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Chapter 350 Showdown, the organization in the eyes of the old man

Chapter 350 Showdown, the organization in the eyes of the old man

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 350 Showdown, the organization in the eyes of the old man

But before she could speak, Shizuo Komemon continued: "Don't be like your father, who was brave and fearless, not afraid of sacrifice or anything like that.

Protecting yourself before doing anything is the first priority, don’t just stupidly ignore it when your head gets hot."

Miwako Sato looked at him steadily.

"Why are you so stunned! Look at the road!" Shizuo Komemon quickly turned her face away, almost causing a car accident.

Sato Miwako came back to her senses, "I just find it incredible. Gu Meimen Police Department, you actually told me not to be hot-headed... Is this what you would say?"

"You don't have the ability like me. It's not easy to kill an inhuman monster like me, but it's different for you."

"You're not some monster."


"Why are you talking about yourself like that?" Sato Miwako said with a smile, "Compared to some guys who are all about profit, the Gumeimen Police Department is undoubtedly a human being, and they are more conscientious."

"I'll just take it as a compliment." Shizuo Komemon laughed and shook his head.

The two chatted all the way without much tension. One was because they didn't understand how scary the organization was, and the other was because they knew too much.

Besides Gin, how many other people in the organization are not undercover traitors?

When they were about to arrive at the Metropolitan Police Department, Shizuo Komemon called Takagi Wataru in advance and asked him to go to the police to find someone to wait.

It is actually not appropriate to hand people over to the police in public, but Shizuo Komemon was not comfortable handing people over to begin with, and he was quite happy to watch the fight between the police and the organization.

Kazami Yuya was already able to walk, but he didn't dare to walk fast. When he saw the car, he walked upright and slowly.

"What's going on at the Gumeimen Police Department?"

"I'll give you a big gift."

Hearing what Shizuo Komemon said, Kazami Yuya's face suddenly darkened. Last time, the FBI was sent over, but the trouble wasn't solved yet. What's the matter this time?


However, it should be said that the trouble last time at least gave him the opportunity to know the identity of Kuroda Hei, and he could be considered to have found his backbone again despite losing the news about Fukiya-san.

Shizuo Komemon got out of the car, opened the back seat door, dragged out Karaki Hara, and threw him directly to Yuya Kazami. The latter almost fell down after being hit, but the attendant behind him caught him in time.

"Don't look at me like that, you owe me a favor now." Shizuo Komemon felt a little funny when he saw several police officers glaring at them, but they dared not say anything in anger.

"If he is silenced, you will regret it." After saying that, Shizuo Fumimon didn't explain much, got into the passenger seat and let Miwako Sato drive.

Kazami Yuya and others were blown away by the exhaust fumes. They were angry and confused. They lowered their heads and looked at Yuan Jiaming, who was still awake. It seemed that they could only ask him something.

"Are we...are we going to see the prosecutor general?" Miwako Sato said hesitantly on the way.

"Well, the old man seems to have known about the existence of the organization for a long time." Shizuo Komemon said unhappily. The Riddler is the most annoying one (except for himself).

"Oh..." Sato Miwako looked at him with her peripheral vision, "Should I go to see him too?"

Shizuo Komemon nodded, "It's not safe recently. When I'm here, you just follow me. When I'm not here, try to stay in your own place with a lot of people."

In what happened last time, although the other party took advantage of Sato Miwako's driving skills, it was ultimately aimed at him, and she almost died as a result.

It's like this again this time. Shizuo Komemon always tries his best to ensure her safety.

"Oh." Sato Miwako responded quietly, feeling a little nervous. The prosecutor general seemed very fierce, would he scold himself?

The two of them arrived at Gu Meimen's house with their own thoughts in mind.

After another strict inspection, Shizuo Fumimon and Miwako Sato were allowed to enter. They went all the way to the study. The old man hadn't come back yet. He said he had something else to do and would be there soon.

