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Chapter 126: On the News

Chapter 126 It’s on the news

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 126 It’s on the news

Shiratori Rensaburo comforted him with a kind face: "Please calm down and sit down first. I will tell you about the current situation first.

Currently, the only suspects with motive are you, Nanchi Shi-san, and Okubo-san, and according to Nanchi Shi-san's explanation..."

"What did he say?" Minoru Yasui interrupted impatiently, "Officer, you can't believe him!

This guy Nan Jishi is cynical all day long. He feels that his talents are not valued, so he is prejudiced against us superiors. Young people don't understand the rules of the workplace at all. They are naive..."

"I understand, I understand, don't get excited, please listen to what I have to say first." Shiratori Rensaburo comforted him kindly, "You are not the first person to ask. Before this, we asked Nanji Shisang first, and he wanted to

Much calmer.

The reasons given in his self-defense are also very sufficient, because as far as this case is concerned, it is true that only you and Okubo-san had the opportunity to put the golf ball hidden with explosives into the deceased's ball basket.

Okubo-san was injured, but you were unharmed, as if you had escaped the explosion in advance."

Minoru Yasui sat back with a pale face, covering his head and kept mumbling, "It's really not me..."

"You still have a chance to defend yourself now. If you can produce enough evidence to prove your innocence, of course we will not take further measures against you.

Of course, if you can think of any evidence that can prove the guilt of the other two suspects, or if you have any clues that tell us to investigate, you can tell us.

Don’t worry, we will handle it impartially, and as long as what you propose is reasonable, we will not refuse.”


It seems that Yasui Minoru has grasped a life-saving straw. He is indeed unable to defend his own suspicion now, but he can aggravate the suspicion of the other two people!

It is true that he did not do the thing. As long as he finds a way to prove that Okubo or Minami is the murderer, won't the problem be solved?

He held his head and began to think crazily.

Rensaburo Shiratori said with a kind face: "It seems that Yasui-san still needs some time, so we'll come back later, or if you think of anything, you can ask the police at the door to call us."

Yasui Minoru was so stunned that he didn't hear it at all, and even Shiratori Rensaburo and others didn't notice when they left the room.

After leaving the room, Sato Miwako followed Furumemon Shizuo, frowning and said: "Why do I think it's still a confession? Is it really okay?"

Shizuo Komemon replied: "You should ask the Shiratori Police Department about this. I have almost forgotten all the specific regulations."

Shinsaburo Shiratori explained: “Inducing a confession refers to inducing a criminal defendant or witness to make a confession based on the subjective intention or inference of the investigating and trial personnel.

I didn't say anything just now to reveal or imply my subjective judgment, I just let him confess whatever he thought of.

Regarding myself and the other two suspects, everything is fine, and it does not indicate my own inclination."

"But didn't you mention Minami Chishi specifically? Isn't this a hint?" Miwako Sato still felt unsure.

Shiratori Rensaburo shook his head, "If you think about it carefully, Sato Criminal, I just stated the truth. We did ask Minami Chishi first, right?

If I really wanted to hint, I should have told him about Minami asking to search the luggage of the other two people, and then we found those marked golf balls.”

Shizuo Komemon said to Miwako Sato: "What you should worry about now is whether he has enough brains to see through the murderer's scheme and think of the evidence.

Putting aside the fact that eliciting confessions is much more concealed than violent interrogation, it is difficult to detect, and we don’t necessarily have to use these confessions.”

Shiratori Rensaburo nodded in agreement, "That's it. What we are doing is asking him to provide as many clues as possible, and the focus is not on confession."

"If he can't do it, what should we do next?" Sato Miwako asked instead.

Shizuo Komemon walked to the lobby of this club, slumped down on the guest sofa, and said lazily:

"Nothing can be done. If he can't do it, Okubo can still do it. If Okubo can't do it, we can also ask him to go to Minami Chishi's house to investigate.

No evidence was found on Nan Jishi, so the only evidence that can really be conclusive is the gunpowder he purchased privately, as well as the tools for making bomb golf balls, etc. Traces of these may be found in his home."

Miwako Sato was startled when she heard this, "Why didn't you say this just now?"

"Because it's not absolute. What if he didn't do it at home, but found a deserted place to make the bomb? Wouldn't it be a wasted trip? And that would be too slow."

"..." Sato Miwako strongly suspected that he was just lazy.

"Go to Okubo next?" Shiratori Rensaburo asked.

"You go ahead, I'll wait here. Sato Criminal won't let you use threats and inducements, so what am I going to do?

Obviously the police have no taboos. They used the same tactics on me last time and I didn’t even complain about them trying to induce a confession..."

Shizuo Komemon casually picked up the remote control on the marble coffee table and turned on the TV hanging on the wall in the hall.

"You also said it was the police." Sato Miwako sighed, "They are different."

Shiratori Rensaburo and Takagi Wataru continued to use the same method to deceive Okubo, while Mao Lilan and others sat and waited in the lobby with Gumemon Shizuo.

The club manager on the side couldn't help but walked over, "Well...how many police officers, how long will it take for the case to be resolved?"

Shizuo Komemon raised his head and glanced at him, "Are you in a hurry?"

The manager rubbed his hands and said carefully: "If this continues, our normal business will be affected."

"So?" Shizuo Komemon pressed the remote control to change the channel.

"So... uh, can you guys take this person back and deal with it..."

"Do you want to help the prisoner destroy the traces of the crime scene?" Shizuo Komemon said calmly.

"No, no, I definitely don't mean that." The club manager shook his head quickly.

Sato Miwako quickly stood up and interrupted to prevent the manager from being beaten, "We will deal with it as soon as possible, please cooperate."

Just in time, Shizuo Komemon's attention was diverted, and he stopped changing channels because the news was related to him.

On the TV, Kasai Satoshi bowed seriously in front of many media:

"This plagiarism incident is a disgrace to my fans and hurts everyone's feelings..."

After a lot of sensational apologies, Kasai Satoshi finally got to the point.

"...the song "LOVE LOVE LOVE" that was selected into the elementary school music textbook stole the unpublished work of the famous music composer Chiba Hiiragi-sensei. I am extremely sorry for this.

I dare not ask for Teacher Qianyu’s forgiveness, but I must sincerely express my sincere apology to Teacher Qianyu here.”

Saying that, Kasai Chi sat down in front of the camera in front of everyone...

Thanks to [Yuyi Xun] for the tip last week, thank you for your support~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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