not necessarily be a good thing.

It’s too easy to break!

Ma He specially called Yu Yan to remind him. Comrade Xiao Yu's temper was really hot, and Ma He was very worried. Originally, Ma He had not hesitated in his heart. He was indeed a little worried.

Yu Yan’s true intention in writing this article is not allowed, and it is even more uncertain what direction the high-level trend is. Full support for Yu Yan at this time is not without risks. In the past ten days, the national media has criticized Yu Yan verbally and writtenly, and there has been an uproar.

God, it seems that Yu Yan has committed such a heinous act. But after thinking over and over again, Ma He decided to continue cooperating with Yu Yan. Because Ma He discovered a key point, the People's Daily did not publish an article refuting Yu Yan.

This is what really matters!

Prior to this, "People's Daily" had written three articles in support of the reformists, and its attitude was quite clear. It was precisely because of this clear attitude of "People's Daily" that the national public opinion was ultimately one-sided.

But it has been more than ten days since Yu Yan published the article in "Shuguang", but there has been no movement from the "People's Daily". Even the latest issue of "Shuguang" magazine published a few days ago published an article refuting Yu Yan

.This is also a normal phenomenon. As a national party magazine, "Shuguang" is originally for party members and cadres across the country to express their opinions. The publication of Yu Yan's article in the previous issue does not mean that "Shuguang" magazine supports Yu Yan's

Opinion, and the article refuting the opinion in the later issue does not mean that the attitude of "Dawn" has changed. This is essentially different from the editorial of "People's Daily". The editorial of "People's Daily" represents the opinion of the newspaper itself.

Despite this, the People's Daily remained unmoved.

What does this mean?

This shows that the central government has not yet unanimously agreed on this, and Yu Yan’s view may not be wrong.

From the province to the region, no major leader has made a clear position on this matter so far, which can indirectly prove that Ma He's inference is reasonable. These big guys are also observing. There is no clear signal from above.

, who would easily express their position and jump out to take the lead? The higher the level, the more cautious they are on route issues. Once such a mistake is made, no matter how high the status is, it will be an unbearable burden.

It was this old Zhang who took the wrong medicine for some reason and persisted in biting Yu Yan and refused to let go. He is a man in his fifties, extremely angry and has no political wisdom at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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