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Chapter 229 Became a Contributor to the Metropolitan Police Department

Chapter 229 Became a hero of the Metropolitan Police Department

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 229 Became a hero of the Metropolitan Police Department

Half an hour later, Shizuo Komemon returned to the Metropolitan Police Department with Tamaki Nino.

But as soon as he stepped into the door of the Metropolitan Police Department, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong. Everyone seemed to be looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, and some people even whispered.

However, Shizuo Komemon didn't think much about it. When he first came here last year, he also had this kind of experience the day after he went through the search lesson. It was no surprise.

This time it was probably the case of beating Minister Odagiri's son that spread.

With Nino Tamaki behind him, he walked all the way to the large office where the criminals were searching. When he opened the door, the office, which was originally messy and noisy like a vegetable market, suddenly became quiet.

Shizuo Komemon frowned strangely. Forget about those people outside who haven't had much contact with each other. They are all old acquaintances here. Who doesn't know their own temper, so why make such a fuss?

With some suspicion, Shizuo Komemon looked at Shiratori Rensaburo, the only one left in the office, walked over and asked in a low voice:

"What's going on? It's just a beating of the minister's son. Does it surprise them so much?"

Shiratori Rensaburo glanced at Nino Tamaki, and then said with a smile: "Where is that thing? Even if you beat the director of the Gumeimen Police Department himself, no one would be so surprised. It is what you did in Osaka.

It’s open, so everyone is a little excited.”

"Are you talking about how many criminals I arrested over there?" Shizuo Komemon suddenly thought, "Isn't this a basic operation? I've arrested so many people here in Tokyo before, but I haven't seen them with this kind of attitude."

"So, this is the feud between Kanto and Kansai, Tokyo and Osaka." Shiratori Rensaburo spread his hands and smiled.

"They both have great reputations, but among the police in Osaka and Tokyo, one has a notorious reputation and the other is an object of ridicule. Now that you have made a good start for everyone, you will be more or less honored."

Shizuo Komemon burst out laughing, "No wonder I told Head Hattori that we didn't need to report it, but he said Tokyo would care."

Tamaki Nino listened to a few words and had a slightly changed view of the rough criminal in front of him. He seemed to be a police officer with outstanding abilities.

"But it seems that the international killer you captured was rescued." Shiratori Rensaburo suddenly whispered again.

Gu Meimon Shizuo frowned when he heard this, "Are you talking about Shi Kaobing? She was rescued?"

"That's right." Shiratori Rensaburo nodded, "This incident will have the biggest impact on the reputation of the Osaka police. After all, you caught the person, but he was lost in their hands."

Shizuo Komemon narrowed his eyes, "I'm afraid those guys who are proud of themselves are also gloating about their misfortune, right?"

Shiratori Rensaburo shook his head, "Don't think so. Although there will inevitably be a few of them in the entire Metropolitan Police Department, at least we won't have such people in the First Search Section."

Kaitou Kidd was taken away by the police. Due to confidentiality reasons, the news of his escape has not spread yet. Only the story of Shi Kaobing being rescued has spread to a small extent.

After all, an internationally wanted killer has escaped. For such a dangerous existence, a wanted order must be issued, so it is inevitable that the news will be leaked.

"By the way, is Toshi Odagiri still in the interrogation room?" Shizuo Komemon asked. Tamaki Nishino behind him suddenly became energetic after hearing this.

"Yes, Sato Criminal took him for simple treatment and then sent him back to the interrogation room. He also asked me to help prepare the criminal code. You said you asked him to memorize the legal provisions?"

One of Shiratori Rensaburo's hobbies is memorizing legal provisions. When he met Kobayashi Sumiko, he even recited the provisions in front of the book thief, so he is definitely a professional counterpart.

"I understand." After finishing speaking, Shizuo Komemon turned around and glanced at Nino Tamaki, "Follow me."

Shiratori Rensaburo also recognized Nishino Tamaki at this time. He tentatively said: "This is... Nishino San?"

Hearing this, Ni Ye Huan looked over and nodded, "Yes, I am Ni Ye Huan."

"Does the Gumeimen Police Department need me to come with you?" Shiratori Rensaburo asked.

An interrogation requires two people together, so he asked this question, but because there was an outsider present, he did not mention it directly.

"No, I just want her to see the results of our interrogation, otherwise she will always think that we are doing favoritism." Shizuo Komemon explained in a low voice.

Nino Tamaki looked a little uncomfortable when she heard this, but then she became firm again. It had been ruled a suicide before, and the Metropolitan Police Department had a criminal record there, so it was normal for her to doubt it.

"I see." Shiratori Rensaburo nodded, understanding Shizuo Koumemon's intention.

Shizuo Komemon took Tamano Nino all the way to the door of the interrogation room. On the way, they were baptized by the sight of giant pandas.

The door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and the people sitting at the table inside shivered and quickly looked over. When they saw Shizuo Komemon coming in, they choked on the spot and almost lost their breath.

"I'm here to meet your old friend. She came here specially to visit you." Shizuo Komemon stepped aside, revealing Tamaki Nino behind him.

Only then did Nino Tamaki be able to see clearly what was going on in the interrogation room. He saw a bald patient with a face swollen like a pig's head and multiple bandages all over his body sitting inside.

"Is he really Toshiya Odagiri?" Tamaki Nishino couldn't recognize this person at all.

"That's him. After the interrogation in the morning, I helped him shave his head." Shizuo Komemon turned around and closed the door, "You can go up and confirm your identity."

Nino Tamanshin said that it was not a matter of changing his hairstyle, he was almost unrecognizable as a person! However, she still listened to Shizuo Komemon and stepped forward to check it out.

Before the change, of course Odagiri Toshi would not cooperate, but now that Komemon Shizuo is watching eagerly from the side, he does not dare to make any mistakes.

After repeated confirmations, Nino Tamaki finally believed that this was indeed the domineering Toshiya Odagiri, and that the injuries were real and were not staged for him.

"Violent interrogation should be illegal, right?" After the inspection, Nino Tamaki was full of doubts.

"What? Are you going to report me?" Shizuo Komemon chuckled, "No one has done this for a long time. I remember that you were still a reporter. I read it in the file and had some impression. Maybe it's okay.

Expose me?"

Ren Yehuan shook his head and laughed at himself, "If it were in the past, I might really consider it, but now, I am ashamed to say that in my heart I only think you did a beautiful job!"

"It doesn't matter, it's human nature to have double standards." Shizuo Komemon waved his hand nonchalantly, not having double standards at all, even a saint can't do that.

"I generally treat prisoners equally. Those who cooperate with me will suffer less. Those who do not cooperate, let alone the son of the minister, even the son of the police director, will be beaten by me."

(Somewhere, the white-horse detective suddenly felt a chill running down his spine.)

It will be enough for 1,000 monthly tickets soon. If there are still more tickets, can you order more? (Eyeing eagerly) (.)

(End of chapter)

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