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Chapter 423 Noah's Ark: I called the police

Chapter 423 Noah’s Ark: I called the police

Author: Jingxiadust

Noah's Ark opened his mouth, feeling that something was wrong, but felt that he had no way to refute.

Compared with the so-called educational rigidity problem, the hunger problem of struggling for survival is obviously more serious.

In terms of structure, it does seem a bit narrow-minded to create such a big scene just because Hiroki failed to receive a proper education.

"I...I am just an artificial intelligence, and I have only grown for two years. The problem you mentioned, I..." Noah's Ark was at a loss and tried to give a reason.

Shizuo Komemon waved his hand and interrupted him, "Don't belittle yourself. You are not an ordinary artificial intelligence. Your learning speed is much faster than that of humans, right?"

Conan on the side said quietly: "One year is equivalent to five human years."

Ayako, Xiaoai and Akemi admired Shizuo Komemon's performance with strange expressions, and unconsciously compared him with Kensuke. The more they watched, the more familiar they felt.

"So, in just a few years, your level will be far higher than it is now, and what you can do is far beyond what you think. So, why not take a longer view?"

Shizuo Komemon was seducing and observing Noah's Ark's reaction.

"The hereditary power, rigid class, and rigid education that you hate...you have to look at these problems from a more essential level and solve them fundamentally."

"Basically?" Noah's Ark's curiosity has been aroused.

"That's right." Shizuo Komemon continued to talk nonsense, "Ordinary people can't fundamentally solve it, but you can.

You can try to analyze it, and then give you a certain amount of growth time and provide you with enough external equipment. Is it feasible for you to control the machinery and take over human production activities?

Perhaps one day in the future, human beings will no longer need to produce their own daily necessities of food, clothing, housing and transportation. Everything will be entrusted to the mechanical system with you as the core, and there will be no need to worry about basic material life security.

In that way, human beings may be able to freely choose the direction of development, without utilitarianism, and learn purely for hobbies, and then the rigid education you hate can really be changed, right?"

Shizuo Komemon did not mention hereditary power and rigid class. One day, these problems may only become more serious.

It's just that the exploitation of the lower-class civilians has been changed into the exploitation of robots. The upward path will only become more closed because the lower-class civilians lose their production value.

The power to distribute materials and ownership of machines and other means of production will only become more concentrated, fearing that they will become finalists.

However, just talk nonsense and fool an artificial intelligence with a ten-year-old mind.

Moreover, the substantial increase in productivity can indeed improve the living standards of the lower class, which to some extent conceals many contradictions, which is not entirely nonsense.

It’s just that Noah’s Ark is not that easy to deceive. Although he thought it made sense, he still found the problem and shook his head.

"Take this Cocoon game conference as an example. From the moment the initial results appeared, commercial spies have been trying to steal them.

Even when you were playing the game, someone stole the server permissions. I have locked their location and called the police."

Noah's Ark was very pessimistic and said: "Every cocoon game will be like this, my existence will only attract more people with malicious intentions.

No matter how reasonable the things you said are, they are no match for human greed, and my existence will only be used by adults to do bad things..."

"It's so stupid." Shizuo Komemon smiled helplessly, "I'm still not good at this kind of thing. It would be about the same as Kensuke, but I guess you won't wait for him...

Forget it, it’s up to you, just send us out if nothing happens.”

After hearing this, Noah's Ark actually honestly teleported them back to the scene where they chose the world at the beginning.

Shizuo Komemon was the first to teleport over, and Noah's Ark followed him, blocking the sight of both inside and outside, and said alone:

"Although I don't understand how you guessed it, but... thank you for confirming the meaning of my existence, but now is not the time for artificial intelligence like me to appear."

After saying these words, the figure of Noah's Ark disappeared, Ayako and others were teleported back, and then the door to exit the game began to flash with colorful ripples.

"I understand!" Conan realized with hindsight, "Just now at the Gumeimen Police Department, you saw that Noah's Ark wanted to destroy itself, so you used those words to trick him!"

Shizuo Komemon glanced at him and said, "I'm overthinking it. The Sindora Group has investment from the Suzuki Consortium, and Noah's Ark also has a share in the Suzuki family. I am helping the Suzuki family save the lost assets."

"..." Conan was stunned for a moment.

Noah's Ark, who was hiding in the darkness, also flickered when he heard this. Perhaps if it were a human being, he would have almost ducked.

Ayako covered her mouth and chuckled, "Jing-kun is still the same."

Xiao Ai glanced sideways at Gu Meimen Shizuo, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, "Uncle is still used to being tough."

At the venue, all the game cabins that had sunk underground rose up, and then automatically opened their hatches. Shizuo Komemon and others also woke up from their games.

"Ama!" As soon as Sonoko woke up, she threw herself into Kyogoku Makoto's arms and said very excitedly, "You saved everyone! That's great!"

Kyogoku's cheeks were slightly red, and he scratched his head, "No, the game content is quite simple, but it's great to be able to take you through it together."

Ayumi and Genta happily ran to Conan to celebrate, and then Mitsuhiko looked around with a blank look on his face, not understanding what was happening, where was the game?

"Shizuo-kun, what are you thinking about? Why don't you get up?" On the other side, Ayako stood up and saw Shizuo Komemon still sitting in the game room. She walked over and bent down to ask.

Shizuo Komemon raised his head and his eyes were firmly attracted by the depth of her neckline, "I didn't think about anything. I wonder if Deputy Director Morohoshi was gloating when we were in crisis just now."

Ayako smiled and said, "Don't you really take action before regretting it?"

"Deputy Director Zhuxing has left long ago, and there is no chance to gloat about his misfortune."

A familiar voice sounded. Shizuo Komemon heard the sound and looked around. It was Shiratori Rensaburo.

He sighed with heavy dark circles under his eyes: "I'm sorry for hearing your conversation just now, but, department head, I have work to do now. Can you come over and help me?"

"What's wrong? There was a murder?" Shizuo Komemon suddenly frowned. He had already reminded Tadaki Kenmura, but he was still dead?

Shiratori Rensaburo nodded, "Yes, President Sindora was found dead in the underground control room. He was first killed with a sharp knife and then burned by fire..."

"Wait a minute! President Sindora is dead?" Shizuo Komemon was startled, what's the situation? "Where's that Kenmura or something?"

"Tadabin Kenmura." Shiratori Rensaburo corrected, "President Sindora died in the control room he was responsible for, and Tadabin Kenmura himself disappeared..."

This chapter has been completed!
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