Shizuo Komemon went to the cabinet and took out some snacks, drinks and the like, and put them on the coffee table. Seeing Miwako Sato looking very embarrassed, he said with a smile:

"Relax, is it that scary? He's just a staid old man."

"That's the Chief Prosecutor. Of course it's not scary for you, but I would be nervous when I see Director Hakuba, let alone the Chief Prosecutor." Miwako Sato sat upright, her back straight.


Shizuo Komemon shook his head and casually slumped down on the couch, his legs propped up on the armrests in an awkward shape.

The two chatted for a while, and Gu Meimon Qingzang came back. After he entered the door, he took a look and frowned:

"Can you learn something better? People sit upright, but you have to be so ungrateful?"

This was a very mild statement, so much so that even Shizuo Komemon was a little surprised.

Miwako Sato quickly stood up to say hello, but Shizuo Furumemon didn't move at all, "Do you have a lot of time? I have something to say, and I'll leave as soon as I finish."

Komemon Seizo glanced at Sato Miwako and said, "Thanks to you for taking care of this kid, otherwise I don't know how much trouble he would cause."

"You are serious! The Gumeimen Police Department is actually quite measured, but there are some problems with his physical condition..." Sato Miwako waved her hands repeatedly, very cautiously.

"You don't have to speak for him. Don't I know what he looks like?" Komemon Kiyoko sat down on the single sofa on the side and motioned for Sato Miwako to sit down too.

"It's shameless to say it. I may have to trouble Sato Criminal to keep an eye on him in the future. Most people can't control him. At least he can listen to what you say."

"Huh?" Sato Miwako was stunned, then nodded, "I understand."

"Why are you talking so much today?" Shizuo Komemon frowned and looked at the old man. This kind of in-person concern was very strange in Komemon's house.

If Kensuke didn't want to die, Shizuo Komemon wouldn't have reminded him to pay attention to his safety, and he deserved to be beaten.

Komemon Seizo glanced at him and continued to say to Sato Miwako: "I'll let someone take you around the yard. I planted some cosmos, and they are blooming now, so they are a sight to behold."

"Ah, okay, please excuse me." Miwako Sato immediately realized that the prosecutor general wanted to talk to her son alone and stood up quickly.

Shizuo Komemon frowned, "She also knows those guys. They were attacked together last time. There's no need."

Komemon Seizo glanced at him, "You can't read the air at all? That's all I want to talk to you about? Don't you still have something else you want to know?"

"Kumeimon Police Department, it's okay. I really can't help with these matters, and flower viewing is quite interesting." Miwako Sato said quickly, then she got up and followed the maid at the door.

Shizuo Komemon looked at her back and rolled his eyelids, that's not what he said just now, a fickle woman.

"It's really refreshing that the old-fashioned people from the Showa era still know how to read the air." Looking back, Shizuo Komemon sneered.

"Bring me the stuff." Komemon Kiyozō didn't say much and stretched out his hand directly.

Shizuo Komemon took it out from his pocket and threw it into his hand. The latter took it and got up again and called someone to check the thing.

Of course, he did it in the study in front of the two of them. He seemed to be a loyal follower of the old man.

This person looked very professional, but after a short time of operation, he said: "If you encounter some problems, if you forcefully break through the encryption, the data will be directly destroyed. It will be a bit difficult to circumvent..."

After hearing this, Komemon Seizo looked at Shizuo, "Didn't you ask for the password?"


Shizuo Komemon was speechless. His mind was too confused at that time. There were research matters, organizational matters, and the explosion of the Twin Towers. How could he think carefully about everything? Some omissions were normal.

"That's why I said people are going to bring them back." He couldn't let his momentum weaken. Shizuo Komemon looked at each other and said, "Besides, your subordinates are of this level? There is no one left? Do you need me to find someone to help crack it?"

Seeing the ugly look on the prosecutor-general's face, the person responsible for inspecting the floppy disk quickly bowed and said, "I'm very sorry. I'm not very good at my studies."

Komemon Seizo waved his hand, "Go and contact Hattori and ask him to provide support."


