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Chapter 456 Heizang: It's not ashamed to admit that others are excellent

Chapter 456 Heizang: It’s not shameful to admit that others are excellent

Author: Jingxiadust

Chapter 456 Heizang: It’s not shameful to admit that others are excellent

Sanjo Street, Tsujidome Cuisine.

Kaiseki cuisine pays attention to freshness and does not serve dishes all at once. There is a certain order of serving.

Fumimon Shizuo and others have already eaten the appetizers with light seasoning and fresh texture, and are now tasting the so-called eight inches in kaiseki cuisine.

This is a seasonal-themed dish, usually a combination of sushi and several smaller side dishes.

Toyama and Ye, as half-hosts, chatted with everyone, while Hattori Heiji went to call his mother to ask for money.

But as soon as he finished talking about asking for money, he was confused by his mother's reaction.

"You were kidnapped? How much does it cost?"

"..." Hattori Heiji said with a blank expression, "I was not kidnapped. I was just treating guests to dinner and didn't bring enough money."

"That's it...how much does it cost?" Hattori Shizuka seemed to be quite disappointed in his tone.

This made Hattori Heiji couldn't help but his eyelids twitching. He could guess that his mother must have thought that the chance of running over to save him in person was gone.

"Fifty thousand yen." Hattori Heiji thought he would go out to play tomorrow, so he asked for some more.

"In case of kidnapping, the ransom is indeed a bit small..." Shizuka Hattori felt pity again, "I know, I will call my friend in Kyoto later and ask her to help send one million."

"Well, that's it, auntie, I'll hang up first."

"Wait a minute, your father has something to ask you." Shizuka Hattori quickly stopped him.

"Huh? Why is my stinky dad at home at this time?" Hattori Heiji muttered.

After waiting for a few seconds, Hattori Heizo's voice rang on the other side of the phone, "How is the case handled? I heard that the Komemon Police Department also went to Kyoto?"

"Well, he has solved the case, caught the murderer, found the Buddha statue that had been missing for eight years at Sanno Temple, and wiped out all the remaining members of the Genji Hotaru thief group." Hattori Heiji replied with half-hearted interest.

"Details." Hattori Heizang's words were concise and concise, but there was no doubt about it.

Hattori Heiji curled his lips, but didn't even put down the phone and ran away. He explained the whole story in detail.

After hearing him explain the whole story, Hattori Heizo couldn't help but admire him.

"No wonder the prosecutor general is so fond of this son and wants him to inherit the family business. He is indeed excellent."

"Haha?" Hattori Heiji looked dead-eyed, "You're just telling me this? If you don't have anything else to do, I'll go to eat. I've been running around all afternoon and I'm going to starve to death."


"Still so unimproved," Hattori Heizo said angrily.

Hattori Heiji rolled his eyelids, he was used to being hit, "I know that the Gumeimen Police Department is very powerful, and their ability to solve crimes is indeed much better than mine. I know it, okay?"

"Am I talking about the ability to solve crimes? I'm talking about the way to deal with people. You still don't understand?" Hattori Heizo's tone was a little stern.

Hattori Heiji twitched his lips, "You want to say that he left the opportunity to arrest Sakura Masazo to the Kyoto police? I thought of this."

"Also, he gave you the credit for solving the mystery and took you to find the Buddha statue. He only took out the most critical murderer, Saijo Taiga, who was also the leader of Genji Hotaru.

Don’t be greedy for merit and don’t live alone. Both the Osaka and Kyoto police took care of it and didn’t make anyone look too ugly. If it were you, would you be able to handle such an excellent way of handling it?”

Hattori Heizo knew his son very well. If it were this boy, he would definitely have to do it all by himself and show off his abilities. How could he care about other people's ideas?

Of course, he doesn't think his son is greedy or "independent."

The main thing is the mentality of treating solving crimes as a game, following the clues, catching the murderer, and using reasoning to force him to confess in person...

This kind of thing is indeed addictive.

Hattori Heiji couldn't help but retort: ​​"I have actually thought of some of what you said, but I think the Komemon Police Department may not have thought as much as you said.

Is it possible that he is simply lazy? Impatient to do trivial tasks?"

"It's not shameful to admit that others are excellent, Heiji." Hattori Heizang said sincerely.

"..." Hattori Heiji was numb, did he not admit it? He was just exploring a possibility, and this was not okay?

Forget it, I didn’t want to talk about it for more than half a sentence. Hattori Heiji said a few perfunctory words and hung up directly.

Returning to the box, as soon as she sat down, Toyama Kazuha looked over eagerly, and Hattori Heiji gave her an OK sign, which made her feel relieved.

After eating several rounds of food, Hattori Heiji became more and more depressed as he thought about it. The smelly dad beat himself up with Shizuo Komiko, "Okay, no problem."

But if you are mindlessly bragging about the other party and just beating yourself up without being reasonable, is this going too far?

Hattori Heiji couldn't help it anymore and said casually: "I just went out and called home and mentioned today's case to my dad. He was full of praise for the Gumeimen Police Department."

When Shizuo Komemon heard this, he just raised his head and glanced at him, not very interested. Hattori Heizo kept referring to him as "someone else's child".

Praise or no praise is just to educate Hattori Heiji. If you take it seriously, you are a little self-aware.

He was not interested, but Ayako was very interested and asked enthusiastically: "What did Hattori Headquarters say?"

Hattori Heiji repeated Hattori Heizou's words, and then observed the reaction of Komemon Shizuo, who had a look of realization on his face after hearing this.

It's like there are these big characters written on the face - [So that's what I thought!]!

Hattori Heiji immediately knew something in his mind and said that this guy was really lazy and didn’t think much about it! The smelly dad just didn’t believe it!!!

He turned to look at Conan, who happened to look over as well. The two looked at each other and exchanged glances, confirming that both parties had the same idea. Now he was even more sure.

Not only the two of them, Xiao Ai and Mingmei also rolled their eyes, covered their mouths and snickered, obviously not believing that their uncle would think so much.

Is it hard work for him to think for just one more minute? How much dignity do the Kyoto police and Osaka police have to deserve him to think so much?


Only Ayako believed without any doubt that in her opinion, Shizu-kun actually always considered the people around him.

She doesn't know much about Jingjun's work. Maybe there is some reason for Jingjun to do this, and then Jingjun may think seriously about it.

"Dad, don't just eat. This time, your commission was successfully completed thanks to the Gumeimen Police Department. Don't you say anything to say thank you? We should also treat you to dinner later."

Mao Lilan grabbed Mao Li Kogoro's ear and reminded her in a low voice through gritted teeth that her father did nothing and even collected a commission fee, which was a bit too much.

But the Gumeimen Police Department and Sister Ayako didn't want it, so she had no choice but to keep it for the time being in shame.

(End of chapter)

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