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Chapter 191 Are you going to be on TV again?

Chapter 191 Going on TV again?

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 191 Going on TV again?

Shizuo Komemon is very familiar with what Hattori Shizuka said. After all, everyone in the Komemon family is like this.

He followed the direction pointed by Hattori Shizuka and came to Hattori Heizou's study. After knocking on the door and hearing the response, he opened the door and entered.

"I took the liberty of visiting and disturbing Hattori Headquarters."

Hattori Heizo was sitting behind his desk, his hands folded under his chin, his eyes squinted, looking unsmiling.

"No, this serial murder case was solved so quickly thanks to Komemon-kun. It's really embarrassing. It turned out to be an internal member of the Osaka police who committed the crime."

What he said was very serious, and seemed to be somewhat accusatory.

But Shizuo Komemon's expression remained as usual, even very familiar, and he sat down on the single sofa placed diagonally in front of the desk.

"I didn't plan to intervene rashly at first. I just told Ye Sang that Minister Yuanshan and you wouldn't mind, so I helped a little bit. You don't need to thank me more."


It had been exposed a long time ago, and now it was still being performed here. Hattori Heizo suddenly looked a little uncomfortable.

"By the way, Mrs. Hattori just said that you are not good at speaking well, so you don't have to force yourself. I won't misunderstand you." Shizuo Komemon said sincerely.


Hattori Heizo immediately lost his guard. Unexpectedly, his wife also made trouble, "Kumemon-kun...is very different from what I heard."

"Actually, it may not be different."

Shizuo Komemon didn't expect Osaka to have its own legend, but it was probably Hattori Heizo who learned about his return and asked about it in advance.

"In any case, it is indeed an ancient beauty sect, and no one is ordinary."

Hattori Heizo's expression softened, and he even showed a slight smile, looking at him with admiration.

"For this incident, I naturally have to thank you. Tomorrow, the arrest of Numabuchi Kiichiro by Komemon-kun will be reported by the media.

Of course, I also ask Komemon-kun to understand that regarding Sakata’s criminal case, I always have to consider the overall image of the Osaka police in the minds of the public and must handle it in a low-key manner."

Although Hattori Heizo felt that his son was a bit crazy, he did a pretty good job this time. He took Shizuo Komimon to catch Numagachi Kiichiro, so that he could use the credit for this matter to replace Sakata's criminal case.

"I understand. You don't have to explain so much to me. It's not something I should get involved in." Shizuo Komemon nodded.

"As for the reported matter, it is really unnecessary. I am not a detective, and I don't like to be famous. It will be troublesome to receive too much attention. Thank you for your kindness."

"Then let's just mention a police officer from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It just so happens that you came here in the name of support." Hattori Heizo changed his words.

Shizuo Komemon was a little surprised, "This is obviously not a good thing for the Osaka police, right? There is no need for Hattori Headquarters to insist like this, after all, I really don't care about this."

"But those people at the Metropolitan Police Department will care." Hattori Heizou said with a faint smile on his lips.

"For how many years, they have been trying to win once, so let them win once. Since they have lost, then accept it. This is the style of the Osaka police."

"As long as you are happy." Shizuo Komemon said nonchalantly.


Hattori Heizo felt as if there was a thick barrier between the two of them. That barrier seemed to be called the generation gap. Is this the popular way for young people to talk like this?

"Speaking of which, is there any definite news about your taking over as police chief?" This is the main purpose of Shizuo Komemon's trip.

Hattori Heizo was a little surprised by his question, "Why is Komemon-kun so concerned about this matter?"

"Because the Metropolitan Police Department is indeed in a very bad state right now, and Chief Hattori's ability is obvious to all, and many people are expecting you to change something." Shizuo Furumon said seriously.

Hattori Heizo pondered for a moment and shook his head, "The current situation of the Metropolitan Police Department cannot be changed by personal abilities.

The current level of success here in Osaka cannot be separated from the simple environmental factor, but over at the Metropolitan Police Department... the problem is too complicated."

Shizuo Komemon nodded, "Someone has said this before. He said that the current state of the Metropolitan Police Department is not something that can be decided by just one police director, but is caused by many factors.

Such as Tokyo’s unique status, its window to the world, the historical differences between Kanto and Kansai, the differences in customs, etc.”

Hattori Heizo agreed, "This is true. To put it simply, the essence is that the Metropolitan Police Department is too close to the center of power, and there are too many sights around it. Whatever you want to do is like being shackled.


"But the person who said this later began to hope that Chief Hattori would come to the Metropolitan Police Department early and change some things." Shizuo Komemon added.

Hattori Heizang was dumbfounded and asked with interest: "Why?"

"Because you probably don't know how far some people in the Metropolitan Police have fallen."

Shizuo Komemon stood up and walked to the bookshelf, looking at the various criminal investigation books, and sighed: "Can you believe that the people from the Forensic Division of the Metropolitan Police Department didn't even bring Luminol with them when they went to the police?"

Hattori Heizo's expression was stagnant, a little unbelievable, "Then what did they do when they went to the scene?"


"What about gathering clues and evidence?"

"Bad eyesight."

"What about the autopsy?"

"Let's do it hastily."

"..." Hattori Heizo was silent, "It seems that the problem is more serious than I thought."

Shizuo Komemon turned around and said, "I have educated them a few times, and it has had some temporary effect. But if we really want the forensics class to play its due role, I'm afraid we can only make a major change."

"I understand this." Hattori Heizo nodded seriously, "Do you have any other ideas, Komemon-kun?"

Shizuo Komemon rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't, but the Shiratori Police Department - the criminal who said those words before.

He had tried to propose the promotion of electronic files several times before, conducted in-depth research and analysis on the importance of crime statistics, and made detailed reports, but the above ignored him at all.

Before coming to Osaka, I tentatively persuaded Minister Odagiri to help, but he could only help to mention it, and it is very likely that it will not be passed later."

Hattori Heizo slowly opened his eyes, and his aura suddenly changed, "The replacement of talents and the replacement of technology are both good ideas, but things are not that simple.

Just mention one point and you will understand the difficulty here.

I think you must always pay attention to the crime detection rate, and the above must also require this, but few people mention the crime rate, right?"

Shizuo Komemon was slightly startled and suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Once electronic files are promoted and crime statistics become more complete, many things that could have been hidden can no longer be concealed, not just the crime rate."

Hattori Heizo's voice was deep and powerful, "The data is too intuitive and accurate. This is an advantage, but also a fatal shortcoming. Many people will prevent the beautiful bubble from popping it."

(End of chapter)

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