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Chapter 0079 Communication of feelings

"Teacher, looking at your current complexion, you really still have the same style and demeanor as before. I feel that you are getting younger and younger as you live!" Yu Yan said sincerely.

Professor Luo smiled and had no doubts about Yu Yan's words. Ever since he was named in the Provincial Party Committee's newspaper "Shanlu Reality" and received the affirmation of the Provincial Party Committee Secretary Wang Guoliang, his life has become happier day by day, and his financial benefits and

His social status is also different. His home is often full of guests, and there are countless people greeting him. People are in high spirits during happy events. He feels that he has had fewer and fewer worries in recent years, and his life has become more and more nourishing.

Compared with his peers, he does look a few years younger!

"Haha, I haven't seen Xiao Yu for two years. Why did you remember to visit me as a teacher? I thought you would never come again!" Professor Luo said to him, with a hint of complaint in his words.

Yu Yan felt very ashamed and said sheepishly, "If I don't make a name for myself, how can I have the face to see you?"

Professor Luo nodded and asked with a smile, "So it seems you have become famous now?"

Just as Yu Yan was about to answer, he saw the door of the teacher's bedroom opened, and it was the teacher's wife who walked out of the room. Yu Yan saw that the teacher's wife was also much younger, like a pampered lady, she was no longer

She looked like a printer in a small factory back then, wearing gold and silver, and luxurious clothes. Judging from her dress, she looked like the wife of a famous professor.

"Yu Yan! It's really you. I heard your voice just now and thought I heard it wrong." The woman looked at Yu Yan with a deep smile, just like an elder looking at his child.

Yu Yan was very happy to see that his teacher and his wife still treated him as before, and he said to her, "Hello, my wife, I haven't seen you for so long, you have changed!"

"Changed?" the woman asked curiously, wondering what Yu Yan meant.

Yu Yan continued, "Teacher Luo is in this mountain and doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu. I can see that, Master, you have changed and become more beautiful. There is a calmness and charm in every move. Who can see it?"

I still want to take a look at it again!”

After saying this, Professor Luo and the woman both laughed, and the woman looked at him a few more times, as if she wanted to get to know Yu Yan again, "Haha, I didn't expect that boy who was easily shy back then, now he has become

So good at talking”

Yu Yan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment and hurriedly presented the gifts he had prepared to his teacher and his wife.

After receiving the gift and looking at the jade chess, Professor Luo smiled. How could he not know what Yu Yan meant, "I like the color and the pure smell of this set of chess pieces. We will play a game with this set of chess pieces later."

, Haha." He didn't want to refuse the gift Yu Yan gave him, so he accepted it calmly.

When the woman saw the earthen print cloth, her eyes were full of joy, "This is Antai's authentic earthen print cloth. I've wanted to buy some for a long time, but I don't know where to buy it. Xiao Yu, I'm interested."

Seeing that they accepted the gifts and seemed very satisfied, Yu Yan was completely relieved and thought to himself, this Yao Yu is really smart. He looked at them and said, "This is the student's heartfelt wish. I hope the teacher and his wife will not dislike it!"


After chatting about some other topics, Professor Luo asked, "Is there anything you want to do when you come today?"

Professor Luo also had a keen eye, and he immediately guessed that Yu Yan had something on his mind. Yu Yan chuckled and said, "It's nothing serious. I mainly came here to see the teacher today. I haven't made any progress since graduation, and I'm a little ashamed to enter the teacher again."

Okay, in addition, I have a short article that I would like to ask the teacher for help with. The student is stupid, so I have to ask the teacher for help."

Professor Luo became interested, "What kind of article can still stump you?"

Seeing that the time had come, Yu Yan hurriedly took out the article from his bag and handed it to Professor Luo.

Professor Luo took the article and took Yu Yan to his study room. Professor Luo, who had entered the state of mind, looked at the article intently while marking the manuscript with a red ink pen. From time to time, he muttered words, and his eyes returned to those of scholars.

