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Chapter 245 Xiao Ai: What should I pay attention to when I see Grandpa?

Chapter 245 Xiao Ai: What should I pay attention to when meeting grandpa?

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 245 Xiao Ai: What should I pay attention to when meeting grandpa?

Southeastern Kanagawa, Miura Peninsula, Yokosuka.

In the castle study of Natsumi Kasaka's family, Hattori Heiji and Conan have been thinking about the cipher disk for a long time.

"Dr. Ali is probably obsessed with experiments again and doesn't answer the phone." Conan sat cross-legged in front of the code plate and put away his cell phone and complained.

Hattori Heiji took out his mobile phone and said, "It doesn't matter. I can ask the Otaki Police Department to find someone to help. The Russian part is easy to solve. The key is to think of the password."

"Since it's called the egg of memories, how about trying 'memory'?" Conan guessed, rubbing his chin.

"Maybe it's Kiichi-san's name?" Hattori Heiji said the phone was connected, "Moxi Moxi, Otaki Police Department? I need to trouble you with something..."

While the two of them were happily cracking the code, others were chatting.

Suzuki Ayako and Kasaka Natsumi gathered together to look at the Suzuki family's green memory egg, which Shizuo Fumimon had asked Suzuki Sonoko to bring before coming.

The two have similar temperaments and both like cooking, so they chatted very happily.

Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, Toyama and Ye got together, sitting on the sofa in the middle of the study, chatting about some gossip.

"So, except for Hattori, my brother-in-law, there are no handsome guys here. Where is my Prince Charming?"

Suzuki Sonoko heard that there was going to be a treasure hunt and hurried over with great expectations. When she arrived at the scene, she realized something was wrong. There were no single handsome men at all, okay?

"You want to fall in love so much, aren't there any suitable boys in the class?" Yuan Shan and Ye asked.

Suzuki Sonoko curled her lips, "I don't feel it at all, they are all a bunch of childish guys. In other words, You and Xiaolan are good, they have been their childhood sweethearts for a long time.

It's as if the gods have arranged it for you when you were born, but I am the only one who is pitiful and cannot find it."

"What kind of childhood sweethearts are you in love with? Shinichi and I are not in that kind of relationship!"

"I don't have that kind of relationship with Heiji either!"

Suzuki Sonoko rolled her eyes, these two women are talking duplicity.

Behind the desk not far from them, Shizuo Komemon was leaning on a chair, chatting wordlessly with the Haibara sisters.

"Ayako-san said that he will take us to see the prosecutor general next week. Is it really okay?"

Haibara Ai frowned worriedly and looked at Conan, who was addicted to the treasure hunt and puzzle game, and felt that the other person was both childish and big-hearted.

"What are you referring to?" Shizuo Komemon tilted his head slightly.

"Our identities are false and our origins are unknown..."

"It's okay, everything has been arranged. The old man has known for a long time that you are not his granddaughter. I will go with him when the time comes. If he gets to the bottom of your origins, I will solve it." Shizuo Komemon shook his head.

"When we meet the prosecutor general, is there anything we need to pay attention to?" Xiao Mingmei asked something more practical.

Shizuo Komemon thought for a moment and said, "Same as when I went to your research house, be a bit more venomous and smart."

"..." Huiyuan sisters looked at each other, is this really no problem?

"If you have a vicious tongue... I can barely understand that it is the unique style of the Gu Meimen family. Is it really okay to act too smart? Will others guess something?" Haiyuan was naturally referring to the matter of shrinking.

Shizuo Komemon didn't take it seriously, "It's no problem at all. When I was seven years old, I showed cognition and talent far beyond my peers. I published two nursery rhymes and earned more than 300 million yen as pocket money.

At this age, Yansuke's talent is far beyond that of his peers, and he is considered traditional, so no matter how outstanding your performance is, the old man will not doubt it.

In his opinion, the children of the Gumeimen family should be so precocious. On the contrary, if you two perform very mediocrely, he will look down upon you."

The Haiyuan sisters had nothing to say for a moment, the Gumeimen family... is really unique.

"The better you are, the happier the old man will be and the more he will like you." Shizuo Komemon remembered Hattori's butler's reminder.

"As long as he likes you and recognizes that you have enough potential to carry forward the Gumeimen family, those details won't matter."

The Haiyuan sisters looked at each other and understood the meaning. As long as the prosecutor general approved it, their identities would be confirmed.

While they were talking, Suzuki Sonoko suddenly ran over, threw herself down on the desk, and said listlessly: "Brother-in-law, if you can't do it, you can go ahead. Those two guys have been working hard for a long time and there is no progress. It's so boring."

Shizuo Komemon poked her forehead, "Yes, no wonder you are anxious, after all, your Prince Charming is still waiting for you in the secret room below."

"Hey~" Suzuki Sonoko looked disgusted, "Don't say such terrible things, it sounds like you are talking about mummies."

"Maybe it's really a mummy. When the time comes, you kiss him and he will come back to life, and then tell you that you were his princess in the previous life." Shizuo Komemon gave her a shock.

Suzuki Sonoko angrily slapped his hand away, "Only a devil can kiss something like that..."

"Maybe it's Rasputin." Haiyuan Ai looked at the photo of Rasputin and Mr. Xiyi on the wall and said quietly.

"Rasputin? That monster monk?"

Suzuki Sonoko was stunned for a moment, and then she thought of the 28.5 centimeters that the wretched art dealer mentioned the last time she was in Osaka, and her cheeks suddenly turned red unnaturally.

Her sister refused to tell her at the time. She couldn't help but be curious, so after she went back, she secretly checked on the Internet. It turned out that what she was talking about was... those things in the physiology class.

Shizuo Komemon walked up to Hattori Heiji and Conan and said, "Excuse me, we don't have much time today. I don't have time for you to play some puzzle games slowly."

Hattori Heiji and Conan shouted quickly, "No, it'll be over soon! We've almost thought of it!"

Shizuo Komemon didn't care about that, and turned around and asked Natsumi Kasaka, the owner of the castle, "Is it okay to destroy some walls or floors?"

Kasaka Natsumi shook her head blankly, "It doesn't matter, you want to..."

Shizuo Komemon didn't answer, but the next second, she knew.

The former was seen stamping his feet in several places near the code plate on the floor. After feeling the hollow sound, he immediately raised his legs, increased his strength, and stepped through the door of the secret room.

"Solid wood? I thought it was made of slate. It took too much strength..." Shizuo Komemon looked speechlessly at his leg stuck in the holed floor.


Hattori Heiji and Conan looked at this scene with tears in their eyes. There is no soul in treasure hunting like this. Damn it!

After withdrawing his feet, Shizuo Komemon casually smashed all the broken floorboards and pulled them out, and the entrance to the secret room appeared completely in front of everyone.

"If I had known it was so simple, I wouldn't have had to wait so long and waste time." Suzuki Sonoko muttered, which made Hattori Heiji and Conan even more depressed.

The most important thing about treasure hunting is the process! Solving the puzzles is the key point! The treasures are just embellishments!

"It's dark down there, don't stay too far away from me."

Shizuo Komemon didn't care how sad the two of them were. After confirming the air circulation below, he took Suzuki Ayako's hand and entered the secret passage together.

Suzuki Ayako blushed, like a shy little daughter-in-law, and followed behind with a low eyebrow.

People who eat dog food:...

(End of chapter)

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