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006 Wait a minute!

Things have become troublesome, and things will always become troublesome. All simple things always seem to develop towards complexity, and Shizuo Komemon is a little irritable.

Everything comes at a price. His body, which can be called the strongest in mankind, possesses extraordinary strength and resilience far beyond that of ordinary people. Naturally, it also comes at a price.

His brain nerves cannot control the secretion of adrenaline, and it is difficult to control his emotions. He is easily irritated and gets angry, and then he will start to run away regardless.

Komemon Shizuo suppressed his annoyance, frowned and said to Komemon Seizo: "Are you very free? Do you need to go there personally for this kind of thing? Can't you just ask any prosecutor to come?"

Gu Meimen Qingzang said coldly: "I have no knowledge and no skills. I haven't made any progress in such a long time."

The Memu Police Department on the side quickly reminded in a low voice: "The Special Investigation Department is directly under the highest executive of the Prosecutor's Office and is directly led by him. Even the deputy chief prosecutor has no right to interfere."

The Special Investigation Department is a special department under the Prosecutor's Office, responsible for investigating corruption, bribery, tax evasion and other issues involving politicians, similar to an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

This department is administratively managed by the Prosecutor's Office, but it is independent when investigating cases and has considerable freedom in inquiries, investigations, and even raids.

It can be said that the Sword of Damocles hangs over the heads of politicians, including the Prime Minister.

It is precisely because of their excessive power that they are very strict in terms of selection and management. Only Gu Meimen Qingzang, the number one person in the prosecutor's office, can command them.

Since he had no interest in the prosecutor's office or his current job, Komemon Shizuo had never really understood it and was not aware of all the twists and turns.

After all, he never thought about inheriting his father's legacy, becoming a second-generation official here, and who knows when he would leave this world without warning.

It is boring to spend his life struggling and intrigues in the bureaucracy. He just wants to find a way to control his emotions, stay away from violence and trouble, and live a quiet and peaceful life.

Over there, the Gongcho Police Department had already brought the vodka, and the confiscated belongings and firearms of Gin and the two of them had also been brought back.

Shizuo Furumon checked Gin's cell phone and found that there was nothing in it. It was probably cleaned after every use, so it was completely useless.

Most of the other belongings were equipment and tools, and there was no information to be obtained, so the two of them were very cautious.

"I'm causing trouble for you all." Gu Meimen Qingzang bowed slightly.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga did not dare to take it seriously, and quickly bowed and said in fear: "This case is our mistake, please don't say that."

Although if this incident is true, it is not actually a law enforcement error on the part of the Metropolitan Police Department. It is at best a misunderstanding. However, Matsumoto Kiyonaga did not dare to argue with this person.

The mistake can only be made by the person with a lower status, and the person with a higher status can never be wrong - this is what Shizuo Komemon hates about the bureaucracy.

Matsumoto Kiyonaga is the manager of the 1st Investigation Section, and his police title is police officer. What is the difference in status between him and Komemon Kiyōzo?

There are ten levels of police ranks in the Metropolitan Police Department: Inspection—Inspection Chief—Inspection Minister—Police Department Supplement—Police Department—Police Supervisor—Police Supervisor—Police Chief—Police Supervisor—Police Supervisor.

The Police Superintendent is the highest-ranking person in the Metropolitan Police Department, but there is the Police Department above him, but the Police Department is an administrative staff and does not have a police rank.

The top person in the police department is equivalent to the top person in the prosecutor's office, Komemon Seizo.

In addition, the prosecutor's office already has the power to prosecute criminal cases and supervise the legality of the Metropolitan Police Department's investigative activities.

You can imagine how much pressure Matsumoto Kiyonaga felt when facing Komemon Kiyōzo.

"No, what I'm saying is that Quanzi has caused trouble for you. I know his character well. I think you must have a lot of headaches."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga quickly wiped the sweat from his forehead and said against his will: "What you said is too serious. The Gumeimen criminals are just jealous of evil. Such a straightforward personality is actually very easy to get along with."

The Mumu Police Department also quickly laughed and echoed, but unconsciously touched the right side of his face with his hand.

During the catastrophic search for the First Class, although he did not participate, he was severely elbowed because he tried to dissuade him. If Shizuo Komemon hadn't exercised some restraint, his teeth would have probably flew off.

Even now I still feel pain when I think about it.

Gu Meimen Qingzang said with a serious face: "Please do not give him any preferential treatment because of me, just do whatever you want."

Matsumoto Kiyonaga nodded in agreement.

After Komemon Seizo finished speaking, he glanced at Komemon Shizuo, frowned slightly, sighed, said nothing more, turned around, took gin and vodka and prepared to leave.

Gin and Gin remained silent from beginning to end, but when they left, they looked deeply at Shizuo Komemon.

Komemon Shizuo also looked back without fear. Just when Matsumoto Kiyonaga and the Megure Police Department breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly called out to several people, "Wait a minute!"

Everyone stopped, and the atmosphere was a little stagnant for a moment, especially Gong Chang, the police officer, whose body was shaking like chaff.

Gu Meimenqingzang didn't even look back, and said concisely and concisely: "If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Shizuo Komemon stared at his back, his eyes blocked by his sunglasses, "When will you return that thing to me?"

Gu Meimen Qingzang was silent for a moment, "After a while, don't worry, I won't miss you on any page."

Shizuo Komemon's brows relaxed a little, and he was about to say something more when his expression suddenly changed and he didn't speak again, just letting him leave with Gin and the others.

At the corner of the corridor, Kudo Shinichi's eyes lit up when he saw Gin and the others leaving. Sure enough, there was a problem. I'm afraid it was a major case involving the Public Security Bureau!

He looked around furtively, then ran towards another staircase.

In a dark alley not far from the Metropolitan Police Department.

"Why don't you say something to thank me?"

The aura of Gu Meimon Qingzang who was walking at the front suddenly disappeared, replaced by a feminine charm.

Gin stopped and asked, "When did you come back?"

Belmod pulled off his disguise mask, revealing his moving face, turned around, straightened his messy hair, and asked with a playful smile: "Are you caring about me?"

Gin didn't reply, and Belmode shrugged his shoulders boredly, "It doesn't matter if you don't thank me, but this time you have to thank Bourbon properly.

I didn't expect that he even had this kind of information, otherwise when I was stopped by that man just now, I would have just pressed the detonator and led you out of the Metropolitan Police headquarters."

Toru Amuro got out of the car, squinted his eyes and smiled: "Thank you, no need, but I'm curious, how did you get into trouble with Gu Meimen?"

Gin covered his injured right arm and didn't want to talk about the matter. Vodka on the side explained in a hushed voice: "It was those bastards from the Mudai Society who caused it. My eldest brother and I were just affected..."

This chapter has been completed!
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