The teacher and student said nothing more. The teacher's wife looked at the professor with extremely pious eyes and whispered to Yu Yan quietly: "Your teacher usually doesn't write easily, only what he thinks is very important."

, that’s why he is so serious. It seems that after not seeing each other for several years, he still cares about you as his proud disciple."

Yu Yan nodded in agreement frequently, with a look of gratitude on his face. He knew that the teacher was an emotional person.

It took Professor Luo more than an hour to read the nearly 20,000-word article. The blank space on the manuscript paper was filled with various marks and some suggestive keywords. It was obvious that the teacher’s attitude

Quite serious.

"Overall, it's good." Professor Luo's words were enough to make Yu Yan happy.

"But -" Professor Luo's style has not changed. It was like this more than ten years ago, affirming first and then denying. Sometimes suppression is for the sake of promotion, and sometimes promotion is for the purpose of suppression. The key is to see whether there is a negation of negation at the end. For a philosophy

As a professor, as long as his final conclusion has not come out, he must not be easily happy or disappointed. Yu Yan knows that for him at the moment, the evaluation after "but" is the most important and most substantial.

Yu Yan took out his notebook, prepared to listen attentively and record it carefully.

Due to his good mood, Professor Luo faced Yu Yan just like he did when he was standing in a large lecture hall, with a loud voice and bright eyes. When he talked about the rise, he not only spoke eloquently, but also stood up and used colorful body language.

From the title to the viewpoints, to the examples and data cited in it, we all put forward suggestions for modification, addition, and improvement one by one. Not from an academic perspective, but from a political perspective; we do not simply talk about the article, but put aside the article itself.

From the teacher's talk, Yu Yan saw how politics and the current situation have changed a university teacher in the past two years, making him stay away from the ivory tower and completely fall into the world of mortals. Therefore, the study is no longer what it used to be.

The study in the traditional sense is completely integrated with the current world and politics.

"It is good to highlight Antai City, but the article is for the whole province and even the country, and it is a theoretical article, so it cannot be too local and the perspective cannot be too narrow, otherwise it will have no height and no overall perspective. Just imagine, a person with lofty political ambitions

For a person, his articles should be similar to his mind and vision, majestic and far-sighted." Professor Luo said to Yu Yan, and then looked at Yu Yan curiously, "This article should not be written by you.

This kind of high-level article cannot be written without rich experience, but it can be seen that the author of this article must be a government official, right?"

After hearing what the teacher said, Yu Yan opened his mouth in shock. The reason why he did not tell the teacher that the article was written by someone else was because he was afraid that the teacher would not try his best and it would be bad if he had any reservations. At this time, he sighed, the teacher is

Teacher, nothing can escape his discernment. "Teacher, this article is indeed not written by me. It was written by our Antai City Secretary himself."

"Oh?" Professor Luo had doubts in his eyes, as if he didn't expect that it was actually written by the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city.

Yu Yan no longer concealed anything, and told him exactly how he became the secretary of the municipal committee secretary and the origin of this article.

The more Professor Luo listened, the more surprised he became. Later, like Yu Yan just now, he also opened his mouth and stared. After hearing Yu Yan’s explanation, Professor Luo stood up from his chair and said, “Okay, I didn’t expect that in the past

It’s not easy for a student to have such an opportunity. I wonder why this article reveals the majesty of a superior person from time to time. This is the reason!"

Yu Yan laughed sheepishly, "Teacher, I think you are the only one in Shanlu Province who can revise articles for our secretary!" Yu Yan flattered him again.

"Haha, you can't say that. From this article, I can see that your secretary is a practical person. There are many places where he has real insights that ordinary people can't really write," Professor Luo said truthfully.

"Teacher, can this article be posted to Shanlu Live?" Yu Yan asked the question he was most curious about.

This chapter has been completed!
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