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Chapter 256 Conan's Great Crisis

Chapter 256 Conan’s Big Crisis

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 256 Conan’s Big Crisis

When she heard about the bank robbery, Xiao Mingmei suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, but fortunately no one paid attention to her. Only Haiyuan Ai held her hand.

"Give me a can too." Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi came in, she fanned herself with her hands and shouted to Shizuo Furumon.

"Here." Shizuo Komemon threw a can over.

Sato Miwako took a sip and said, "It's a pity. It would be nice if it was iced."

"Then I'll buy a refrigerator and put it here."

Shizuo Komemon looked at the large pile of Coke in the corner, which was placed here for everyone's convenience. Yesterday, he said that anyone who wanted to drink could just get it themselves, but everyone was still a little reserved.

This is only part of it, the rest is piled in the administrator's office. Anyway, Kuroda Bei's place is quite spacious.

"You really consider this place your home? You even bought home appliances." Sato Miwako said amusedly.

"If I really treat it as my own home, I'll let the logistics arrange the refrigerator. At most, I'll pay for the electricity bill." Shizuo Komemon said with a smile.

"Takagi Wataru, what are you thinking about?" Sato Miwako looked at Takagi Wataru holding up a Coke and didn't take a sip for a long time.

"Oh." Takagi Wataru came back to his senses, "I was thinking about the 200 million yen bank robbery yesterday. The wife of the bank manager called yesterday and said she would come at five o'clock today.

But the person in charge of the bank suddenly called today and changed the time. The couple will come together at two o'clock in the afternoon, which feels a bit strange."

"What's weird?" Miwako Sato asked.

"You're still at work at two o'clock, right? The bank where he works just had a problem. He should have a lot of things to deal with. If he wants to change the time, he should change it after get off work, right?" Takagi Wataru scratched his head.

"Maybe he is anxious to solve the case?" Miwako Sato thought for a moment, then turned to look at Shizuo Fumikado, "What do you think?"

"Me?" Shizuo Komemon turned around, "I see there have been quite a few robberies recently, including home invasions and bank robberies."

"..." Miwako Sato glanced at him speechlessly.

Just as he was talking, a fat middle-aged man was brought in by the police. It was the person in charge of the bank just mentioned, Masuo Katsura.

"Ah, didn't your wife come with you?" Takagi Sheba came up to greet her and asked strangely.

"Well, because my wife said she had something to do today, we agreed to meet here directly." Masuo Keizou looked at his watch, "Can I use the phone? I wonder if she overslept at home."

"Of course." Gao Mushe agreed quickly.

"It's a bit strange." Hui Yuan Ai whispered.

Xiao Mingmei also followed suit: "I checked my watch three times and it seems that I am in a hurry."

"Conan, what do you think?" Mitsuhiko glanced at the two sisters without knowing it, with a strange look on his face, and poked Conan next to him.

"I don't want to look, I just want to go to the toilet now..." Conan held his stomach and moved out with difficulty.

Over there, Masao Katsura spoke a few words to his wife and handed the phone to Takagi Wataru. Takagi Wataru didn't say a few words when suddenly a harsh scream came from the phone.

Conan suddenly shivered with fright and immediately clamped his legs tightly.

"Conan seems to be in a big crisis." Shizuo Komemon looked at Conan who was standing there, not daring to move, and guessed whether he was about to pee his pants.

"Gumeimen Police Department! Something seems to have happened! Hurry, the police are out!" Miwako Sato was not as dishonest as him, and shouted with a serious face.

Shizuo Komemon stood up and muttered, "I'm really busy today."

When passing by Conan, he patted the latter's head and said, "You guys, just stay here."

Conan's face suddenly turned green. Now whenever he receives any external stimulation, he will be unable to hold his head. As a result, his head was held down...

Conan is still struggling in the predicament, but Shizuo Furumimon has already boarded Sato Miwako's speed car. Of course, the car is still his.

It didn't take long for everyone to arrive at Masuo's house.

After entering the entrance door, Masuo Keizou pointed to the stairs in front of him anxiously and said: "Officer, you go upstairs and look for me. I'll go to the study to check."


Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi immediately ran up. Shizuo Furumon was speechless for a while. Whose orders do you all obey? Are you being honest?

He took off his shoes without haste and followed Masuo slowly to the study. Because he was a few steps too late, the latter didn't notice.

When Shizuo Komemon walked to the door of the study room, he saw Masao Keizou busy lifting the fallen bookshelf and putting the books back on the bookshelf.

He leaned against the door frame and asked quietly, "Are you busy? Do you need a hand?"

Masuo Keizou was so frightened that he almost followed Conan's footsteps.

"I...I was...seeing that the bookshelf fell down, so I gave you a hand..."

"Understand, understand." Shizuo Komemon is very easy to talk to.

"Officer, why didn't you go upstairs?" Masuo Keizou swallowed.

"What? Are you going to teach me how to do things?" Shizuo Komemon asked with a smile.

"No, no, it definitely doesn't mean that!" Masuo Keizou waved his hands repeatedly.

"Is Masuo-san injured? Do you need a bandage?" Shizuo Komemon's eyes fell on the other person's finger that was bleeding a few drops of blood.

"No, no need, it's not a serious injury..."

"I think so." Shizuo Komemon nodded, "After all, a tough guy like Masuo-san won't die because of such a minor injury."

"Tough guy? I..." Masuo Keizou was a little confused.

"Yes, your wife's body is lying next to it. You haven't screamed for a long time, and you even went to help the fallen bookshelf immediately. This reminds me of a sentence."

"Wha, what?"

"It's important to remain calm when facing big events. No wonder Masuo-san became the head of the bank." Shizuo Komemon praised.

Masuo Keizou opened his mouth, and of course he understood that the other party was just being sarcastic. Sweat was dripping from his head, and the fat on his face was trembling as if an engine had been added.

The atmosphere was frozen, no one spoke anymore, Shizuo Komemon just looked at him quietly, and the latter only felt that the gaze was pressing towards him as if it had substance.

Miwako Sato and Wataru Takagi had already searched the upstairs and found no one, so they ran down and saw Shizuo Furumon blocking the door of the study, and came over strangely.

Just as the two of them walked to the door, Masuo Keizou couldn't bear the pressure and became discouraged under the sight of Shizuo Komemon.

Masuo Keizou, who felt like his whole body had been ripped out of bones, was lying on the ground, "I'm sorry... I did it..."

Sato Miwako, Takagi Wataru: "???"

"Takagi Criminal, you stay and wait for the forensics class to collect evidence. Sato Criminal and I will take him back for interrogation and call it a day." Shizuo Komemon stood up and walked out.



The two subordinates who haven't figured out the situation are still confused. Although they were very fast before, this speed can't be described as excessive, right?

(End of chapter)

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