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Chapter 389 The Saiyans team up to catch the giant python?

Chapter 389 The Saiyans join forces to catch the giant python?

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 389 The Saiyans join forces to catch the giant python?

After chatting with Aokino Ryozou for a while in the tea room, everyone left.

Miss Mimura was extremely anxious. When others were not paying attention, she grabbed Yagura and asked in a low voice: "Is that Miss Ayako also a student of the Grandmaster?"

Yagura nodded, "I studied with the master for a period of time ten years ago."

"Her tea ceremony level is very high?" Miss Mimura couldn't help but ask.

Yagura laughed, "I'm not sure about this, after all, I haven't seen her for many years, but I can show her to her later.

The only thing that is certain is that her tea sets are absolutely top-notch, and are more precious than my set of ancient tea sets from famous kilns in Kyushu that have been passed down from generation to generation."

Miss Mimura couldn't help biting her nails. Damn it, such an opponent suddenly appeared. Wouldn't the master pass his position to this student who suddenly appeared?

Miss Mimura, who did not know Ayako's identity, subconsciously regarded all threatening people as competitors.

Be it Yagura, the grandmaster's son Ryoichi, or even the newly arrived Ayako.

"I want to go out first." After returning to the downstairs of the main house, Mimura didn't stop at all and immediately found an excuse to leave.

Yagura couldn't help but frown, "Really, you are really willful. It will be the grandmaster's tea party soon."

"Yakura-san, the hot water is ready. You can take a bath at any time." Hanasaki Yoshiko reminded.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'll send them up first and then wash them." Yagura said with a smile.

Everyone returned to the second floor of the main house, where Shizuo Komemon was leaning on the railing, looking leisurely and at ease.

"There was a quarrel? I heard Sonoko yelling from here."

Yuanzi suddenly fell down and said: "You are right, that grandmaster is really difficult to get along with. He has a bad temper. Only my sister can deal with him. If I had known, I and Ah Zhen would be waiting here."


"Since the death of the old lady, the Grandmaster has been a little uncertain. Originally, he never believed in the legends of ghosts and gods, but now he is very afraid. He even put a charm in the tea room. Alas..." Yagura sighed at the side.


As he was talking, hurried footsteps suddenly came from the stairs.

"Hanazaki-san, why did my fishing rod become like this?" Ryoichi asked angrily, grabbing the black and broken fishing rod.

Hanasaki Yoshiko was helping to boil water and prepare tea sets. When she heard this, she was confused: "The master asked me to burn it..."

"I knew it..." Liang Yi looked very ugly and turned around to leave.

"It turns out to be a fisherman..." Shizuo Komemon had a strange expression.

"What is Jing-kun talking about?" Ayako asked curiously.


Over there, Yagura comforted Ryoichi. Seeing that the latter was not planning to cause trouble in front of the guests, he didn't care anymore and turned around and said:

"Ayako is also very familiar with this place. Please feel free to help yourself. I'm a little sweaty. I need to wash up and change clothes first. I must stay clean and attend the tea party, otherwise the grandmaster will lose his temper."

"Okay." Ayako nodded, then turned around and asked Shizuo Komemon, "Would you like to try the tea I brewed?"

Although Shizuo Komemon prefers sweets to tea, he still nodded.

Ayako stood up with a smile and went to get ready. She went to Hanasaki Yoshiko and brought a complete set of tea sets, which she arranged one by one at the balcony table.

Deposit board, furnace, wind stove, cauldron, lid, water finger, handle ladle, water times, water building, jujube, tea in, tea cover, tea ladle, tea fork, tea bowl, tea towel...

It was so dazzling that Yuanzi shuddered and said thankfully: "Fortunately, my mother didn't force me to learn this. It would have been too troublesome."

Ayako smiled and did not speak. She just maintained an elegant manner and handled the utensils smoothly. Every move was pleasing to the eye, exuding a peaceful and pure beauty, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Tea is no longer the focus, the focus is on watching Ayako. Shizuo Komemon did experience a little bit of the fun of the tea ceremony.

After a process, Shizuo Komemon held the tea cup in his hand. It was neither hot nor cold, the temperature was just right, and it exuded the aroma of tea. Although he didn't like drinking tea, he still wanted to try it.

Next to her, Ayako knelt down and stopped maintaining her previous demeanor. She relaxed and said:

"When I came here, I showed the master the Ogasawara style tea ceremony, but the master was so angry that he thought I was here to provoke him.

Later I learned that the Ogasawara-ryu believed that tea ceremony should be simple and elegant without any need for skill or splendor, which is completely contrary to the philosophy of Grandmaster Aonoki."

"This statement is somewhat similar to Kyokushin-ryu Karate. It pursues the most essential original intention and focuses on actual combat rather than flashy moves. No wonder the Komeimon Police Department just said that tea ceremony and martial arts have something in common." Kyogoku Shin was finally able to intervene.


"Then it seems that Aonoki's tea ceremony is not very good. It has gone astray." Shizuo Komemon shook his head.

"Really?" Ayako showed a hint of slyness on her face, "What I just demonstrated was the tea ceremony taught to me by Grandmaster Aonoki. Isn't it nice?"


Shizuo Komemon had to face his true nature. Although Ogasawara-ryu said it was elegant, he was a secular guy and probably couldn't appreciate a metaphysical tea ceremony. Sure enough, the flashy things were more beautiful.

"It looks good, but tea ceremony and karate are still different."

"..." Kyogoku looked stunned. Isn't this different from what he just said?

Shizuo Komemon didn't care what he was thinking, he just drank the tea by himself. Sure enough, it was not as good as the Coke.

From this point of view, the main point is to watch the tea ceremony performance, so the bells and whistles have their own reasons.

Ayako saw that he didn't say a word after drinking, and she knew that he still didn't like such bitter things, so she took out a bottle of milk from behind and asked Hanasaki Yoshiko to prepare it and put it in his hand.

Gu Meimen Shizuo couldn't laugh or cry, "This is milk tea..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly paused, frowned and looked at the pond, followed closely by Kyogoku Makoto on the side.

"What's wrong? You two suddenly changed your expressions." Yuanzi looked around for no apparent reason.

"Shh-" Ayako motioned her to be quiet and waited quietly.

"Well..." Yuanzi had no choice but to close her mouth.

"Kyogoku." Before Shizuo Komemon could finish his words, the teacup in his hand suddenly disappeared, shot out of the wind, and flew towards a certain place on the wooden bridge.

Kyogoku's reaction was also quick, and he jumped down from the second floor right after the teacup, landed on the ground, and ejected.

Carrying huge kinetic energy, the tea cup bombarded the bridge, instantly blasting a large hole in the wooden planks of the bridge, followed by a scream from below.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Kyogoku Shinya arrived. He didn't care if there was a so-called giant python under the bridge. Without any fear, he directly grabbed it and pulled out what was underneath.

The whole thing happened in a flash of lightning, and it was over before either Ayako or Sonoko could react.

(End of chapter)

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