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Chapter 435 Didan High School Explodes

Chapter 435 Didan High School exploded

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 435 Didan High School exploded

Seeing that Sato Miwako had regained her energy, Furumon Shizuo remembered that he had almost forgotten about Shiratori and didn't know what was going on at Toto Tower, so don't be stupid.

Shizuo Komemon quickly called Shiratori Rensaburo, explained what he had gained here, and then asked about the status of the bomb over there.

"The bomb was indeed found. It was placed at the top of the elevator and detonated safely. However, the bomb had a mercury detonator and was difficult to move. I had people detonate it on the spot, causing considerable damage..."

After hearing Shiratori Rensaburo's explanation, Komemon Shizuo was very pleased, and now he looked a bit like one of his own subordinates.

"It's okay, it's just a little financial loss. You did a good job, but I'm a little surprised that you can deal with it so flexibly.

Aren't you worried that there are clues to subsequent bombs hidden in that bomb? This was the case with Matsuda Criminal Case three years ago."

Shiratori Rensaburo smiled and said, "I believe that even without this clue, department chief, you can still find a way."

"That's right. Her brain is much more normal than Sato's. She was worried about this and that along the way. She was not calm at all. She doesn't know that she has some confidence in me like you." Shizuo Komemon teased.

Miwako Sato on the side smiled helplessly when she heard this, and without any argument, she took away the bomber's detonator from Kaitou Kidd's hand.

After confirming that Shiratori Rensaburo's side was fine, Komemon Shizuo was about to call and ask Takagi's side. The police dog department that had just gone to Tedan High School to search found this place.

"Gumeimen Police Department! Didan High School has been sealed off. What should we do with those bombs? Find someone to defuse them or detonate them directly? These bombs also have mercury detonators. If they are moved, there is a risk of them suddenly being activated."

As soon as they finished speaking, several guys from the police dog department noticed a very miserable man on the ground.

The weird twists of their limbs and the terrified moans on their faces scared them into silence immediately, and even the police dogs didn't dare to stick out their tongues and gasp for air.

If you look closely, one of this man's legs is almost falling off his body!

Several people's throats trembled, and they all stood up straight, their bodies trembling slightly, and even the police dog chief who was leading them whimpered softly, and hid behind them.

Gu Meimon Shizuo was silent, and they didn't dare to disturb him, so they just waited quietly.

But the former was not actually thinking about anything serious, he just thought of a children's song.

[The sun is shining in the sky, the flowers are smiling at me, and the bird is saying morning, morning, morning, why are you carrying a pack of explosives? I'm going to blow up the school, but the teacher doesn't know...]

Tomorrow is Yuanzi and Xiaolan’s mock test. If the school explodes tonight...


Hmm, it seems quite interesting.

"Wait a moment, I'll ask someone to ask." Shizuo Komemon took out his cell phone.

"Yes!" The person from the police dog department responded quickly, thinking that he was contacting his superiors.

But in fact, Shizuo Komemon sent an email to Sonoko.

[I heard from your sister that you have a mock test tomorrow? Are you now wishing that the school would bomb tonight so you don’t have to take the test tomorrow?]

Yuanzi was still awake at this time, and was probably still studying at the last minute, so he replied quickly.

[Ah...are you here to mock me on purpose? It would be great if such a thing happened, but it's a pity that I can only think about it.

The exams are just after the New Year, and I have already felt the gloom of the college entrance examination, and a good annual vacation is not a happy one.

But fortunately, I didn’t prepare for the review at all and enjoyed the annual leave wholeheartedly, hahahaha...

Alas, the price is that the results of this mock test will be ugly, and you will probably have a bad experience for a few days.]

Shizuo Komemon read Sonoko's reply, with a faint smile on his lips, and quickly replied to the email.

[Your expectations have come true. A bomber planted a bomb in your school's sports warehouse. The current solution is to either let the explosive ordnance disposal squad defuse the bomb, or detonate it on the spot.

Because moving may activate the mercury detonator, the safest way is to detonate it directly on the spot. It just so happens that I am the one who makes the decision...]

Yuanzi replied quickly.

【???Brother-in-law, are you...serious?】

[Seriously, I have decided to detonate it on the spot. If you want to watch the explosion in your school, I can wait for you for a while. 】

【Yes!!!Wait for me! I'll ask Xiaolan to come with you! How can you miss this kind of thing!】

[I’ll give you fifteen minutes, please hurry up.]


"Are you chatting with Ayako? Are you so happy? It doesn't look like you are discussing things with Manager Kuroda or Director Odagiri." Miwako Sato couldn't help but ask.

"I was chatting with Sonoko, my sister Ayako, and Tedan High School is where she goes to school. I asked her if she wanted to come see the school bombed."

Shizuo Komemon smiled and said, "I had such expectations back then, but unfortunately I have never encountered it."

"Eh?" Sato Miwako was very surprised, "It is true that many students will have such thoughts, hoping that the school will be bombed and they will not have to go to school, but it is hard to imagine that you will also have this kind of..."

She paused and said, "Well, if you think about it carefully, it's quite in line with your temper. You didn't really ask for someone to blow up the school, so you're more or less restrained."

"I will only beat the principal, and then I will go on a long vacation with him." Shizuo Furumon joked when he saw Sato Miwako, and it seemed that he had also moved on from this incident.

After a while, an ambulance arrived and took away the bomber. Police officers from the nearby local police station also arrived and began to completely clear out Didan High School to ensure that no one was inside.

About ten minutes later, Sonoko arrived excitedly, dragging Xiaolan along with her. Kyogoku Makoto and Conan also followed, both of whom seemed to be here as bodyguards.

Yuanzi's eyes were spinning and shining. As he watched a group of police officers busy around, he couldn't help but exclaimed, "Brother-in-law, what you said is actually true!"

"Of course, why would I lie to you about such a thing?" Shizuo Komemon leaned against the police car, drinking ice Coke in the middle of winter.

"Have you lied to me less before?" Yuanzi curled his lips, but then he became excited again, "Blow up the school... Hehehe, I don't know what the teacher's expression will be when he receives the news tomorrow."

"Blow up the school..." Xiaolan and Conan both looked at the scene with complicated expressions, feeling a little sad for a moment. Apparently they didn't expect to see such a scene one day.

"Why are you looking like this? If the old ones don't go away and the new ones don't come, why don't you go back and build new ones?" Yuanzi saw that Xiaolan's expression seemed a bit lonely and bumped her shoulder.

Xiaolan smiled lightly, "It's just that there are a lot of memories left here. The thought of blowing it up makes me a little..."

"Ouch -" Sonoko suddenly realized, "It turns out that you are regretful that the mark left by you and that guy Kudo was destroyed."

Xiaolan immediately blushed and defended: "There are still memories of the two of us here."

Yuanzi winked, obviously not believing it.

"Ahem." While the two were playing around, a figure approached and cleared his throat, attracting Xiaolan's attention.

"Strange...Brother Shinichi?!" Conan was the first to notice the person coming.

(End of chapter)

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