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Chapter 405: The Three Trembling Little Ones

Chapter 405 The three trembling little ones

Author: Jingxiadust

After raiding five Mukai Association strongholds in a row, Shizuo Komemon's shirt was stained with blood. He was leaning against a phone booth on the street, drinking Coke and feeling refreshed.

The grievances of the ambush organization last time were finally vented.

"Looks like this...are you going to scare Ayako again when you go back?" He murmured, looking down at his clothes.

"Gumeimen Police Department! I bought the food!" Takagi Wataru came over carrying the lunch box while running and panting.

"Let's eat first, Shiratori, aren't you done yet?" Shizuo Komemon raised his head and shouted upstairs.

Following the sound of footsteps, Shiratori Rensaburo soon came down. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a tired face:

"Department Chief, there won't be any more, right? Everyone is very tired. Why don't you... slow down a little?"

"It's gone, it's gone. We only found these five places. There weren't many core members of the Mukai Society at first, but at least half of them were killed at once." Shizuo Komemon reassured.

"That's good..." Shiratori Rensaburo breathed a sigh of relief, took the lunch box from Takagi Wataru, and took two bites of rice without any image.

Just when he breathed a sigh of relief, Chiba Kazanobu suddenly ran over, "Department Chief! Shiratori Police Department! We have received news that Watanuki Tatsuzo has told us about several new bases!"

The chopsticks in Shiratori Rensaburo's hand fell to the ground, his mouth was half open, and he hadn't had time to chew half of the pork chop.

"But it may be too late..." Chiba Kazunobu added.

Shiratori Rensaburo:......

"Tell me clearly, what's going on?" Shizuo Komemon said.

Chiba Kazushin shook his head, stood upright and reported: "Our people interrogated Watanuki Tatsuzo after he woke up, but he refused to admit that he was the one who spread the rumors.

Having been beaten like that by you and not admitting it, we felt that something was indeed wrong. Watanuki Tatsuzo also reacted immediately and said that he was being plotted against.

Afterwards, he explained that the previous leader of the Nican Society, Guitong Nafang, had died and that he was currently competing with other cadres of the Nican Society for the position of leader."

Shiratori Rensaburo immediately understood, "Is it an internal conspiracy among their own people? One of them spread rumors and put the blame on Watanuki Tatsuzo?"

Chiba Kazuno nodded, "Yes, Watanuki Tatsuzo suspected that Busujima Kiriko did it. At present, it seems that he is telling the truth, because the confessions obtained by other awakened members of the Mud Kaikai after interrogation have not been consistent with

His statement is conflicting."

Takagi Wataru was thoughtful on the side, "In this case, Busujima Kiriko had a premeditated plan, so there must be someone keeping an eye on Watanuki Chenzo.

Then she should have received the news of the Gumeimen Police Department's raid on the Nihanhui by now, and ran away from the stronghold, without waiting for us to come."

Komemon Shizuo flattened the Coke can and sneered, "You are so brave, even I dare to scheme against you, Busushima Kiriko..."

Shiratori Rensaburo and the three of them looked at each other, all admiring and silently mourning for Busushima Kiriko. God damn it, there was internal strife within the Mudakukai, and they dared to invite the Komemon Police Department to the scene!

Are you really afraid of getting yourself into trouble? How many lives are enough to entertain you?

"Let's go and take a look around the stronghold that Watanuki Tatsuzo told us about and see if there are any clues."

Shizuo Komemon finished his lunch in a few bites, threw the garbage to Chiba Kazunobu to deal with, greeted Shiratori Rensaburo and left.

Shiratori Rensaburo put the rice on Chiba and Shoujin, then got into the passenger seat. Takagi Wataru also got on the bus in a hurry.

In the afternoon, I traveled back and forth between several new bases, but Busujima Kiriko was a very good thief, and she was also very aware of the terror of Komemon Shizuo. The base was clean, and I guess they had moved out a few days ago.

"Did Busushima Kiriko just leave Tokyo? No longer plan to hang out here? That's why you dared to plot against you at the Komemon Police Department?" Shiratori Rensaburo, who was sweating profusely from exhaustion, panted and analyzed.

Shizuo Komemon glanced at him, "There is one last stronghold left. If we haven't harvested anything yet, we'll stop here today. I'll find someone to track her down later."

Shiratori Rensaburo smiled when he heard this, "Thank you to the department chief for your understanding."

The last stronghold is a bit special. It is in Yoneka Town, not even far from the Mori Detective Agency!

Shizuo Komemon had a weird expression on his face, thinking that he wouldn't run into that unlucky kid from Conan, would he?

As a result, just when I was thinking this, I actually met those little gangsters while passing by a small park.

"Gumeimen Police Department? Are you chasing the criminal?" Conan asked expectantly, waving his hands on the side of the road, looking like his butt was already in good shape.

Shizuo Komemon slowly stopped the car and lowered half of the window, "Are you back from Karuizawa?"

"Yes, I got home last night. My uncle's performance this time gave Sister Xiaolan hope and wanted to bring him and the lawyer together.

As a result, my uncle went to someone else's room to drink in the middle of the night, got drunk and fell asleep on the bed, encountered a murder case, and was regarded as the murderer..." Conan simply told the story silently.

"Do you still want to continue chatting? Aren't you arresting criminals?" Xiao Ai, who was behind Conan, came over and reminded him.

"I've checked several strongholds and found nothing. I'm a little annoyed." Shizuo Komemon looked at the other gangsters and said, "Get in the car and follow me to work and see if you can find any clues."

I can't hold too much hope for my subordinates. They have performed well today, but when it comes to finding clues, they may not be able to compare with a real elementary school student like Mitsuhiko.

"Okay!" Conan and Genta, the three little devils, shouted, then opened the car door happily and climbed up.

Mingmei asked, "We are all children, is it okay?"

"There is no danger if you are honest and obedient."

As soon as Shizuo Komemon finished speaking, the little gangsters who got on the bus froze, staring at the blood stains on his body in shock, and started to tremble.

"Um... I think we should continue playing baseball in the park. It's better not to cause trouble with adults' matters, don't you think?"

Yuantai, who has a relatively big heart, was the first to react and said tremblingly.

"Yes, yes, what Genta said makes sense, we should learn to be good children..." Mitsuhiko echoed closely.

"That's right, that's right..." Ayumi held back tears for fear of crying. She still remembered that this police officer hated children making noise.

Xiao Ai hugged Ayumi who was trembling all over, and gave Shizuo Komemon an annoyed look, "Uncle, you really scared them this time."

Shizuo Komemon sneered, "They have seen so many corpses, and they are still afraid of a little blood? Which serious kid is as neurotic as them?"

Xiao Ai silently pulled Ayumi and the others out of the car, "Edogawa and sister, please accompany your uncle to help. I'll stay and take care of them."

"Then Ai-chan, please pay more attention." Akemi warned, and Shizuo Komemon set off.

This chapter has been completed!
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