This time it went very smoothly. In less than five minutes, with the remote support of Hattori Butler, the encryption set by Hara Jiaming, a software genius, was cracked.

Before leaving, the loyal servant of the prosecutor general placed the list intact in front of the two father and son.

Good guy, the cabinet, Congress, courts, all three major institutions have been infiltrated.

There are notes after the name, which are divided into five types: peripheral members, cooperative relationships, trading relationships, win-wins, and hostility.

Overall, the various members of Congress and the people around them account for the largest proportion. After all, members know everything.

"It sucks." Shizuo Komemon commented after reading it.

But to be honest, compared to the many holes inside the organization, their external forces are quite large and should not be underestimated. No wonder undercover agents from various countries are cautious, because they might get stabbed in the back.

And if you don’t dig the roots all at once, the wildfire will really burn them one nest after another.

Gu Meimon Qingzang put the list away and sighed, "It's a little less than I expected, but it's still within expectations."

"Can't you catch them all in one go?"

"You can't arrest them all at once, and you can't arrest them all at once. After all, this can't be used as evidence. It still needs to be slowly investigated and screened. And arresting so many people at once, do you know what it means?"

Gu Meimen Qingzang shook his head and brought up the old matter again, "You did a good job this time, would you consider taking over?"

"No need." Shizuo Komemon thanked him politely, "Let's talk about what we agreed to before."

"Then it's a long story." Gu Meimen Qingzang leaned back, not sitting as upright as usual, looking a little tired.

"Do you still remember that you asked about Dusk Villa before?"

As soon as Komemon Seizo opened his mouth, Komemon Shizuo was shocked. It seemed that the old man did know a lot of things.

Without waiting for his answer, Komemon Kiyozō continued thinking about his memories.

"To be honest, I was shocked when I heard the news. Those people finally reached out to you. I had people check for a long time before I confirmed that there was no suspicious presence around you."

"What does that mysterious organization have to do with the Twilight Annex?" Shizuo Komemon was wondering how the old man knew that the organization was related to the Twilight Annex and the Karasuma family.

On the other hand, he didn't want to be questioned because he couldn't explain how he knew about Dusk Annex.

Fortunately, the Gumeimen family has never been in the habit of heart-to-heart talk, so if you don't like to explain, you don't have to explain it, and no one will find it strange.

Komemon Kiyozō did not continue to explore this issue. He said with a serious face: "You call them a mysterious organization. In fact, I have always called them the Karasuma Sect here. Of course, there are many other names, but I am more used to it.

That’s what it’s called.”

"Karasuma sect?" Shizuo Komemon looked deeply at the old man, he really knew a lot of things!

But then he had more doubts. Since the old man had long known that the organization was related to the Karasuma family, didn't the police know about it? Why didn't they start investigating from this aspect?

Shizuo Komemon thought about it carefully, and his impression seemed to be that the red party didn't know that Karasuma Renya was the BOSS until very late. It seemed that the undercover agents didn't know it at the beginning.

"Yes." Komemon Kiyozō nodded slightly, "The Karasuma Consortium was once prominent, richer and more powerful than the Suzuki Consortium today."

"The specific starting time cannot be verified. I only know that the Karasuma Consortium started a secret project decades ago, and used the gimmick of immortality to win over most of the top political figures at the time, and conducted quite a few taboo experiments..."

"A living person?" Shizuo Komemon raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, and many of them are innocent people." Gu Meimen Qingzang showed a cold murderous look on his face, "Those high-ranking people at that time were completely crazy in order to enjoy their lives better.

The Karasuma Consortium’s absurd talk of immortality can actually make them willing to commit all kinds of horrific evil deeds!”

"..." Shizuo Komemon was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say. It was indeed evil and hateful, and death would not be a pity. There is nothing to say about this.

But... as far as the current results are concerned, it seems that the research may have indeed yielded something? Whether it is ridiculous or not is hard to say.

In short, it is not very scientific.

