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Chapter 441 You Have Been Marked by the Gumeimen Police Department

Chapter 441 You have been marked by the Gumeimen Police Department

Author: Jingxiadust

Ayanokouji Fumimaro was startled for a moment, then shook his head, "Impossible, it's not like I haven't seen the Gumeimen Police Department before. You are trying to trick me, he..."

As he spoke, he froze and said he didn't believe it, but he couldn't help but compare the guy just now with his impression.

The hair color and body shape are really similar. If you take off your sunglasses and change into clothes...

Ayanokouji Fumimaro was already a little shaken, but there was still a strong look of disbelief on his face that couldn't be overcome.

How could it be the Gumeimen Police Department? Didn’t that guy never take off his sunglasses? And he never changed his outfit, even when he faced the instructor during training...

What's more, the person just now was very polite and said "thank you"!

Originally, Ayanokouji Fumimaro felt that it was a bit presumptuous for the man to ask to see the squirrels without introducing himself.

But after knowing that he was Shizuo Komemon, I could only say that this was outrageously polite, almost magical!

A smile gradually spread on Shiratori Rensaburo's face, "He just changed his clothes. Congratulations, you have been paid attention to by the Gumeimen Police Department."

Patting him on the shoulder, Shiratori Rensaburo left in a happy mood, leaving Ayanokouji Fumimaro alone and messy.

Various legends and deeds he had witnessed with his own eyes came to mind, and Ayanokouji Fumimaro swallowed his saliva.

He was deeply impressed by Shizuo Komemon, and he heard about Deputy Director Morohoshi when he arrived here.

Because of his family connections, he knew quite a lot about it. He even knew about the fact that Shizuo Komemon threatened to spank Deputy Director Morohoshi himself!

Being targeted by such a cruel, terrifying and unscrupulous guy, and looking at what Shiratori meant, it was obviously malicious...


The "Noble Police Department" could no longer maintain its cold attitude. Ayanokouji Fumimaro was in a daze and began to worry uneasily.

Just now... it seems... my attitude was a bit unenthusiastic. Will I be resented? Is it too late to apologize and make amends now?

That shouldn't work, right? He's an unreasonable guy, and he seems to behave like a spineless guy, but he will be bullied even more.


No matter how guilty Ayanokouji Fumimaro felt, the press conference still started on time. What made him more fortunate was that he did not sit next to Shizuo Fumimon.

There are six chairs behind the table on the stage. Sitting in the middle is Kuroda Hei, the manager. On his left is Ayanokouji Fumimaro, and on the left is Otaki Goro.

On the right is Shiratori Rensaburo, then Furumimon Shizuo, and on the far side is Sato Miwako.

Logically speaking, this seating arrangement is quite unreasonable, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that the manager does not want to be next to Shizuo Komemon. At the same time, he also wants Shiratori and Sato to stare at the latter from left to right.


Shizuo Komemon didn't care about this. He didn't know much about the arrangement of seats. He just sat there with his eyes open in a daze.

He couldn't listen to this kind of boring meeting from beginning to end seriously, even if he didn't fall asleep, it would be good.

First, there was an explanation of the bombing of Teidan High School last night. Kuroda Hei briefly introduced the case, and then Shiratori Rensaburo stood up and gave a further detailed explanation.

Including events three years ago and seven years ago, it provides the media with sufficient writing materials and hot topics.

Shizuo Komemon remained silent throughout the whole process until the reporter asked a pointed question.

“Judging from the materials provided by the Metropolitan Police Department, even after arresting the bomber and eliminating potential threats, the police still chose to detonate the bomb on the spot.

Was the situation really such that it had to be detonated? Is there a more appropriate solution?

You must know that the funds of the Metropolitan Police Department come from the taxes of all taxpayers, and every penny should be carefully considered. The losses suffered by Didan High School in this incident are not small.

And it is said that only one police officer made the decision on the spot. Is this too hasty?"

Shizuo Komemon immediately put away his racing thoughts, his eyes became sharp, and he raised his head, intending to see which reporter was so brave.

After Sato Miwako noticed it, she quickly held him down and whispered: "Don't worry, the management officer said before that it was arranged, no one asked at the scene, and someone asked later, it is better to handle it now.


After speaking, she stood up and explained at Kuroda Bie's signal.

The board of directors of Tedan High School also expressed support for this approach, and the Suzuki Foundation will sponsor the reconstruction of Tedan High School.

After that, Kuroda Hei also added: "The person making the decision on the spot was the Komemon police officer next to him. He is one of the best police officers in the Metropolitan Police Department, with keen insight and outstanding talents.

The dangerous bomber was caught so quickly this time without causing any casualties. First of all, it must be attributed to him.

Although he is still young, he has rich experience in handling cases and has made many achievements. This is not the first time he has dealt with a similar bomb case.

For example, the Moritani Emperor II case that caused a sensation before, and the billion-yen robbery case, Gumeimen Police Department was the first to do so.

So since he made such a decision, it means that it was indeed the best choice at the time.

In addition, this journalist Sang just mentioned that ‘potential threats have been eliminated’. This idea cannot be easily concluded in the eyes of our police. This is irresponsible to both the people and ourselves.”

Then the reporter raised another question, "You said that the Gumeimen Police Department has rich experience and has made many achievements, but as for the relevant cases you mentioned, it does not seem to be reflected in the materials we have obtained before."

Kuroda Hei chuckled, "This is because the Gumeimen Police Department doesn't like to be in the limelight and has always been doing things in a low-key manner. We also feel that this is better for the growth of young people, so we don't deliberately publicize it.

If you want to know more, we will provide more materials later. In fact, if you pay a little attention, you will find that many previous hotly discussed cases have mentioned the search for a certain police officer from Section 1.

For example, the previous Italian gangster group and the international killer Shi Kaobing were all arrested by the Gumeimen Police Department.

There are also serial murder cases specifically targeting women in Chiba, Izu and other places, which were quickly detected by the Gumeimen Police Department..."

The more Shizuo Komemon heard, the more something was wrong. What was he doing? Why did a press conference not focus on the explosion at Teidan High School but waste so much time on himself?

There is definitely a problem!

Just when Shizuo Komemon realized this, he happened to catch a glimpse of Miwako Sato's smile from the corner of his eye, so he immediately turned his head and asked:

"Why are you laughing? Do you know something? Is Kuroda Hei sick? Looking for trouble? What on earth does he want to do?"

Miwako Sato was confused when she heard this, "I don't know."

This chapter has been completed!
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