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Chapter 402 Open and Honest Talk

Chapter 402 A frank heart-to-heart meeting

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 402 A frank heart-to-heart meeting

(ps: It is recommended to read both chapters before commenting.)

Not knowing how to face it, Miwako Sato froze on the spot for a moment, covering Yumi Miyamoto's mouth and motionless, her whole body turned to stone like a statue.

"Um...Sister Meihe, is this your colleague? She seems like she can't breathe..."

Hearing Ayako's voice, Sato Miwako could no longer pretend to be dead. Miyamoto Yumi also told her with tears in her eyes that she would really die if she continued to cover her face.

Sato Miwako let go of her hand and said expressionlessly: "You have to solve the good deeds you have done."

Miyamoto Yumi understood her lip language without any difficulty. In fact, she could tell just by looking at her eyes. She weakly begged for mercy with her mouth.

"I was wrong, Miwako, but I really didn't know she was there."

"You'll solve it." Sato Miwako repeated her mouth like a repeater.

"..." Miyamoto Yumi cried sadly, with an expression that a concubine could not do.

Sato Miwako was so angry that she still didn't dare to turn around and face her. She closed her eyes and sincerely prayed that this was just a nightmare so that she wouldn't have to face this dilemma.

"Um... Sister Miwa, are you okay?" Ayako tried to ask carefully. Seeing Miwako Sato not knowing what to do, she was also a little dumbfounded. "Why don't you introduce this police lady to me first?


Miyamoto Yumi smiled dryly and said: "There's no need for this. I have something else to do, so first..."

Miwako Sato pressed her face against the cold floor tiles and still wanted to run away? You tricked me and you still want to run away alone?! Why don't you go to heaven!!!!!

Miyamoto Yumi looked at her begging for mercy, while Sato Miwako was also unmoved.

"Ayako-san, are you okay?"

Tsukamoto Sumimi, who was waiting at the entrance of the store, didn't bother her just now because there was no danger, but the current situation seemed a bit wrong, so she came over to ask.

"It's okay, it's just a small misunderstanding." Ayako smiled, then turned to Miwako Sato and said, "Sister Miwa, there are more and more people here, why don't we find a shop to sit in?"

"Ah? Oh, okay." Sato Miwako nodded at a loss, not daring to look at Ayako, who would have said whatever she said anyway.

Seeing how she was being manipulated, Ayako was even more confused about whether to laugh or cry.

The four of them found a high-end restaurant. Ayako and Sato Miwako entered the private room, while Tsukamoto Sumi consciously guarded the door, not intending to pry into her employer's private affairs.

Miyamoto Yumi also didn't dare to go in because she felt guilty, so she ran to Tsukamoto Sumi and squatted down, pretending that she was a wooden pile and didn't know anything.

"Now Miwako is going to hate me so much..." Miyamoto Yumi muttered in a low voice.

In the private room, Ayako and Sato Miwako sat on both sides of the table, kneeling opposite each other on the tatami. One couldn't laugh or cry, and the other was too nervous to speak. They were so panicked.

"Well... Sister Meihe doesn't have to be like this. Am I really that scary?" Ayako said helplessly.

Miwako Sato clutched her clothes tightly and said incoherently: "I'm very sorry, Ayako, I...I don't want to lie to you, what Yumi said is generally not nonsense.

But I didn’t do anything that crossed the line, and the Gumeimen Police Department still doesn’t know about it, I can swear!”

Seeing her panicked like this, Ayako held her hand and comforted her gently: "Relax, don't be anxious, just speak slowly."

Miwako Sato calmed down a little, but in this situation, it was Ayako who comforted her, but she really didn't know what to say.

Although she was obviously older, she was completely panicked. Ayako, who should be angry the most, always behaved calmly.

The considerate Ayako seemed to notice her dilemma and took the initiative to ask: "Sister Miwa likes Shizu-kun?"

Sato Miwako's body immediately tensed up, but Ayako gently patted the back of her hand, making her slowly relax again.

"I... I'm actually not sure whether it counts. I've discussed it with Yumi before and even consulted a psychiatrist. To be honest, I can't figure it out myself."

Ayako nodded thoughtfully, "So Meihe-sister, do you think Shizu-kun is very good?"

Sato Miwako thought about it with a wry smile, "I don't know much about this issue. That guy often acts impulsively and recklessly, and is also very violent, which gives me a headache, but I know that he actually cares about the people around him, but he just doesn't want to say it out loud.

And he is really talented. I have listened to the songs he released in private. To be honest, it somewhat subverted my view of him. It turns out that he has such a rich heart...

Furthermore, he is very good at solving crimes. He looks like a martial artist, but he is actually very smart. If he calms down..."

"Right? Right?" Ayako smiled happily after hearing this, "Jing-kun is actually very good, right? And he is a gentle person at heart."

"Ayako?" Sato Miwako was confused by her reaction. Isn't this a bit unlike the atmosphere that it should have?

Ayako explained with a smile: "Whether it's Sonoko, mom's side, or even everyone around me thinks Shizu-kun is not a good choice, but I just think he's very good.

You are obviously so good, but you have been misunderstood all the time. Now only sister Meihe and I think so. Jingjun is so pitiful."

"..." Sato Miwako blinked, still unable to understand Ayako's brain circuit.

Next, Ayako asked some more questions, and Miwako Sato revealed everything without hiding anything, just like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

From her deceased father to the elementary school physical education teacher, to the seniors of the baseball club, and to the Matsuda Jinpei and Megure Police Department.

Even when she went to Futo Kyosuke for psychological consultation, she got the book of poems and told Ayako everything about her life as if she had been cursed.

"I see..." Ayako sighed slightly after hearing this and said warmly, "It's been really hard for Sister Meihe these years. It's no wonder that she regards Jingjun as her spiritual support and psychological support."

Seeing her like this, Sato Miwako said quickly: "Sorry, Ayako, I didn't say this to pretend to be pitiful to gain sympathy or anything, I just didn't want to lie to you.

Now that the matter has been made clear, I will apply to work at the local police station when I get back. I will leave the search class and will not..."

Ayako didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There's no need to go to this point..."

"It's okay! It's actually better to go to the local police station. This way you can have more leisure time at work and work less overtime." Sato Miwako waved her hands repeatedly, with a sincere look on her face.

"But if this happens, Shizu-kun will also be sad." Ayako said seriously.

Miwako Sato was stunned for a moment, as if she had thought of something, and said quickly: "I didn't lie just now. The Gumeimen Police Department really doesn't know that I feel sorry for him...what should he feel sorry for?"

Seeing that her mood had calmed down, Ayako let go of her hand, gently rolled up her sleeves, poured her a cup of tea, and said softly:

"Does Sister Meihe know what Jingjun was like before?"

(End of chapter)

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