"At that time, the Karasuma sect was so powerful that no one could compete with them for a while. Until forty years ago, a tragedy occurred in the Dusk Annex..."

Kumemon Seizo looked at the swaying branches outside the window with a distant and profound gaze. He did not explain the case in detail, but was a little sad, "No one thought at the time that the end of the Karasuma sect would come so quickly."

As the old man narrated, Shizuo Komemon gradually gained a general understanding of the whole matter.

Forty years ago, two horrific tragedies occurred in the Dusk Villa, killing many scholars and high-ranking political figures, and many scandals occurred. The Karasuma faction at that time worked together to suppress these incidents.

After that, everyone in the Karasuma family suddenly disappeared, and the dignitaries attracted by the Karasuma family panicked, and the situation happened frequently.

There were even many strange things happening, including people who suddenly went crazy, people who disappeared inexplicably, people who committed suicide, and so on.

All in all it was chaos.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the new faction who had been waiting for the opportunity launched an attack, and the huge Karasuma faction was driven out of power.

At that time, the prosecutor's office was the main force of sharp swords!

“The Karasuma sect has deep roots and the purge campaign has continued for many years, but it still encounters counterattacks from time to time.

If you know about it, you will find that several of the previous prosecutors general died in this position."

When Komemon Kiyozō talked about this incident, his expression was solemn, "Assassination, wooing, frame-up, kidnapping and coercion, the Karasuma sect did not disappear with the collapse of the Karasuma Consortium.

They are like ghosts, always lurking in the shadows of this country, trying to come back..."

"You mean, that mysterious organization is the remnant of the Karasuma sect?" Shizuo Komemon asked with a frown.

"That's right." Gu Meimen Qingzang nodded.

"Then why don't you follow the clues of the Karasuma family to investigate?"

"How to investigate?" Komemon Seizo shook his head, "It was a chaotic year and there was no way to investigate. The disappearance of the Karasuma family was too bizarre and there were not many clues.

Moreover, once the Karasuma faction falls, the entire country is on the verge of collapse. Stabilizing the situation as soon as possible is the top priority.

After that, it was impossible to conduct an investigation in this name publicly. Whether it was the name Karasuma, the place Twilight Annex, or the gimmick of immortality, they all became taboos by default and no one would mention it easily."

"After all, if all those scandals are exposed, this country will be finished." Gu Meimen Qingzang sighed and shook his head.

"And those guys who are trying to move in the shadows now are not necessarily related to the Karasuma family. There were many important people who disappeared at that time.

It is very possible that someone has taken away the Karasuma family's inheritance, and even the purpose has changed. These are unknown things and need to be investigated slowly."

Shizuo Komemon pondered for a while and asked: "Who knows the whole story of these things? Does the police know about it? I mean the police at the National Police Agency."

Gumeimon Qingzang said ambiguously: "There are very few people who know. After all, people who are not truly trustworthy and have a high enough status will generally not tell this. Even the prime ministers who have been in power in recent years have not been clear about it.

So, do you understand now why I keep saying that the Gumeimen family has important missions and responsibilities?"

Unexpectedly, Shizuo Komemon was speechless for a moment and even suspected that the old man was making up stories to deceive him.

But putting it this way does explain why the people on the red side don't know this.

After all, everyone seems to be awesome, but when you really look at it, there are actually no senior executives, they are all front-line workers, so naturally they don't deserve to know all the information.

"You should ask Yansuke for such a troublesome matter. I can't afford it."

"Does that bastard deserve it?" Komemon Seizo scolded coldly, "If it's just a simple family fortune, it doesn't matter who you give it to.

But if we want to pass on this mission and responsibility, can a guy like him, who is greedy for money, lustful, afraid of pain and weak-boned, be able to sustain it?"

As he said this, he looked at Shizuo Komemon, "Although you have a bit of an irritable temper, you are much stronger than him in terms of brains and backbone. You are the most suitable candidate!"


Shizuo Komemon is numb, he talks so passionately, are all old Showa men so good at it?

(End of chapter)

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