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Chapter 120 Promotion and Salary Increase

Chapter 120 Promotion and salary increase

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 120 Promotion and salary increase

"...But I can't seem to do it, and I also don't want to do it. I can't do it with other people, and I'm not good at intrigues in the mall.

Even though I have worked hard, I have only learned how to do housework, etc. These skills are only needed by housewives, and they cannot help at all with household issues.

So, really speaking, I just took advantage of the marriage to escape from the problem and left the worries and stress to my parents and Yuanzi."

Suzuki Ayako stopped what she was doing and her voice trembled slightly, "Would Shizuo-san feel ashamed of me like this?"

That's what Suzuki Ayako said, but Furumimon Shizuo didn't think that was all. He had already made a guess about this when they first met, and he probably made this decision after considering it for Sonoko.

He grabbed Suzuki Ayako's hand on the side of his head, "No, Ayako like this makes me feel less distant."

"Really?" Suzuki Ayako held him tightly with her backhand.


Saying that, Shizuo Komemon opened his eyes, but... he didn't see the other person's face.

It was a little embarrassing, but fortunately Suzuki Ayako didn't notice it and was able to let Fumimon Shizuo close his eyes again and pretend that nothing happened.

After relaxing a little, Suzuki Ayako continued to talk.

"For a long time, I thought, what can I do? It seemed that my family would not be any different with or without me.

It seems a bit hypocritical to say this. My background is higher than that of most people, and I enjoy a life that many people would envy. I also know very well that these worries of mine are actually a bit childish and ridiculous.

I just can’t help but think about it..."

Shizuo Komemon understands that he is carefree and lives a prosperous life, but he cannot feel the value and significance of his own existence.

It may seem like the innocent moaning of a rich lady, but according to Maslow's needs theory, this is a relatively advanced need in itself, and should only be considered after a series of basic needs such as physiological needs and safety needs are met.

In other words, this is exactly what people like Suzuki Ayako, who live a carefree life, should think about. People who are struggling to survive are losing their minds to think about this.

"…After learning about the marriage and learning some things about Shizuo-san, to be honest, my first reaction was——

Ah, if it were him, he would need me, right? Besides, he seems to be out of tune with the surroundings just like me."

Suzuki Ayako said apologetically, "I wonder if Shizuo-san will be unhappy if I say this."

"No." Shizuo Komemon chuckled. Not only was he incompatible with his surroundings, he was also a little out of tune with the world.

"That's good..." Suzuki Ayako smiled, "So, Shizuo-san, please feel free to use me."

"To be honest, you are always like this. I feel like I will be unable to live without you sooner or later..."

"It's okay~ I will always be here. You can confirm to me repeatedly that as long as you still need me, I will be there."

Komemon Shizuo's heart felt warm, but he remained silent for a moment, and then asked: "What if I leave suddenly? For example, if there is an accident like today."

"Didn't you promise to do well?"

"There is no escape from the unexpected in life, and it often comes sooner than tomorrow."

Suzuki Ayako's smile faded slightly, she held her hair with her other hand and pondered for a while.

"I don't want to deceive Shizuo-san. If this really happens... I will probably live happily alone with the memories of Shizuo-san."

Shizuo Komemon didn't say anything more, and the two were quiet for a while. Suzuki Ayako suddenly smiled, "It seems that I have been the one talking, and I obviously want to listen to Shizuo-san."

"It doesn't matter, I've figured it out."

"Huh? Are you feeling better, Shizuo-san?"

"Well, thank you, Ayako."

"You haven't come to work for two days, and you haven't asked for leave. I thought you weren't coming."

Searching the large office of the 1st Criminal Division, Miwako Sato looked at Shizuo Furumimon who finally came to work and said.

"If you say that, I did think about not coming at all." Shizuo Komemon put down the snack box and said casually.

"Huh?" Sato Miwako was stunned for a moment, her eyes dimmed, and then she suddenly smiled, "Actually, it's okay not to come."

"Why, you feel like if you become a master after studying, you will deceive your master and destroy your ancestors?" Shizuo Komemon joked.

Miwako Sato didn't know how to react for a moment, but fortunately Shiratori Rensaburo arrived in time.

"Gu Meimen Criminal seems to be in a good mood, so I just have two pieces of news here. Do you want to hear them?"

"Good news and bad news?" Shizuo Komemon looked up at him, "Is it possible that I was fired just after I decided to come back to work?"

Shiratori Rensaburo smiled, "On the contrary, congratulations, Gumeimen Police Department."

"Police department?" Takagi Wataru was the first to react.

"That's right, the police department." Shiratori Rensaburo confirmed.

Takagi Wataru looked envious, while Furumon Shizuo was a little surprised, "It should be some time before promotion, right? Besides, you should be with me."

Shiratori Rensaburo nodded, "That's logically true, but you're not a person who plays by common sense, so it's normal."

"Explain, explain." Shizuo Komemon said directly.

"This has something to do with another news. Counselor Uno will be dismissed from his post soon." Shiratori Rensaburo revealed a major piece of news.

"Huh?" Takagi Wataru was surprised, "Why was he suddenly dismissed?"

Tadayoshi Uno, counselor of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, police officer rank police officer, deputy to the Chief of Criminal Investigation Toshiro Odagiri.

His main responsibilities are to help Odagiri Toshiro handle and summarize daily work, and assist in the execution and command of major cases. Sometimes he will be dispatched to local areas to be responsible for liaison.

"The nature of this case is rather serious. Although the result is good, we must give an explanation to the people..." Shiratori Rensaburo said and looked at Shizuo Komemon again, "We must also give an explanation to the Chief Prosecutor."

"So, this is the reason why the counselor was dismissed and I was promoted early?" Shizuo Komemon raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It's okay to say yes, and it's not true to say no. After all, everything is in compliance. Even if there is no problem with the prosecutor general, it is reasonable to do so."

Shiratori Rensaburo's words confused Takagi Wataru.

"It is true that a person of sufficient weight needs to take responsibility for this matter to calm public opinion, but throwing out an administrator is enough, right?" Shizuo Komemon felt that it was still the old man's problem.

"Komemen Criminal... You and Manager Kuroda are colleagues who have experienced life and death together. Why do you still have such a big opinion against him?" Sato Miwako finally came to her senses and asked helplessly.

Shizuo Komemon glanced at her strangely, "Who stipulates that if you have experienced life and death together, you must have a good relationship? And that person... is too deep-minded. It would be better for you all to stay away from him."

(End of chapter)

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